Rune/Sigil Selection Questions for Engi

Rune/Sigil Selection Questions for Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: joykafka.4308



Hi, “finally” I am deciding (and eager) to change my MF gears into a more solid upgrade set. Please give me some insights.

I am thinking Runes and Sigils that both can chill enemies, but other possibilities seem great too. I don’t know how to test them. I tried a few of them but the combat log doesn’t show anything helpful.

Superior Runes
(1) Rune of Mercy: Reviving Allies
(2) Rune of Earth: Protection
(3) Rune of Greth: Chilling
(3) Rune of Engineer: 5% more bundle damage
(4) Rue of Undead: max condition dmg

Other than Chilling, the abilities to revive allies attract me the most. How good is it?

Magnetic Asura: Since I have the trait to trigger Elixir S when health goes down below 25%. Would this become redundant?

Which among Rune of Engineer and Rune of Undead gives more condition damage?

Superior Sigil

Sigil of Ice:
I like 2s chilling every 10 seconds but I can’t figure out whether I will need to have one (30%) or two(60%)?

Sigil of Blood / Sigil of Condition
If 60% of chilling is too much, I wonder which is better for off-hand? Life stealing or removing conditions?

(I tried one hand removing conditions another removing boons, and also other things, but I couldn’t tell how often they proc…)

Although I mostly solo in PvE, I prefer a supporting role whenever possible.

My current stats (partial MF build) are roughly
- power 1300
- precision 1600
- toughness 1200
- vitality 1200

I used mostly dual pistols with Elixir Gun, Bombs, plus Elixir R (or Rocket Shoes, Slick Shoes, Net Turret, Grenades, or Toolkit). I am learning to use P/S now.

Would appreciate any advices and comments.

(edited by joykafka.4308)

Rune/Sigil Selection Questions for Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: MudMonster.6572


I have not tried any of the revive runes.

I am not sure if Elixer S Trait and Magnetic Aura would proc at the same time. I guess it depends on how big that last hit that took you below 25% was. If it dropped you below 20%, I am betting both would proc. Aura lasts 5 sec against only projectiles. S is 3 sec immune to everything. So you would still have 2 extra seconds against projectiles if both procced at same time.

Rune of Undead will give much more Condition Damage than Rune of Engineer.

Sigils do not stack like that. Sigils with cooldowns all share the same cooldown, so 2 x Sigil of Ice would be redundant and you would only have the 30% chance. It would be best to go with either a stacking sigil or passive sigil for your second one.