Rifle engis

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: JimDangle.4807


I don’t see much rifle engi love here.


That’s my build and I feel I can take almost anyone on except mesmers 1v1.
Feel free to discuss anything that you do or don’t like about it.
My gear is 5/6 berserkers with 5/6 divinity and 1 power/prec/crit dmg blue gem in helm, the piece that isn’t berserkers I bought from karma vendor and it is power/toughness/vitality for a little extra tankiness.Weapon is a berserkers rifle with lifesteal on crit in it and my jewelry is all berserkers except one earring is valkyries.

Jimdangle – 80 Charr Engineer

(edited by JimDangle.4807)

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


My guess is you try to keep fury and regen up constantly, keep the enemy at mid range, and pray you don’t get stunned/immobilized/hit by more than one nonconsecutive burst?

Biggest weaknesses I see are the lack of stunbeakers, lack of mobility, and reliance on charr racial for fury (means only ~1/5th of engineers could try this build in wvw).

For non-charr, I’d say replace roar with elixir s, medkit for healing turret to maintain fury, and take 5 out of alchemy for 30 points in firearms, allowing for either go for the eyes or hair trigger for more damage mitigation or cc.

Also, it seems like this build would get dropped in a second by a glass cannon thief, I assume you usually play with a group in wvw?

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


I’d recommend taking Flamethrower instead of Ram. Airblast has a MUCH shorter cooldown, and Smoke Blast could be used to try to protect yourself while stunned.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


best build for rifle so far is static discharge i found it ultimatedly effective with grenades on a slot a 5-9k damage burst can be that gap gloser you need against heavy healers and such. you know you hit hard when even guardians run from you in wvw lol

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


In wvw rifle may be viable, but other than 100 nades, I just cannot make rifle work in spvp, it just falls to the backburner when compared to hgh elixir pitols build in survivability and damage as well.

Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: JimDangle.4807


In wvw rifle may be viable, but other than 100 nades, I just cannot make rifle work in spvp, it just falls to the backburner when compared to hgh elixir pitols build in survivability and damage as well.

O I don’t use rifle in SPvP, sorry I didn’t mention this is only really for WvW.

In SPvP I use grenades/bomb pack and spam evade.

Jimdangle – 80 Charr Engineer

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: JimDangle.4807


My guess is you try to keep fury and regen up constantly, keep the enemy at mid range, and pray you don’t get stunned/immobilized/hit by more than one nonconsecutive burst?

Biggest weaknesses I see are the lack of stunbeakers, lack of mobility, and reliance on charr racial for fury (means only ~1/5th of engineers could try this build in wvw).

For non-charr, I’d say replace roar with elixir s, medkit for healing turret to maintain fury, and take 5 out of alchemy for 30 points in firearms, allowing for either go for the eyes or hair trigger for more damage mitigation or cc.

Also, it seems like this build would get dropped in a second by a glass cannon thief, I assume you usually play with a group in wvw?

Also what do you mean lack of mobility?
I almost always have swiftness up and have 2 self knockbacks+ 1 more knockback for my target, and the net to root them from rifle.

Also I like your idea but I’m gonna take the 5 points out of inventions for it haha.

Jimdangle – 80 Charr Engineer

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


Also what do you mean lack of mobility?
I almost always have swiftness up and have 2 self knockbacks+ 1 more knockback for my target, and the net to root them from rifle.

Also I like your idea but I’m gonna take the 5 points out of inventions for it haha.

Mobility was referring to his lack of stun breakers and no perma-swiftness in his base build. In addition, you do need to be careful if you fight more than 1 target, as both of your knockbacks are single target. Good luck to you.

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: JimDangle.4807


Also what do you mean lack of mobility?
I almost always have swiftness up and have 2 self knockbacks+ 1 more knockback for my target, and the net to root them from rifle.

Also I like your idea but I’m gonna take the 5 points out of inventions for it haha.

Mobility was referring to his lack of stun breakers and no perma-swiftness in his base build. In addition, you do need to be careful if you fight more than 1 target, as both of your knockbacks are single target. Good luck to you.

How can an engineer have perma swifftness?

Jimdangle – 80 Charr Engineer

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


I feel your build needs more pry bars.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


one can never have too many pry bars.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: pfanne.9783


Also what do you mean lack of mobility?
I almost always have swiftness up and have 2 self knockbacks+ 1 more knockback for my target, and the net to root them from rifle.

Also I like your idea but I’m gonna take the 5 points out of inventions for it haha.

Mobility was referring to his lack of stun breakers and no perma-swiftness in his base build. In addition, you do need to be careful if you fight more than 1 target, as both of your knockbacks are single target. Good luck to you.

How can an engineer have perma swifftness?

multiple ways.
medkit + speedy kits (true permaswiftness)
medkit + 6 runes of the centaur (true permaswiftness)
medkit + elixir b (a few seconds downtime)
elixir h + elixir b (a few seconds downtime)

this is what i roll in WvW:
a roamer build with good survivability.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Lysico.4906


well ANY kit gives you perma swiftness with speedy kits.

I dislike med kit on my elixier build, but I love having my toolbox slotted.

The throw wrench, confusion and block are key to my wpvp.

Anyway, I just use that with speedy kits for 100% uptime on swiftness. Just wanted folks to know you can us any kit not just med kit.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


10 points in Alchemy 10 points in Tools
= perma swift/perma vigour.

everything else is icing on the cake.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: JimDangle.4807


I dunno, I like your ideas but I feel I would sacrifice alot of my dmg just to gain perma swiftness which imo isn’t to useful in large scale WvW battles.
It would be nice just for the traveling around but once your in the thick of it I would much prefer my rifle dps and having the reset of heal at 25% hp.
Also I don’t believe my survivability is that weak with all my protection traits, protection is up pretty much everytime I’m ever focused and I will have 2 heals+an elixir S.

Jimdangle – 80 Charr Engineer

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: JimDangle.4807


also here is my build after adjusting it a tiny bit,
And heres a pic of my stats+my pretty handsome charr engi.


Jimdangle – 80 Charr Engineer

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213



purple people eaters DO exist. . .

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Lebannen.8325


I feel your build needs more pry bars.

Only problem with pry bars is that you have to get in range to use it, and the majority of players now know to avoid the wrench. The Prybar is a gimmick maneuver at best and anyone worth their salt can and will avoid it.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


I feel your build needs more pry bars.

Only problem with pry bars is that you have to get in range to use it, and the majority of players now know to avoid the wrench. The Prybar is a gimmick maneuver at best and anyone worth their salt can and will avoid it.

I hit it 90% of the time by using toolkit #5

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: JimDangle.4807


I feel your build needs more pry bars.

Only problem with pry bars is that you have to get in range to use it, and the majority of players now know to avoid the wrench. The Prybar is a gimmick maneuver at best and anyone worth their salt can and will avoid it.

I hit it 90% of the time by using toolkit #5

Ehh I don’t get why you would use that over bomb kit in SPvP.
Confusion bomb is just aoe version of prybar.
My build is purely for WvW so I don’t like to melee ever.

Jimdangle – 80 Charr Engineer

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


Mobility was referring to his lack of stun breakers and no perma-swiftness in his base build. In addition, you do need to be careful if you fight more than 1 target, as both of your knockbacks are single target. Good luck to you.

How can an engineer have perma swifftness?

It’s pretty easy, you have at least 10 points in alchemy for 20% elixir cooldown, which also gives 10% longer boons. Drinking elixir b is at least 11 seconds, and medkit five is at least another eleven. Now you have 22 seconds, which lasts until medkit five is off cd again. Once you use that, your swiftness lasts a total of 33 seconds, which, when traited, is more than the 32 seconds cooldown of elixir b. Now you’re up to 44 seconds, which means medkit is off cooldown again. 55, this is where you finally hit 5 seconds of downtime UNLESS you have more boon duration increase (from traits or food), in which case you continue as normal (you would have 65 seconds of swiftness if you have 30 points in alchemy, meaning medkit would come off cooldown, followed closely by elixir b, bringing you up to 91 seconds total… Yeah, unlimited swiftness).

Alternatively, spam a kit every five seconds with 10 points in tools, but that’s the boring way. :P

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


The pull, cripple and 3 sec block make it the best kit for condi engi’s. Better then grenade,FT,EG,Bomb kit. This is ofcourse because in sPvP the fight’s are smaller. If theres more then 1 enemy u can use pistol #3,#4,#2 with coated bullets to create a LOT of damage. Best build around imo. Bomb kit has low damage compared to this in sPvP.

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


The pull, cripple and 3 sec block make it the best kit for condi engi’s.

Never say best. While it’s better than bomb in spvp for p/p condition engies, grenade kit still beats it in damage, conditions applied, and is arguably melee damage mitigation.
Running both is an option, but then you either need to drop elixir b, which for hgh/409 engies means losing a big source of might and 2 condition removals, or elixir s, which is our most reliable source of damage prevention (traps and marks bypass block, stuns prevent blocks from activating, elixir s gives invuln, stunbreaker, and 50% chance of stealth when thrown).

Still, if you aren’t running an hgh build, you can easily trade b for toolkit without much fuss. As for relying on coated bullets for damage, not my cup of tea.

Looking at your build in your sig, I’m curious on a few things…
First, why backpack regen over 409? I see you run carrion for the health, but backpack regen only ticks 125 a second without healing power, meaning each tick is .5% of your health. Given you run 3 elixirs and are only in a kit for about 4-5 seconds, wouldn’t condition removal prevent more damage than backpack heals?

Next, damage… 22% chance to crit means your extra bleed only procs about 6% of the time and only lasts 3.3 seconds counting your sigil (which means it doesn’t get another tick of damage). Your auto shot lasts 2.2 seconds, your volley (if all hit) ten, burning, which you only have one source of, lasts up to 6.6 seconds (making your trait for burning duration unnecessary), and confusion 3 and 5 seconds depending on source.

I’m not saying it’s bad or anything (which generally is said right before someone insults your build…), but some refinement could be useful. For a sigil, since you’ll usually switch kits and use elixir s in close range, geomancy would probably be of more use for damage, or hobbling for cripple effects from glue shot/box of nails. Rifled barrels or knees shots could both replace napalm specialist, as rifled barrels synergizes well with coated bullets and knee shots lest you stack up to ten seconds of cripple (eleven with rune!) with glue shot. As for backpack regenerator, if you don’t want 409, potent elixirs, invigorating speed, or blood injections work well with what you have, blood injections giving an extra boost to condition damage and the other two helping boost your survivability when you pop your ohkitten buttons. I’d still recommend 409, as it’s the best way to counter a condition necro or a trap ranger.

Hopefully I wasn’t too offensive, just trying to help here, have a nice day!

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


The pull, cripple and 3 sec block make it the best kit for condi engi’s.

Never say best. While it’s better than bomb in spvp for p/p condition engies, grenade kit still beats it in damage, conditions applied, and is arguably melee damage mitigation.
Running both is an option, but then you either need to drop elixir b, which for hgh/409 engies means losing a big source of might and 2 condition removals, or elixir s, which is our most reliable source of damage prevention (traps and marks bypass block, stuns prevent blocks from activating, elixir s gives invuln, stunbreaker, and 50% chance of stealth when thrown).

Still, if you aren’t running an hgh build, you can easily trade b for toolkit without much fuss. As for relying on coated bullets for damage, not my cup of tea.

Looking at your build in your sig, I’m curious on a few things…
First, why backpack regen over 409? I see you run carrion for the health, but backpack regen only ticks 125 a second without healing power, meaning each tick is .5% of your health. Given you run 3 elixirs and are only in a kit for about 4-5 seconds, wouldn’t condition removal prevent more damage than backpack heals?

Next, damage… 22% chance to crit means your extra bleed only procs about 6% of the time and only lasts 3.3 seconds counting your sigil (which means it doesn’t get another tick of damage). Your auto shot lasts 2.2 seconds, your volley (if all hit) ten, burning, which you only have one source of, lasts up to 6.6 seconds (making your trait for burning duration unnecessary), and confusion 3 and 5 seconds depending on source.

I’m not saying it’s bad or anything (which generally is said right before someone insults your build…), but some refinement could be useful. For a sigil, since you’ll usually switch kits and use elixir s in close range, geomancy would probably be of more use for damage, or hobbling for cripple effects from glue shot/box of nails. Rifled barrels or knees shots could both replace napalm specialist, as rifled barrels synergizes well with coated bullets and knee shots lest you stack up to ten seconds of cripple (eleven with rune!) with glue shot. As for backpack regenerator, if you don’t want 409, potent elixirs, invigorating speed, or blood injections work well with what you have, blood injections giving an extra boost to condition damage and the other two helping boost your survivability when you pop your ohkitten buttons. I’d still recommend 409, as it’s the best way to counter a condition necro or a trap ranger.

Hopefully I wasn’t too offensive, just trying to help here, have a nice day!

Now that u say, kit regen was actually a mistake, and i was planning on taking 409. Thanks for pointing that out. For sigil there are actually a lot of viable options, i also agree on that. I sometimes play with energy or the one that gives might on swap.

As for dropping S or B, i run both. i drop grenade kit. P/P deals the conditions, not grenades. grenades give chill,poison, blind which benefit more from condition duration then condition damage.

For the 3.3 – 2.2 etc i actually didnt know u need a whole extra second for a second tick. Actually, im still not sure u do.

Edit: A big mistake from my part. i changed the build. Now properly using 409 and i listened to u about the trait for burning and im now using the longer range, which is indeed a lot better with piercing bullets. I also changed one of the sigils to might on swap.

And this wasn’t too offensive at all :p. This was actually the first build i created myself and feedback allways helps, right?
I think i fixed the most important flaws with this? If i forgot something, please tell me!

(edited by DDog.4350)

Rifle engis

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


… having the reset of heal at 25% hp…

I agree this is extremely handy, but I would point out that if you spent those points in inventions and took the med kit Inertial Converter would do essentially the same thing, AND it would reset the cooldown of the rest of your toolbelt abilitys giving you another round of burst or CC that could make the difference in a close fight.

Very good discussion here, and a sort of out of the box thinking on the build. I would try goggles instead of the racial tho. As it gives you a stunbreak, and fury, and the toolbelt makes any burst your team does that much more effective.