Some Proposed Med Kit Changes.
Med Kit should just self buff! Enough with the thrown bandages! It would actually be a good kit then! Make a trait that grants the effects in a 240 radius around you in alchemy! Replace the Elixir Gun boon conversion trait because it’s bad and nobody should ever or will ever take it over Backpack Regenerator!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Yea removing ground targeting is only thing Medkit needs. Its so useless now
Tekkit’s Workshop
Both ground targeting AND running over the #2-5 skill is to much effort for a single condi clear, it has to change. It should either work like throw elixir (with radius) and have the skill do its job instantly or just drop it infront of the feet or just use it on yourself without ANY hassle.
A 15% buff to the baseheal would also be nice, they can remove the heals locking in the #2-5 skills as compensation since they are mostly wasted (not used) anyways.
(edited by santenal.1054)
Med Kit should just self buff!
Woah, that’s a really good idea, and honestly, that sounds like that would be fantastic even with thrown packs.
It’d be kind of like Ele conjured weapons in a way. One for you, and one for a friend.
The healing can stay in the pack. So for example, when you throw a stimulant, you get the fury, and whoever picks it up gets a heal and fury. The instant boons alone would help offset the clunkiness a tad.
If packs are staying thrown, they definitely need to last longer. 12 seconds is a joke. they need to stick around so that they can actually be saved for when they’re needed, if they’re not going to be like elixirs.
Channeling #1 could give give you a clense or a second of resistance (with no self healing) so you could still use it to boost self-survival.
The #1 skill needs to scale extraordinarily high with healing power. An engineer that is fully invested in healing power as their sole primary stat using a medkit and focusing on a single ally should be able to heal up their target so well that the do not need to touch their own healing skill.
A full cleric engie with a medkit basically needs to be able to dish out enough healing to fake being a trinity mmo type healer, since they’re doing zero damage in a medkit, so they should be able to HPS nearly on par with the DPS they’re giving up. (especially if very little of that healing is useable on yourself)
If that sounds OP to the designers, then that means the potential support role the medkit presents does not need to exist in Gw2, making the whole kit just a failed experiment.
Alternate idea:
Put ALL the skills as sprays. Or each skill can be an alternate med cartridge that changes what #1 does.
Buff self, buff&heal allies. It’d be like a variety pack of fumigate variations.
(edited by Arioso.8519)
I love many ideas here.
Either using it simply on yourself (who get the bandages in a stack seems random), or use it like the thrown elixirs.
Using it on yourself would be really more practical (you rarely think: “Hey, my allie need heal instead of me!”).
On the other hand, having “thrown elixir” style skills would be more group oriented.
Sometimes, I think that skills number 3, 4 and 5 should be considered as elixirs, but that would kill the concept of the Elixir H.
I was just practicing using the med kit while running forward.
Throws #2 2 meters in front of my feet → picks up #2
Throws #5 2 meters in front of my feet → picks up #5
Throws #4 2 meters in front of my feet → picks up #4 Meanwhile 4 seconds into the kit, time well spend ?
Throws #3 2 meters in front of my feet → DOES NOT PICK UP #3 kitten?
Turns out #3 has a 3/4s cast time while all the rest have a 1/2s cast time. Why did they give these different cast times to almost identical skills? to avoid OPness? I wonder what the devs who did this were thinking.( Hmm … kit isn’t horrible enough as is, beter ruin some consistency and impede usage, wouldn’t want people to actually start using the kit after we spend so many work hours changing it )
I think the 1 skill needs to be pbaoe that way you can benefit from your own healing and not have to rely on a cone that misses quiet often.
I dont want to open new thread for this so here i go. Med kit is the most useless thing ever done to engineer! First of that number 1 skill is hilarious. So little heal that its absolutely waste of time. (Think what all u can do during that time u do 80 heal to ally). Secondly, all skills are thrown now and animation is so slow that u end up throwing them behind you. And now speedy kits is gone and this is supposed to be our way to gain speed. In wvw you need alot speed as an engi to keep up with anything. How they end up messsing up the old med kit even more useless?
Could also make it apply instantly to yourself… And drop bundles for the team which you can’t pick up.
So little heal that its absolutely waste of time. (Think what all u can do during that time u do 80 heal to ally).
Just for clarification: The whole channel is ticking 3 times, so you are healing 240 with one channel instead of 80. And I really like it to raise the heal for each boon on your ally. But Med-Kit is still not worth it, it is supposed to be our group healing support, but HT is much more effective at this and MUCH easier to use. I would suggest to increase the healing of the AA (we are not able to do anything else while channeling it, it is difficult to aim and can’t use it for ourselves, that are enough arguments for a really strong healing) and bring an extra effect to each Med-Pack. The packages get an noticable healing boost if they are curing one condition they are meant for. It could be more rewarding to heal an ally with the right package.
Yeah, the healing spray is just not worth it right now. Tickling someone for a little bit of healing instead of actually killing or CC’ing the guy trying to kill them is a very poor decision.
You could possibly use it when you have something like a WvW zerg back off a bit to regroup, when the pressure from the enemies isn’t directly on you, but otherwise it’s just pointless. Absolutely pointless in a solo scenario as well since you can’t use it on yourself.
TBH, I’d rather a more bursty healing spray. Something that can only be used every, say, 10 seconds, but that basically heals for 10 times the amount that one cast of the spray currently does. That could make it worthwhile to use mid-combat since you’d spike your allies with a quick heal, and then could go back to fighting, instead of sitting trying to constantly spray them and actually helping them die faster since you’re not pressuring the enemy.
Good feedback here. Overall I agree it’s very underwhelming. It’s a lot better than it used to be, but it’s still bad.
- Heal Spray
This ability needs a wider cone, something like the flamethrower or fumigate. Feels like it’s difficult to land on targets, but that may also be the animation being poor compared to the actual area it hits. It’s very meh, but I can see wanting to start off conservative with it from a design perspective. Larger cone would go a long way to making it feel better.
The heal is laughably weak on it too. You can buff it quite a bit without risk of problems. It isn’t a self-heal either so that alone makes it safe to buff.
#2-5 Medkits
Agree with OP that these things need a wider trigger range, lot of the time people don’t hit them. If they must stay as-is, they should trigger an AOE heal when used.
But honestly, I think there should only be 2 bandage abilities – #2, a quick AOE toss that’s healing + regen, and #4, that’s a combination of healing & condi cleansing/resistance buff. Having 4 bandage abilities is just plain boring. I appreciate how they all have different styles to them, but it just isn’t fun or engaging. If we only had 2 of these and they were perhaps more impactful than they currently are, had wider triggers and healed AOE then they’d be a lot more interesting. Even so, 4 is too much.
- and #5 should be changed to something different that is healing/support themed. I feel medkit needs at least 1, possibly 2 “elixir” abilities for synergy with Alchemy line.
For #3 I like a pbaoe ability that does effects to teammates, maybe “stimulant spray” that grants swiftness, vigor, and regeneration and cures weakness, cripple, or chill. If not that, then perhaps this could be a mobility/survivability skill instead.
For #5 I like an elixir-type condi-cleanse and buff that’s ground-targeted, could also be a water field for synergy with blasting. Perhaps it could be a targeted movement-impairing condition cleansing – chill/immob/cripple.
I like the theme that the medkit is about healing and stims, things which help your teammates move, cure some conditions, and give some appreciable healing.
Thought for devs – do the same thing with healing power that you did with conditions. Lower base healing, but really buff up the scaling on healing power. Also, consider making regeneration stack intensity.
I have spent over 2000 hours using medkit. It was always clunky and required to spend a lot of time out of doing other things in combat to get most of it, but it was probably the highest heal in the game in amount of heal/minute.
After the patch medkit utterly sucks to use:
1. Ground targeting really makes this kit almost impossible to use in big fights where AoE and effects are flying all over the screen. It is extremely easy to miss the tiny thrown vial, even when you throw it at your feet. The old “drop vial/bandages at your feet” was much better.
2. Several medkit skills have weird delays. e.g if you throw medkit #4 (throw accelerant) at your feet, it does NOT activate, but you need to go back and pick it up later!! So much for trying to get swiftness and some healing in combat.
3. Bandage self cooldown is not affected by Mechanized Deployment trait (bug).
4. Medkit #1 is so underpowered, it is useless. Please revert it to old “drop bandage” or seriously increase it’s self healing. Now sigil of water is clearly better than spending all the time pressing medkit #1 and you get to attack at same time!
5. Medkit condition removal looks good on paper. Now after testing it both in spvp and WvWvW, it is severely underpowered, clunky and too slow.
6. The vial and bandages vanish too quickly.
7. Ground targeting ruins it’s use for underwater.
Solutions: fix all the above issues or revert back to the old medkit, which was better.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
3. Bandage self cooldown is not affected by Mechanized Deployment trait (bug).
This isn’t a bug, it is intended. It counts as a healing skill now (just like the ones on 6) and get benefit from everything related to them.
3. Bandage self cooldown is not affected by Mechanized Deployment trait (bug).
This isn’t a bug, it is intended. It counts as a healing skill now (just like the ones on 6) and get benefit from everything related to them.
I’m just going to assume that your are assuming it’s intended like that, or do you have proof? I believe it to be a bug. It still is on the toolbelt so it should be affected by Mechanized Deployment imo.
I’m just going to assume that your are assuming it’s intended like that, or do you have proof? I believe it to be a bug. It still is on the toolbelt so it should be affected by Mechanized Deployment imo.
It is on the toolbelt, that’s right, but Anet made it work with traits that benefit healing skills like AMR and equipping the Med-Kit isn’t triggering sigills and traits anymore. That’s why I think so. And I think it could be simply too much to make it get effected by Mechanized Deployment. It is effected by AMR, so get recharged at 25% health. If it would count as a toolbelt skill, the recharge of the skill would be 14,5s instead of 17s, will grant vigor and could get recharged by Kinetic Battery. Additional to AMR, cleaning one damaging condition and granting regeneration this is just too much for a healing skill, don’t you think so?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m maining an engineer too and would love to get so many ways to recharge the same healing skill. But it wouldn’t be balanced.
(edited by Kodama.6453)
when using med kit you have more good options to choose from the toolbelt if you are using Kinetic Battery, med kit also has superior condi cleans and the OPTION to heal more (sacrifices have to be made) while healing turret can cc in some builds and is more aoe healing.
here are some rough calculations.
ignoring regenerating mist, med kits #2,3,4,5 and no blast finishers on water fields.
optimal burst healing (with AMR ,kinetic battery, heal resonator and 0 healing power)
2 ht undetonated =13720 hp + unused kinetic battery
2 ht detonated = 15720 hp + unused kinetic battery
2 bandage self = 11400 hp + unused kinetic battery
3 bandage self = 17100 hp (1kb wasted)
sustain healing 2 minutes (no AMR)
healing turret 15s
61740 hp + 4 unused kinetic batteries
self bandage 17s
45600 hp + 4 unused kinetic batteries
68400 hp (4 kbs wasted)
self bandage 14.5s
52839 hp + 4 unused kinetic batteries
75639 hp (4 kbs wasted)
All in all I dont think a 14.5s cd is op at first sight assuming I haven’t overlooked important factors.
when using med kit you have more good options to choose from the toolbelt if you are using Kinetic Battery, med kit also has superior condi cleans and the OPTION to heal more (sacrifices have to be made) while healing turret can cc in some builds and is more aoe healing.
here are some rough calculations.
ignoring regenerating mist, med kits #2,3,4,5 and no blast finishers on water fields.
optimal burst healing (with AMR ,kinetic battery, heal resonator and 0 healing power)
2 ht undetonated =13720 hp + unused kinetic battery
2 ht detonated = 15720 hp + unused kinetic battery
2 bandage self = 11400 hp + unused kinetic battery
3 bandage self = 17100 hp (1kb wasted)sustain healing 2 minutes (no AMR)
healing turret 15s
61740 hp + 4 unused kinetic batteries
self bandage 17s
45600 hp + 4 unused kinetic batteries
68400 hp (4 kbs wasted)
self bandage 14.5s
52839 hp + 4 unused kinetic batteries
75639 hp (4 kbs wasted)
All in all I dont think a 14.5s cd is op at first sight assuming I haven’t overlooked important factors.
You didn’t include the effects of the Med-Kit itself, if you do the Med-Kit is winning the self-heal contest by far.
yea but #2 provides 68% healing of the med kit skills and who is gonna switch every 5 seconds to his med kit and waste a condi cleanse? i wouldn’t. regenerating mist is way more practical and the ocasional blast finisher in a waterfield should compensate for that.
So much potential and good ideas….unfortunately they ruin everything.
There’s like 7threads about mes kit being inferior to healing turret even in clericvnothing