Static Discharge

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Poliswag.8240


Getting right into it, this seems to need a tweaking in terms of accuracy and targetting. Say you’re exploding the healing turret, or using a toolbelt ability like regenerating mist – SD does not travel to your target, and even if you’re directly in front of it, will still miss a great portion of the time. I feel that this deserves to travel to the target as a direct damage attack.

[IX][oPP] Poliswag – Engineer

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Yeah like many other Engie bugs this horse has been beaten 100x over and Anet doesn’t even acknowledge their existence , im not a pessimistic person but god almighty the line has to be drawn somewhere…

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


This is exactly the reason why most people go with Utility Goggles, Toolkit (which is a must) and Rifle Turret when running SD. Tough when you are a Charr, Hidden Pistol works wonders, but only in PvE, because you have to switch it for your stun breaker (UG).

Get rid of those kitten Hobosacks!

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


This is exactly the reason why most people go with Utility Goggles, Toolkit (which is a must) and Rifle Turret when running SD. Tough when you are a Charr, Hidden Pistol works wonders, but only in PvE, because you have to switch it for your stun breaker (UG).

The only other option is subbing out RT for Rocket Boots in WvW for an immob breaker and movement tool.

But yes, being forced to take targeted toolbelt abilities for SD to work limits the SD build variety. Being able to bring something like EG into a dungeon could be helpful.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


The SD bolt from non-targeted abilities goes straight where the camera is pointing. This is why it usually goes into the ground, but you can use knowledge this to aim the camera at any enemy you’re fighting, or just stand right on top of them when possible.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: daweed.6520


The SD bolt from non-targeted abilities goes straight where the camera is pointing. This is why it usually goes into the ground, but you can use knowledge this to aim the camera at any enemy you’re fighting, or just stand right on top of them when possible.

Finding a workaround doesn’t make it any less of a bug . SD builds have virtually 0 options when it comes to utility skills due to that bug alone. Its been there since launch and there needs to be a point where people quit making excuses for Anet and demand what they most definitely have paid for, launch features working as advertised.

Where is the synergy between the SD trait and every other toolbelt skill besides direct target ones ? Where is the versatility when plenty (if not most) of those dt skills seem to be attached to ridiculously underpowered utility skills?

When you see an Engineer that just launched a Static Discharge at you (and assuming he didn’t choose to pick his traits/skills through the process of banging his keyboard against various angled objects)…do you or don’t you know at least 50% of his traits & skills?

If your answers to those 3 questions are “Nowhere to be found, Nowhere to be found & I Do”, please stop dismissing valid posts and requests, because frankly that’s all your post seems to aim for…

RoS Eng/Guard/War/Thief/Mesm
" I don’t discriminate. I hate all of you equally…"

(edited by daweed.6520)

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Xenon.4537


It took Anet like 7 months to fix the Deployable Turrets trait. I predict at least another 7 months before SD gets fixed.

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


The SD bolt from non-targeted abilities goes straight where the camera is pointing. This is why it usually goes into the ground, but you can use knowledge this to aim the camera at any enemy you’re fighting, or just stand right on top of them when possible.

Finding a workaround doesn’t make it any less of a bug . SD builds have virtually 0 options when it comes to utility skills due to that bug alone. Its been there since launch and there needs to be a point where people quit making excuses for Anet and demand what they most definitely have paid for, launch features working as advertised.

Where is the synergy between the SD trait and every other toolbelt skill besides direct target ones ? Where is the versatility when plenty (if not most) of those dt skills seem to be attached to ridiculously underpowered utility skills?

When you see an Engineer that just launched a Static Discharge at you (and assuming he didn’t choose to pick his traits/skills through the process of banging his keyboard against various angled objects)…do you or don’t you know at least 50% of his traits & skills?

If your answers to those 3 questions are “Nowhere to be found, Nowhere to be found & I Do”, please stop dismissing valid posts and requests, because frankly that’s all your post seems to aim for…

I was just clarifying how it works, as it sounded like some in the thread thought it was totally random how it hit. There is a method. A buggy and broken method, but it does exist.

Don’t get me wrong I totally agree all SD procs should go directly at your target if you have one selected. I was only clarifying any misinformation about how it works with some toolbelt skills.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Definitely needs a fix.
Should always hit a target or ground where mouse is if no target.
Nothing else to say here.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Conan.8046


Its good the way it is! Increases the skill cap! Engineer is only supposed to be played by pro’s!

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: MonMalthias.4763


I would love Static Discharge’s skillshot to be independant of the plane of the camera. As it is, Static Discharge is already a relatively difficult skillshot to hit if you use toolbelt skills without a target.

Making it angle itself into the ground with the default camera angle is just un-necessary punishment. As it is, it seems that the angle at which it flies is simply angled way too low for the actual camera angle. I find myself tilting the Camera far too high for the SD proc to actually go straight – yet it’s the only way I can get it on target.

If they simply fixed the angle to actually follow the camera angle and make sense, SD skillshots would actually be more a matter of skill than accurate guestimating of where it wants to fly.

Iva Malthias – 80 Engineer
Marellune Malthias – 80 Elementalist
Devil’s Dominion [DD] – Yak’s Bend

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Its good the way it is! Increases the skill cap! Engineer is only supposed to be played by pro’s!

While I believe this is meant to be sarcasm, I can’t ignore the comment. The issue is independent of skill cap. It’s about making other skills’ toolbelts viable options for SD builds.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: daweed.6520


This should be stickied and merged with the other bug threads.

RoS Eng/Guard/War/Thief/Mesm
" I don’t discriminate. I hate all of you equally…"