So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xae.7204


Hey guys we’re trashing your DPS so you can focus on being a support!

Pay no attention to the fact that we are also castrating your Support abilities!

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shivva.1904


From the perspective of a WvW engineer, the 30% nerf to grenades is just appallingly badly thought out. What exactly is the role of an engi supposed to be in WvW now?

Did Anet even think about WvW when making this nerf? The rationale presented makes almost no sense in PvE terms that I can see and none from the perspective of WvW, as many angry customers and/or soon to be ex-customers have pointed out.

Frank/Rokka – formerly [IRON] – Desolation EU

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tekyn.5376


I don’t think they hate engineers. There are some absolutely ridiculous sigil + rune combos for engineers atm. I’ll just leave it at that.

I’m curious, what are the absolutely ridiculous sigil + rune combos?

“I feel like I’m getting trolled here. Good day sir.”
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Actually Super Elixir behaved for the longest time how it behaves now, a recent update broke the skill and replaced the pulse heal with the impact heal.
Did you seriously believed that would never be fixed?

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


The funny thing is how we were waiting for sigils to be put on kits, and now we have to wait for stats to be put on kits as well… Maybe in the next 3 months engineer finally will be playable and it will have what it should on the beginning…

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: BurnedToast.3781


Enough silliness. If you increase condition duration along with condition damage (you can get +110% duration if I’m not mistaken) pistol scales better than with power/crit/crit damage. Not to mention, you can stack your conditions and still kitswap, and still have that damage ticking away.

The only problem with this is having other condition heavy players. I wish Anet would change it so that vulnerability and all other ‘debuffs’ stay like they are, but have each player be able to have his or her own stacks of bleeding/poison/burning conditions up.

I swear I need to just bookmark a thread showing why condition is so bad so I can copy paste instead of explaining it….

But whatever.

With +100% condition duration, pistol’s bleed co-efficient is 0.2. Pistol’s power co-efficient is 0.35. That’s before you factor in crit and crit damage, just raw power vs condition damage. You would need over +200% condition duration just to match the power co-efficient which is impossible.

Then factor in double hitting from coated bullets which applies the power damage twice, but the bleed only once…. and yeah. Things start looking even worse for the pistol.

(edited by BurnedToast.3781)

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Maybe they’re trying to walk all the Engineer stuff down to the level of Turrets, so people will quit using the class and they can replace it with something they’re more enthused about. </caricature>

Speaking of Turrets, how long has it been that Deployable Turrets has failed to function for, now? How long have they targeted destroyed objects? Been tissue-paper? The only thing I’ve heard on the subject of Deployable Turrets was that they apparently have no idea what’s causing the issue, and I’ve heard nothing explaining why Turrets in general are crap.

And of unaddressed bugs: I didn’t use the Rocket Boots a whole lot, admittedly, especially underwater, but I can’t help but be curious when they’re going to re-enable them.

But at least underwater combat can have combos now. Great.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Fnix.5608


They need to have a looser class in this game. Engineer is it! – Norse Oil eXpedition

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


And grenade autoattack needed a nerf, at least in PvE and WvW, it was super powerful in sieges (defending and attacking), and always overpowered in boss fights and on trash in dungeons. If you didn’t think so you were ‘doing it wrong.’

What do you think OP is?
Yes if someone in WvW just stood there in one spot and let you auto attack them then yes your Grenade #1 would probally beat them if they were just spamming their autoattack.
That is perfectly fair since we have to manual target EVERY attack not just right click.

OP isnt just having a high damage skill. Sure if you went glass cannon your nades would hit like a beast but you are also dead if just about anyone catches you. So we just had a higher risk/reward.

OP would more define the Thief, who can deal huge burst and is constantly recieving buffs that also allow them to easily escape if their burst fails. You can AOE around you all you want and burn all your nade CDs trying to hit the invisible ganker but a smart Thief will just wait that extra 2 seconds before attacking you.

How is it that Engineers get nerfed when something gives them an advantage but Thiefs get buffed when they already have an advantage.

And to anyone who says thiefs are easy just AOE.
Well dodging nades is easy just get out of mid range and strafe or just dont stand stationary on your keep wall trying to get easy kills.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lucky Charmz.5089

Lucky Charmz.5089

My question is: What builds do we have that ARE viable?

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


@Lucky Charmz.5089

PvE=The most viable right now is P/P or P/S but… it’s sub-par to everything that wants to deal just damage (P/P is meant for this… I guess?), be it instant or DoT, that is.

WvW=nothing really, unless you wanna use P/P anyway and use toolkit for fishing unaware players out of their safe stronghold

PvP=this is kinda weird, but we can’t burst, we can’t deal condition effectively, we can just control with knockbacks and blowouts, be tricky and give some support, else your choice would be bunker.

Sad thing is the fact that there’s pve-weapon bundles that work better than engineer’s even thought they should have the same skills, I’ll point out 2 of these:

1st-flamethrower at Claw of Jormag event, I’m not sure about it skill-1 but it has jump shot… and it doesn’t seem to show the lagg we suffer

2nd-some sort of elixir gun(dun remember the name atm), located in one of the peninsulas/islands in the southern area, the thing is it got Fumigate, but it works WAY better compared to ours, poisons better and damages better, the hits don’t seem as buggy as ours and the animation required is WAY shorter, and yea, I was playing engi while tryin those.

You see? It’s STUPID bugs, they got things to work they should be easy to patch why is it taking MONTHS????

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


1st-flamethrower at Claw of Jormag event, I’m not sure about it skill-1 but it has jump shot… and it doesn’t seem to show the lagg we suffer

The jump Shot delay is put there intentionally. Why i dont know, but try using Jump Shot with Elixir U or any other form of quickness. Suddenly, your stomp animation goes a whole lot faster.
So its a timed delay, build into the animation, that can can change.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


it`s like druids in S4 just that engineer NEVER WAS ANY GOOD to begin with.

We nerf em!


I’m sorry but your WoW analogy is just bad. It was fairly often cited that more druids and warlocks got S3 shoulders than all the other classes combined (including the stupid Holy Pally/ MS Warrior makeups). So yeah, they got a little bit of a nerf for S4 — they still did really well if they weren’t the suck druids who rolled during S3 because it was the FotM.

And grenade autoattack needed a nerf, at least in PvE and WvW, it was super powerful in sieges (defending and attacking), and always overpowered in boss fights and on trash in dungeons. If you didn’t think so you were ‘doing it wrong.’

There was never a grenade autoattack we wouldn’t have spent 4 months asking for one if there were!

And just because you can stand there amongst 500 other people and toss grenades because you were smart and found a good spot to be in doesn’t mean the grenades were op it means you were smart and found a good spot to be in.

You obviously don’t play this class or you would be outraged as well.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Love people in the forums who say grenades autoattack need a nerf. Gee go figure they don’t play a engy at all. Since grenades do not have a autoattack.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Super elixir was fixed. Most people go cleric with the respective traits —some players do 30 alchemy and 30 inventions. EG is a big part of that role. . . Not to mention, you can stack super elixir on the map a variety of ways for you and your team so--speculating here, if anyone can confirm—you can stack 3 different super elixir aoes on the map (reset cooldowns under elixir S in skill slot AND/OR self regulating defenses [w/ potent elixirs], and kit refinement from tools) in a matter of a few swift key strokes, you can preform healing and condi removal over a big area. No other class has that viability.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)