Rifle range

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


For the love of all monkeys
ADD Some god kitten range to Engineer Rifle

Skilled Marksman

Just add to it increase range!
we had it before, Why remove it from game
Longbow range is 1500!
Rifle Engineer is 1000!
Rifle Warrior is 1200??

Please, consider adding more ranger to engineer rifle

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

(edited by ClaviculaNox.8762)

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Eh, face it: They call it a rifle, but looking at the skills, it’s really more like a shotgun.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


WE had 1,200 range modified with trait

Why remove that after 3 years?

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Yea, every time I play Rifle and want to Ov-Shot someone and I get the out-of-range sign, i just facepalm.

I’m telling myself I just have to get used to it but, man it’s hard. They told us “We’re making the increase range traits baseline” we dreamt of it being baseline and then they Shattered our dreams like Half Life 3.

Also apparently “Mortar is your long range weapon”. Yea thanks guys, I mean, at no point will I ever decide NOT to use Mortar.

And sorry to be so sarcastic about the whole thing guys (devs), I’m just really boggled by how much you’re missing just because you’ve got so much work to do for the expansion.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

(edited by Dirame.8521)

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Haralin.1473


same with coated bullets just another lie from there live streams

Haralin Engineer

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


k to be fair they spouted every 10 seconds that the various reveals and what not were subject to change. So calling people liars is a bit unfair. NOTE I also want the range that we were told we’d get.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Meh, I don’t see any need for a range change. There’s no need to automata I from range since your DPS is crud without blunderbuss or jump shot anyways. If you want to hit something from range, use the Mortar Kit for a higher Dps attack that also gives AOE.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: pepper.6179


yeah wth, i get out of range a lot, might as well move 100 range closer to use grenade kit >_>


Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


Please Devs, Take this really into consideration. I don’t think it’s a big deal to modify our range to even match the Warrior Rifle

This is seriously annoying for the engineer rifle players.

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


Dear Devs,

Please listen to this request. The way I see it, the rifle is our ONLY long ranged auto attack that can be used on large boss encounters. 1200 works much better there, as many boss encounters require you to stand back a ways.

Although mortar can be used, there’s no auto attack option, and ground targeting world bosses is, shall we say, problematic with their hovering reticles. I believe this is a “quality of life” issue for the engineer, and making this change would go a long ways toward making the class well rounded.

Thank you for (hopefully) listening.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Rump Buffalo.2594

Rump Buffalo.2594

wait wait wait wait…. are you suggesting that engineers would want to use anything other than grenades?

Are you insane? I LOVE having 90% of my stuff overshadowed by grenades.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Bog.5893


Eh, face it: They call it a rifle, but looking at the skills, it’s really more like a shotgun.

You do realize that the old range trait improved all skills right? This means that the breakpoints for increased blunderbuss damage were larger range, jump shot could be used to leap larger distances, and overcharged shot with 200 extra range was just that much easier to land. I guess you are only thinking in the PvE setting, where everyone is stacked in a corner; yes range wouldn’t matter there. But to say that the old trait had no effect on the shotgun-style skills is false.

I believe Anet might me scared to increase range because of jump shot and map breaking. That’s just my theory.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Meh, I don’t see any need for a range change. There’s no need to automata I from range since your DPS is crud without blunderbuss or jump shot anyways. If you want to hit something from range, use the Mortar Kit for a higher Dps attack that also gives AOE.

The +range also effects blunderbuss, overcharged shot and jumpshot.

its actually a very big deal.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


Yeah, the loss of 200 range is definitely noticeable.

I get so tired of them teasing awesome things, then going backpedaling at the last second. I know they say “subject to change” but still, when you show something to someone, and talk about how awesome it’s going to be and what options will open up to players because of it, don’t just flipping change it right at release without telling us.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: guildwarstwentytwelve.5693


I agree the limited range on rifle is a pain. It feels like they wanted people to get away from power based builds and use conditions, so they buffed up some pistol shield stuff and of course grenades and totally wiped out power builds. Right now about 9 out of 10 builds I spectate are condition builds. There is a problem when everyone converts over to condi from power, it means you imbalanced something. peace!!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


Even now, Rev. Hammer is 1,200 range
Please, any Dev. respond to that

Are we going to get the 1,200 range or stuck with this?

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


@ the point out about on range of other rifle skills – Fair enough, I can see the help on those, but personally, I don’t see them as really that necessary.

Even now, Rev. Hammer is 1,200 range
Please, any Dev. respond to that

Are we going to get the 1,200 range or stuck with this?

You have a 1,500 range AoE 100% projectile finisher auto attack weapon…

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: RubberDougie.2750


I don’t think rifle range boost is as needed as bomb radius boost. And I only use Rifle.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Medicarejunkie.6032


I vote for increasing only the AA to 1200.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I vote for increasing only the AA to 1200.

Why? Why to force engineer into a mid range fighter? (let’s be realistic the only long range option, mortar, will not hit any mobile target due it’s very slow projectile speed)

I have played over 2000 hours with rifled barrels trait. That trait didn’t just increase the range of the auto attack of rifle and elixir gun, but also many other rifle/EG and pistol skills.

Now I often find key skills, like overcharged shot, being out of range. I have learned to position myself just at the utmost outer range of the skill. 100 range increase doesn’t sound much, but it is now causing constant misses due out of range. Rifle #2, net shot, has a relatively slow projectile, which is not reliable to hit past 1000+ range, so what is the problem of giving it back it’s 1200 range?

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Medicarejunkie.6032


Because the Engi’s Rifle was designed for mid range skirmishes. But I’m not opposed to rifled barrels as baseline.

Perhaps I should have made my post more clear. At a minimum, increase the AA to 1200. I’m within 240 distance for the majority of my powerful skills anyway. Personally, i dont have trouble landing the 2-4 skills without the trait. But, i could see how it would be frustrating if you know you just missed a shot that you would have made a month ago. Increased AA would, at least, give more piercing potential and helps tag fleeing foes as you reposition.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Charlie.1726


If they don’t make it baseline, it should at least be included in ‘Skilled Marksman’.

‘Rifled Barrels’ was a very useful traits for SD/other rifle centric builds and I always took it.

Not having ‘Rifled Barrels’ is very noticeable, not only because of AA and ‘Surprise Shot’ but mainly because of the range loss on ‘Net Shot’, ‘Blunderbuss’ and ‘Overcharged Shot’. :-(

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: BarronTV.4632


I really want a sawed off shotgun skin for my engi. Gonna get all mad max up in the silverwastes.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: MattyP.6954


People have been complaining about this since launch. The issue is that Engineer gets a shot gun, but everyone really wants it to be a sniper rifle.

Engi Rifle is actually a really well balanced weapon (damage, cc, immob, defensive/cc, escape/gap close), it would be a bit OP at longer ranges (consider, if you will, a 1500 range immob).

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


if net shot is a little more easier to hit the target and do some damage that will be awesome.

its so easy to avoid net shot simply side step away

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Charlie.1726


Meh, Engi rifle has always been more than a shotgun.

The only ability that is shotgun like is ‘Blunderbuss’ (3) (the blunderbuss could be considered an early version of the shotgun).

Its other four abilities don’t have anything to do with shotguns. ‘Hip Shot’ (1) was always a single bullet, high range (relatively) projectile, and then you have ‘Net Shot’ (2), ‘Overcharged Shot’ (4) and ‘Jump Shot’ (5) that don’t have anything to do with conventional rifles at all.

I think arguing whether it’s supposed to be a shotgun, a rifle or a sniper rifle is completely pointless in the first place. (Besides there are skins for all these weapons!)
It’s not likened to a real life firearm. It’s the Engineer Rifle. It does this and that. There’s nothing that speaks against having a good mixture of high-, mid- and low-range abilities in it. Wasn’t that the very beauty of it?

Pinging your target with Hip Shot from 1’200 range was very useful in some situations. Losing 200 range on that isn’t the end of the world but it sure is noticeable. The range loss on the other abilities is actually worse.

And also: http://i.imgur.com/dkOaWF1.png

So please bring the range back.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


It would be nice if they made it base but I think we compensate. Among all the classes we probably do that the best.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Hoshinohi.1896


i allways love when some people call 1200 range long range

No that is not long range it is just mid range! Most fights i did in PVE and PVP were in a range between 800 and 1200 and thats the mid range! Engineers never had a high range kit or weapon that had a high accelerate but it had a good medium range weapon of that kind and that goes for both Pistols and Rifles!

Pistols got nothing out of the traitchanges in fact they are the weakest weapon in the whole game now the conditions are short and the normal damage is way to weak.

Rifles at least got a good amount of damage for a fast switch between Kitranges but now they are crippled with 200 less range so any other player can outmove us with skills they are actually hit there target and our mortar will hit nothing and even when with a damage that is allready nerfed again .

It is a shame that a well balanced class like engineer got so much terrible choices that destroyed this balance.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


k to be fair they spouted every 10 seconds that the various reveals and what not were subject to change. So calling people liars is a bit unfair. NOTE I also want the range that we were told we’d get.

Fine, but “subject to change” is quite different from “we changed idea and you won’t get any of those as baseline; oh, and we removed them entirely, so you can’t get them at all”.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


k to be fair they spouted every 10 seconds that the various reveals and what not were subject to change. So calling people liars is a bit unfair. NOTE I also want the range that we were told we’d get.

Fine, but “subject to change” is quite different from “we changed idea and you won’t get any of those as baseline; oh, and we removed them entirely, so you can’t get them at all”.

Not really. The only way it’s different is the same way that saying you own a dog is different from saying you own a specific breed of dog.

If you read too far into what they said and were dissapointed, the it’s no fault of theirs.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Not really. The only way it’s different is the same way that saying you own a dog is different from saying you own a specific breed of dog.

If you read too far into what they said and were dissapointed, the it’s no fault of theirs.

In our case, they said we would have had many dogs and we got a can of dog food instead.
Again – being “subject to change” doesn’t mean “we gave a list, now let’s ignore it completely and just remove them all while saying nothing until the patch is out”.
What’s the point of announcing a ton of welcome changes just to scrap them all later, apart from fooling people and making them raise their expectations?

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Crimsonblud.2978


Would also like an increase to rifle range, I prefer to play my engie backasswards with my rifle and lots of potions and while I prefer to stay close it would be amazing to have the ability to snipe shots while I’m moving in or to catching running targets.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


Again, I would really like to see some feedback from Devs regarding this
I’m not asking for 1,500
WE already had Range increase pre patch, Why does all Classes with ranged weapons have increase range except Engineer.
Do not add range increase on elixir gun or Flamethrower..
Just the shotgun, as it was pre-patch.. 1,200 is & should be fair enough just like all other classes
Like I said
Warrior got 1,200 with Longbow & 1,500 with Rifle
Ranger got 1,500 with Longbow
Necro/Mes/Ele got 1,200 with staff
Engineer got 1,000 with Rifle
YES the 200 makes a difference

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Hoshinohi.1896


Again, I would really like to see some feedback from Devs regarding this
I’m not asking for 1,500
WE already had Range increase pre patch, Why does all Classes with ranged weapons have increase range except Engineer.
Do not add range increase on elixir gun or Flamethrower..
Just the shotgun, as it was pre-patch.. 1,200 is & should be fair enough just like all other classes
Like I said
Warrior got 1,200 with Longbow & 1,500 with Rifle
Ranger got 1,500 with Longbow
Necro/Mes/Ele got 1,200 with staff
Engineer got 1,000 with Rifle
YES the 200 makes a difference

I would nearly sign all of it but one point i disagree!

Pistols and Elixiergun need the range too! like it was before it was good that way!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


Any reply from Dev.’s is appreciated please!

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Considering the fact that warriors can match our rifle damage (if not exceed it, even without KS) with a decent amount of CC, I find it rather odd that the range isn’t the same.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Zera.8907


Devs, please respond!

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: ClaviculaNox.8762


Any DEV Care to kittening respond?
It’s been 2 weeks
I’m just asking for an explanation
Why was the range removed?
And will it be back or not?

I’m not Obsessed , I’m POSSESSED!

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Not just Rifle range, why was every single “baseline” Engi change scrapped while classes like Mesmer picked up ~5 baseline changes??

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Loboling.5293


If the baseline range doesn’t get changed. They should at least increase the range of jump shot. That ability feels very different with the additional range. (so did the auto-attack though)

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Eh, face it: They call it a rifle, but looking at the skills, it’s really more like a shotgun.

Except players have asked for the auto to have a shotgun effect for three years, and the developers have completely ignored them, choosing to leave it as sort of a shotgun and sort of a rifle, but really not as good for either.

One of the biggest gripes I have with this game is that the developers seem to have no problems with sporks, design pieces that go too far, in too many divergent directions, and ultimately fail in each.

It needs to be a rifle, or a shotgun, or somehow swappable between the two, like with a GM trait choice or something. But never both at the same time.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Charlie.1726


We got the range back, according to patch notes.


Thank you Devs


Seems to work, although they did forget to (?) change Surprise Shot from 1’000 range back to 1’200. Not sure if that’s intentional or they really just forgot it.

(edited by Charlie.1726)

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


when i gave up on rifle and favor pistol/ condi build this happen zzzz

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Peutrifectus.4830



Hip Shot: Increased the range to 1200.
Net Shot: Increased the range to 1200.
Blunderbuss: Increased the range to 700.
Overcharged Shot: Increased the range to 600.
Jump Shot: Increased the range to 800.

Praise the devs…. now sort out the ping spikes kitten bags

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Loboling.5293


Surprise Shot: Surprise, no extra range.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358



Hip Shot: Increased the range to 1200.
Net Shot: Increased the range to 1200.
Blunderbuss: Increased the range to 700.
Overcharged Shot: Increased the range to 600.
Jump Shot: Increased the range to 800.

Praise the devs…. now sort out the ping spikes kitten bags

Took them more than a month to integrate the range trait for Rifle.

Now we’re waiting for Pistol, Elixirgun, and did they fix bombkit range yet?

Never got a word on all the things they said they wanted to do, but ultimately didnt. And considering just how much stuff was bugged, who knows if any of this was intented or not.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Prisoner.2419


Bomb range still bugged, checked in HotM. Still mad about FT cooldown and +damage traits as well.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Bomb range still bugged, checked in HotM. Still mad about FT cooldown and +damage traits as well.

Took them more than a month to integrate the range trait for Rifle.

Now we’re waiting for Pistol, Elixirgun, and did they fix bombkit range yet?

Never got a word on all the things they said they wanted to do, but ultimately didnt. And considering just how much stuff was bugged, who knows if any of this was intented or not.

Surprise Shot: Surprise, no extra range.

God I’d hate to be a dev. Such a thankless job. Hard to see why they’d want to fix anything for this group.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204



Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Arobain.8274


Bomb range still bugged, checked in HotM. Still mad about FT cooldown and +damage traits as well.

Took them more than a month to integrate the range trait for Rifle.

Now we’re waiting for Pistol, Elixirgun, and did they fix bombkit range yet?

Never got a word on all the things they said they wanted to do, but ultimately didnt. And considering just how much stuff was bugged, who knows if any of this was intented or not.

Surprise Shot: Surprise, no extra range.

God I’d hate to be a dev. Such a thankless job. Hard to see why they’d want to fix anything for this group.

these guys are like the the guys with a huge ego

example: a fight (bug) happens, the weaker kid ( player ) gets beat up by the bigger kid ( devs not fixing it instantly ) and weaker kid is saying the whole time " thats all you got?( ask nicely to get bug fixed ) ", then when the big kid decides he had enough and walks away ( bug fixed after awhile ) the weaker kid says " you better run!( its about time they fix the bug, worthless devs took them this long, scrubs )"

if i was a dev and i saw this, i would ban every single player that wanted to be a idiot and complain worthlessly like this, they don’t deserve to play, elitists, tsk tsk