Scrapper PVE builds.
Wahoo and hi!
Condi is only the norm for high fractals, Red Guardian and Necro heavy epidemic supporting teams in raids. If you play open world, dungeons or 2 kit + support utility engi, power is the norm. Everywhere else, power and condi are free to chose since they deal similiar damage.
So – what exactly are you looking for? An open world build? Dungeons? Fractals? Raids? Let me know and I’ll help ya out
- Ziggy
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
I use to like your builds alot. Can you post a power dungon and / or fractal build? Thanks in advance
Wahoo and hi!
Condi is only the norm for high fractals, Red Guardian and Necro heavy epidemic supporting teams in raids. If you play open world, dungeons or 2 kit + support utility engi, power is the norm. Everywhere else, power and condi are free to chose since they deal similiar damage.
So – what exactly are you looking for? An open world build? Dungeons? Fractals? Raids? Let me know and I’ll help ya out
- Ziggy
Thanks for the heads up. I’m just really looking for advice on all of it really. I’ve only really done open world and dungeons so dont really know what expectations I have in game for the other spots. But really, I just wanted to make sure hammer in PVE wasnt worthless.
is what i use for pve, perma quickness,Fury and perma 25 stacks of might is a thing of beauty
if you have problem takin damage swap the 2nd adept trait on scrapper for protection on heal wich thanks to boon duration is 9 s and then 10 more seconds from toolbelt skill , basically 99% protection uptime unless boon strip enemies are anround
the way you use this build is Ignoring your number 2 and 3 skills as those are slow channels that ignore quickness you actually lose DPS ontop of might stack gains from auto #4 skill is the only worthwhile using skill as its instant 5 attacks basically
can also replace mortar for elixir X as rampage+ quickness is a beast too
(edited by Rezzet.3614)
Wahoo and heya Took me a bit longer to respond, sorry for that, here ya all go
I use to like your builds alot. Can you post a power dungon and / or fractal build? Thanks in advance
I suggest to go with this one for dungeons and fractals up to max level ~40.
- If you don’t have a Rev for Perma Fury, swap Pinpoint Distribution for No Scope.
- If you have a moving target or just can make use of bigger aoes, swap Glass Cannon for Grenadier.
- If you know you could stack Bloodlust, take Superior Sigil of Bloodlust over Air.
- The elixier gun is the utility slot wich you can swap out. It gives you high aoe damage, condi cleanse and a small heal with condi cleanse, however you might swap it out for:
- If you need boonstrip, Mine(field) is an excellent choice.
- If you need reflect, Elixier U or Bulwark Gyro are great options.
- If you prefer to have more blocks, the Toolkit is a solid choice since it’s toolbelt and Pry Bar both have a high damage output aswell.
- If you want to wreck defiance bars, the rocket turret is your man. Deploy, overcharge, let it launch the rocket, knockdown hits, blow turret up, knockback hits, 450 defiance bar damage! BAM! It’s toolbelt is also a hard hitting aoe, bad aim on looong range tough
Above fotm ~40 up to 100, I highly suggest to in as a condi Engi. The mobs have too much armor now and condi will simply outdamage power in that area.
- If you don’t have all the vipers gear, take Superior Sigil of Malice over Bursting and try to aim for 100% burn / bleed duration when fully buffed with a Viper / Sinister mix. If you don’t have Sinister gear yet, Rampager will do it too, but make sure to change that asap!
- If you have only one target you have more dps with Superior Sigil of Earth over Bursting. If you don’t want to carry around multiple weapons, pick Bursting.
- If you have a hard time dodging or can’t make proper use of Kinetic Battery, use Adrenal Implant instead.
- If you can make use of Reactive Lenses, use it over Static Discharge, wich is just the least worst option there.
- If you could make use of some gyros like Sneaky, swap Tools for Scrapper and trait either 333 for max dps or 312 for more regeneration and movement speed. You really don’t lose much damage kicking Tools out, so if you can make the least use of any Scrapper abilities, DO IT!
- The Flame Thrower is the utility slot wich you can swap out. It gives you high aoe damage on a loooong cd, push back (150 defiance bar damage), a one time blind and an excellent single target toolbelt skill, however you might swap it out for:
- If you need reflect, Elixier U or Bulwark Gyro are great options.
- If you prefer to have more blocks (highly recommended for Thaumanova endboss for example), the Toolkit is a solid choice since Pry Bar has a high damage output aswell. Don’t forget to trait it in tools (-33% cdr / +10% power damage)! It’s amazing and barely a dps loss to the FT, even in long fights since the higher lv in fotm, the faster the mobs attack and confusion becomes stronger.
- If you fight more trash than bosses like Cliffside, Ascalon, Molten Facility (weapon test), etc, pick the Flame Turret (yes that’s right!) over the Flame Thrower. It’s toolbelt acts like a 2nd fire bomb and has a low cd and big aoe, while right after that you should deploy and overcharge your Flame Turret for a 2nd smoke bomb for the adds, while also dealing a bit additional aoe burn. The Flame Turret inherits your condi damage and duration! Pick it up again after the smoke field ends for shorter CD, or blow it up to interrupt or attack defiance bars.
- The Flame Turret is rather bad against the Dredges in Underground Facility, you can go for a bulwark gyro here (reflect) right away, since you want Sneak Gyro for the console, I assure you that!
If you have any questions, go ahead!
Wahoo and hi!
Condi is only the norm for high fractals, Red Guardian and Necro heavy epidemic supporting teams in raids. If you play open world, dungeons or 2 kit + support utility engi, power is the norm. Everywhere else, power and condi are free to chose since they deal similiar damage.
So – what exactly are you looking for? An open world build? Dungeons? Fractals? Raids? Let me know and I’ll help ya out
- ZiggyThanks for the heads up. I’m just really looking for advice on all of it really. I’ve only really done open world and dungeons so dont really know what expectations I have in game for the other spots. But really, I just wanted to make sure hammer in PVE wasnt worthless.
Sure thing
So about Dungeons and Fractals, take a look at the response above, that’s all you need to know!
For open world I suggest to go for this build:
It’ll grant you perma 25 stacks might, fury, swiftness, regeneration aswell high protection and quickness uptime. Definitly the best you could do.
Don’t use those runes in raids and dungeons tough, so it’s only viable as a 2nd armor set. You might get yourself 2 exotic power armors if you want to. You don’t need an ascended power armor anywhere, since exotic to power only gives you +20 power, +14 precision and +14 ferocity. That’s like 0% damage increase :’D Only if you are filthy rich or want ot minmax, get an ascended power armor.
In raids and dungeons use Scholar runes, in open world Leadership is the top rune, but Strength works just as fine, if you don’t want to farm Dragon Stand.
If you have trouble with some Hero Points, swap elixier U for Bulwark Gyro or anything else you might find more useful in this specific situation. For example I’ve been driven to the edge and modified this build much more survivability oriented for soloing the Mushroom Queen in TD:
About Raids, you can or rather should get yourself both, a power and a condi gear. Those are the main builds you should be using there:
- Swap out the Elixier Gun if you need something else like the Rocket Turret for max Defiance Bar damage output.
- If you find it more useful to have longer fields or want more aoe damage, trait Siege Rounds over Shrapnel.
- If you don’t have all the vipers gear, take Superior Sigil of Malice over Bursting and try to aim for 100% burn / bleed duration when fully buffed with a Viper / Sinister mix. If you don’t have Sinister gear yet, Rampager will do it too, but make sure to change that asap!
- If you have only one target you have more dps with Superior Sigil of Earth over Bursting. If you don’t want to carry around multiple weapons, pick Bursting.
Raid Bosses and picks:
- Vale Guardian (1910 armor): Normally Engis are dedicated to deal with the Red Guardian (1.3 million armor), so pick Condi in that case. if you already have 2-3 condis and it’s not your duty, go for Power Scrapper, since VG has low armor.
- Gorseval (2597 armor): Gorseval has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. If not, Power and Condi Engi are equal in dps, however as condi you can solo both of the south adds with perma cripple, chill and immobilize just fine, wich may be a valuable pick for your team.
- Sabetha (2597 armor): Power and Condi Engi are equal in dps. However you can go for a special Power Build wich will easily outdamage all alternatives here, aslong as you never dodge and just position your self correctly: - Keep the Thugs blinded! Noone wants to get kicked off the platform or into Sabby flame thrower. Basicly … noone wants to get kicked at all
- Slothasor (2597 armor): Gorseval has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. If your team wants to fight with multiple Necros tough, play condi to give them high amounts of burn they can combine with Epidemic, a necro skill that spreads conditions. If you play with Eles, you are a better version of a “Dagger Focus” Ele, pick the Elixier Gun and make sure noone gets feared or dies to condis. If you lack reflection Bulwark might also be an option.
- Bandit Trio: If your team wants to fight with multiple Necros tough, play condi. If you play with Eles, you are better as a Power Scrapper. Replace the Elixier Gun with Blast Gyro and go for the Mokittenuty. Always keep all the adds blinded, so they won’t bother and especially not fear your allies.
- Matthias (2597 armor): Power. Definitly. I suggest to replace the Elixier Gun with Bulwark Gyro. At first just spam it, later safe it for the bombs and time it for your allies. You are also backup reflect with Bulwark Gyros bubble and your hammer #2. Careful with that one tough, don’t reflect his jump or your team is done for. Swap Applied Force with Final Salvo here, for stabi in water phase and super speed in general. Chronos should grant your perma quickness anyway.
- Escort Glenna: Power and Condi both are fine here. I suggest to go condi tough and solo the wargs with perma cripple, immobilize and chill. Also blind the adds so noone gets kicked into a mine. You should stay with Glenna, not go to the Towers. A very valuable pick!
- Keep Construct (1910 armor): KC has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. You can be useful tough, as helper for pushing the core. Play pwoer, swap out Elixier Gun for the Tool Kit to pull it faster. You can almost skip this phase as an Engi. Since positioning is also all you need here, it’s not required to dodge at all. You can use this: - Xera (armor not tested yet, expected 2597): Power and Condi would be equal in dps, but for other phases you want to burst Shards and Power wins that fight. If Xera ever touches a Shard she also immediately loses all conditions. I suggest to go power here, trait Siege Rounds and dps her with the normal Scrapper Build, blind the adds and use Fumigate of the Elixier Gun each time she uses Blurred Frenzy (stacks tons of confusion), or use Fumigate if you feel it’s needed any other time.
So that’s it for now Phew ^^ If you got questions go ahed!
is what i use for pve, perma quickness,Fury and perma 25 stacks of might is a thing of beauty
if you have problem takin damage swap the 2nd adept trait on scrapper for protection on heal wich thanks to boon duration is 9 s and then 10 more seconds from toolbelt skill , basically 99% protection uptime unless boon strip enemies are anroundthe way you use this build is Ignoring your number 2 and 3 skills as those are slow channels that ignore quickness you actually lose DPS ontop of might stack gains from auto #4 skill is the only worthwhile using skill as its instant 5 attacks basically
can also replace mortar for elixir X as rampage+ quickness is a beast too
I think commanders gear is a bit overkill, since you lose tons of damage with the lack of Ferocity. You already got enough boon duration with Zerker + Leadership.
Take a look at this one:
Consuming Elixiers buffs you, but it takes time, and in that time you could’ve attacked. So passive buffs or buffs with no cast time are the best. I highly recommend to use a FT in solo open world content.
Btw, hammer #2 is affected by quickness, only the reflect will always be 1 seond since it’s not directly bound to the damage potion of the skill, rather an aura you get. The glowing animation gets faster with quickness too. But always use Electro-whirl at all cost, it’s one of our highest dps skills!
Hammer #3 is indeed unaffected by quickness, and generally not used in max dps rotations, but those also use the bomb kit as minimal damage. Rocket Charge is only slightly weaker than the auto attack and that only when you have no quickness. Still it’s a double leap to wreck break bars or heal you up.
So after a bit more than 1 hour of writing I’m finally done Hope it helps you all! If you have questions just ask!
- Ziggy
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Wahoo and heya
Took me a bit longer to respond, sorry for that, here ya all go
I use to like your builds alot. Can you post a power dungon and / or fractal build? Thanks in advance
I suggest to go with this one for dungeons and fractals up to max level ~40.
- If you don’t have a Rev for Perma Fury, swap Pinpoint Distribution for No Scope.
- If you have a moving target or just can make use of bigger aoes, swap Glass Cannon for Grenadier.
- If you know you could stack Bloodlust, take Superior Sigil of Bloodlust over Air.
- The elixier gun is the utility slot wich you can swap out. It gives you high aoe damage, condi cleanse and a small heal with condi cleanse, however you might swap it out for:
- If you need boonstrip, Mine(field) is an excellent choice.
- If you need reflect, Elixier U or Bulwark Gyro are great options.
- If you prefer to have more blocks, the Toolkit is a solid choice since it’s toolbelt and Pry Bar both have a high damage output aswell.
- If you want to wreck defiance bars, the rocket turret is your man. Deploy, overcharge, let it launch the rocket, knockdown hits, blow turret up, knockback hits, 450 defiance bar damage! BAM! It’s toolbelt is also a hard hitting aoe, bad aim on looong range tough
Above fotm ~40 up to 100, I highly suggest to in as a condi Engi. The mobs have too much armor now and condi will simply outdamage power in that area.
- If you don’t have all the vipers gear, take Superior Sigil of Malice over Bursting and try to aim for 100% burn / bleed duration when fully buffed with a Viper / Sinister mix. If you don’t have Sinister gear yet, Rampager will do it too, but make sure to change that asap!
- If you have only one target you have more dps with Superior Sigil of Earth over Bursting. If you don’t want to carry around multiple weapons, pick Bursting.
- If you have a hard time dodging or can’t make proper use of Kinetic Battery, use Adrenal Implant instead.
- If you can make use of Reactive Lenses, use it over Static Discharge, wich is just the least worst option there.
- If you could make use of some gyros like Sneaky, swap Tools for Scrapper and trait either 333 for max dps or 312 for more regeneration and movement speed. You really don’t lose much damage kicking Tools out, so if you can make the least use of any Scrapper abilities, DO IT!
- The Flame Thrower is the utility slot wich you can swap out. It gives you high aoe damage on a loooong cd, push back (150 defiance bar damage), a one time blind and an excellent single target toolbelt skill, however you might swap it out for:
- If you need reflect, Elixier U or Bulwark Gyro are great options.
- If you prefer to have more blocks (highly recommended for Thaumanova endboss for example), the Toolkit is a solid choice since Pry Bar has a high damage output aswell. Don’t forget to trait it in tools (-33% cdr / +10% power damage)! It’s amazing and barely a dps loss to the FT, even in long fights since the higher lv in fotm, the faster the mobs attack and confusion becomes stronger.
- If you fight more trash than bosses like Cliffside, Ascalon, Molten Facility (weapon test), etc, pick the Flame Turret (yes that’s right!) over the Flame Thrower. It’s toolbelt acts like a 2nd fire bomb and has a low cd and big aoe, while right after that you should deploy and overcharge your Flame Turret for a 2nd smoke bomb for the adds, while also dealing a bit additional aoe burn. The Flame Turret inherits your condi damage and duration! Pick it up again after the smoke field ends for shorter CD, or blow it up to interrupt or attack defiance bars.
- The Flame Turret is rather bad against the Dredges in Underground Facility, you can go for a bulwark gyro here (reflect) right away, since you want Sneak Gyro for the console, I assure you that!
If you have any questions, go ahead!
Wahoo and hi!
Condi is only the norm for high fractals, Red Guardian and Necro heavy epidemic supporting teams in raids. If you play open world, dungeons or 2 kit + support utility engi, power is the norm. Everywhere else, power and condi are free to chose since they deal similiar damage.
So – what exactly are you looking for? An open world build? Dungeons? Fractals? Raids? Let me know and I’ll help ya out
- ZiggyThanks for the heads up. I’m just really looking for advice on all of it really. I’ve only really done open world and dungeons so dont really know what expectations I have in game for the other spots. But really, I just wanted to make sure hammer in PVE wasnt worthless.
Sure thing
So about Dungeons and Fractals, take a look at the response above, that’s all you need to know!
For open world I suggest to go for this build:
It’ll grant you perma 25 stacks might, fury, swiftness, regeneration aswell high protection and quickness uptime. Definitly the best you could do.
Don’t use those runes in raids and dungeons tough, so it’s only viable as a 2nd armor set. You might get yourself 2 exotic power armors if you want to. You don’t need an ascended power armor anywhere, since exotic to power only gives you +20 power, +14 precision and +14 ferocity. That’s like 0% damage increase :’D Only if you are filthy rich or want ot minmax, get an ascended power armor.
In raids and dungeons use Scholar runes, in open world Leadership is the top rune, but Strength works just as fine, if you don’t want to farm Dragon Stand.
If you have trouble with some Hero Points, swap elixier U for Bulwark Gyro or anything else you might find more useful in this specific situation. For example I’ve been driven to the edge and modified this build much more survivability oriented for soloing the Mushroom Queen in TD:
About Raids, you can or rather should get yourself both, a power and a condi gear. Those are the main builds you should be using there:
- Swap out the Elixier Gun if you need something else like the Rocket Turret for max Defiance Bar damage output.
- If you find it more useful to have longer fields or want more aoe damage, trait Siege Rounds over Shrapnel.
- If you don’t have all the vipers gear, take Superior Sigil of Malice over Bursting and try to aim for 100% burn / bleed duration when fully buffed with a Viper / Sinister mix. If you don’t have Sinister gear yet, Rampager will do it too, but make sure to change that asap!
- If you have only one target you have more dps with Superior Sigil of Earth over Bursting. If you don’t want to carry around multiple weapons, pick Bursting.
Raid Bosses and picks:
- Vale Guardian (1910 armor): Normally Engis are dedicated to deal with the Red Guardian (1.3 million armor), so pick Condi in that case. if you already have 2-3 condis and it’s not your duty, go for Power Scrapper, since VG has low armor.
- Gorseval (2597 armor): Gorseval has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. If not, Power and Condi Engi are equal in dps, however as condi you can solo both of the south adds with perma cripple, chill and immobilize just fine, wich may be a valuable pick for your team.
- Sabetha (2597 armor): Power and Condi Engi are equal in dps. However you can go for a special Power Build wich will easily outdamage all alternatives here, aslong as you never dodge and just position your self correctly: Keep the Thugs blinded! Noone wants to get kicked off the platform or into Sabby flame thrower. Basicly … noone wants to get kicked at all
- Slothasor (2597 armor): Gorseval has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. If your team wants to fight with multiple Necros tough, play condi to give them high amounts of burn they can combine with Epidemic, a necro skill that spreads conditions. If you play with Eles, you are a better version of a “Dagger Focus” Ele, pick the Elixier Gun and make sure noone gets feared or dies to condis. If you lack reflection Bulwark might also be an option.
- Bandit Trio: If your team wants to fight with multiple Necros tough, play condi. If you play with Eles, you are better as a Power Scrapper. Replace the Elixier Gun with Blast Gyro and go for the Mokittenuty. Always keep all the adds blinded, so they won’t bother and especially not fear your allies.
- Matthias (2597 armor): Power. Definitly. I suggest to replace the Elixier Gun with Bulwark Gyro. At first just spam it, later safe it for the bombs and time it for your allies. You are also backup reflect with Bulwark Gyros bubble and your hammer #2. Careful with that one tough, don’t reflect his jump or your team is done for. Swap Applied Force with Final Salvo here, for stabi in water phase and super speed in general. Chronos should grant your perma quickness anyway.
- Escort Glenna: Power and Condi both are fine here. I suggest to go condi tough and solo the wargs with perma cripple, immobilize and chill. Also blind the adds so noone gets kicked into a mine. You should stay with Glenna, not go to the Towers. A very valuable pick!
- Keep Construct (1910 armor): KC has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. You can be useful tough, as helper for pushing the core. Play pwoer, swap out Elixier Gun for the Tool Kit to pull it faster. You can almost skip this phase as an Engi. Since positioning is also all you need here, it’s not required to dodge at all. You can use this: Xera (armor not tested yet, expected 2597): Power and Condi would be equal in dps, but for other phases you want to burst Shards and Power wins that fight. If Xera ever touches a Shard she also immediately loses all conditions. I suggest to go power here, trait Siege Rounds and dps her with the normal Scrapper Build, blind the adds and use Fumigate of the Elixier Gun each time she uses Blurred Frenzy (stacks tons of confusion), or use Fumigate if you feel it’s needed any other time.
So that’s it for now
Phew ^^ If you got questions go ahed!
is what i use for pve, perma quickness,Fury and perma 25 stacks of might is a thing of beauty
if you have problem takin damage swap the 2nd adept trait on scrapper for protection on heal wich thanks to boon duration is 9 s and then 10 more seconds from toolbelt skill , basically 99% protection uptime unless boon strip enemies are anroundthe way you use this build is Ignoring your number 2 and 3 skills as those are slow channels that ignore quickness you actually lose DPS ontop of might stack gains from auto #4 skill is the only worthwhile using skill as its instant 5 attacks basically
can also replace mortar for elixir X as rampage+ quickness is a beast too
I think commanders gear is a bit overkill, since you lose tons of damage with the lack of Ferocity. You already got enough boon duration with Zerker + Leadership.
Take a look at this one: Elixiers buffs you, but it takes time, and in that time you could’ve attacked. So passive buffs or buffs with no cast time are the best. I highly recommend to use a FT in solo open world content.
Btw, hammer #2 is affected by quickness, only the reflect will always be 1 seond since it’s not directly bound to the damage potion of the skill, rather an aura you get. The glowing animation gets faster with quickness too. But always use Electro-whirl at all cost, it’s one of our highest dps skills!
Hammer #3 is indeed unaffected by quickness, and generally not used in max dps rotations, but those also use the bomb kit as minimal damage. Rocket Charge is only slightly weaker than the auto attack and that only when you have no quickness. Still it’s a double leap to wreck break bars or heal you up.
So after a bit more than 1 hour of writing I’m finally done
Hope it helps you all! If you have questions just ask!
- Ziggy
I’d say the determining factor would be how much damage does commander’s toughness actually mitigate , because if it allows face smashing into enemy groups and tanking I’d say it would then be a matter of preferance
but yes my build is flawed upon trying it some more, it could be improved
(edited by Rezzet.3614)
Wahoo and heya
Took me a bit longer to respond, sorry for that, here ya all go
So after a bit more than 1 hour of writing I’m finally done
Hope it helps you all! If you have questions just ask!
- Ziggy
I’m a pvp player currently getting into pve (and I love it so far), I just finished to craft my ascended viper gears and this post answered all my questions. I may contact you ingame for more informations on specific things Thank you for this and your efforts !
Edit : I think you should “store” this kind of (very) detailled answers somewhere. They are almost guides but will disappear in the forum, which is sad :p
(edited by xZyemto.3928)
- Keep Construct (1910 armor): KC has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. You can be useful tough, as helper for pushing the core. Play pwoer, swap out Elixier Gun for the Tool Kit to pull it faster. You can almost skip this phase as an Engi. Since positioning is also all you need here, it’s not required to dodge at all. You can use this:
Is Skilled Marksman not worth it anymore even when using Rifle?
And, what’s the difference dps wise between rifle and hammer? I always assumed that since hammer had more skills to throw on cd, it did more damage overall. What makes you pick one of the other?
(edited by Krag.6210)
- Keep Construct (1910 armor): KC has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. You can be useful tough, as helper for pushing the core. Play pwoer, swap out Elixier Gun for the Tool Kit to pull it faster. You can almost skip this phase as an Engi. Since positioning is also all you need here, it’s not required to dodge at all. You can use this: Skilled Marksman not worth it anymore even when using Rifle?
And, what’s the difference dps wise between rifle and hammer? I always assumed that since hammer had more skills to throw on cd, it did more damage overall. What makes you pick one of the other?
hammer has 50% more damage than rifle and ontop of that autos give up to 3 stacks of might adding yet more dps
as well as the probable 20% more from traits
and before you go and say that hammer is op no it is quite the opposite rifle is underpowered 30-50% weaker than all professions’s ranged power weapons except for necro’s
I’m a pvp player currently getting into pve (and I love it so far), I just finished to craft my ascended viper gears and this post answered all my questions. I may contact you ingame for more informations on specific things
Thank you for this and your efforts !
Edit : I think you should “store” this kind of (very) detailled answers somewhere. They are almost guides but will disappear in the forum, which is sad :p
Glad to hear such a nice response! Those detailed posts are stored in my forum post history – if it takes me too long to find one, it’s probably outdated anyway so I’ll be forced to always give an up-to-date statement
- Keep Construct (1910 armor): KC has a big hitbox, so you’ll often get replaced by an op staff Ele in that case. You can be useful tough, as helper for pushing the core. Play pwoer, swap out Elixier Gun for the Tool Kit to pull it faster. You can almost skip this phase as an Engi. Since positioning is also all you need here, it’s not required to dodge at all. You can use this: Skilled Marksman not worth it anymore even when using Rifle?
And, what’s the difference dps wise between rifle and hammer? I always assumed that since hammer had more skills to throw on cd, it did more damage overall. What makes you pick one of the other?
The problem with Skilled Marksman is, that it only reduces the Rifle’s CDs.
Something very important: Quickness is the attack speed cap! So if you’re thinking about raid enviorments, always lower your priority of attack speed traits, they are relatively bad in general.
The attack speed increase also only works on Blunderbuss, on Jump Shot only the windup gets faster, the jump itself is attack speed / Quickness immune (movement skills in general with some exceptions like thief dagger #2 or staff #2).
So you’ll only have shorter CDs, wich is nice, yes, but more condi damage just gives you more, even as a power engi. Any damage is good damage, it doesn’t matter what kind of damage it is (we ain’t racist! >:3). Blunderbuss, Shrapnel Grenades, Fire Bomb and (if traited) Shrapnel all deal quite a lot condi damage. A power Engi still deals around 10-15% condi damage.
About Hammer vs Rifle, check out the next quote!
hammer has 50% more damage than rifle and ontop of that autos give up to 3 stacks of might adding yet more dps
as well as the probable 20% more from traitsand before you go and say that hammer is op no it is quite the opposite rifle is underpowered 30-50% weaker than all professions’s ranged power weapons except for necro’s
Let’s not get offtopic here, that may lead to confusion. We’re talking about rifle vs hammer builds at specific raid bosses like Sabetha or the Keep Construct.
The hammer skills increase your total dps way more than rifle skills do, this is true. Yet auto attacks are no argument whatsoever, since you mustn’t be using any auto attacks besides the bombs in raids! Everything else is a huge DpS loss.
- Hammer DpS increases over bomb AA are: Thunderclap > Electro-whirl > Shock Shield
- Rifle DpS increases over bomb AA are: Blunderbuss > Jump Shot
I do not prefer the rifle over the hammer, but I prefer Tools over Scrapper in those two situations. The reason for that is mainly this trait:
“While at full endurance you deal additional damage. Damage Damage Increase: 10%”
If you don’t have to dodge your overall dps gets boosted by 10%, wich is (combined with the other two traits mentioned) bigger than the difference between hammer and rifle.
So only use the Vanilla Power Engi against enemies you’ll never have to dodge.
My latest damage tests were like this (full buffed, 8 conditions on the enemy to not exploit
- Vanilla Rifle Engi: 32k
- Hammer Scrapper: 29k
- P/P Engi: 30k
- P/P Scrapper: 29k
- Ziggy
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”