Squishy Engineer - help?

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: branden.1985


Hello Engineers,

I am a very new player, but I have been searching a lot online. The one thing I cannot find is what are the stats priority? I feel very squishy and I die pretty quickly in dungeons like AC.

My dps suffers a lot because I spend so much time healing myself.
Currently my stat priorities are: Condition then Precision

I have it on all my items. Should I instead do: Condition, Vitality, Precision?

Or the third option – should I just become more familiar with the fights as this may be highly uncommon for me to die?

I am level 54 and I have almost all level 50-54 gear (gem’d with condi/prec).

TLDR: Condi engi, lvl 54 – dying a lot in dungeons. What should stat priorities be?

Thank you all in advance

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


While they set the level low, all explorable dungeons are meant for level 80 in at least exotic gear. Ironically AC while being the lowest level it has also been one of the hardest at that level.

So dont worry about, lol. Level in the open world instead. Your stat priority is fine – gear sub level 80 exotic is irrelevant, you can wear a cobweb on your head and two clamshells as shoes and you’d still perform.

Keep in mind that low level gear often only carry two stats. At higher level, you can start using rabid (condi/prec/tough) which is pretty tanky. Generally you use neither vitality or toughness in PvE though, its glass cannons everywhere.

(edited by Dawdler.8521)

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


AC is more about tactics than gear, it’s perfectly doable at 35.

I suggest either checking some guides or training in the dungeon itself, are your groups tight or running all over the place?

If it’s the latter I understand why you’re having trouble It’s a team game and most classes buff nearby allies constantly with might, regen & protection.

Are you familiar with the combo system and all that kinda stuff?

Read this:

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tristan.5280


Hi Branden, and welcome to GW2 Engineer Community!

First of all i suggest you to reach the level 80

Then go with your guild doing the dungeon Citadel of Flame path 1 and 2. These two path are fast and easy to learn.
Once you get enough Tokens of that dungeon you can buy the complete set of Citadel of Flame with the stats: “Power, Precision, Ferocity”

These stats are better for dungeon then Condition stats

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


Remember … an engineer is only stationary when he’s dead Engineers are squishy, and you have to pay much more attention to when you use your defenses, dodges, healing turret, reflects etc to stay alive. If you are used to a different class part of your feeling regarding squishiness will be because you can’t in fact tank things. Eventually you’ll get to the point where you can dungeon full zerk, but it takes a bit. When I’m feeling off my full damage game I throw in the trait line with kits in addition to my firearms and elixirs (when I do PVE I rifle). You dont have to alch/exp/firearms right off the bat.

And if your not really familiar with it… you really really need to learn how to make use of the water fields, combo’d with leaps and blasts that you have available.

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


Oh also make sure your utilities have access to a couple of stun breaks when starting off and that you can reliably get stability for when you need it. This will make you feel far less squishy. So elix B is a way to get stability…. or juggernaut … both are fairly easy to make use of. The most convenient stun break comes from EG.

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: branden.1985


Thank you all very much for the replies! This makes me feel a lot better. I think the one thing from above that I do not understand is the combos – everything else I should be good with. Very familiar with this style of game, just need to get used to the differences gw2 offers.

Appreciate your help!!

Squishy Engineer - help?

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


Try this for a primer…. if its still active. Should be Teldo’s healing turret guide (which is closely related to water fields.