Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198



What really makes a P/S 3 kit engie better?

1) Earth (For Bleeds)
This seems the obvious choice given we bleed well but not up to 25 stacks easily and it would basically work for any kit skill (many kit a LOT of targets).
Not sure how it works on AE.

2) Bursting (6% more condition damage)
Would that really help more than just getting more bleed stacks? I would think the bleed stacks would be faster damage too.

3) Endurance (50% on using a heal skill)
I have a lot of vigor with my engie in its current build and would I want to waste a sigil on this?
Not a big dodger in large scale or even mid scale wvw because I have so many kit skills and backline more. Maybe I should be!

Note: I always have a “duplicate” weapon for condition stacks which I then swap out once maxed or if I don’t have time to kill animals.

Again, as always, I am running a 30/10/0/20/10 spec. As name implies, I love explosions (bombs, nades, egun).

Thanks again everyone! I know lots of questions from the new kid!

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


earth is bad. use battle. bursting is good when you get 25 corruption stacks but that requires 2 shields. if you only have/want one shield then use corruption over bursting. i don’t know what sigil of endurance is. maybe you mean sigil of energy (50% endurance on weapon swap). sigil of energy is good especially if you are like me and run 20 alchemy without the vigor trait.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I did mean energy. Whoops.
I do on all characters run a “throw away” weapon or shield for stacks then swap it to my mains.
Sigil of battle is a given especially on a fast swapping 3 kit engineer. . . I think.
The real issue is what to pair it with. I am going bursting right now.

Vigor or an injection? (Blood or protection? I would think protection).

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Sigil of earth i think is only good for 1v1, 1v2 situations since condition removal is in abundance your better of taking sigil of geomancy assuming you running grenade kit you can instantly stack 6 bleeds and apply more on top of that giving you around 8-10 stacks of bleed which you can do every 10 seconds and its aoe, that condi burst imo is alot more effective in the long run since it gives you the option to burst and go defensive till you have to burst again and with the short cd allows you to upkeep it rather easy threw all the condition removal getting around rather then sigil of earth you need to constantly apply pressure to get the most out of the sigil, sigil of earth (not sure on this) i think has a 2sec icd which means you can only really get 5 stacks of bleed total out of it over 10 seconds assuming you manage to proc it every 2 seconds.

sigil of bursting is always good since more condition damage.

sigil of energy is a different one, the suriveability it opens up is great but there are some great options for damage output but do you feel you need the extra dodge or do you find your self not needing it and will more damage ultimately result in better surviveability (killing something faster normally means your genna take less damage)

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
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Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


if sigil of battle is a given, then sigil of earth and energy are out because they do not stack with battle, meaning if you swap kits and gain might from battle, you cannot proc sigil of earth bleeds for 10 seconds (the cooldown for sigil of battle) and vice versa.

so if you are sticking with sigil of battle, i recommend sigil of corruption as your other sigil. once you get to max corruption stacks then you can swap that out for bursting. that will give you maximum condition damage.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


What about using torment? Would that be better than Battle?

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


What about using torment? Would that be better than Battle?

nope torment is a waste on engineer due to the lack of reapplication, i have used the torment sigil and the torment rune together and it was no way near as good as some of the options we have avaliable

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


earth is bad.

With this sigil, in rabid gear, at just 50% condition duration, it is a constant 200 DPS. I have to question logic in which the first thing your stating is that a solid 200 DPS is bad. It is actually a very good sigil considering it is a now maintenance sigil that is very cheap to acquire. It may not be an ideal sigil, but to blatantly label it as bad is inaccurate.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mork vom Ork.2598

Mork vom Ork.2598

Earth sigil is ok for a condition&crit build in ranged fights vs. a single target, but that’s about it. It’s not as bad as e.g. Sigil of Venom, but even for a condi build there are much better options.

Still loving the smell of Napalm
Bill Kilgore – [BIER] – Seafarer’s Rest random Megaserver

(edited by Mork vom Ork.2598)

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Ok what is the best option/s for a pistol and shield in an engie 3 kit condition build?

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I would say battle over all it improves your dps and since your allways swapping kits it’s pritty much a permanent 6-9 stacks of might which adds up to 210- 315 extra condition damage and power, personally I’d run a sigil of leeching since you can make really good use of it and it’s essentially a 900 damage/heal every 10 seconds and if you using scavenger runes can really add up to a lot of extra damage in a condition build

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I always use corruption. If you want to you can swap out at 25 stacks for bursting and still keep your stacks, but they are working on fixing that so it’s up to you.

I like both battle and torment for WvW on my other weapon since both add to the aoe damage.

Battle being a given I would certainly go corruption/bursting.

Ukuni what do you mean by lack of reapplication with torment sigil? Just talking about large scale fights? I don’t usually have any issues keeping a stack or two on people when I use it unless it’s Zerg vs. Zerg (which I don’t like much in general anyways).

Tarnished Coast
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(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985



15 char

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Ok, so I have torment and battle on shields now and
bursting and corruption on pistols and am swapping as needed.

Thanks for all the input! Really helps when you are the new Asura.

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mork vom Ork.2598

Mork vom Ork.2598

I […] am swapping as needed.

This, my fellow student from Rata Sum college, is the Way of the Engineer

Still loving the smell of Napalm
Bill Kilgore – [BIER] – Seafarer’s Rest random Megaserver

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


You do not have to like it, but earth is a solid sigil, regardless of what you say about it. It is very good damage for high condition duration builds, and matches very well with full rabid gear builds. Like it or not, it is solid for condition builds of all kinds. Maybe not the best for everything, but solid for condition builds.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Let’s figure this out.
Sigil of Earth is ICD 2 seconds to provide a 5 second bleed, right?
On grenades, assume the attack hits 15 people, how many can proc the bleed?
Then is it once one procs the bleed, the sigil is on “cooldown” for 2 seconds? (whether it was a critical for 1 or 15 targets)?
If so, then in a big fight wouldn’t that add quite a bit of damage?

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kanto.1659


It will proc once and then go on CD for 2 seconds. So if you hit five people and proc once you will bleed one person out of five.

Sigils Bleeds, Bursting, Endurance?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


In my case, I run a 100% condition duration build when I use this sigil. Thus, optimally I could proc a bled on my target every 2 seconds, stacking up to 5 bleeds for 700 DPS just from the sigils bleed alone. As I am managing 140 per single bleed tick.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.