(edited by The V.8759)
Scrapper Bugs Thread
Defense Field has not the 240 radius testet on small asura
- Expert Examination don’t trigget on Net Turret.
- Detection Pulse does not reveal NPCs in veredant brink
- Gyros have a tendancy to attack enemies when they don’t have attack abilities.
- Function Gyro sometimes lives on after resing someone, making it wander around aimlesly.
- Hammer #3 leap don’t trigger on fields you jump out of (tested with Streamlined Kit Mortar field followed by Hammer #3 out of it).
Thank you guys, edited
- Hammer #3’s first leap will always go into the direction you’re looking at, causing it often to not be able to hit its indicated target, even if it was in range when triggering it & not moving at all.
- Adaptive armor also decreases condi-duration by 20%, giving us the potential to become completely invulnerable to chill/cripple/immob in WvW.
- Function Gyro has a habit to interrupt his stomp & follow the player if you move too far away (out of the 750 range threshold?)
- Gyros react way too sensitive to left/right strafing of the player, causing them to shoot off into random directions.
- Hammer #3’s first leap will always go into the direction you’re looking at, causing it often to not be able to hit its indicated target, even if it was in range when triggering it & not moving at all.
- Adaptive armor also decreases condi-duration by 20%, giving us the potential to become completely invulnerable to chill/cripple/immob in WvW.
- Function Gyro has a habit to interrupt his stomp & follow the player if you move too far away (out of the 750 range threshold?)
- Gyros react way too sensitive to left/right strafing of the player, causing them to shoot off into random directions.
The Condi Duration on adaptive armor is not a bug, as it is supposed to be part of the trait. They announced this at the reveal of Scrapper. If you you want to change the fact that you can keep up immunity to movement conditions please post this somewhere else (I am not trying to be rude or anything here!)
Thank you for your other bugs
Defense Field has not the 240 radius testet on small asura
I’m pretty sure it doesn’t actually last 5 seconds either.
- Hammer #3’s first leap will always go into the direction you’re looking at, causing it often to not be able to hit its indicated target, even if it was in range when triggering it & not moving at all.
- Adaptive armor also decreases condi-duration by 20%, giving us the potential to become completely invulnerable to chill/cripple/immob in WvW.
- Function Gyro has a habit to interrupt his stomp & follow the player if you move too far away (out of the 750 range threshold?)
- Gyros react way too sensitive to left/right strafing of the player, causing them to shoot off into random directions.The Condi Duration on adaptive armor is not a bug, as it is supposed to be part of the trait. They announced this at the reveal of Scrapper. If you you want to change the fact that you can keep up immunity to movement conditions please post this somewhere else
(I am not trying to be rude or anything here!)
Thank you for your other bugs
30:34 – 31:33
This is the timestamp where they’ve spoken about this trait in the PoI episode about the scrapper. I’m not aware of any other occasion where they’ve spoken about this trait.
Please link me your source, so I can get the latest infos as well.
Until that, it’s a bug in my book.
30:34 – 31:33
This is the timestamp where they’ve spoken about this trait in the PoI episode about the scrapper. I’m not aware of any other occasion where they’ve spoken about this trait.
Please link me your source, so I can get the latest infos as well.Until that, it’s a bug in my book.
Uhm… It just what the trait says. The thing you linked was my source. The trait says that it brings down condi duration by 20%, that is what happens. The fact that it stacks with -condi food and Mecha Legs is just very very strong synergy and not a bug.
If you want this to be adressed (Rebalanced) please post that in the Scrapper feedback thread and do not note something that is in your opinion overpowered but not broken in a bug thread.
30:34 – 31:33
This is the timestamp where they’ve spoken about this trait in the PoI episode about the scrapper. I’m not aware of any other occasion where they’ve spoken about this trait.
Please link me your source, so I can get the latest infos as well.Until that, it’s a bug in my book.
Uhm… It just what the trait says. The thing you linked was my source. The trait says that it brings down condi duration by 20%, that is what happens. The fact that it stacks with -condi food and Mecha Legs is just very very strong synergy and not a bug.
If you want this to be adressed (Rebalanced) please post that in the Scrapper feedback thread and do not note something that is in your opinion overpowered but not broken in a bug thread.
The trait doesn’t affect duration at all, it decreases the condition damage by 20%, so a 1000 burn does 800 now.
Oooomg must ve misread that. My apologies :$ Adding it to the list.
my wasd directional movement is infrequently disabled after using rocket charge and i have to use some kind of forced movement (rocket boots, eg 4, launched, etc) to regain motor control. i dont know what causes this and cant intentionally repro it but its happened a good 5-10 times over the course of prolly 12-18 hours.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Hammer #3 seems to be affected by cripple and chill.
idk if its said yet but the elite gyro follows enemies around instead of being by you to apply invis
Also, Automated Medical Response does not appear to reset the Heal Gyro at 25% hp.
- Blast gyro can’t crit – well he can, like any minion with a 4% chance … just give it our crit chance.
- Gyro AI; blast gyro misses target and explodes somewhere in nowhere, stealth gyro tries to attack enemies, heal and cleansing gyro are completly confused where to go.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Edited guys, thanks.
Recovery Matrix has no internal cooldown and triggers on both Healing Turret and Cleansing burst, allowing very high protection uptime from the normal HT+overcharge+pickup routine.
- Hammer #4 Blocks longer than it’s supposed to.
Rocket Charge’s first leap goes in the direction you’re facing, rather than the direction of the target. This creates distance which the other 2 leaps have to make up and can subsequently cause all 3 hits to miss a static target.
Edited your reports. Thank you!:D
“Stability from stabilasation core not always applying.”
my bad, i read it wrong, it works just fine ^^
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Recovery Matrix has no internal cooldown and triggers on both Healing Turret and Cleansing burst, allowing very high protection uptime from the normal HT+overcharge+pickup routine.
working as intended (I hope)
Purity of Purpose
Recovery Matrix has no internal cooldown and triggers on both Healing Turret and Cleansing burst, allowing very high protection uptime from the normal HT+overcharge+pickup routine.
working as intended (I hope)
Hah, now that’s a silly hope. It also doesn’t trigger when you equip your medkit, so you can rest assured it should only pop up once.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)
Recovery Matrix has no internal cooldown and triggers on both Healing Turret and Cleansing burst, allowing very high protection uptime from the normal HT+overcharge+pickup routine.
working as intended (I hope)
Hah, now that’s a silly hope. It also doesn’t trigger when you equip your medkit, so you can rest assured it should only pop up once.
Welp, the synergy with HT & runes of the defender is real. Love that 21sec protection.^^
No seriously, this trait needs a 10sec icd, else we’re actually sitting on perma-protection.
Welp, the synergy with HT & runes of the defender is real. Love that 21sec protection.^^
No seriously, this trait needs a 10sec icd, else we’re actually sitting on perma-protection.
I tried it with runes of the defender, didn’t trigger on the 6th rune.
Defense field lasts for 3 seconds instead of the 5 mentioned into the tool tip
Game Designer
Thanks for gathering Scrapper bugs together I’ll be smacking (with a hammer) these around as time allows!
Glad we could be of service We are hoping to hear soon from you to hear our balance changes after receiving all the feedback
Greetings, Fvux
Hey guys!
Here is the thread about bugs exclusively for the scrapper! Please do not post any suggestions or something that does not have to do with scrapper!
- Heal Resonator doesn’t seem to be working with Medic Gyro.
- Rapid Regenerator tooltip not affected by Healing Power (The healing itself is)
- Defense Field does not have 240 radius
- Expert Examination doesn’t trigger on Net Turret (Overcharge)
- Detenction Pulse does not reveal NPC’s in Verdant Brink
- Gyro’s have a tendancy to attack enemies while not having attacks
- Function Gyro does not destroy upon finishing on reviving, making it wander around doing nothing
- Rocket Charge doesn’t trigger leap finisher when you leap out of the field. It also does not adjust the range to the target at the first leap making it miss when cast from short range. Also seems to be affected by movement impairing condition. First leap is in your facing direction instead of target.
- Function Gyro interrupts its stomp when moving too far away.
- Adaptive Armor reduces condi duration also by 20%, as its supposed to only decrease the condi damage
- AMR not working with heal gyro
- Stability from stabilasation core not always applying.
- Recovery Matrix has no ICD making it stack high with Healing Turret+ Cleansing Burst
- Hammer 4 acts weird, some say block lasts too long, I rather experienced it starting too late and ending too late.
I have just started testing so I do not have much yet. Please post any bugs and I will update list!
Additional bugs:
Function Gyro sometimes isn’t spawned precisely on the target, causing travel time, and other unknown factors cause Function Gyro to take too long to start performing a stomp.
Function Gyro can only be activated to revive people when you’re NOT in reviving range yourself. It must be activated when you start reviving.
Activating the Function Gyro to stomp often causes your character to start stomping as well, specifically when you’re not in stomping range, effectively taking you out of the fight for a moment, performing a frivolous stomp.
Decisive Renown, only activating when Function Gyro expires. Not actually on all finish or revives as the tooltip states.
Extra suggestion for Decisive Renown: let all enemy deaths and allied revives activate this trait, adjust GCD up if deemed necessary. The Engineer way is often to cleave enemies out instead of stomping.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I’m not sure if it is a bug or intentional, but along with the jumping straight on hammer 3, the pathing on the leaps seems wonky, making it almost completely useless on the new PvE map, it repeatedly dropped me off the edges of cliffs.
Recovery Matrix has no internal cooldown and triggers on both Healing Turret and Cleansing burst, allowing very high protection uptime from the normal HT+overcharge+pickup routine.
working as intended (I hope)
Hah, now that’s a silly hope. It also doesn’t trigger when you equip your medkit, so you can rest assured it should only pop up once.
Expert Examination has no ICD, I am able to hope for anything right now.
Purity of Purpose
’#3 does only give its leap finisher effect when the each of the leap lands in a field, as opposed to just pass through a field. This leads to less successful leap finishers overall.
(edited by Andrige.5609)
From playing around with the blast gyro i can tell that it have a tendency to blow up prematurely as long as there is a target near it. This means that if you tag a ranger shooting you at 900 range while his/her pet is adjacent to you your gyro often blow up on the pet instead of at the marked target.
For defense field the visual effect does not last for the duration of the actual effect.
- Hammer #4 Blocks longer than it’s supposed to.
It looks like it may start later too.
my wasd directional movement is infrequently disabled after using rocket charge and i have to use some kind of forced movement (rocket boots, eg 4, launched, etc) to regain motor control. i dont know what causes this and cant intentionally repro it but its happened a good 5-10 times over the course of prolly 12-18 hours.
+1 on this as well, this happened to me too, in PVP.
(edited by underscore.4219)
I have a more so performance bug to report, but considering it does have to deal with the scrapper, I’ll post it in here.
A guildie of mine was playing around with the gyros and eventually had placed out 4 of the moving gyros (Medic, Bulwark, Sneak, and Purge) out at the same time. Standing still, performance was fine, but as soon as they moved, they reported that their FPS tanked from all 4 moving. I tried this out myself and went into a spot that was giving me about 50 fps. I deployed the 4 gyros and I still had 50fps standing still; however, I as soon as I started moving, the 4 gyros moved and my fps tanked to 15 until I stayed still again.
Granted, I doubt an engi would be running all 4 of those gyros at once; however, it may still be an issue if multiple engis had one or two gyros at the same time.
shredder gyro doesn’t make proper combos with some fields, same problem as mortar kit 1.
light field or water field+ shredder you can see 12 times HEALING BOLTS or CLEANSING BLOTS but nothing happens litterally. no regen stacks no condi gets removed. Tried with mortar kit fields 4 and 5.
When the function gyro is used to finish a downed elementalist, it will self destruct if the elementalist uses vapor form.
While I lack any new findings, I’m gonna bump this thread back up to the top (almost on Page 2!) and try to summarize some points people have made here for easier fixing.
- The Leap finisher on Hammer #3 only works if you hit your attack inside the field, not jump through it. This makes it impossible to say, combo Flamethrower #4 with it as the actual fire field is tiny.
- Blast Gyro blows up prematurely near enemies, despite having been meant to kill a ranged target instead.
- “my wasd directional movement is infrequently disabled after using rocket charge and i have to use some kind of forced movement (rocket boots, eg 4, launched, etc) to regain motor control. i dont know what causes this and cant intentionally repro it but its happened a good 5-10 times over the course of prolly 12-18 hours.” – insanemaniac, underscore
- Shreddery Gyro’s Healing / Cleansing bolts from Water / Light fields do not work.
- Function Gyro self destructs when Elementalists use Vapor form.
- Not a single Scrapper skill works Underwater.
This should just summarize some of the points that weren’t yet in the lists. I’d be more than thankful if someone made a decisive combination-list of bugs so we have an easier overview. I have not been able to test any of these points as the Beta is over, and I personally did not spend too much time on Scrapper.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)
(edited by Sold Out.7625)
Thank you sold out for the list! I will update in the top and add links to the wiki page this afternoon. Ive been away last day so couldnt do much. Ill make it look better as an overview etc:)
I have a more so performance bug to report, but considering it does have to deal with the scrapper, I’ll post it in here.
A guildie of mine was playing around with the gyros and eventually had placed out 4 of the moving gyros (Medic, Bulwark, Sneak, and Purge) out at the same time. Standing still, performance was fine, but as soon as they moved, they reported that their FPS tanked from all 4 moving. I tried this out myself and went into a spot that was giving me about 50 fps. I deployed the 4 gyros and I still had 50fps standing still; however, I as soon as I started moving, the 4 gyros moved and my fps tanked to 15 until I stayed still again.
Granted, I doubt an engi would be running all 4 of those gyros at once; however, it may still be an issue if multiple engis had one or two gyros at the same time.
Had the same issue, thought it was just my PC going bad for some reason. About 60fps with Purge, Sneak, Heal and Bulwark gyros up, only after i started moving and pan my camera back I had below 30fps.
Copy-pasted from the feedback thread.
I’d like to report a “bug”
Skill: Rocket Charge.
The skill description states that this skill is a “combo finisher: leap”
Now, the combo effect you get for using Rocket Charge in a combo field, is a leap effect,However, the way the combo is activated is like a “combo finisher: blast”
This means that you need to land directly inside the combofield after executing your leap, in order to get a combo effect.Ususally leap combos work in a way that you can either leap into, out of or through a combofield to create the combo effect. The only way to get the combo effect of Rocket Charge is to land inside the combo field with every leap. (so jumping out or through a field wont activate the effect)
It would be great if Rocket Charge got adjusted so it works more like regular leap finishers, or change it to a Blast finisher (which I’d prefer anyways)
- skrill
I posted this in the feedback thread a while back, and I didn’t see anybody else mention it, so I’m just going to copy paste it.
Possible bug: the damage taken by the Bulwark Gyro is calculated before damage reductions due to toughness, and uses its own armor when calculating.
Whether you are wearing Knight’s or Berserker’s, the Gyro will take the same amount of damage from a given attack. This makes the Bulwark Gyro comparatively worse in higher armor builds, since the Gyro still absorbs a smaller amount of damage in high armor builds compared to low armor builds.
Even if this is intended behavior, it’s certainly unintuitive since the skill doesn’t do what the skill says; the gyro does not take half of the damage, it takes more than half.
and up to avoid to many Bugs at release
and up to avoid to many Bugs at release
The function gyro is still slow, the animation near the avatar head is very small, and the function gyro bugs when a downed foe moves (tp of a thief or mist form ele)
The function gyro is still slow, the animation near the avatar head is very small, and the function gyro bugs when a downed foe moves (tp of a thief or mist form ele)
Did the Function gyro even use your finisher, or did he have the standard finisher.
The function gyro is still slow, the animation near the avatar head is very small, and the function gyro bugs when a downed foe moves (tp of a thief or mist form ele)
Did the Function gyro even use your finisher, or did he have the standard finisher.
it used my finisher