Seriously? What about the Engineers?
There are a ton of traits being introduced that won’t be popular, but I don’t care. The more the better. Things start lining up eventually and you can make a cool build out of nothing. That was my main hobby in GW1. Making 4 legendary vanquishers means you want to get creative with your builds.
You people are mad because we got a faster LB skill? That has yer panties gnarled? What about Engineers? They already are considered useless by the majority of the player base. Now they get…A BUBBLE FOR THEIR TURRETS THAT THEY NEVER USE! Seriously, gain some perspective folks.
LOL… My engineer eats ranger for breakfast in WvW. (Well, in spvp limited space, spirit ranger is another story though…)
According to these forums, everybody murders everybody with no effort in WvW.
According to these forums, everybody murders everybody with no effort in WvW.
Yeah you’re right, but condi engi >>any ranger for the reason that ranger has not enough condi cleanse to counter a condi engi with perplexity runes.
I fight them by sending in the drakehound first to knock them down and immobilize them. Hopefully by the time they get out of that they’re dead because I have a longer range, and then I have a few other tricks if they’re not so easily snared.
It’s not black and white X beats Y for any class ever. Meaning I do lose to condi engis sometimes as well, but nothing is ever a given. Every class and every build has a weakness. (Even if warriors have very few!)
You people are mad because we got a faster LB skill? That has yer panties gnarled? What about Engineers? They already are considered useless by the majority of the player base. Now they get…A BUBBLE FOR THEIR TURRETS THAT THEY NEVER USE! Seriously, gain some perspective folks.
lol totally bs from a noob who doesnt know anything about engi
u obviously dont know how powerful engi can be if you know to use it
Just can talk about PvE engi, he was my 2nd lv80 and now that I have all the classes played at lv80 for quite a long time (except guard unfortunately) and I can say that the engi is pretty underrated. He has the same AoE damage as an ele, however it takes more efforts to do so, and he feels like the hardest class to play effective. Just to share 18 stacks of might takes an ApM burst, however the result is beautiful. He has probably the best overall skillset, with perma might stacks like a guard, reflection like a guard / mesmer, long time stealth like a thief and healing / cleansing like a mes or guard. I love this class, totally allrounder. The only thing he lacks is at single target dps, however he still is able to keep up the 25 stacks vulnerability on bossfights wich grants the team a huge damage boost on his account.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
You people are mad because we got a faster LB skill? That has yer panties gnarled? What about Engineers? They already are considered useless by the majority of the player base. Now they get…A BUBBLE FOR THEIR TURRETS THAT THEY NEVER USE! Seriously, gain some perspective folks.
turrets already give players in wvw a hatd time, they are quite powerful when used correctly. what makes this GM trait awesome is the fact that a couple of engis can greatly improve defense when attacking towers/keeps. a party of good engis can easily perma-reflect around rams.
i really like the way they start going, giving each class a unique task in wvw (instead of “more hamwarrs!”)
What about Engineers? Simple. We fix some of the extensive bugs on Turrets, slap on useless GM traits, and other then that we just nerf em, because of the most gimmick of builds in the most gimmick of gamemodes.
So, because turrets are supposedly weak right now, they should just leave them the way they are?
That’s the whole point of changes like that. Trying to improve the game. They’re trying to make the turrets better so that we’ll fins a use for them.
Then they should fix the root and not the leaves of the tree. Turrets have to be able to crit, increase their HP, especially thumber, let them take 25% damage from aoe’s and increase the healing of the toolkit aswell buff the pickup cd to 50% or 1% per %HP.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
No they should replace the idea of turrets in their heads and create something new. Turrets are not good and in sPvP nobody likes AI fights and buffing turrets means that we have a forrest of turrets fighting for us.
Just can talk about PvE engi, he was my 2nd lv80 and now that I have all the classes played at lv80 for quite a long time (except guard unfortunately
) and I can say that the engi is pretty underrated. He has the same AoE damage as an ele, however it takes more efforts to do so, and he feels like the hardest class to play effective. Just to share 18 stacks of might takes an ApM burst, however the result is beautiful. He has probably the best overall skillset, with perma might stacks like a guard, reflection like a guard / mesmer, long time stealth like a thief and healing / cleansing like a mes or guard. I love this class, totally allrounder. The only thing he lacks is at single target dps, however he still is able to keep up the 25 stacks vulnerability on bossfights wich grants the team a huge damage boost on his account.
I just had to point out, that our reflect isn’t even close to as good as the Mesmer or the guard. Ours only covers ourselves, we cant use any other abilities while reflecting, or move. Guards and Mesmers can do all that, all while covering the whole group with their reflects. Plus, the engi reflect has pretty close to the same cooldown as theirs. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a good ability, and I use it all the time to great effect, but it’s still not as good as the guardian or Mesmer reflects.
Elixier U? Thats the offspring of the curtain and reflection wall! Well maybe the smoke screen sister >_>…
Sure weaker, since noone can reflect as much as a mesmer, however the guard rather absorbs wich destroyes damage.
There is no problem with reflecting “just for yourself”. Aslong as your positioning fits you deal great damage aswell can protect everyone (hug the enemy).
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Air blast also works as a reflection skill.
Granted, I don’t know how long its duration is and also that I’ve never seen another engineer use it to reflect something.
Maybe because FT is kinda bad in PvE anyway? If you need reflection equip a shield and Elixier U. To reflect just one attack isn’t really worth in general. Most of the time a good smoke bomb or a toolkit block is safer and won’t leave you with many useless skills.
However depends on playstyle: The general explosives expert (meta), HGH rifle wanna be or pseudotank 0 dmg FT dude. I guess you get what I want to say
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
just make turrets immune to AOE dmg already and they will be used a lot more
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Air blast also works as a reflection skill.
Granted, I don’t know how long its duration is and also that I’ve never seen another engineer use it to reflect something.
I must admit i did not know this…
Flamerthrowe might not be best DPS, but it certainly the best weapon for farming hoardes. Full zerker with juggernaut trait and its easy loot. I Prefer flamethrower over bombs and nades for farming.
Oh, I think in about 4 weeks after the patch goes live you will see how the bubble on the turret really helps. ESPECIALLY, because you can retrait so quickly.
You people are mad because we got a faster LB skill? That has yer panties gnarled? What about Engineers? They already are considered useless by the majority of the player base. Now they get…A BUBBLE FOR THEIR TURRETS THAT THEY NEVER USE! Seriously, gain some perspective folks.
Are you effing kidding me? Reflects are like the number one most desired thing in dungeons and fractals. The “FGS meta” hinges around having them; it’s the only reason people take mesmers ever since they nerfed quickness, and it’s half the reason people love guardians in fractals.
We now have the opportunity to trait our engineer to literally do all the heavy lifting in Harpy Fractal when it comes to reflects. And we can swap in and out of this at will. We can retrait our engineers for Dredge to make the best use of stealth skills, and we still have top-notch vulnerability stacking and condition removal.
Engineer has literally turned itself into a top-tier “carry” class for high-level FOTM, second perhaps only to a hammer guardian to that end, and you suggest that we lack perspective?
How many classes do you actually have leveled to 80 and geared in ascended? How many have you taken into FOTM 50? The healing turret is already a significant contributor to group survivability in 40+ fractals, and now they just put a projectile bubble around it.
Engineers are going to be cray.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
You know, reading this thread, I can only image that the OP wandered his/her drunk self into the engi forum, fully ready for a fight. Why would anyone be upset about a longbow skill? On a ranger? Why is this thread even here? Honestly, I can’t wait for the new engineer features. I wonder if one of us came over to the ranger thread to start trouble… Anyway I play these two classes and I’m kind of stoked for changes on both! I want the extra condition removal, and I think the longbow speed buff trait will be a great edge in PvP as long as I package it with a few skills and traits.
As far as OP, dude what are you doing?! I thought rangers were the only ones upset about the Longbow speed GM trait. I know a lot of people are depressed and catatonic over new traits they don’t understand for their professions. I’m sure some sad engineers can join you too, but relax. I can guarantee you whoever ticked you off enough for you to post here has trouble fighting rangers. And, sad to say, if they have trouble fighting rangers in their current form, they have trouble being an engineer.
Edit: OMG y’all go to the ranger thread and soak up THEM T E A R S™. They are literally breaking down the etymology of the word “Ranger” to mean they need more longbow buffs. I thought we fought hard with each other in the engi thread but they are biting jugulars over there. Go with popcorn but please stand behind the warning tape!
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
Oh, I think in about 4 weeks after the patch goes live you will see how the bubble on the turret really helps. ESPECIALLY, because you can retrait so quickly.
True – ppl have to create and invent new temporary builds for each situation. At the moment I only do this at my main, the mesmer, I never wanted to retrait my engi so far, he just desn’t need it … yet!
Great input, the fact of free retraiting increases the usage of our skills!
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”