(edited by Walorx.5129)
What’s going on my engineer brethren! I’m here today to share with you my personal favorite build for MASSIVE damage in PvP and WvW! It will make people double-take and be like “duh fak”. Here’s a video on what exactly to do, and be sure to subscribe so you can see all my other builds I’ll be uploading every day along with tournament gameplay. Hope you guys enjoy and happy zapping!
Tourny footage with build:
(edited by Walorx.5129)
Yeah. Good video. Well explained. When I want to insta-kill something, this is pretty much how I spec. Analyze and Surprise Shot have no cast time and can be used during other attacks, which is what makes them so great. Build has very little defense, but Gear Shield does have 3 seconds of overpoweredness.
Out there is a fortune waitin’ to be had
You think they’ll let it go you’re mad
You’ve got another nerf comin’
No, seriously, I’m certain this documented build is sufficient to get Static Discharge nerfed.
(edited by Plok.5873)
Though I usually like to run with builds that have more defense than this, the damage looks too fun to not try. Thanks a bunch Vöz!
I have run this build since release, and it’s an awesome build in WvW and sPvP.
In tPvP, it get a lot harder and you usually get outshined by other class. But it can still be efficient.
By the way, I disagree with your statement to never use turret. I used to think like that, then I started to use it.
How to use it : Use your toolbelt, it goes on a 7 sec cooldown. Cast your turret, and use the activate for something like 1k – 1.5k damage over 5 sec. As soon as you think your toolbet should be up, double tape your toolbelt macro for rifle turret. You get TWO static discharge. One for destroying the turret, one for the surprise shot.
That’s right, destroying your turret activate static shot But be warned, since it’s not a targeted ability, you’ll have to be careful and try to use it melee range. The Static Discharge won’t target your ennemy, it will go directly toward you. Also don’t forget that exploding your turret also does damage.
I used to run this build with exploding turret, giving me another CC.
Also, I think it’s a taste thing, but I prefer Sitting Duck over improving range on rifle. Siting duck now gives 5 vulnerability charge.
Since I always use my combo on ether CC’d or Immobilized player to not miss them, it’s really useful.
I open with some auto attack to remove shield/dodge. Then net shot + combo.
As I start with google, I get with netshot a good 15 vulnerable stack on them.
Other than that, I have the same exact build. Same rune in WvW, and same sigil. I use Ogre rune is sPvP, but I switch a lot. In sPvP I also tried Sigil of rage, can be useful if you are lucky and it activate during your combo.
I ran this build for a loong time. not exactly the same however I use the rifles in combo fields , extra static, distract mobs when running away, deal dmg when exploding. Just never really use it as a turret but as a c4/bomb
That’s right, destroying your turret activate static shot
But be warned, since it’s not a targeted ability, you’ll have to be careful and try to use it melee range. The Static Discharge won’t target your ennemy, it will go directly toward you. Also don’t forget that exploding your turret also does damage.
And also you should say that explosion, like surprise shot can be used while blocking,evading,stunned & so on.
True forgot to say it was instant. Making the double tap ever more BURSTY At first I ever wondered if it was even working, as both static discharge are casted at the same time.
I’ve been running around with this exact build for quite some time
THIS is one of the most powerful alpha kill build IF not the only one now for engineer after all nerfs
And I’M hoping Static discharge does not get nerfed/lower dmg/remove bouncing effect
THIS is the only reason I still play my engineer & loving it
Never was grenade dmg, flamethrower, mines or anything
So yes, IF you want to experience the real power of engineer Rifle+DPS stick with this, Pure glass cannon and you can EAT children with this all day long
We will prolly get this nerfed soon, like every decent build we have since beta.
^ I’m expecting it
(edited by Moderator)
This will be a total KILL to engineer if any of the Dev’s messed with it or adjusted anything in it
I really mean it, This is the ONLY powerful kill build you can play with
I think that the minute people in sPvP identify that you are running this build you will be instantly focused and die. It is a popular build and therefore people realize how incredibly fragile you are, with almost no good ways to mitigate damage over the long term. Watch how long it takes to kill the heavy golem in the video: that is not encouraging.
In WvW, this build is not so crazy in groups but the risks are much higher. Dying in WvW can mean running for minutes if your group wipes. But at least you get to keep toolkit for magnet, aka “the best single-target CC skill in the game” (yes, this I think this skill is better than Moa Morph).
In PvE, this build is not worth running. Spike damage builds just don’t do much.
Honestly, i’ve been playing this build time to time since the release (like many of us i istantly came up with this, since it’s pretty simple) mostly for my videos as it’s very entertaining to watch, but when i rolled the engineer i didn’t really imagined this as the “engineer gameplay”.
If it gets nerfed in trade of some decent buffs to kits and stuff i won’t be too sad, i’d love to play a really versatile (AND EFFICIENT) engineer that is not the classic bunker build.
(edited by Iddiozzia.3489)
I think that the minute people in sPvP identify that you are running this build you will be instantly focused and die. It is a popular build and therefore people realize how incredibly fragile you are, with almost no good ways to mitigate damage over the long term. Watch how long it takes to kill the heavy golem in the video: that is not encouraging.
In WvW, this build is not so crazy in groups but the risks are much higher. Dying in WvW can mean running for minutes if your group wipes. But at least you get to keep toolkit for magnet, aka “the best single-target CC skill in the game” (yes, this I think this skill is better than Moa Morph).
In PvE, this build is not worth running. Spike damage builds just don’t do much.
I run this build in paid tournaments constantly with my team. As long as you time your bursts and dodges correctly, you will be unstoppable. Since all of the attacks are relatively AOE, the damage in team fights is just invaluable. I have some footage I’m uploading this very moment of me using it in a tournament!
I experienced it a lot. People that know this build, will focus you in sPvP. I had two guardian goign directly for me each fights. They know that when under pressure, our dps goes down a lot.
We are really fragile I agree, but we have some good defensive mecanism. With positionning I can delay and slow people down a lot. If you get hit, you are dead tho.
With this build, you have a good endurance regen, you have a 3 sec block, you have a slow (but useful) leap, you have a knockback/escape, you have net shot, you have AoE slow and perma swiftness.
You won’t tank anything, but you have to stay mobile, and you’ll survive longer.
Tho I agree, as soon as you hit a good team, you are dead. CC + focus = dead.
The great thing about static discharge that isn’t talked about much is that this also fits into defensive builds. The current build I run is actually a variation of this mixed with the Toolkit tankish build that’s come to be called Tankcat.
If you run any power build, the SD effects are considerable, even running builds with 2.7k armor and focus on defensive abilities. The same is true of turrets in general as well, though these builds show just how useful rifle turret or even net turret can be.
Posted tournament gameplay with the build in the OP!
I would not be the least bit surprised if they add an internal cool down to Static Discharge, effectively killing it.
Walorx I’m sure you can post a better video with people actually focusing on you.
(And you not dying to animal :P)
as powerful as this build is, you realize that other classes can probably do more dmg then us still with less gear and less buttons haha, but it’s still fun
Walorx I’m sure you can post a better video with people actually focusing on you.
(And you not dying to animal :P)
I can haha. I’ll be putting some full tournament gameplay soon. I just had some B-Roll lying around so I just decided to upload it :P
Walorx I’m sure you can post a better video with people actually focusing on you.
(And you not dying to animal :P)
I can haha. I’ll be putting some full tournament gameplay soon. I just had some B-Roll lying around so I just decided to upload it :P
Nice vids, Walorx, good work. I’ve been trying out a version of this with pistol/shield as well to good effect so far, for more defensive options and another Sigil effect, and it’s been going well. It offers a nice combo of burst with just enough condition damage to make it a bother.
2 extra shield reflect/block + I can keep Sigil of Air, and add Sigil of Energy to get an extra dodge, which is a life-line sometimes for burst specs.
Walorx I’m sure you can post a better video with people actually focusing on you.
(And you not dying to animal :P)
I can haha. I’ll be putting some full tournament gameplay soon. I just had some B-Roll lying around so I just decided to upload it :P
Nice vids, Walorx, good work. I’ve been trying out a version of this with pistol/shield as well to good effect so far, for more defensive options and another Sigil effect, and it’s been going well. It offers a nice combo of burst with just enough condition damage to make it a bother.
2 extra shield reflect/block + I can keep Sigil of Air, and add Sigil of Energy to get an extra dodge, which is a life-line sometimes for burst specs.
Glad you enjoy it!
Dont use vozs build it doesnt have slipper shoes.
I do a very similar build with 2 changes:
-Adrenal Implant instead of Power Wrench
-Self Regulating Defenses in Elixirs (I feel this synergizes very well with the fact that all our toolkit abilities reset at 25%).
I do a very similar build with 2 changes:
-Adrenal Implant instead of Power Wrench
-Self Regulating Defenses in Elixirs (I feel this synergizes very well with the fact that all our toolkit abilities reset at 25%).
Exactly, I use those exact ones for those reasons as well on my burst build. I use Power Wrench on my more defensive build with this because my survivability warrants the cooldown reduction for clutch 3 second blocks, but on this spec, I’ve found I typically either kill my opponent or they kill me before 15 seconds or so, so I don’t usually get full use of the Power Wrench CD on a burst build.
And Self-Regulating Defenses is a godsend for burst, especially once you realize you can still use kit moves while immune… I’m a big fan of hitting people with a very powerful tiny Crowbar while invulnerable.
You say it’s not worth using Rifle Turret at all, but It does have one use; you can place it down before running in to your next opponent and double tap to detonate it and fire a Surprise Shot basically giving you a free Static Discharge Proc.
You also can use Jump Shot cancel to move around this build which is a great help to this build as it greatly increases mobility; Which can be performed by using Jump Shot, switching to Med-Kit mid-flight and before landing again using tilde key or whatever you use to drop the kit doing this will cancel the ending animation of jump shot which can be very useful for chasing people down or running away two things you will often have to do with this build.
I do a very similar build with 2 changes:
-Adrenal Implant instead of Power Wrench
-Self Regulating Defenses in Elixirs (I feel this synergizes very well with the fact that all our toolkit abilities reset at 25%).^^^
Exactly, I use those exact ones for those reasons as well on my burst build. I use Power Wrench on my more defensive build with this because my survivability warrants the cooldown reduction for clutch 3 second blocks, but on this spec, I’ve found I typically either kill my opponent or they kill me before 15 seconds or so, so I don’t usually get full use of the Power Wrench CD on a burst build.And Self-Regulating Defenses is a godsend for burst, especially once you realize you can still use kit moves while immune… I’m a big fan of hitting people with a very powerful tiny Crowbar while invulnerable.
Yeah, I think speccing for a little more defense would be better for tpvp.
bump because friend couldn’t find it.
I made an almost identical build and the concept works. I didn’t watch the whole video, but I notice you didn’t try the double Toolbelt spam with the turret. Place it then double spam by exploding and firing the bullet.
I made an almost identical build and the concept works. I didn’t watch the whole video, but I notice you didn’t try the double Toolbelt spam with the turret. Place it then double spam by exploding and firing the bullet.
I didn’t know the healing turret spam at the time of the video, but I use it now!
Great Vid! I have yet to get into any tournament play.
I run something similar, now that I have started to experiment away from my TankCAT. While I love the TankCAT survivability, My first love is the Rifle. A great weapon with ALOT of versatility.;T0AA1ynEOJdS9kyJKbM2IsxajzGpNDKA
(As always, just copy and paste in your browser)
I know having Runes of the Dolyak is a bit off, but those are from my TankCAT days…and I went broke buying them(26 gold what???), hehe.
Complimenting these Runes with Ruby Orichalcum Jewelry of the Knight/Soldier helps to offset that ‘Glass Cannon’ Feel. Not only am I able to survive(Runes plus Tool Kit, along with the Hidden Flask, Inertial Converter, and Self-Regulating Defenses…built in Elixirs!), but to wag my finger at that pesky D/D Ele who thought his burst would wreck me. Overcharged Shot, Jump Shot(you IMMEDIATELY jump to where they are lying down, even with semi-self CC of OC Shot), Net Shot(for that vulnerability stack), Toolbelt Skills(for the Lightning strikes), drop Turret, Explode Turret….annnnnnnd Boom there goes the dynamite!
Is it just me, or are more people taking a step back when they encounter an Engineer roaming in WvW? I’ve noticed this. It seems that the Engineer is coming up into it’s own, thanks to a few dedicated builds that others have been gracious enough to share.
Does this build still work or have their been nerfs etc? Or is their a better buold for today that is similar?
Still work, but it mainly effective when you aren’t pressurised, and are fighting people with low HP/thoughtness.
Still a lot of fun!
Still work, but it mainly effective when you aren’t pressurised, and are fighting people with low HP/thoughtness.
Still a lot of fun!
Good to know, we noticed in a lot of fights that they focus on me (the ranger) and ignore my engineer buddy. This works out well for him as he can escape most times if things are looking really ugly. Hoping that now he will be able to save me.
It’s good in team fight. If you can position yourself and be reactive.
But 1 on 1, it’s going to be really hard.
Not much survivability, low condition removal, you only have a burst.
Ahh good to know Kardiamond, btw do you know why he takes the rifle turret but said not to use it?
Ahh good to know Kardiamond, btw do you know why he takes the rifle turret but said not to use it?
Because of “Surprise Shot”, the Rifle Turret Toolbelt’s ability, it has the shortest cool down of all toolbelt skills and also happens to work great with Static discharge.
using rifle normally would be a waste since you wouldn’t be able to use static discharge. you can and should rifle tho, but you have to know when.
(edited by google.3709)
Ahh good to know Kardiamond, btw do you know why he takes the rifle turret but said not to use it?
Personally, I know that many people drop the turret and detonate it for an extra 2 discharges, however I also notice that many times the discharges flail in random directions and miss the target. Although sometimes it works, I just feel it’s not worth the extra effort and you could do more DPS simply using 1 than taking the 2 seconds it takes to drop and detonate the turret.
lol massive damage
Sure it is.
lol massive damage
Sure it is.
It’s pretty considerable. You don’t have to come any closer than 1200 range to apply it. Not our best roaming DPS build, but arguably our 2nd best at the moment (and now our only real burst build), and still viable, just not at the very tip-top tier. Recent changes to turrets makes rifle turret even more useful if you are proactive in your thinking rather than reactive.
I don’t know if anyone noticed this but, how did you get vigil shoulders and you’re rank 25? You don’t usually get that until rank 40+. Hope I’m not too off-topic. This build looks amazing!
I really like this build, an Asura with a wrench and pop-gun is pretty trolly and fun.. but Im not finding a use for it in S/Tpvp..
Nice necro again guys, this is happening more more that someone post en several month old posts
lol massive damage
Sure it is.
It’s pretty considerable. You don’t have to come any closer than 1200 range to apply it. Not our best roaming DPS build, but arguably our 2nd best at the moment (and now our only real burst build), and still viable, just not at the very tip-top tier. Recent changes to turrets makes rifle turret even more useful if you are proactive in your thinking rather than reactive.
Actually there is a similar much stronger burst build i made. go
30-10-0- 5-25 Mine field/Rifle turret/Tool kit
with mine field ( toolbelt ability ) + surprice sho you can 1 shot glass cannon builds, as remove up to 5 boons.
I don’t know if anyone noticed this but, how did you get vigil shoulders and you’re rank 25? You don’t usually get that until rank 40+. Hope I’m not too off-topic. This build looks amazing!
There was a bug a while back when you could get tiger tokens from rank 1 hammers, but it was patched pretty quickly.
lol massive damage
Sure it is.
It’s pretty considerable. You don’t have to come any closer than 1200 range to apply it. Not our best roaming DPS build, but arguably our 2nd best at the moment (and now our only real burst build), and still viable, just not at the very tip-top tier. Recent changes to turrets makes rifle turret even more useful if you are proactive in your thinking rather than reactive.
What would be the best roaming dps build?
This is very nice, thanks for sharing. I’ve tried other SD builds before, but haven’t used Goggles before and some of the other choices you make synergize very well. I know some Thieves last night musta been wondering what just happened to them.
Very nice burst DPS, best I’ve experienced on an Engie in sPvP. I didn’t have any issues making this build work in team play, just as stated above the pseudo-AoE DPS output really is quite nice in point defense.
lol massive damage
Sure it is.
It’s pretty considerable. You don’t have to come any closer than 1200 range to apply it. Not our best roaming DPS build, but arguably our 2nd best at the moment (and now our only real burst build), and still viable, just not at the very tip-top tier. Recent changes to turrets makes rifle turret even more useful if you are proactive in your thinking rather than reactive.
What would be the best roaming dps build?
The strongest ATM is either a power or condition variant of HGH.
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