Silverwastes engi builds?

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jack.1469


Decided to work on leveling my engineer to break the monotony of playing warrior and guardian. Was hoping you guys could fill me in on what kinds of builds tend to shine the most in Silverwastes.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i run this (or this) just like i do anywhere else in open world pve (fall damage worries in parentheses)

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jack.1469


i run this (or this) just like i do anywhere else in open world pve (fall damage worries in parentheses)

I’ll take a look at that one.

So I hear that engis can maintain perma swiftness? How exactly is that done?

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


speedy kits or power shoes, included in each

speedy kits = swap to a kit to get 10 sec of swiftness w/ 10 sec cd

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Standard grenade or sd rifle work fine.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


Lol you can literally use any build in open world PvE because it’s all just a group of 50 people auto attacking as much as they can for loot including the champions! I’d recommend just finding an aspect of the class you like, be it Flamethrower or turrets or whatever, and make a build off that!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylentir.8913


In terms of build, as long as you have traits that support whatever kits you use, you’re solid. Open-world doesn’t require especially rigorous builds.

I’d advocate trying Flamethrower. It’s less DPS than grenades, but IMO more fun and intuitive. Bombs are another solid choice.

While Elixir Gun and Toolkit are amazing kits, they don’t have especially amazing DPS, so I’d probably avoid them in your case.

Talia Gallowglass [Few] ~ Sylvari Engineer Main
Ferguson’s Crossing

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Go flamethrower full-time with the juggernaut trait, assassin’s gear and a strength sigil.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


In pve everything works . I suggest you to try 6,6,0,0,2 with nades, toolkit and eg with rifle.
You have good damage and good survivability thanks to toolkit. If you want to use bomb and nades ( for me a really really strong setup) , with eg as 3 utility , i suggest you to switch from rifle to pistol shield for having a block

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: DivineBuddha.1589


I run this

I try to lock down any enemies I can while still doing a huge amount of damage and I rarely go down Blasting water, fire, and smoke fields depending on whats needed

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arioso.8519


Conditions are getting fixed/improved, and even now, condi builds are useful in silverwastes because of husks, so it might be worth investing in some condition damage gear.

I’m running a typical 66002 Grenadier trait set up and added some Rampager and sinister gear to my setup while mostly focusing on burning down husks with grenades and elixir gun. I can tear those things down fairly quick, though if you have glassy gear like mine you’ll want to watch your back for wolves since they can down you pretty quick if you get flanked.

And while in Silverwastes, always have at least one stunbreak on you, I like the elixer gun for that since I can help people out with some healing and cleansing on top of having my stunbreak, but whichever stunbreak skill you like will do the trick, so long as you bring one. If a teragriff knocks you down and you’re stuck on the burn trail it leaves behind, you’ll eat a lot of damage and often die, since players trying to help you would also take damage from the trail.

It’s not too hard to dodge them, but it can get pretty hectic on fort defenses so the extra insurance is really helpful.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea what the guy above me said.
Condition is very much worth it in silverwastes because of the multitude of mobs that take significantly more damage from conditions.
These mobs include husks and…nope…that’s it!

To be optimal I suggest you have 2 gear sets ready. One sinister/rabid to kill husks and another berserker set for literally every other mob on the map.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I run berserker with scholar and a couple assassin’s thrown in, accuracy/force usual meta build. Nades/flamethrower/elixir gun with a rifle, supply crate and heal turret. 6/6/0/0/2. Solo fort defenses are possible but sometimes iffy depending on your ability to dodge and stopping leeching thrashers from sucking your soul through walls.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: wharone.1809


I’m running a typical 66002 Grenadier trait set up and added some Rampager and sinister gear to my setup while mostly focusing on burning down husks with grenades and elixir gun. I can tear those things down fairly quick, though if you have glassy gear like mine you’ll want to watch your back for wolves since they can down you pretty quick if you get flanked.

So just running with Rampager/Sinister with the standard Grenadier set-up will do the trick? I kind of want to do something new than just simply powerbased builds in the SW, especially after I saw this engie duo team absolutely shred Slingers in seconds.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


rampager gear is inferior, precision (without ferocity) is a weak choice of main stat. go full sinister or rabid or whatever if you wanna slay husks and not be power.

edit: precision without ferocity.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I’m running a typical 66002 Grenadier trait set up and added some Rampager and sinister gear to my setup while mostly focusing on burning down husks with grenades and elixir gun. I can tear those things down fairly quick, though if you have glassy gear like mine you’ll want to watch your back for wolves since they can down you pretty quick if you get flanked.

So just running with Rampager/Sinister with the standard Grenadier set-up will do the trick? I kind of want to do something new than just simply powerbased builds in the SW, especially after I saw this engie duo team absolutely shred Slingers in seconds.

Problem is that until the expansion we’re stuck with a condi cap. So while condi is actually pretty awesome on the trash because you don’t team up and reach the cap often, when you get to the bosses, well, bye bye substantial bleeds.

So if you’re willing to carry two sets you could go with a condi build then swap out for breach/vw, or just stick with it knowing you’re not doing all that much

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


And while in Silverwastes, always have at least one stunbreak on you, I like the elixer gun for that since I can help people out with some healing and cleansing on top of having my stunbreak, but whichever stunbreak skill you like will do the trick, so long as you bring one.

Am I about to learn something new? Does the Elixir Gun have a stunbreak? Which action does it?

I just looked it up… it’s the toolbelt skill! Holy &#! Had no clue all this time!

(edited by Elias.3204)

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arioso.8519


Since I’m getting called on the condi thing: for the record, I’m not specifically recommending you run a condi build, but I’m saying it’s an option in the silverwastes, if condition builds appeal to you. No, it isn’t optimal against everything, but not optimal doesn’t mean useless, you don’t need to min-max like you’re planning dungeon speed runs for any open world map.

And to be honest, I don’t really care that my investment in condition damage lowers my potential individual dps against big bosses. If there’s 30 other people wailing on the thing, it’s going down anyways. And Rampager/Sinister stats still use power, so it not like you’re having all your damage overwritten like a pure condi build. It IS less damage, but not to the point of “not doing all that much” Engineers are actually a lot better at pulling off hybrid builds and mixed stats than most other classes. (again, not optimal, but doable)

And yes, Precision isn’t the best stat for sheer damage unless you have the full Zerk/Assasin stat sets. But that’s not why I keep high precision, it’s for basically 100% uptime of “on crit” traits, sigils, runes and food.

I have constant uptime of high might and vuln stacks. I can’t be bothered to actually calculate my DPS verses a zerk set-up using similar tricks, but I’m perfectly happy with my damage output. Stuff dies plenty fast for my needs.

Since I’m ranting about it, may as well put it out there. Here’s more or less what I have for my build, if anyone cares to take a look:

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Since I’m getting called on the condi thing

im not calling you on going condi, im saying rampager is a waste of gold. people dont generally try to figure that out, for example by buying 2 sets of exotic gear and giving each set a fair run. theyll buy a single set and use that, maybe even with el cheapo runes, because exotic gear is a big chunk of change to just flush down the salvage-o-matic. maybe theyll buy another set of rare gear just to give another stat combo a shot for a day. but its rarely on a level field, because there are like a million other things to buy. the only reason i personally have about 5.5 sets of exotic with ascended trinkets is cuz i dont really play any other classes. (assassin/zerk, knight/zerk, dire/rabid, sinister, soldier, 3/4 of cele. used to have rabid before sinister [inventory space], used to use some cav before 4/15/14 [ferocity], used to have a rampager set 2 years ago [was noob])

in the end, yes everything is viable, but theres a difference between viable and good. and people posting these threads are looking for whats good, because usually theyre having some kind of trouble playing their engi. and its turning them off to the class. and for that its usually one of about 3 things: bad gear, using turrets, or being bad at using healing turret.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arioso.8519


im not calling you on going condi, im saying rampager is a waste of gold.

Yeah, I was kinda blanket replying to several replies at once, that bit didn’t really apply to yours.

The rampager gear I have is from before sinister was even a thing, meaning it was the only gear that had precision, power and condition as the three stats. I don’t really need the toughness from dire (glassy is fine with me since I can keep my distance with grenades in open world) so I rather like having the high crit proc rate on sigils instead.

I have yet to get around to crafting any Sinister armor, does it make that much of a difference over Rampager? I haven’t had a chance to test it out, so if it makes a noticeable difference I might make a few pieces.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


when a condi build runs all main stat condi things, its a drastic difference in the feel of your dps. also, the way condis are balanced right now, top dps in solo play is about the same as zerk/sin, but you have to use food cuz you get literally around 33% more dps. power gear isnt so dependent on food. so if you feel like its pretty good and you always make sure to have duration food on, thats probably why its feels good. the food.

make your sinister armor. charged ambrite is tradable and cheap.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions