Rocket Hammer?!?

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Just a thought, but would love to see another weapon for the Engineer, my thoughts lean towards possibly a “rocket-powered hammer.”

1. Bat’r-up: Hit a spike-ball at your target (like a baseball).
2. Spider Mines: Pound the ground, summoning 3 mechanical spiders that scurry to your target and explode.
3. Rocket Swing: Fire up a rocket on the back of your hammer, travelling up to 900 units to your target then swinging, dealing damaging and causing blowback.
4. Flare: Overcharge the hammer, causing a blinding flash of light from the head, blinding all enemies nearby.
5. Shrapnel Cannon: Hit a ball of parts at your ground-target that explodes on impact, causing bleeding.

Just my thoughts, now discuss.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Seems like well thought out, fun kit.

I just have a few questions about the kit that will help me see myself using it in combat.

  • What are the distance requirements for each skill (aside from Rocket Swing)?
  • Is this kit intended to be used primarily within melee, mid-range, or long distance?
  • Do Spider Mines include splash damage upon impact?
  • In the ability Rocket Swing, what do you mean by blow back?
  • Does Rocket Swing also include a knockdown or is it simply an Engineers version of Ride The Lightning?
  • Whats Shrapnel Cannon’s range, and does it include splash damage?

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Seems like well thought out, fun kit.

I just have a few questions about the kit that will help me see myself using it in combat.

  • What are the distance requirements for each skill (aside from Rocket Swing)?
    Would be mid range, 600 range for 1 and 5, travel 900 with blowback 450 for 3, spiders run up to 900, Flash effects a 300 range radius
  • Is this kit intended to be used primarily within melee, mid-range, or long distance?
    Mid range
  • Do Spider Mines include splash damage upon impact?
  • In the ability Rocket Swing, what do you mean by blow back?
    Blowback is what knockback is called for GW2
  • Does Rocket Swing also include a knockdown or is it simply an Engineers version of Ride The Lightning?
    Answered above
  • Whats Shrapnel Cannon’s range, and does it include splash damage?

Answered Above

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


Not a bad idea whatsoever. Especially given that we’ve already seen them implement a melee-oriented weapon as a ranged device on other classes (axe on Necro, greatsword on Mesmer).

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Not a bad idea whatsoever. Especially given that we’ve already seen them implement a melee-oriented weapon as a ranged device on other classes (axe on Necro, greatsword on Mesmer).

Either this or a giant explosion gauntlet.

To those who say “you have kits get over it,” NO! Less weapons means less possible legendaries, and unless a legendary alters my kits I will always ask for this (another weapon).

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I would personally like to see this or some tech version of the 1h Sword or Mace

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: leftharted.7102


i like the idea, but i think the ‘abilities’ you came up with might not be very balanced… but i could be wrong… i think it would be easier to get this passed Anet’s nose, if you suggested changing the visual of the Wrench kit to a hammer…

but then again, if we had some sort of aesthetic choice to our kits, then they would need racial/custom turrents and alternates for each kit… now THAT would be nice!

dont get me wrong, i like your idea, i just think Anet would use a ‘too much’ or ‘unbalanced’ kind of escuse.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Sounds pretty animeish but I kinda like that idea, I would find it more fun then just wielding a wrench, reminds me of the doctor in Battle Angel that uses one to hunt his bounties.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


There is no logic in trying to make a weapon for one class alone. As well, we sure do not need another kit.

I dont understand why people cant read, this isnt a “kit” and it uses Hammers, and unless I have lost my mind, hammers already exist in game.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Haette.2701


I do not understand why people lack basic comprehension skills, but unless you lost your mind, rocket hammers nor anything you mentioned do not exist in game.

Funny, I haven’t seen any flame pistols, electromagnet shields, throwing axes, or laser swords either, but people still use those from time to time.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I do not understand why people lack basic comprehension skills, but unless you lost your mind, rocket hammers nor anything you mentioned do not exist in game.

Funny, I haven’t seen any flame pistols, electromagnet shields, throwing axes, or laser swords either, but people still use those from time to time.

What the heck are you talking about? All of the above are in game.

A “rocket-powered hammer.” on the other hand, does not exist. If the original post was referring to a list of skills for the hammer if they allowed engineers to use hammers, then you should say so. Not fly off the handle simply because your not saying what you mean, then get angry at the rest of us if we do not decipher your meaning accordingly.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


I do not understand why people lack basic comprehension skills, but unless you lost your mind, rocket hammers nor anything you mentioned do not exist in game.

Funny, I haven’t seen any flame pistols, electromagnet shields, throwing axes, or laser swords either, but people still use those from time to time.

What the heck are you talking about? All of the above are in game.

A “rocket-powered hammer.” on the other hand, does not exist. If the original post was referring to a list of skills for the hammer if they allowed engineers to use hammers, then you should say so. Not fly off the handle simply because your not saying what you mean, then get angry at the rest of us if we do not decifer your meaning accordingly.

I said it multiple times, you just dont listen

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Haette.2701


What the heck are you talking about? All of the above are in game.

A “rocket-powered hammer.” on the other hand, does not exist. If the original post was referring to a list of skills for the hammer if they allowed engineers to use hammers, then you should say so. Not fly off the handle simply because your not saying what you mean, then get angry at the rest of us if we do not decifer your meaning accordingly.

I haven’t seen a single one of those weapons. I’ve seen engineers use pistols and shields, rangers throw axes, and mesmers pew pew greatswords, I’m pretty sure OP sees engineers using hammers.

Ain’t nobody else confused here.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


What the heck are you talking about? All of the above are in game.

A “rocket-powered hammer.” on the other hand, does not exist. If the original post was referring to a list of skills for the hammer if they allowed engineers to use hammers, then you should say so. Not fly off the handle simply because your not saying what you mean, then get angry at the rest of us if we do not decifer your meaning accordingly.

I haven’t seen a single one of those weapons. I’ve seen engineers use pistols and shields, rangers throw axes, and mesmers pew pew greatswords, I’m pretty sure OP sees engineers using hammers.

Ain’t nobody else confused here.

All of that which you mention exist as abilities on weapons or kits in game. If you have not seen them, your not looking.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zandur.5012


I predict an Anet employee will show up and tell you two to behave. Sadly, poor forum behavior is the only way to get Anet employees post here, so we really have no idea if any of our input is having any impact at all. Can we get like at least one dev post a week that helps guide our discussions? I don’t think it’s too much to ask and would go a long way to make us feel we aren’t being ignored.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


  • Is this kit intended to be used primarily within melee, mid-range, or long distance?

Your absolutely right Haette.2701, no one else thought it was a kit right…….It only started in the second post.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I predict an Anet employee will show up and tell you two to behave. Sadly, poor forum behavior is the only way to get Anet employees post here, so we really have no idea if any of our input is having any impact at all. Can we get like at least one dev post a week that helps guide our discussions? I don’t think it’s too much to ask and would go a long way to make us feel we aren’t being ignored.

Honestly, they have posted in one of the first threads about engineers and hammers, as well as engineers and sword, maces, and other melee weapons also in several of the new kit idea threads……. We have 300 other engineers and “X” kit or “Y” weapon threads, Why do you assume if they do not reply to each and everyone of them, they they are ignoring the conversation as a whole.

If I worked at Anet and I replied to the first few threads on the same topic, and everyone keeps thinking they are so special that they should ake their own personal thread on it, untill we have 300 more threads on it, instead of participating in the already existing discussion, I would absolutely ignore there comments. But that is just me,

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Haette.2701


I haven’t actually responded to the topic itself hurrrr. 4/10 for getting me to respond twice.

The only thing I’m not really fond of is the ranged autoattack, oddly enough. I’m all for unique and bizarre uses for a weapon but when I pick up a hammer I’m really hoping to dive in there and whomp people in the face. Still, I could get used to this loadout, I’d have the 3rd skill to sate my face-mashing hunger. It’s got all the “cool” points a good hammer kit should as well, smashing people in the face really hard and smashing the ground to make cool stuff happen around you. But with fire

All the skills sound useful and interesting, though 5 doesn’t really seem like a “5” skill. I think I’d swap skills 5 and 2 and change up their power appropriately, maybe allowing the spider mines to actually lay in wait as mines. That sounds more like a 5 to me, and I feel like it would bring the kit together as a nice point-defense weapon. Then you can work the AoE in with the basic attack on a more regular basis as well, working in more bleeding so the kit isn’t quite so skewed towards Power builds.

(edited by Haette.2701)

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Animatus.6197


Colgin, Please look again, you will see that “I” never said it was a kit, you need to read the posters name as well.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


My point exactly. You never said it was anything other then
“another weapon for the Engineer”
And you called it, and I quote…““rocket-powered hammer.””
As we already have hammers in game, there is no way they will make another one weapons type such as you specifically named, for only one class. The only option that engineers would have to do so is a kit.

Unless you are simply referring to the engineers getting the “hammer” as a weapon. If that were they case, then you should have simply said so, as the special name you gave for it, caused me and 2 other posters to believe you referred to a kit.

If you are referring to the hammers alone, then I would have to ask why you felt you needed your own special thread for this subject? What was wrong with the other 300 discussions on this topic that we have going on, that you couldn’t post on one of those threads?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zandur.5012


I predict an Anet employee will show up and tell you two to behave. Sadly, poor forum behavior is the only way to get Anet employees post here, so we really have no idea if any of our input is having any impact at all. Can we get like at least one dev post a week that helps guide our discussions? I don’t think it’s too much to ask and would go a long way to make us feel we aren’t being ignored.

Honestly, they have posted in one of the first threads about engineers and hammers, as well as engineers and sword, maces, and other melee weapons also in several of the new kit idea threads……. We have 300 other engineers and “X” kit or “Y” weapon threads, Why do you assume if they do not reply to each and everyone of them, they they are ignoring the conversation as a whole.

If I worked at Anet and I replied to the first few threads on the same topic, and everyone keeps thinking they are so special that they should ake their own personal thread on it, untill we have 300 more threads on it, instead of participating in the already existing discussion, I would absolutely ignore there comments. But that is just me,

Hey man, I’m not against ya on your argument here, although you do have a pretty abrasive and antagonistic tone. I don’t really understand the logic behind asking for brand new weapons when most of what engineers already have needs so much work, so I wasn’t really asking for Anet to reply to this specific thread. But a lot of other threads in this subforum are engaged in polite and productive discussions that end up advocating realistic changes to existing abilities / kits that would improve our profession without creating game imbalances. Those kinds of threads really deserve a dev post that at least says, “Hey we’re super busy now, so I don’t have time to join this discussion but just wanted you guys to know I’m paying attention.”

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: EpicFace.8096


Cog, I think dude is saying that engie will use hammer, and he will use it like this. Like how mesmer uses greatsword as a laser spam gun, why cant we have NORMAL HAMMERS, the weapon, not kit, and use it with these skills and animations showing it as a rocket hammer, but it’s just a hammer weapon.
Thats the vibe i’m gettin here.

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I always envisioned us using Hammer like this. Sort of like King Dedede from Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

For those of you who don’t know, the King had a wooden hammer with a built in rocket propulsion that allowed him throw more umph into his attacks.

So our Hammer, if ever implemented, could very much be similar to Dedede’s attacks; using rockets, technology, and explosions to damage and control our foes. Although, I don’t enjoy the range aspect of the Weapon you suggested. We have enough ranged attacks and I feel we need a true melee weapon.

While we do have the Bomb Kit and Tool Kit, I would very much like a Hammer to round us out in base weapons. Since we’re the only class that doesn’t have a “real” melee weapon. (Not counting Kits)

Rocket Hammer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


. But a lot of other threads in this subforum are engaged in polite and productive discussions that end up advocating realistic changes to existing abilities / kits that would improve our profession without creating game imbalances. Those kinds of threads really deserve a dev post that at least says, “Hey we’re super busy now, so I don’t have time to join this discussion but just wanted you guys to know I’m paying attention.”

That is just it, most of those threads you see are the 5,286th thread of the exact same topic. Anet posted on the first 5000 of them. Then folks come in and read the next 876 threads and do not see a post on them and want to falsely claim Anet is ignoring the subject. Every day I read post that state how nice it would be if Anet had a comment on a particular topic and see posters imply they are doing a bad job by not comment on a recent thread, after they had already commented on the topic itself several times.

There is not a topic on the first two pages of post that Anet hasn’t already posted about. Yet everyone is on those threads claiming the subjects are being ignored just because Anet did not post on that thread. Do a search for engineer hammer and see how many threads their are on the topic. Anet has commented on those exact topic before. They have commented and essentially every topic that you see folks stating they are ignoring.

You do a search and you will find post like this one on the threads from moderators and devs.

Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately we have seen a lot of of threads posted on this topic.

As already explained, we are not going keep you updated about this situation every hour, or answer personally to each questions you are asking..

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)