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Sneak gyro is terrible ;(
Sneak gyro is terrible ;(
No it is not.
5k Hours Played over last 1.1k days – “I love this game”
One of my favorite gyros.
Sneak gyro is terrible ;(
No it is not.
If anything actually hits it, it runs off to “attack” the assailant.
Barring that, it is so slow that you need to stop and wait every few seconds for it to catch up unless you want to be destealthed.
And then after that, you need to worry about its garbage health pool.
But yeah.
“Not it isn’t.”
Sneak gyro is terrible ;(
It SHOULD be able to keep up so that is huge mark against it, but it actually is VERY good. In PvP.
Sneak gyro is amazing in pvp, and the reveal is simply exhilarating. But really, it should learn to keep up better than that.
The running off to “attack” things is a problem, I think that should be fixed. Otherwise I just toggle walk and use it to sneak through things.
I tested this little guy in a lot of PvE today. So far I haven’t run into any mob that aggros to it, even when I manage to get the gyro right up into their face. It’s duration, cooldown and ability to stack stealth the longer you are in it, makes it awesome to exploring and other things.
I goofed around in the SW pacman area for ages with the wolves running past both me and the gyro. I love it.
But yeah, my only peeve is that it’s like a toddler. Can’t run fast, can’t jump and often gets distracted by things and wanders off.