Rocket boots

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


Rocket boots need some work.

1) The escape works maybe 60% of the time, the rest of the time it just makes you fall over at the feet of your enemy
2) The toolbelt skill, rocket kick needs to be a interrupt. A stun or something. There are no condition based knock backs/stuns. If you go pistol pistol you are screwed for any knockbacks unless you take something that scales with power kittening yourself.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Try the flamethrower, I currently equip it simply for its knockback, It’s toolbelt skill, while not being exactly strong, helps with the condition damage build.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


god I have the flamethrower. Was a good weapon before they removed the backdraft… you would think they would have removed the blowback instead if they wanted to give it less control… sigh.

How well would it have worked with rocketboots.. suck everyone in and kick everyone in the face…. or even suck eveyone in and hit them with the 1 skill.

Removing the pull vs the push on a close quarter weapon iskitten

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


I never thought of it that way and honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t think of that myself. It was okay to reduce the CC on the kit but really, they removed the one who had the most synergy…

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Rocket Boots are on a 30s cooldown. It is one of the few skills that breaks immobilize AND stun (and just about any other form of cc). Most other stun breakers don’t break immobilize and most immobilize breakers don’t break stun. In addition to that, they have a blast combo finisher.

So if you use Rocket boots + one of the following (smoke screen, smoke bomb) the rocket boots escape will also turn you invisible which is really quite excellent. Or you can use Regenerating mist (from heal turret) + rocket boots for a nice combo Aoe heal.

All of this is great, but rocket boots also come with rocket kick which I believe is our second highest damage abillity. At level 80 and with decent gear it does something like 700 damage + 1700 burn damage, more if you have +conditiond damage gear.

If traited, rocket boots CD goes down to 24s, so a 24s cooldown immobilize and stun breaker with all of the above? Pretty nice.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


don’t even talk to me about the rocket boots stun break.. 90% of the time its a suicide button… you just fall over at the feet of your enemy lol

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


I use rocket boots all the time and I’ve only experienced what you describe a handful of times. Tbh, usually I use smoke bomb + rocket boots to give me invisibility, so the other guy has no idea in which direction I flew off.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Andazeus.1928


I think the rocket boots would be way more attractive as a targeted movement skill, similar to the jump shot. Or as a very short (~1 second) extreme speed boost with some flame trails.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


I would say it works closer to 80% of the time than 60%.

With rocket boots, I think the key to avoiding the short stumble is to let your character get back up after a dodge or something. That’s just a theory at this point, as there is no reliably way to test that at the moment.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


They should fix its consistency and remove the self CC

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


It is essentially congruent with over charge shot on the rifle as far as action and effect. Except that overcharge shot allows you to get up much much faster then the enemy, giving you a great advantage with it, while rocket boots keeps you down way to long. As well the over charge shot is half the recast as well.

In my opinion, they should simply have rocket boots simply replicate the effects of over charge shot. As well the recast time needs to be changed. I find having utilities that we must invest point in at longer recast then weapons skills, a ridiculous notion.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


Currently loving the synergy between the escapes/cc of Rifle+Rocket boots. With flamethrower you’ve got reliable access to burn through incendiary ammo and burn with rocket kick. Land all those with a rifle rotation and you’ve just shelled out some pretty scary damage.

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Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


Incendiary ammo is so bugged right now.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: irakai.6891


One of the biggest reasons why rocket boots doesn’t work as a escape is because it doesn’t have evasion on the self-knockback animation. When you’re fighting more than one person with CCs being spammed on you, you often get locked down again mid-flight.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


Ahh good insight Irakai… now they need to fix this.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloody.8769


i stopped using the Rocket boots because of the invisible kittens dead turtles or blades of grass which stop me from escaping but instead knock me down infront of my opponent who then gets a free 1 global kill with 100 blades or pistol whip etc etc

Slick shoes more reliable.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


problem is if you are condition build you need rocket boots to do steady burn damage

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloody.8769


fair enough , i never used rocket boots for more dps as most of my DPS comes from spamming grens /shrug . Rocket boots was mainly from getting the kittens away from Thieves, Warrs etc

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Andazeus.1928


Incendiary ammo is so bugged right now.

What do you mean? I never noticed any problems with that so far.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: emoleas.4309


Rocket boots works while jumping…

Try to rocket boot off a cliff, your enemy ain’t catching you.

Smoke bomb + rocket boots + speedy kits = impossible to catch engineer. I’m a pretty hardcore WvW player. This combo also allows me to infiltrate enemy lines. Combined with a full exotic berserker set, I can get myself into the thick of enemies and pull off 25k+ AoE burst damage in seconds.

The way I use rocket boots… I don’t need any buffs.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: ZoGoNDragoN.4873


Incendiary ammo is so bugged right now.

What do you mean? I never noticed any problems with that so far.

As far as I know, pistol Explosion Shot (#1) skill uses all 3 charges of Incendiary Ammo in one shot.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Andazeus.1928


Allright, that’s a bummer. Never noticed it because I try to line it up with static shot so I can burn multiple targets at once (also: you can actually apply it mid flight and it will still work).

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


Rocket boots is one of those skills that could be awesome but just isn’t. It has so many issues the the arch of the self launch that like the OP said you hit a tiny rock and stop moving. The self knock down also last long enough that most players or mobs can get back on you by the time you get up. If you then take into account that you can be CC’d / hit while flying as others have mentioned it becomes completely counter productive in group situations.

Pairing the blast combo with a smoke field is nice, but not as great as you’d think. The launch moves you in a predictable strait line. Most ranged classes will hit you while your in stealth while not having to do much of anything, and typically the stealth fades by the time the self knock down wears off, so it doesn’t get you much.

As a CC break Elixir S and its 4s of evade works a lot better.

It’s really frustrating for me since I love the concept of rocket boots, and really want to use gadgets, but always find myself stuck using elixirs.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: gkaare.8576


Outside of Slick Shoes, all Gadgets seem pretty buggy or have bad counterparts.

  • Rockets Boots very often fails to move you 900 distance.
  • Utility Goggles doesn’t break stuns if you use it too soon after being stunned.
  • Throw Mine’s toolbelt skill is near impossible to hit targets with.

I love the 3 Gadgets above, but I just cannot find use for them as unreliable as they are.

PS: Hi Karast! Happy to see you posting here. If you remember me, I’m Bolton.

Rocket boots

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


Exactly Karast. They need to fix the flight, make you evade in flight and remove the self CC