S/F Elementalists Counter Us ?
No matter what power build I try, I get devastated by s/f elementalists that know how to play. I feel like I don’t have anything to hit them with or to defend.
Say I use block, they have an unblockable skill that knocks me down and then I eat a phoenix. And if their knockdown skill is on CD they just use phoenix which is also unblockable and deals a ton of damage.
My attacks are also very easy to dodge, blind and reflect. Do they completely counter power engis ?
It shouldn’t be a problem if you are playing the meta Scrapper build.
The only thing that should be difficult is actually killing an Ele. Stalemating them though should be cake.
If you’re using hammer or have stealth gyro or are condi, then not so much. If you’re referring to the bunker ones, then it’s not really a counter if they can just live forever, but if you mean in more of a dueling aspect, where it’s 1v1 and they go far more bursty with marauder amulet and are taking arcane shield, etc, then it’s probably the hardest counter to rifle engineer in the whole game. They’ll be cycling through invulns/reflects/projectile hate all the while being able to attack you, and the openings you get will mostly be when they’re in air and are going to blind you with all the random lightning strikes. So yeah, rough times, they’re beatable with rifle but it’s more just dumb luck than anything when you win one in ten times. But this has been true from pretty much the games launch. S/F has always been a rifle engis biggest counter pretty much.
If you’re using hammer or have stealth gyro or are condi, then not so much. If you’re referring to the bunker ones, then it’s not really a counter if they can just live forever, but if you mean in more of a dueling aspect, where it’s 1v1 and they go far more bursty with marauder amulet and are taking arcane shield, etc, then it’s probably the hardest counter to rifle engineer in the whole game. They’ll be cycling through invulns/reflects/projectile hate all the while being able to attack you, and the openings you get will mostly be when they’re in air and are going to blind you with all the random lightning strikes. So yeah, rough times, they’re beatable with rifle but it’s more just dumb luck than anything when you win one in ten times. But this has been true from pretty much the games launch. S/F has always been a rifle engis biggest counter pretty much.
I knew exactly the answer to my question when I asked, and I still asked.
Maybe I was just desperate lol, I can’t stand not being able to do anything against them in 1v1s. Hopefully we’ll get something that works in future specs
At least you aren’t ranger in this matchup. S/f ele walks all over ranger.
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959
They walk over rangers and engineers so it doesn’t matter who gets stomped 3 times and who twice
Hello, s/f Ele main here!
Usually power scrapper should get a win vs Ele Pretty easy if we talk about 1v1 on a capture point.
In open field it could be very hard, since they can outrun all your melee skills just swapping in air.
Here some tought:
- if your are using a block skill, be ready to Dodge/breack stun… If when you are blocking the Ele swap to air (or is already in air) be ready to breack stun/use invulnerabity.
If you are using a blocking skill and you see the Ele go into fire be ready to Dodge/use invulnerabity.
Your block skill has lower cd than both air stun and Phoenix, so you will still can block something else later.
-when Ele swap to earth and pop up rock barrier use your reflect skill. Also water auto can be reflected.
- try to use hammer 3 when Ele is both in water attunement or fire attunement. So with your evade you will prevent to be dazed or chilled from water, you will evade Phoenix ( or at least some hits if he land it perfectly) and you will prevent him to crit you and pop fresh air.
-stun with hammer 5 him while he is both in fire or water attunement, so you will Force him to use arcane shield to breack stun
-abuse of elixir gun #1 to cover him the more possibile with weakness. Weakness is a pain for a fresh air, that both cut his bursts and chance to proc fresh air.
-if he has arcane shield up, stop to chase him, drop some AoE and use ranged attack to breack it in a safe way
-if he pop invulnerabity try to LoS him, hide behinde some object etc etkittenill inv go away.
Again, if you are fighing in a capture point it shouldn’t be a problem since S/F better defense is to outrun melee skills.
Hope to been helpfull, good luck!
p.s.: if you are on EU message me in game and we will duel a bit, so I can see what you can improve in your gameplay vs us
p.s.: you can predict Pretty much a lot of what a S/F will do just looking at his attunement. Try to focus more on that than animations.
P.p.s.: slot stealth gyro, it is a huge counter vs Fresh air since it has very poor cleave potential
(edited by lucadiro.4519)
This was a 1v1 match and I wasn’t talking about scrappers.
Also my opponent is very skilled and he won’t use arcane shield for something as silly as hammer #5 which has a very huge after cast and he knows I can’t combo with it that much. He counters me because almost all my attacks are projectiles since I use rifle.
He also has 3 break stuns.
Wolfineer Condition Engineer vs Fresh Air Elementalist
Its an old video + hes not using a powerbuild but the tips might still be helpfull. Even with his high toughness + fumble hes struggeling. I dont know either how to fight them but they are pretty rare in wvw.
Condition engineers can do something about s/f eles, power engis however can’t.
You said “no matter what power build I try” so I was assuming you also tried scrapper hammer.
If you are using power rifle core engie S/F just counter you. No way to win if you face good players in open field like Beach in forest of niflhel (You have to outplay too much) and low chance to win in a capture point.
You also said “Hopefully we’ll get something that works in future specs” and this is a no sense because you already got scrapper specialization that is what you need to kill a S/F Ele.
By the way, I was here just to offer you my help. That doesn’t seems welcome or appreciated since seems you doesn’t have the attitude to want learn something and yours is only a random QQ.
Have a nice day
S/F Ele (and other classes like that) are just anet’s way of telling you that you can’t play base engi any more.. No projectiles allowed in pvp.
You’ll just have to switch to that stupid hammer build like 99.9% of all the other engineers in pvp.