Show Your Turret's Health Bars on the UI, Add Repair Skills

Show Your Turret's Health Bars on the UI, Add Repair Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


I really think that players should be able to see their turrets’ health bars on the UI near the toolbelt bar. As quickly as they go down, it’d be nice to have that level of awareness so I could detonate them more easily just before they’re destroyed. It’d also be really nice to be able to repair turrets manually, either with a separate skill or as a replacement for the “Pick It Up” action that removes them. I think that would be an acceptable trade-off for not being able to move them around. (Note: My engineer is still very low level, so if there are repairs buried in the trait lines or in later skills, disregard this, although I feel like they should be granted with the turret skills themselves.)

Show Your Turret's Health Bars on the UI, Add Repair Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Crim.6049


There is a trait that makes turret self repairing and the “tool kit” can repair turrets

However the heal amount on the toolkit is insanely low, it will take you about a minute to repair a turret from half hp to full