Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


I must say, i hated Enginer at first, but now i love it, BUT

I am not pleased with Rifles. Or i should say i find the current setup totally fine, for a shotgun, but when i rolled the class i wished for a REAL ranged skillsetup when using Rifles.
I think thats what they are ment for. (warrior has them mostly)
And its not the first post that complains.

Dont take me wrong i dont want Anet to change anything abaut them. I just want an option to get a decent skill setup for them, like a : Sniper kit , that you can attach to the gun and get a full set of 5 skills for real ranged dmg. (like a ranged does it with longbow)

We do have range “nukes” don take me wrong, but i kind of hate the concept of beeing FORCED to use granade (kit) if i want to go REAL range.

Thats all i want, a chance to paly Enginer as i want to, without making a big deal of remake or unbalance the class.
And before commenting things like : I love enginer you suck, its good as it is….read the post. I dont want anyone to take, just to add.

And exuse my bad english. Anyone opinions, comments?

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


I have pretty much the same opinion. I do love our rifle as it is, but I am remiss that I cannot play my engi in a more sniper’y way.

While grenades have the range I dislike them with a passion. Not just the gtaoe nature but the aesthetic as well, that and I really do think they will take a nerf fairly soon.

So I would glady welcome some sort of sniper kit, and I do really think it has a place and a role that it can fill.

Pretty much a ST long ranged power / condition build. It could be easily made to benefit from existing traits such as scope in tools, or rifled barrels in firearms.

There will be those that say “just roll rifle or ranger” and I have I am working on my warrior now, but I’ve always seen the sniper’y type setup as part of the engineers steampunk style.

No profession needs to be able to do everything mind you, but a sniper kit could make a fun and effective playstyle for engi that is different from warrior / ranger.

Think about having a range ST spec to hammer a foe with as they charge into you, and then swapping to rifle when they get to close range.

It might allow use more use of the glass cannon gear since currently we spend most of our time in or near melee so it’s vital to have a more tanky gear setup.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


The rifle is made for close-to-mid range, grenades fill the long range and mines/wrench – point blank. It was specifically crafted to fill the role that it does and there isn’t any reason at all to change it.

Also, this is your second thread repeating the same.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Seether.7285


A second thread was clearly needed.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


The rifle is made for close-to-mid range, grenades fill the long range and mines/wrench – point blank. It was specifically crafted to fill the role that it does and there isn’t any reason at all to change it.

Also, this is your second thread repeating the same.

I do not agree that grenades fill long range.

The only time you can effectively use them at range is at keeps, and due to the nature of their projectile speed they are still very easily dodged and avoided.

They are also AoE. Grenade kit is a bit weird at the moment since even though it’s AoE it still does huge damage, but most the LR ST weapons hit harder than the AoE ones. Warrior rifle vs LB for example.

We are talking about a kit that will fill a role and playstyle that is completely different from what the grenade kit does currently.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


net shot somehow after patch i felt it’s bugged it use to be awesome hardly any miss but now it miss alot or been blocked for NO reason when it’s in a open area

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


I do not agree that grenades fill long range.

The only time you can effectively use them at range is at keeps, and due to the nature of their projectile speed they are still very easily dodged and avoided.

They are also AoE. Grenade kit is a bit weird at the moment since even though it’s AoE it still does huge damage, but most the LR ST weapons hit harder than the AoE ones. Warrior rifle vs LB for example.

We are talking about a kit that will fill a role and playstyle that is completely different from what the grenade kit does currently.

Grenades do take a bit of finesse to use, and that’s what I enjoy about them. Playing warrior is plainly – mashing buttons in hopes for a win, while playing a grenadier engineer is actually thrilling, truly embracing the “high-risk, high-reward” type gameplay.

While grenades are AoE weapons, they do the damage of a direct DPS weapon, rivaling the warrior’s hundred blades, easily, if used right. As for rifle vs longnow… longbow actually does more damage, I’ve no idea why anyone would think otherwise, unless they’re playing a condition-based build.

If you’re looking for a fire&forget type kit with the DPS and range of grenades – you might as well look elsewhere, because I highly doubt they’d ever implement such a thing.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


I hate the way the engineer rifle skills work too.

Compared to the warriors rifle skill set, we got crap.

  • Most of the Engineers rifle skills requires the enemy to be withing short to medium range to work, yet the rifle itself is a LONG RANGE weapon.
  • Meanwhile all the warriors rifle skills, with the exception of the Rifle Butt, can be used at max 1200 range.
  • To top it off, the range of the engineer rifle without traits, is only 1000, while the range of the Warriors rifle is 1200 from the start. On top of that, the warriors kill shot skill can be used at max 1500 range.

The engineer rifle skills need a serious overhaul, at the moment they just feel wrong and not very useful when trying to stay at range in battles.

(edited by Vigilence.4902)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


You’re comparing the specifics of one class with an other. I could say the same about warrior’s longbow vs the ranger’s longbow – warior’s does 33% more damage then ranger’s at max range, it has better AoE capabilities, it may create mass might buffs.

While in ranger vs warrior longbow match the ranger has 300 extra base range, he needs a T3 trait to get it to 1500, while a warrior only needs a T1 trait to get his to 1200 (default ranger’s range).
In the engineer vs warrior rifle match, the engineer’s rifle excels at controlling the enemy and doing more damage. And unlike in the longbow dilemma, the engineer doesn’t rapidly lose damage the closer the enemy is, and most of the time – they’ll be going closer, which is where net, blunderbuss followed by overcharged shot and jump shot come into play in full glory.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


It’s a shotgun, as evident by such skills as Blunderbluss, and shotguns are.. needless to say, short-ranged weapons. If you want a long-ranged rifle, play Warrior.

My only gripes with the rifle are Overcharged Shot knocking you back, and Net Shot being extremely easy to dodge/miss.

I don’t understand why Overcharged Shot must have a drawback. It’s extremely annoying for point defense in tPvP, or other things like jumping puzzles. How many other professions have weapon skills with adverse effects?

As for net shot.. make its travel time faster.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


Even with finesse grenade at 1500 is not a reliable weapon for dps’ing. Outside of WvW its pretty hard to find a situation where you can actually use it at 1500.

Even if you are very good at anticipating your grenade throws ahead of your target and placing cripples / chills your always better off with grenade closing into sub 600 since your grenades land fast and are harder to dodge.

But to be clear I am not saying we should get a copy of warrior rifle or ranger LB.

There is plenty of roam to innovate with the skill setup for a new kit.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Sigh, i hate to log in for some simple comment that supposed to be basic.

VakarisJ you say Granades fill long range. Yes the y DO, what we want is not some unbalance in skills, instead a way to COSTUMIZE aur gamplay. Or combat, or class or character. If you know what i mean.

A LOT of players get discuraged to play any classes right now, becosue they lack the chance to play them as they wish to. Classes are way to overspecified. This only leads to : I cant pick a class, or i can but i am not 100% satisfied, and that CAN destroy someone game.

And again as reading further your comments i realize you really dont get the concept of the post at all. We dont want to replace granades or even question there “power”. We only wish to add another concept to the alredy awesome class, so a bigger percent of the Enginer ( or might even make players roll 1) gets fully satisfied.

And again, lt me not repeat myself 100 times, I understand a LOT of palyers like the shotgun tipe of concept of the gun on enginer, i dont want to drop it, but i want a chance to play it long range to. Like Warriors do.

And dont say things ( as last resort) like : Then roll a warrior. We play enginer becosue we like it for the same concept, we want them to have an option to have long range rifle skills.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: MassRelay.9327


There was talk that the Engineer was supposed to have a Shotgun instead of a rifle. Think about it. All of these skills scream shotgun. They just scrapped “Shotguns” and allowed Engineers to use Rifles.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


In the engineer vs warrior rifle match, the engineer’s rifle excels at controlling the enemy and doing more damage.

Only at short range, redundant for a long range weapon. At long range, the rifle has one skill that does damage, which is the auto attack.

Clearly when a long range weapon has 1 skill that does damage at long range, and that skill is only an auto-attack, something is very wrong.

There was talk that the Engineer was supposed to have a Shotgun instead of a rifle. Think about it. All of these skills scream shotgun. They just scrapped “Shotguns” and allowed Engineers to use Rifles.

If they were shotguns I wouldn’t have a problem with the current skill set, but due to us using a rifle, the skill set feels poor at best when needed for long range. Something that a rifle should excel at.

(edited by Vigilence.4902)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Basically, when you look at our rifles you need to understand that we don’t actually have rifles as a weapon option. Yea, we use the rifle skins but at the end of the day? We have combat shotguns. They were just too lazy to implement an entirely new weapon class just for us, so they called it “rifle” and that was that.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


VakarisJ you say Granades fill long range. Yes the y DO, what we want is not some unbalance in skills, instead a way to COSTUMIZE aur gamplay. Or combat, or class or character. If you know what i mean.

I don’t know… if your grammar was better, maybe I would understand you better.
About the customization thing – there is no need to have a dozen weapons fill the same niche, that’s completely overkill and not what the devs are trying to do.

A LOT of players get discuraged to play any classes right now, becosue they lack the chance to play them as they wish to. Classes are way to overspecified. This only leads to : I cant pick a class, or i can but i am not 100% satisfied, and that CAN destroy someone game.

I don’t see how you can say that classes are overspecified AND call it a bad thing at the same time. Two points:
1.They’re not overspecified – there are no tanks, healers or DDs – they’re all hybrids and they have enough of a choice in their arsenal to have a dozen different builds each.
2.Specification isn’t a bad thing, it’s surely a lot better then doing in the EA way, where every unit, every character is the exact same thing, with different animations and character model.

And again as reading further your comments i realize you really dont get the concept of the post at all. We dont want to replace granades or even question there “power”. We only wish to add another concept to the alredy awesome class, so a bigger percent of the Enginer ( or might even make players roll 1) gets fully satisfied.

I don’t think you get what I’m trying to say – it would be unnecessary.

And again, lt me not repeat myself 100 times, I understand a LOT of palyers like the shotgun tipe of concept of the gun on enginer, i dont want to drop it, but i want a chance to play it long range to. Like Warriors do.

If you want to play like the warriors do, then what’s stopping you from rolling a warrior and going nuts? Like I said before – there is no reason why this game should be turned into an other C&C3-esque clusterkitten where everything is the same only with a different look.

And dont say things ( as last resort) like : Then roll a warrior. We play enginer becosue we like it for the same concept, we want them to have an option to have long range rifle skills.

If you like the class as a concept then you shouldn’t be trying to change anything about it. Since you want the engineer’s rifle to fill the role of long range you don’t how your liking to it and are basically trying to make the two classes identical in the rifle department.

Asking for engineer rifle to be a long range weapon, instead of the short-mid range that it is now, is like asking for a warrior’s greatsword to be a long range weapon like the mesmer’s greatsword is now.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Visionary.5681


In reguards to being a primary weapon. I also hate the rifle.

The scenario where i love the rifle, is as a secondary weapon.

Got a melee on you, switch to rifle , apply 3 bleeds, knock them back , immobilize them there.

Works great as a backup to a ranged kit.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


I would of liked to have a stictly ranged option too…

But with the rifle the way it is I enjoy the flexibility it has.
You can attack at range and you can keep ppl at range.
Or you can confuse them by blunderbussing their face, knocking them back then jumping shotting right back at them.

When used with the flamethrower and or something like PBR enemies are almost constantly on their backs.

I just wish the Engineer had a little more grace.
Overcharged shot and jump shot are nice but they are so clunky and it feels like an invisible giant is just kicking my guy around.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Rifle is a secondary shotgun. It is a finisher or an opener. In these roles it excels. Some people try to force elixir+rifle builds to make the engineer a ranged dps class. In this form rifle builds become sub-par rangers or rifle-warriors.

The engineer really isn’t a traditional ranged dps class. Most people that complain about engineer don’t grasp this one fundamental concept. Almost all of our skills perform better at close range.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: AndrewWaltfeld.4621


Basically, when you look at our rifles you need to understand that we don’t actually have rifles as a weapon option. Yea, we use the rifle skins but at the end of the day? We have combat shotguns. They were just too lazy to implement an entirely new weapon class just for us, so they called it “rifle” and that was that.

Just an question… why introduce a new weapon which only one class can use when you can just combine the rifle and shotgun into one weapon? Makes no sense loot wise. Engineer from the top – down is pretty much a close -range to medium range skimirisher. We are not longer distance damage dealers. It sucks, but that’s just how it is.

Honestly, I used to hate the rifle as well… it grew on me as time went on. I came to realize just how much control it gave me to the point where pistol/shield wasn’t enough for my needs.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Kithzyan.5034


I love the way the rifle currently works personally (all the control), but I do agree that we could do with a proper long range option because while grenades do give us long range they have a rather, unique, method of doing so and sometimes it’d be nice to just shoot something in the face from a distance :P

Adding a new weapon for one class is to much to ask really and you can’t really give us a long (or short) bow as it doesn’t fit the class asthetic which leaves the most obvious option open… give us a new kit! Sniper kit, cannon kit (ala Torchlight 2) etc, whatever works and fits best. It would need to be long range (1000-1200, maybe through traits to increase) and primarily be single target (maybe minimal AoE) as we have AoE range in grenades already.

That, or buff the pistols range up to 1000 base + 200 with trait and let that full the long range need but pistol seems more or a skirmishing ‘med-range’ weapon.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Dear VakarisJ
The way you talk abaut devs and the game. And the way the game works, i dont think the devs would aproove. Gw is a tipically not that tipe of weapon.

The things you say just make me NOT to play the game or class. I dont think thats the way to go. Besides the fact i dont find all your points valid, but lets not troll eachother.

I still find a Plus 1 kit would not destroy the game.
Anyhow i am am reroling to war….Which is sad, maybe THERE IS a reson why most players play warrior, and why its an awesome class. Its not bordered by a play style and his weapons skills are well thout trough.

Besides , you dont have to be a tank to be “specified” . If you cant se why i say that you really dont have a knack for game development, or indepth “behind the scenes” sight. No offense. Thats my opinion.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


An other kit would not destroy the game, but an other kit that basically mirrors the ability of an other class… that’s where the issues roll in.

You say that I don’t have a knack for game developement, but from what you say – it’s quite the other way around. No good game dev would make every class a mirror or a mix of other classes. That’s poor design for one and also useless from a gameplay perspective.

Also, there’s no reason why they should heed your wish for a class that perfectly suits your needs. Your opinion is not law here. There isn’t any reason why you or anyone else here should get a checklist class, which gives them exactly what ever they please and nothing else.
“I want the ranger’s longbow, the engineer’s grenades, the warrior’s regen and vengeance, mesmer’s portals, elementalist’s blink and attunements…” — that’s not how it works. Every class has their pros and cons and the players shouldn’t be able to decide those.

Also, I’ll just quote my self here:

Asking for engineer rifle to be a long range weapon, instead of the short-mid range that it is now, is like asking for a warrior’s greatsword to be a long range weapon like the mesmer’s greatsword is now.

(edited by VakarisJ.5619)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimond.2478


The engineer as designed is pretty much a short/mid range class in general. It’s not terribly surprising rifle has the same limitations the other weapons do.

Rangers are the long ranged/sniper class in this game.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: arrownin.3128


An other kit would not destroy the game, but an other kit that basically mirrors the ability of an other class… that’s where the issues roll in.

You say that I don’t have a knack for game developement, but from what you say – it’s quite the other way around. No good game dev would make every class a mirror or a mix of other classes. That’s poor design for one and also useless from a gameplay perspective.

Also, there’s no reason why they should heed your wish for a class that perfectly suits your needs. You opinion is not law here. There isn’t any reason why you or anyone else here should get a checklist class, which gives them exactly what ever they please and nothing else.
“I want the ranger’s longbow, the engineer’s grenades, the warrior’s regen and vengeance, mesmer’s portals, elementalist’s blink and attunements…” — that’s not how it works. Every class has their pros and cons and the players shouldn’t be able to decide those.

Also, I’ll just quote my self here:

Asking for engineer rifle to be a long range weapon, instead of the short-mid range that it is now, is like asking for a warrior’s greatsword to be a long range weapon like the mesmer’s greatsword is now.

I think he wanted the same thing I wanted, which was a class that used rifles as a primary weapon. Engineers can do this but to really shine they need to use.kits which really draws attention away from rifle combat and turns it into weapon kit switching fun go go time. With the only thing that I wanted from engies (turrents) not being effective at all, and the rifle being more of a shotty that requires kits to work properly, I think a lot of people including myself fell in love with the idea of engies, but didn’t like the way the concept was handled. I myself am going to make a rifle warrior and will personally love shooting from 1200 range getting 16k criticals, and only switching to my sword/shield for when baddies get too close.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


Different classes use different weapons in different ways, at least you seem to understand that concept and have found fun in taking a class that suits your wishes better, instead of going on the forums to rant how the devs are wrong to have made the game like it is and to make it suit your needs.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: arrownin.3128


Different classes use different weapons in different ways, at least you seem to understand that concept and have found fun in taking a class that suits your wishes better, instead of going on the forums to rant how the devs are wrong to have made the game like it is and to make it suit your needs.

To be fair though, the rifle for engineers does feel very clunky when compared to rifle on warriors. I think its because they needed to make so many different kits actually function, and also feel good to use. Imo pistols and shield feel fine for engineers, but rifles really do feel clunky. Maybe its just me

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimond.2478


To be fair though, the rifle for engineers does feel very clunky when compared to rifle on warriors. I think its because they needed to make so many different kits actually function, and also feel good to use. Imo pistols and shield feel fine for engineers, but rifles really do feel clunky. Maybe its just me

When you look at what its purpose is, it isn’t clunky at all. It’s just not the same as what the purpose of the warrior rifle is. There’s much more control with the engineer rifle.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: arrownin.3128


To be fair though, the rifle for engineers does feel very clunky when compared to rifle on warriors. I think its because they needed to make so many different kits actually function, and also feel good to use. Imo pistols and shield feel fine for engineers, but rifles really do feel clunky. Maybe its just me

When you look at what its purpose is, it isn’t clunky at all. It’s just not the same as what the purpose of the warrior rifle is. There’s much more control with the engineer rifle.

I am not talking about the rifle’s usage or purpose. I am talking about the feel of using a rifle on an engineer. It does not feel smooth at all, it feels very clunky and overall not smooth. It feels like I picked up an environmental weapon, but then I realise that its the weapon I primarily use.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


I am not talking about the rifle’s usage or purpose. I am talking about the feel of using a rifle on an engineer. It does not feel smooth at all, it feels very clunky and overall not smooth. It feels like I picked up an environmental weapon, but then I realise that its the weapon I primarily use.

I agree, and I think that’s a result of most our rifle skills being utility and not necessarily part of a DPS cycle. The only two guaranteed rifle skills I use in my DPS cycle are #3 Blunderbluss (if I’m in melee distance) and #1 Hip Shot. I typically save Jump Shot and Overcharged Shot because they serve as utility and not just damage. And of course Net Shot is pure utility.

Contrast this with Warrior’s rifle skills: every one of their skills does damage with no adverse effects (such as knocking the warrior back a la Overcharged Shot).

Our rifle feels like a kit because our kits, similarily, are mostly utility over damage.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: A Volcano.2510

A Volcano.2510

I like the rifle.

I don’t think the idea of an engineer is some super-sleek high-tech assassin. Instead, it is someone with a lot of gadgets and unusual attack methods. The rifle fits this perfectly.

All of the skills are useful and go very well with other engineer skills. Even the #4 fall-down shot fits a “master of gadgets” eccentric type of personality.

By contrast, thematically the warrior rifle skills also fit the idea of what a warrior would be rather well.

You are correct that there isn’t a really long range option for engineer and that might be fine in some future update, but it seems designed mainly to work at close-to-mid range and does well. I certainly hope they don’t change the rifle as if I wanted to play the warrior version then I would.

I am not against them adding some future weapon with more long range items, but hope they don’t change rifle just to suit people who want to play with a warriors rifle set (since such people could just play a warrior and then problem solved…)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


“No good game dev would make every class a mirror or a mix of other classes. That’s poor design for one and also useless from a gameplay perspective. "

Then explain why are the most classes almsot mirrored when using not main weapons?
Thief bow,Warrior bow, ranger bow. THey are almost the same. Wont matter if they apply condition…in the end they do the same. No real mechanic behind them like Mesmers illusions….all you do is shoot.
I dont call it bad design, i call it : it needs no design, they are “just so they can use” but wont be anything special. A sniper rifle would be if wanted to be (in my design) Slow loading skills with high dmg on longer range. Besides…..did i specify the skills or how they work? No then dont ASSUME for kitten sake.

“Also, there’s no reason why they should heed your wish for a class that perfectly suits your needs. Your opinion is not law here”
And again you assume the devs dont care and dont want to care, and only becosue YOU dont care noone does and i can go to hell….good stading to others. I am sorry but i refuse to write to you anymore. Pls look for other topic to troll on. No offense. I am asking.

Besides. And again. In my personal opinion the game where you can costumize your “hero” to the real deeps. And that means gameplay and style (but not mechanic thats the devs work) is the BEST RPG. And not the worst. Trough i am not really a big fan of Morrowinds or Skyrim…but have to say they did sucssed.

Anyhow Vulcano doeas have a point atleast. And a “sniper kit” is not an option i guess. But i would like you all to keep it in mind, what class would be the one that supposed to be a Long range rifle user? Propably not a warrior only. It fits Ranger at best…but they cant use them ( the whole reson i was dissapointed in this long before i started enginer at all) Thief? They cant even use them.

From what i see most classes use there weapons as “gadgets” . In my opinion if there is no assasin, then the thief lacks a lot of aspects of gameplay…or should i say. the game is missing a lot of aspects of rpg classes….that would be sad.
BUT i must admit. Anet did show is how totally awesome devs they have and i have faith in them, this is only an “main game” early stage problem.
Later on in expansion with more classes more skills and weapons. More chances of costumization we get the chances we want.

BUT FOR THAT, we have to send feedback like this NOW.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Jordan.6157


I like the rifle how it is. Don’t change it. Wont be fair on the players that leveled an engineer with rifle that actually like the profession for what it is.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimond.2478


“No good game dev would make every class a mirror or a mix of other classes. That’s poor design for one and also useless from a gameplay perspective. "

Then explain why are the most classes almsot mirrored when using not main weapons?
Thief bow,Warrior bow, ranger bow. THey are almost the same. Wont matter if they apply condition…in the end they do the same. No real mechanic behind them like Mesmers illusions….all you do is shoot.
I dont call it bad design, i call it : it needs no design, they are “just so they can use” but wont be anything special. A sniper rifle would be if wanted to be (in my design) Slow loading skills with high dmg on longer range. Besides…..did i specify the skills or how they work? No then dont ASSUME for kitten sake.

The use of bows accross professions is very different, in fact. Unless you’re just saying because a bow shoots arrows they’re all the same…how is that different from a sniper rifle shooting bullets? Oh right, so it takes longer to load…so it has a longer cast time? That’s a huge innovation here?

You’re free to post your feedback, nobody is saying you can’t post (ok apparently some people are, but they’re wrong). But expect disagreement when you post something fundamentally different from how a class is designed.

(edited by Shimond.2478)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Jordan.6157


Please remove this thread Anet. It’s not fair on the players who enjoy the engineer for the profession it actually is. How lame to change rifle skill set. Please just… no

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


The engineer as designed is pretty much a short/mid range class in general. It’s not terribly surprising rifle has the same limitations the other weapons do.

Rangers are the long ranged/sniper class in this game.

This is a flawed mentality.

It is as if all of the sudden the greatsword, knife, sword torch, axes, traps, and pets designed for close range combat do not exist.

The whole “rangers get the range” argument falls to the wayside the second you look at the plethora of options the have for close quarters combat

Besides,we already have reasonable similar range on grenades. All most people are suggesting, is that if our only weapon choices are firearms, it strikes them as backwards, in general that the bows out range the guns. Fantasy game or not, the whole bows out range rifles, is hard for the average person to swallow.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimond.2478


This is a flawed mentality.

It is as if all of the sudden the greatsword, knife, sword torch, axes, traps, and pets designed for close range combat do not exist.

The whole “rangers get the range” argument falls to the wayside the second you look at the plethora of options the have for close quarters combat

I never said that long range is ALL the rangers can do, just that that is a speciality of theirs (via the longbow primarily). It is not one of our’s.

Being ground targetted with a travel time, I put grenades in a different class altogether.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


Then explain why are the most classes almsot mirrored when using not main weapons?
Thief bow,Warrior bow, ranger bow. THey are almost the same. Wont matter if they apply condition…in the end they do the same. No real mechanic behind them like Mesmers illusions….all you do is shoot.
I dont call it bad design, i call it : it needs no design, they are “just so they can use” but wont be anything special. A sniper rifle would be if wanted to be (in my design) Slow loading skills with high dmg on longer range. Besides…..did i specify the skills or how they work? No then dont ASSUME for kitten sake.

That’s not what I meant by design and I don’t think you’d understand my explanation.

The thief doesn’t have a longbow, he only has a shortbow, the warrior doesn’t have the showbow, he only uses the longbow. I don’t see how can you compare those two, but that aside:

  • the ranger uses his longbow to keep a distance between him self and the target – he has skills, specifically made to cripple and launch the opponent in order for the main attack to deal as much damage as possible (damage increases over range). His rapid fire attack allows to finish off opponents that have wandered into short range.
  • the warrior’s longbow isn’t limited by diminishing damage at lesser range, instead, he focuses on dishing out a great deal of damage and crippling enemies, that are trying to get away. His 2nd ability is best used point blank, in order to deal three times more damage then at longer range. His adrenaline ability with the longbow creates a fire-field, in combination with his 3rd ability, that has a blast finisher, the warrior can grant anyone near the explosion 3 strikes of might, making it a bonus if he uses it while the enemy is close, so he gains the effect also.

Those are two different ways of using the same weapon – they aren’t mirrored, unlike what you’re trying to achieve with the rifle.

Also, briefly on ranger shortbow vs thief shortbow — the thief uses his shortbow in a rather direct fasion, trying to deal as much damage as possible up front to more then one target. Ranger uses his shortbow to deal with a single opponent, from behind, while the opponent is distracted by the pet. Those are also two different ways.

“Also, there’s no reason why they should heed your wish for a class that perfectly suits your needs. Your opinion is not law here”
And again you assume the devs dont care and dont want to care, and only becosue YOU dont care noone does and i can go to hell….good stading to others. I am sorry but i refuse to write to you anymore. Pls look for other topic to troll on. No offense. I am asking.

That was an observation — you think you’re the center of the universe, it may come as a shock, but you aren’t.

Also — I’m not trolling. If I wanted to, I’d start berating you based on your poor grammar, poorly made and barely understandable sentences and an astounding lack of the most basic logic.

BUT FOR THAT, we have to send feedback like this NOW.

There’s feedback and then there’s “MAEK DA GEIM LAIK AI WUNT NAO!”, guess which of the two you’re providing.

You aren’t suggesting or expressing your opinion, that you would like it to be a bit different. You barge in with misinformation, in the wrong subforum, throw capitals around, making your posts seem bossy and basically demand that they would change the fundamentals of the engineer in order to copy an other class. You even openly state that:

<…> Thats all i want, a chance to paly Enginer as i want to <…>

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


Don’t touch my rifle.
Its my favourite weapon in the engineers arsenal.

Granted, its not as effective as grenades but its my favourite.

There is nothing functionally wrong with the rifle, apart from the odd bug with blunderbuss/overcharged shot doing nothing. And jump shot being clunky, but nothing to warrant redesigned the skill. Just to warrant fixing how it already works.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Lauren.3061


I absolutely love rifle how it is. I don’t want a sniper kit. It functions so well when built up for burst damage, combined with its base control abilities, I love it just how it is. I played mainly with pistol/shield as I leveled up but will never swap back now.


Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


While I am dissatisfied with the why the rifle works on the Engineer, I am not asking for the rifle to be changed. However, considering that a rifle Is supposed to be a long range direct damage dealing weapon, and yet it currently is not, it’s only fair for players dissatisfied with its setup to voice their dissatisfaction.

We want a REAL long range weapon or kit that deals direct damage, with all of its skills, not just an auto attack like the current rifle setup. So far all we have for long range damage is the grenade kit, which is very useful if your enemy happens to be standing still, and you happen to be standing still.

A comparison is made between the warrior and engineer rifle skills because from a damage/distance standpoint the warriors rifle skill setup is far superior.

If another kit was added, perhaps a sniper rifle kit, or another long range weapon option that actually deals damage from long range, many many engineer players would be satisfied. Including those that enjoy the rifle the way it currently is now because the current rifle skills set wouldn’t be touched.

(edited by Vigilence.4902)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


I feel like everything I’ve said so far has been forgotten – the rifle is not supposed to be a longrange weapon. Where did you get that idea anyway?

The greatsword is “supposed to be” a melee weapon, yet the mesmer uses it as a sniper. The longbow is “supposed to be” a longrange weapon, yet the warrior is best when using it point blank.

Different classes use weapons in different ways, I thought I had already made that point clear.

Also – we already have a long range kit, it’s called “grenade kit”.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Engineers were never meant for long range dps in game, they were more designed for mid range dmg.

In the 3 adventuring classes rangers covers long range, engineers mid and theif melee.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


TBH, seeing as i’ve seen this far back as beta 1 on like 200 threads…heck even before that even from QA people and critics. People wanted the class to have “more play style around turrets, less rng on potions, more long range rifle (sniper rifle) options”

Its still not in, imagine it will be prob…why it wasnt in the first place …dunno. But hope it is.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Engineers were never meant for long range dps in game, they were more designed for mid range dmg.

In the 3 adventuring classes rangers covers long range, engineers mid and theif melee.

magic night, you make bold claims in many threads in then others show your ignorance by asking a lot of questions for build advice and how things work.

To be put simple because you seem to be confused. Rangers have more close-mid attacks than ranged, they simply have long bow for long range. That does not include short bow, greatsword, sword, , axe, axe offhand, horn etc. They are not characterized by the range of their attacks but by their theme and pet mechanic. Make an 80 one and play it you’ll see theres more to it than your theorycrafting assumption.

Also same with theif. They have dagger-sword for close range, then they have pistol, duel pistol short bow etc for long range…they are not forced to be a close range fighter, they simply have the OPTION.

Engineers have mid-close and mid-close. I do not include kits in the factor as they are not weapon options but kits that must take up a utility slot. But even if i did that only leaves toolkit which is a poor mellee ranged fighting kit and grenade kit which is an unreliable long range kit. Both have their purposes and strengths but are not close to what people want and are not weapons they are kits.

The game was designed so classes were not tied to a role. So stop spouting your ignorance about class roles. This isnt WoW or whatever mmo you came from. sooner you wrap your head around that the sooner thing will be clear to you.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Seriously calm down Zinwrath, I do ask some question once in a while but they’re nothing related to the class play styles. Never said these were fix but this is where each classes are specialized and shine on. And I also play a ranger so I know what they’re like. About your question why the devs never put sniper rifles in, there’s many reasons why and it’s pretty obvious already.

(edited by Magic Night.1308)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


I can see why they didn’t.

If it is indeed true that engineers were originally a heavy armour class, and had shotguns.
Then I guess during the stages of designing what an engineer could do, they never said ‘long range’.

Kind of like how a Guardian never had anything at 1200 range, and how a thief still doesn’t. Makes sense.

What I’m annoyed at is how Arenanet announced grenades, as if they are viable at 1200+ range.
Please don’t say and pretend that it is the case. It isn’t.

Grenades are still short-med range.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


But even if i did that only leaves toolkit which is a poor mellee ranged fighting kit and grenade kit which is an unreliable long range kit.

The grenade kit is as reliable as your arm. If one can’t aim – the other won’t be able to either.

I can see why they didn’t.

If it is indeed true that engineers were originally a heavy armour class, and had shotguns.
Then I guess during the stages of designing what an engineer could do, they never said ‘long range’.

You’re closer to the truth then you think on that one – google “Guild Wars 2 Commando”. It was a joke class created by Anet for april fools and yet – it’s like a heavily-armored engineer. I believe that the whole joke was a hyperbolized concept that they scrapped to make the engineer as he is now.

What I’m annoyed at is how Arenanet announced grenades, as if they are viable at 1200+ range.
Please don’t say and pretend that it is the case. It isn’t.

Grenades are still short-med range.

Read the first, non-quote, line.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


Engineer rifle skills specialize in control and conditions, which is what Engineers do.

Warrior rifle skills predominantly deal damage, which is what Warriors (can) do.

I fail to see what doesn’t make sense.

If you don’t like the Engineer’s rifle, you probably don’t sPvP much.

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Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Eead post at all before posting things that i dont say.