Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aegael.6938


I’m sure most dedicated engineers were aware of the fact that smoke bomb was recently stated to have been changed to a duration of 6 seconds, up from 5, but changed to pulse every two seconds rather than one.

So why now does the smoke bomb’s tooltip now list its duration as 4 seconds? The tooltip isn’t wrong, either.

Was this yet another stealth nerf to the class? Was this implemented in the follow-up post to the Nov. 15 update which had a tiny bullet point that said “cleaned up tooltip on the smoke bomb”?

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Engineer has had so many stealth unmentioned nerfs its not even funny anymore.

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Phuriocity.9218


Engineer has had so many stealth unmentioned nerfs its not even funny anymore.


I can’t even be bothered to care anymore. I just accept it and move on.

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Another stealth nerf was blunderbuss’s range when equipped with rifled barrels. Before it used to raise the minimal distance of bleeding and damage from from like 100 to 120 and 400 to like 440 and overall range. Now it just increases overall range.

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kyon.9735


Why the F does Anet hate engineers? They nerf the least played class but they buff the most played class? Just to add, not a single dev bothered to give justifications to all the nerfs. Now they do stealth nerfs as well?

Anet sucks at customer service. They don’t bother to listen to their customers yet they do all this advertising and stuff to get new customers.

If any Anet dev/mod reads this, all we want are justifications for the recent nerfs and how about telling us your plans for this class as well?. We have been ignored too long.

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The answer is simple, in a two parter.

One, they just do not play Engineer. They dont. Its simple, and obvious, and leads to a complete lack of understanding of the issues and real performance of Engineer. All they have is theory, and some practise against target dummies. Thats right, target dummies is where they test there changes.

Secondly. For every bug they fix, they simply introduce a new one. Its entirely possible these stealthnerfs are actually just more bugs. Like when they fixed the 20% cooldown reduction on Toolkit trait, but in the process re-broke the 20% cooldown reduction trait on granades/bombs.

They are in general suffering from a disconnect from their own game. And make design choices that don’t take a genius to see are just plain bad for this game. There are many examples to support this argument, i wont go into all of them. But one of the best ones yet is the way they implemented fractals. Anyone could see that these arbitrary levels would split the community into tiny fragments, and that is really, really a bad thing.

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


It’s amazing isn’t it? going on 5 months now same bugs since before launch but they managed to slip this in and the delay between burn on crit damage in the explosives line. Anyone else see that one? apparently the class in which 80% of it’s weapons should burn the foe or blow it to bits was doing too much burn and the guardians complained. smh

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


Just checked the path notes. You are confusing the fire turret and smoke bomb changes. If you read the path notes carefully you can see there reasoning for nerfing the smoke field. I for one liked the old smoke bomb for psuedo tanking mobs. You could always move out of the field as well. I suspect that this is a pvp change that effected pve. As smoke field old range+old effect could cover an entire node and stop someone from being able to do anything to you for that 4 seconds.

From patch notes:

Smoke Screen: This skill’s graphic has been updated to show the area of the screen. It now pulses every 2 seconds for 6 seconds instead of every second for 5 seconds. This makes it more effective against enemies using attacks at normal speeds but prevents it from being abused to shut down quick-attacking enemies completely.

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Panda.6753


I wonder just who they can mean by quick attacking enemies….

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rhinzual.7861


I wonder just who they can mean by quick attacking enemies….

Probably rapid attacking enemies like dual-axe wielding flame legion enemies.

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aegael.6938


The problem is that it doesn’t even last for 6 seconds. It lasts for 4. Please read my post next time.

They claimed to have extended the duration to 6 seconds to compensate for nerfing the pulse rate.

The duration has actually been SHORTENED, on top of nerfing the pulse rate.

(edited by Aegael.6938)

Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348



What i linked is part of the flame turret changes. For smoke bomb it says 4 seconds. Here is the full patch notes:

for reference:

  • Smoke Bomb: This skill’s radius has been reduced to 180 from 240 when traited. Smoke Bomb is now active for 4 seconds, pulsing every 2. This change also affects the Autodefense Bomb Dispenser trait.


One on flame turret and one on bomb kit. The path notes are clear there was no stealth nerf.