Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Just make hammer autos count as explosions, we change hammer for rifle and qe.are good to go

But, we’re not… because the scrapper line of traits is simply designed for a play style that doesn’t exist in the current GW2 PVE design (the design I love btw, god I’m scared of what raids are going to be, that’s not in a good way scared, not the scared I was hoping for).

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Tools is not that good. If they fix gyros I’d glady pick scrapper line (= we are going to kick thiefs out of the meta). And dreaming…please, nerf Icebow once for all.

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Tools is not that good. If they fix gyros I’d glady pick scrapper line (= we are going to kick thiefs out of the meta). And dreaming…please, nerf Icebow once for all.

Except the stealth bot pulls agro making it useless, if we want to charge up stealth we’ll just use Smoke Bomb.

Outside of Hammer and possibly shredder gyro for condi this specialization is useless for PVE as it stands (ok maybe niche use for the drone with a reflect).

At the very least stealth gyro needs to not pull NPC agro, hammer not tying you to the traitline would be HUGE. Overall I don’t really want to change the traitline, it’s amazing for what it is, it’s just not PVE, but because all of the little things are tied to traitline unfortunately we will be hurting ourselves by trying to get them. The way they’ve handled these specializations is simply dumb.

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Yes I agree… but hammer looks so cool… Lets hope at least they remove the requirement of specialitation in order to equip the new weapons

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


Well Hammer the way I see it is a damage/utility hybrid weapon much like the rifle it seems too be lacking the burst, but rifle covers that well hammer seems to be more sustained dps a few things look like they have some burst such as the rocket hammer and electrowhirl. The only ability I see slightly lacking on the hammer is the auto atm the might stacks are great as well as vuln but I don’t see why we cant get a small aoe on the last hit making the chain worthwhile too complete. If it was up too me I would make it just like guardian Auto and keep the damage the same on the last hit but increase its cast too 1 sec and have it grant a lightning field for 1.5 sec might be a bit op though.

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: lorddarkflare.9186


Tools is not that good. If they fix gyros I’d glady pick scrapper line (= we are going to kick thiefs out of the meta). And dreaming…please, nerf Icebow once for all.

Except the stealth bot pulls agro making it useless, if we want to charge up stealth we’ll just use Smoke Bomb.

Outside of Hammer and possibly shredder gyro for condi this specialization is useless for PVE as it stands (ok maybe niche use for the drone with a reflect).

At the very least stealth gyro needs to not pull NPC agro, hammer not tying you to the traitline would be HUGE. Overall I don’t really want to change the traitline, it’s amazing for what it is, it’s just not PVE, but because all of the little things are tied to traitline unfortunately we will be hurting ourselves by trying to get them. The way they’ve handled these specializations is simply dumb.

Only if you do not know the idea behind the way they are approaching them.

They want to reign in complexity. As they add new traitlines and weapons, they do not want too many permutations lest balance gets buggered much worse than it already has been.

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Tools is not that good. If they fix gyros I’d glady pick scrapper line (= we are going to kick thiefs out of the meta). And dreaming…please, nerf Icebow once for all.

Except the stealth bot pulls agro making it useless, if we want to charge up stealth we’ll just use Smoke Bomb.

Outside of Hammer and possibly shredder gyro for condi this specialization is useless for PVE as it stands (ok maybe niche use for the drone with a reflect).

At the very least stealth gyro needs to not pull NPC agro, hammer not tying you to the traitline would be HUGE. Overall I don’t really want to change the traitline, it’s amazing for what it is, it’s just not PVE, but because all of the little things are tied to traitline unfortunately we will be hurting ourselves by trying to get them. The way they’ve handled these specializations is simply dumb.

Only if you do not know the idea behind the way they are approaching them.

They want to reign in complexity. As they add new traitlines and weapons, they do not want too many permutations lest balance gets buggered much worse than it already has been.

So they’re dumbing down the system to create less complexity. Again… dumb. Really no getting around it.

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Where did you get the idea of reigning in complexity? Have you played Chronomancer? I don’t think complexity is any significant part of their plan for elite specializations. What they have said however, is that elite specs are supposed to focus on a certain part of a profession and expand that.

I don’t know where this complexity thing is coming from, if they have said this please point me to it.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Tip range fighting, even with the hammer can lessen alot of the " risk " of fighting melee. I myself am looking forward to it in PvE. I do think the cd on the hammer are too low. I think as it stands we can have our own long reflect/block rotation.

Scrapper DPS for Dungeons / Fractals

in Engineer

Posted by: lorddarkflare.9186


Where did you get the idea of reigning in complexity? Have you played Chronomancer? I don’t think complexity is any significant part of their plan for elite specializations. What they have said however, is that elite specs are supposed to focus on a certain part of a profession and expand that.

I don’t know where this complexity thing is coming from, if they have said this please point me to it.

Complexity in terms of balance. They have claimed that the continuous addition of skills as well as the multi-class system contributed to the imbalance in the original GW.