[SPvP]Offensive Turretier

[SPvP]Offensive Turretier

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Hay (I know Vee Wee syndrome:-P) guys its time for new build:-)


Since I saw first time Ranger changes in dev stream Ive start working on something for counterplay that and not only that but overall on some great pvp build. I think I did great one it was long ago since I loose 1v1 or even 1xX with it:-)

- No matter what title or 3 turrets in build say.. this is not a turret build. Not in terms where you put down turrets and wait till they do the job.
- Its not for point holding (but you can use it for that aswell) but for roaming.
- You must use turrets offensivly as well as their toolbelt skills
- Main strenght of this build is reflect chain. Shield and all turrets can provide 20s+ of reflects if you put them down and pick up when shield ends. Also dont forget on elite its another source of reflects.
- Elixir Gun is your best friend, stunbreaker, gapmaker, ranged slow, condi remove and massive bleeding in one kit what else you want:-)

I hope you will enjoy all those crying Rapid Fire Rangers same as me:-P

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

[SPvP]Offensive Turretier

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is ok for those rare situations where you fight 5 rangers who use 2 on cooldown. Otherwise it won’t do much. Building to counter a single build isn’t very productive. Also barrage will melt turrets and it’s not even reflectable.
An easier way to counter rangers is to avoid their rapid fire while going in melee. They don’t handle melee at all. Bait empathic bond with some random criple or even pistol/elixir auto. Some don’t even run it because it’s quite the dps loss.

[SPvP]Offensive Turretier

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


This is ok for those rare situations where you fight 5 rangers who use 2 on cooldown. Otherwise it won’t do much. Building to counter a single build isn’t very productive. Also barrage will melt turrets and it’s not even reflectable.
An easier way to counter rangers is to avoid their rapid fire while going in melee. They don’t handle melee at all. Bait empathic bond with some random criple or even pistol/elixir auto. Some don’t even run it because it’s quite the dps loss.

Its not only on rangers lots of classes use projectile and I dont met single build in last month what can be problem:-) This build is very versatile and you can kill hambows, PU/torment mesmers or necros same easy as rangers:-)

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

[SPvP]Offensive Turretier

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Necro speed is too slow for roaming in my point of view. You can not decap points because you are not really fast enough and on point you can not know the people off the point (because of the nerf).

On point it is a strong build. But it is more a point holder as a roamer in my point of view.