SD/AED Build

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Lambchops’s YOLT “You Only Live Twice/Thrice”

Use AED at 5k health if you want to benefit from Automated Medical Response
Play like you want to die.

- Lambchops 587th rank 80 engy NA

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


I had a few people in my guild laugh at me when I told them I thought the A.E.D polish had the potential to make it an extremely op heal for squishy builds. Ok, maybe op isn’t the correct term, but it’s pretty kitten good if you throw caution to the wind lol.

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Phoenix.5047


I tried defending AED once, but eventually I caved; Healing Turret is way better. 15 second heal, by simply LoSing here and there, you can survive a lot longer than with AED.

The thing with AED, it doesn’t cleanse Confusion (despite being a damaging condition), and your being squishy nullifies the “second health bar”.
On top of all that, if, after you kill someone, you have any long-lasting stack of any condition (vulnerability), and at mid-low health, you’re effectively weakened until it wears away, and oftentimes you’ll be engaged again before you can fully recuperate.

I do miss the stun though…

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


can you enable AED while in fear / stun/ daze?

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


can you enable AED while in fear / stun/ daze?

No, it has a cast time.

I’ve tried using A.E.D. in my SD rifle build, but I found it to be not as useful as med kit. With medit, you’re looking at low cooldown heals, so you can pop them quite frequently to keep your health high. Additionally, bandage self will auto-recharge with the inertial converter trait, meaning I don’t have to dump that much in inventions and can opt for more damage/mobility. A.E.D. simply has too long a cooldown, and trying to proc the 25% health recharge is just not that reliable. An adept player will also try and counter your A.E.D. by simply letting it tick itself out or trying to lock you down with CC so you can’t activate it when you need it, meaning it can just be better to heal yourself normally.

Furthermore, I don’t really feel the static shock ability is that great in conjunction with SD to warrant the use of A.E.D. It’s only really useful as an interrupt, and you need to be in melee range for it to work properly. It also can’t fire behind you.

The med kit also provides a source of fury outside of the utility goggles which is very useful for the initial strike. Plus it also has an active, albeit crappy, active source of condition removal. A.E.D. won’t do anything for you if you get immobilized.

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


You can’t disengage with AED really and ht is way better for that. AED makes it so you can out live and burst anything to death before they kill you. You are forced to play reckless and poop out damage as fast as possible. It’s tricky, but ya will have a pretty good laugh when you keep come back to life 2 or 3 times and win a fight. I can’t say its viable for tpvp, but it worked well in Yolo queue.

Can’t use it while cc’d. have to really rely on goggles for the stun break to cast it if a warrior had ya pinned.

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: stephen.5903


They went in the right direction with AED it just needs a little more reworking. Shorter cool down, instant cast, and a better variety of condi removal will maybe make it viable! Hopefully they continue to put time into this skill!


SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


healing turret gives u
2,520 hp + 2,520 hp + 1,320 hp for every leap and blast + Regeneration (650 hp) + 2 condi removal.
7010 hp with 1 blast/leap
8330 hp with 2 blasts/leaps
9650 hp with 3 blasts/leaps
Regeneration (780 hp) from belt + 1,320 hp for every leap and blast
11750 hp if u blast all correctly on 20 sec cd – with no healing power

AED may give u 12,280 hp on 40 sec cd
it doesnot scale on healing power
it doesnot heal your allys
it may heal you just for 4,344

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


They went in the right direction with AED it just needs a little more reworking. Shorter cool down, instant cast, and a better variety of condi removal will maybe make it viable! Hopefully they continue to put time into this skill!


Instant-cast would actually make it overpowered, I think. It’s important for skills to have counterplay, especially ones as theoretically powerful as AED, and making it instant-cast would just be going ‘so, Engineers, how much do you really like helping your team? Enough to not take a guaranteed save-self-once button?’

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I can agree that HT is overall a better heal hands down. AED has at least been fun and fresh to play with, even if it’s medicore and needs more tweaking.