Scrapper = No love for PVE :(
Gryos are more love for PvE as for WvW
Gryos are more love for PvE as for WvW
Be real with yourself for a moment.
The shield Gyro was shown to have 11k health. Even if it had 25k health it would still be a joke. Keep in mind that the flesh golem has, what, 52k health? I think the little bone minions have more health then the defensive gyro.
They can have conditions applied to them. They can be crit. Almost none of them have offensive capabilities, the one that does literally, not joking, KILLS ITSELF TO DEAL DAMAGE, damage that is probably less impressive than a god kitten WRENCH.
Realistically scrapper is for almost exclusively SPvP (Thank you, Esports, for mudering the Engineer elite spec. I can see why so many people love you), where the gyros will still instantly die unless they receive some SERIOUS health buffs. No one will use the healing gyro. Few will use the paper cleansing gyro that anyone with half a brain will crumple in a few seconds. The stealth gyro will maybe grant you 8 seconds of stealth, the only useful aspect being the reveal, which has to compete with the 2s stun, turrets, and 7-8k heal that Supply Crate and Med Pack Drop provides.
But hey, at least we still have grenades! Who here is ready for another 4 years of being forced to used grenades? I know I am!!!!
Thats what i want to say
Scrappers seems to be developed in a hurry to have something to show, for me the results are very disappointing.
You guys have no idea what raids will be like, how about we hold off on all the doom and gloom for a bit eh?
You guys have no idea what raids will be like, how about we hold off on all the doom and gloom for a bit eh?
Raid=PvE not for me
Thats what i want to say
Scrappers seems to be developed in a hurry to have something to show, for me i am very disappointed.
Oh no, even I, angry as I am, believe that this is something they thought long and hard about.
Sadly they had to force more EPIC ESPORTS BOYYSSSSS so they made it an annoying little crapper that sits his bum down on a point and deals 0 damage, being nothing more than a nuisance with AI spam and some tough guy traits.
For PvE? Yeah. Go back to using grenades. Obviously its been working for 4 years why stop now :^))))))))
I love my engineer but this build looks really weak those drones will die in 1 hit
then goes on cool down there is a reason you have to use grenades 90% of the time
Thats what i want to say
Scrappers seems to be developed in a hurry to have something to show, for me the results are very disappointing.
Exactly. Am I the only one who thinks this elite spec got a complete rework a few days before? The icons from the new toolbelt skills for example. They don’t match for what they are actually doing.
The reflection bubble has a bubble icon with the aegis symbol on it.
The aoe superspeed from the explosive gyro has an explosion icon.
The poison field has an icon with flying shields.
The shredder gyro toolbelt skill even hasn’t an icon, they used BoB for this.
And there were some datamined icons, which wasn’t there. Like the one with the gas mask wearing engineer under a bubble.
I guess they were in hurry.
Thats what i want to say
Scrappers seems to be developed in a hurry to have something to show, for me the results are very disappointing.
Exactly. Am I the only one who thinks this elite spec got a complete rework a few days before? The icons from the new toolbelt skills for example. They don’t match for what they are actually doing.
The reflection bubble has a bubble icon with the aegis symbol on it.
The aoe superspeed from the explosive gyro has an explosion icon.
The poison field has an icon with flying shields.
The shredder gyro toolbelt skill even hasn’t an icon, they used BoB for this.And there were some datamined icons, which wasn’t there. Like the one with the gas mask wearing engineer under a bubble.
I guess they were in hurry.
And the trait that said reduced damage after heal skills grant protection, why not simply say it gives you protection?
They probably where going to add some unique 20%ish reduced damage for a few seconds but ran out of time.
Of course this protection on heal trait is very good still. Just not with the specialization heal but with our favorite heal, the healing bo- turret.
The 30 sec cooldown on the mechanic i really hope is just a temporary thing.
And super speed will need to stack.
If you look at the trailer they appear to be purely a visual effect, and my guess is that the only thing nailed down by then was the hammer rocket charge idea. I mean thunderclap really?
Also looking through the data files you can find the super speed to healing trait but nothing about gyros last time i looked. You do however find some other interesting things. Like a merged stabilized armor and cloaking device, a slow on hammer crits/chill on hammer hits (one could be for rev and one for engi i suppose) trait and a turret shield + regen merged trait. There where probably a lot of back and fort in the specialization patch about which traits would be staying. I would have preferred cloaking device to a lot of traits we got now. Also quickness syringe on medkit :/.
What i was expecting was to have a toolbelt like the turrets are now and then unique detonation skills for each (for example the detonation for the splode gyro could be the very skill it is now) while they are in use. The active skill would be repositioning them and giving them tasks (for example shredder would normal follow you and bleed/cripple with the “overcharge” causing its current behavior at the designated location while the splode gyro would preform bombing runs in a line, the bulwark creating a ring of wardingesque ring at the targeted location, the cleansing gyro creating a field of short duration resistance, the sneak gyro slowly moving to an area and opening a miniportal there and at your location that have a cooldown between each port etc.)
If we are to consider using these instead of entire kits they need to offer a lot of flexibility and usability, including overcharges and implementing unique detonations might do just that.
(edited by miriforst.1290)
You guys have no idea what raids will be like, how about we hold off on all the doom and gloom for a bit eh?
If Raids are meant to be more challenging content, I can’t see how Gyro survivability will be any better than Turrets for any other reason that they destroy themselves after a period of time. Stationary AI at least have a chance of pulling aggro away from you. However, with the Scrapper coming with this much daze and stun support, I think the best method of keeping your Gyros alive is to be very proactive in your lockout strategy. It’s the reason why I think that Purge Gyro may actually be useful in PvP, contrary to what people are thinking.
Purity of Purpose
the whirly gyro could be interesting to stack vulnerability fast or especially for condi builds to stack burning fast – if you place a fire field and then use the whirly gyro and the hammer whirl, u should stack a lot of burning…. if i use the gs whirl in my fire field on guardian i stack 10+ stacks of burning
what im wondering tough – when the first expansion takes 3 years to develop, how can it be that they are pressed on time?
(edited by Nemesis.6938)
what im wondering tough – when the first expansion takes 3 years to develop, how can it be that they are pressed on time?
Because the expansion was not the only thing being worked on in the last 3 years….
I sort of saw Scrapper as a trait line that allowed Engies mobility, just enough staying power to handle a couple of swats from big enemies, and remote support away from you with the gyros. I’d personally like to see if they end up being blast finishers as well when they’re self-destructed.
Personally, I’m sort of looking forward to it. Gyros are absolutely not going to replace kits, but I can see myself using one or two of them along with a grenade kit and the mortar.