(edited by Hebee.8460)
Skill/Trait Updates incoming for all!
With these changes in mind, we are going to be making a few builds a little harder to achieve due to their extreme effectiveness.
They probably mean might stacking builds (yes, you HGH).
(edited by Ravak.8912)
My thoughts on..
Trait revamp- I’m excited to see where this goes because I feel like we have a lot of fairly useless traits.
Torment- As long as it stacks duration instead of intensity and is difficult to apply, I think I’ll be ok with it. Otherwise it could be crazy op against melee classes and those with little condi removal.
Stunbreakers- Does this mean we might see some on kits and turrets? That would open up a lot of possibilities!
Weakness- I wonder how elixir gun 1 is affected by it.
Sorrow’s Furnace
Oh pleeeease oh please oh please let us get stunbreakers on kits.
I wonder if Torment, as a movement impeding condition, will be removed by skills that already remove those kinds of conditions specifically (Thief’s Withdrawal, our Overcharged Shot)?
Arabelle Jones | Human Engineer
Stormbluff Isle
I just get a deep, dreadful feeling in my gut for the Engineer class after reading those notes. I just don’t have a good feeling for us.
I just get a deep, dreadful feeling in my gut for the Engineer class after reading those notes. I just don’t have a good feeling for us.
For some reason I get that feeling too. At least our class is still miles more fun to play than others, eh.
Expect mega nerfs to hgh and grenadier traits. In return I’m hoping for a decent grandmaster bomb trait at least.
Incoming Engineer nerf.
. . .
Torment, they have got to be kidding.
Here’s Confusion, do stuff and take damage. Here is Retaliation, hit me and take damage. Here is Torment, so much as move and take damage. Whats next? Dam:nation? Deals extra damage if target stays logged in?
And Thieves and Mesmers are two of the professions to get this. Seriously!? Every patch Thieves get a new mechanic or something? And dealing with these professions in particular involves a lot of moving. And its already a tough matchup. So this is just going to be so much fun…
ANet class balance still lives up to its expectations, so i expect a big disapointment for us tommorrow. And a headyhanded nerf to whatever we still call “viable”.
I think we all feel that way bc there was no mention of any positive Engineer changes….and due to history and it repeating and all that.
I am trying to remain optomistic though as we do have MANY completely trash traits.
Due to the specific talks of trying to give all build varieties a stun break option, I am curious if we will get some kind of new trait that allows kit engis to stun break.
There better FINALLY be some significant turret buffs, especially to the armor/hp. Feline/bird ranger pets being harder to kill is ridiculous and silly and its not funny anymore.
We need some kind of turret specialization trait that allows further reduced CDs on picking up turrets as well, so we can maintain the ability to move around the map without putting a turret on a 35s cooldown.
That said, I fully expect some nerfs to the popular HGH elixir builds. It is just too much reward for little effort.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Looks like new condition Torment stacks Intensity – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/Torment/first#post2249371
Should defiantly be interesting. Might have to “always” go 20 into alchemy for condition removal. We will see once we play with it & learn it.
Incoming Engineer nerf.
. . .
this time they are going to remove engineer from game.
Expected to be nerfed:
409, hgh, Grenade kit
Expected to be buffed:
Flamethrower, Scope, Trait work
(edited by NickDollahZ.5348)
Torment, they have got to be kidding.
Here’s Confusion, do stuff and take damage. Here is Retaliation, hit me and take damage. Here is Torment, so much as move and take damage. Whats next? Dam:nation? Deals extra damage if target stays logged in?
And Thieves and Mesmers are two of the professions to get this. Seriously!? Every patch Thieves get a new mechanic or something? And dealing with these professions in particular involves a lot of moving. And its already a tough matchup. So this is just going to be so much fun…
ANet class balance still lives up to its expectations, so i expect a big disapointment for us tommorrow. And a headyhanded nerf to whatever we still call “viable”.
Thieves and Mesmers have a very small amount of conditions to work with. Along with Warrior, which I’m not sure why they didn’t on the list of candidates for the new skill.
I can see why they put Thieves and Mesmers on this new condition since they have almost zero plausible condition builds.
Expected nerf: healing turret health reduced to 1.
Yeah, expecting more nerfs for us. On the bright side, looks like we are finally getting some cool engineer looking gear
Torment on Mesmers and Thieves is ridiculous. Now when you break stun and immob to move out of that Blurred Frenzy combo get ready to eat a crap ton of damage anyway. Now when you break stun and dodge to avoid Larcenous Strike, take a crap ton of damage. What the eff is going on?! This patch will make or break my interest if it doesn’t deliver. By deliver I mean really clean up our traits and spread the stun breakers out in a way that will truly promote build diversity.
My money is on, no it won’t, because adding Torment means that condi removal is even more important which forces us down the Alchemy line which effs build diversity in the a. One step forward, a rocket boot leap backwards.
I expect cooldowns on cleansing formula and/or HGH and nerfs for grenade kit.
And some useless buff on some skill to make it seem that they’re balancing us.
Incoming Engineer nerf.
. . .
All changes were alredy postet on reddid somewhere… Dont know where i found it and if its legit, but the changes dont seem that bad.
But im not going to tell you. Its a secret :-P
Expected Nerf List:
1. Kits now have 60 seconds of Cool Down each, versatility must be under control.
2. Elite Skills are now all have 240 seconds of Cool Down, supply crate is far too powerful.
3. Remove 409 Formula for that it is far too powerful.
4. Removes HGH for to reduce the amount of elixir users.
5. Grenade Kit’s Grenades flight speed reduced by 100%.
6. Grenade Kit overall damage reduced by 200%
7. All condition damage reduced by 100%
8. Movement speed reduced by 100%
9. Remove toolbelt mechanic to control the overpowered Engineer.
10. Automatically apply level 100 Agony on all Engineer that dares to log on to the game. Duration is infinite.
11. Every movement made by Engineer triggers Torment Condition, in addition to confusion. Duration is infinite.
12. Remove Trait System in general for Engineer.
13. Elite Skills now require 10 gold on use.
14. Moving every radius of 240 now costs 10 silver.
15. Remove the ability to wear armor on Engineer, as originally intended.
We are indeed a great class with a high skill ceiling.
If they nerf grenades again I’m
Going to be kittening kitten ed as kitten…seriously they need to fix everything underpowered/buggy with engi before trying to kill one of our few good abilities
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Everytime there is a patch, it reminds me of this video:
One thing that will definitely be changed for Engineer: Scope. They’ve mentioned that they have a change for it it in the pipeline already, but that it requires a translator, so it can’t be just a number change.
Torment, they have got to be kidding.
Here’s Confusion, do stuff and take damage. Here is Retaliation, hit me and take damage. Here is Torment, so much as move and take damage. Whats next? Dam:nation? Deals extra damage if target stays logged in?
And Thieves and Mesmers are two of the professions to get this. Seriously!? Every patch Thieves get a new mechanic or something? And dealing with these professions in particular involves a lot of moving. And its already a tough matchup. So this is just going to be so much fun…
ANet class balance still lives up to its expectations, so i expect a big disapointment for us tommorrow. And a headyhanded nerf to whatever we still call “viable”.
When I read, “Whats next? Dam:nation? Deals extra damage if target stays logged in?” == I had to get up and walk around from laughing so hard.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Torment on Mesmers and Thieves is ridiculous. Now when you break stun and immob to move out of that Blurred Frenzy combo get ready to eat a crap ton of damage anyway. Now when you break stun and dodge to avoid Larcenous Strike, take a crap ton of damage. What the eff is going on?! This patch will make or break my interest if it doesn’t deliver. By deliver I mean really clean up our traits and spread the stun breakers out in a way that will truly promote build diversity.
My money is on, no it won’t, because adding Torment means that condi removal is even more important which forces us down the Alchemy line which effs build diversity in the a. One step forward, a rocket boot leap backwards.
There’s a flaw in your hypothetical. This is a Condition.
People build for condition or direct damage. If they build for damage, then why are you worrying about Torment doing any sort of real damage. If they build for conditions, then why are you worrying about Blurred Frenzy doing a lot of damage? Besides, we don’t know how much damage the skill will do to begin with.
They’re giving Thieves torment because they have only Bleeding and Poison. They’re giving Mesmers torment because they only have Confusion, which is laughable in PVE, and a RNG between Vulnerability, Burning, or Bleed.
Here are the “leaked” notes from reddit. Whether its true or not we’ll see..
Jump Shot: Increased the radius of the second attack from 120 to 240.
Jump Shot: Decreased the after-cast on this skill so that other skills can chain off of it more easily.
Jump Shot: Cleaned up the movement on this skill so that it will more accurately move to the target location.
Tool Kit: Smack and Whack now each apply 2 stacks of Vulnerability instead of 1 stack.
Rocket Boots: Now shoots you forward and doesn’t CC you. Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds. No longer a stun breaker.
Rumble: This ability now breaks stuns. Added 1s of stability.
Static Shield: The Static Shield buff is now removed if you cancel this skill. The buff is no longer removed if when you block a melee atttack. The stun duration has been reduced from 2s to 1s.
Throw Shield: Projectiles from this skill no longer passes through walls.
Blowtorch: Aftercast reduced from .65s to .4s.
Fix a bug that allowed Engineers to execute back to back heals by using the underwater transition.
Elixir X: Reduced Cooldown to 105 seconds.
Fire Ice Mortar cooldown reduced to 20 seconds.
Launch Personal Battering Ram: Recharge reduced to 15s.
Personal Battering Ram: Recharge reduced to 25s.
Analyze: Recharge reduced to 30s.
Throw Napalm: Increased burn duration to 5s.
Harpoon Turret Toolbelt: Decreased cooldown to 10s Increased damage by 25%.
Rifle Turret Toolbelt: Increased damage by 33%.
Rocket Turret Toolbelt: Decreased cooldown to 30s.
Elixir U: This ability now functions correctly with Potent Elixirs.
Elixir R: This skill is no longer a stun breaker.
Super Speed: This skill now breaks stuns.
Throw Junk: Reduced weakness duration to 1 second.
Edit: Forgot second half lol
Acidic Coating: This trait now applies blind instead of poison to the target for 3 seconds, on a 10 second recharge.
Backpack Regenerator: This trait has been reworded so that it doesn’t imply that it adds the regeneration boon.
Acidic Elixirs: This trait now removes a boon when they land in addition to dealing damage.
Autodefense Bomb Dispenser: The internal cooldown of this trait has been reduced to 30 seconds.
Knee Shot: This trait has been merged with Sitting Duck.
Sitting Duck: Inflicting immobilize on an enemy also cripples them for 5 seconds and applies 5 stacks of vulnerability for 8 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.
Fireforged Trigger: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.
Juggernaut: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
Coated Bullets: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
Napalm Specialist: This trait has been moved to the Grandmaster tier. Burns that you apply are increased by 33% duration.
New grandmaster trait – Modified Ammunition: Damage is increased by 2% per condition on the target, when wielding a pistol or rifle.
Stabilized Armor: Damage is reduced by 20% when you are knocked down or stunned.
Elite Supplies: This trait now improves Mortar range.
Always prepared: This trait now only drops bandages when the engineer is downed (10 second cooldown). Damage while downed is increased by 25%.
Packaged Stimulants: This trait now improves effectiveness of the thrown medkit by 25%.
Scope: Critical chance is increased by 10% when the distance to the target is greater than 600.
Leg Mods: Crippled, chilled, and immobilized are reduced by 33% duration.
Armor Mods: This trait will now grant aegis for 5 seconds when critically hit. This effect has a 25 second internal cooldown.
Inertial Converter: This trait now functions with the underwater versions of Toss Elixir B and Toss Elixir H.
(edited by Penguin.5197)
My body is ready (for nerfs)
Happen to have a link to that reddit link? I’m very curious what the other trait stuff is.
(I don’t like the Elixir R change, I run with that all the time )
Happen to have a link to that reddit link? I’m very curious what the other trait stuff is.
(I don’t like the Elixir R change, I run with that all the time)
Ty for link. Very interesting stuff there.
No nerfs on grenades, hgh and cleansing formula? Heh, must be fake.
Albeit, at least some of those changes would actually make sense.
Torment, they have got to be kidding.
Here’s Confusion, do stuff and take damage. Here is Retaliation, hit me and take damage. Here is Torment, so much as move and take damage. Whats next? Dam:nation? Deals extra damage if target stays logged in?
And Thieves and Mesmers are two of the professions to get this. Seriously!? Every patch Thieves get a new mechanic or something? And dealing with these professions in particular involves a lot of moving. And its already a tough matchup. So this is just going to be so much fun…
ANet class balance still lives up to its expectations, so i expect a big disapointment for us tommorrow. And a headyhanded nerf to whatever we still call “viable”.
Thieves and Mesmers have a very small amount of conditions to work with. Along with Warrior, which I’m not sure why they didn’t on the list of candidates for the new skill.
I can see why they put Thieves and Mesmers on this new condition since they have almost zero plausible condition builds.
Because there arent a ton of other perfectly viable conditions to pick from? No, out of all the things to give these builds, it had to be a condition that stacks in intensity and deals more damage when you move. Against a Thief and against a Mesmer.
And as someone who plays mostly WvW, i can assure you, a pistol/dagger thief is about the closest thing you can get to untouchable. Very hard to catch, very hard to escape from. They are the bane of all roamers.
And that is a condition build, th kind of build that would benefit exceedingly well from a condition like Torment. As if catching or escaping wasnt hard enough already.
Whats Rumble ? Is that the new rocket boots tool belt ? If yes, then i would really consider using rocket boot. Stun break + stability + a leap would be so nice.
Edit: Elixir R no longer a stunbreak ? Thats pretty kittenty.
(edited by Tobey.4836)
No nerfs on grenades, hgh and cleansing formula? Heh, must be fake.
Albeit, at least some of those changes would actually make sense.
They did say they were trying to buff stuff not so much nerf things.
I am surprised though, ANOTHER reason to run elixirs now. Acidic elixirs now removes a boon…
Super Speed being a stun breaker is very interesting though.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Whats Rumble ? Is that the new rocket boots tool belt ? If yes, then i would really consider using rocket boot. Stun break + stability + a leap would be so nice.
Edit: Elixir R no longer a stunbreak ? Thats pretty kittenty.
I too was curious about Rumble. Would be cool if it is as you’re guestimating.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Rumble is the Thumper Turret tool belt skill.
So we lose 2 stun breakers: Rocket Boots and Elixir R, and gain 2 stun breakers: Rumble (a turret tool belt skill of all things) and Super Speed. The latter is interesting because we have two ways to gain Super Speed: Kit Refinement gives SS on equipping the Tool Kit, and the tool belt skill for Slick Shoes is Super Speed. Did we just gain 3 stun breakers? It will be interesting to see.
All that said, I don’t think this was the right way to spread out our stun breakers.
So we lose 2 stun breakers: Rocket Boots and Elixir R, and gain 2 stun breakers: Rumble (a turret tool belt skill of all things) and Super Speed. The latter is interesting because we have two ways to gain Super Speed: Kit Refinement gives SS on equipping the Tool Kit, and the tool belt skill for Slick Shoes is Super Speed. Did we just gain 3 stun breakers? It will be interesting to see.
All that said, I don’t think this was the right way to spread out our stun breakers.
Nah we would still have two stun breakers since kits go on cooldown when we get stunned.
Also, I laughed when I saw the notes for always prepared.
I really wonder which one is going to be the go-to stunbreak for condi engineers now.
Elixir S ? no
googles ? no
Stunbreak on super super speed sounds nice, but im sure as hell going to miss the double elixir R rez :-(
Torment, they have got to be kidding.
Here’s Confusion, do stuff and take damage. Here is Retaliation, hit me and take damage. Here is Torment, so much as move and take damage. Whats next? Dam:nation? Deals extra damage if target stays logged in?
You never played the original Guild Wars did you? That was pretty much all mesmers did; if they weren’t canceling your skills outright they were making it hurt to do pretty much everything. Heck I still shudder at their “kitten ed if you do, kitten ed if you don’t” combo.
Wastrel’s Demise: Take damage if you use a skill.
Wastrel’s Worry: Take damage if you don’t use a skill.
Yeah, expecting more nerfs for us. On the bright side, looks like we are finally getting some cool engineer looking gear
That you’ll have no choice but to pay real money for.
Rumble is the Thumper Turret tool belt skill.
Ahh, the Wiki still shows it as “Shockwave” and I don’t use the turret since it isn’t ranged.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
I play p/s frequently but that nerf/change to static shield is a let down considering shield already has a high cd to begin with. I’ll probably move over to p/p instead
I play p/s frequently but that nerf/change to static shield is a let down considering shield already has a high cd to begin with. I’ll probably move over to p/p instead
Yeah, but if you block now for 2sec even if hit, its more or less an even trade.
This makes life so much easier against shatter mesmer as exaple.
I play p/s frequently but that nerf/change to static shield is a let down considering shield already has a high cd to begin with. I’ll probably move over to p/p instead
Actually, if this is true, Static shield will be buffed.
Think about it, Static shield will no longer cancels when you block a melee attack. That will mean you can block and stun several melee opponents and still be able to throw the shield at the end for daze and damage, rather that almost always throwing the shield as soon as you can before someone hits you in melee and ends the skill.
this patch will make or break gw2 for me the only thing I like about the game any more is my engi and if they break that I will have to find something else.
I hope our changes don’t revolve around turrets yet again. I say screw turrets. Until they revamp how turrets function entirely, they’ll be useless. Spend time adjusting stuff that can actually be salvaged.
Torment, they have got to be kidding.
Here’s Confusion, do stuff and take damage. Here is Retaliation, hit me and take damage. Here is Torment, so much as move and take damage. Whats next? Dam:nation? Deals extra damage if target stays logged in?
You never played the original Guild Wars did you? That was pretty much all mesmers did; if they weren’t canceling your skills outright they were making it hurt to do pretty much everything. Heck I still shudder at their “kitten ed if you do, kitten ed if you don’t” combo.
Wastrel’s Demise: Take damage if you use a skill.
Wastrel’s Worry: Take damage if you don’t use a skill.
Meta cr@p like this shows a lack of creativity.
(edited by Grackleflint.4956)
This just in, Engi change:
Engineers no longer use guns, kits, or turrets. They just throw rocks.
Won’t believe it until the official notes are out. Been here long enough to never believe “leaked notes.”
If true however, I’m disappointed that Elixir Gun’s toolbelt skill isn’t a Stun Breaker. Since Kit Engineers don’t have any.