SPVP, a huge problem for me

SPVP, a huge problem for me

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I have a question . I try different builds but i saw that playing without invention or tool is quite difficult. The reason is that without one of them , you lose swiftness (25 or33% ) and in spvp it is important to move fast for arriving on points.
What do you think ? i am not happy to lose firearms or explosive but i feel alchemy as a must … and so i have to trade one of them for tool or inventions ( now perhaps i prefer inventions ) . Any hits or opinions ?

SPVP, a huge problem for me

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Depends on the particular purpose you’re fulfilling on your team.

A lot of engineer players will fill more of a roaming kind of build, rotating between points to contribute to team fights going on at those locations. Without having the mobility from either of those trait lines, it can hamper your effectiveness at doing that.

If instead your role on the team involves you being more localized around one specific node, or if the map doesn’t require you to move around as much, then it could be quite possible to function without that sort of mobility.

Of course, having improved mobility is just valuable in general, so it’s never a bad option to take.

Alternatively, you could slot the heavy armour exploit trait in firearms, which can actually give you 100% swiftness uptime if you crit often enough. However, this will only be swiftness available during the fights, so it might not be too useful for getting between nodes.

Otherwise, certain utilities like rocket boots or elixir B can help compensate for that node-to-node mobility need.

Now if you’re just doing hotjoin, you might as well do whatever you want to do.

SPVP, a huge problem for me

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t go into tools.
Take inventions.

SPVP, a huge problem for me

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


yes for me now inventions is much better than tools . Tools is only good for static discharged if you like to play berserker …