Stop sharing OP builds already

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Cube.1758


Look, I enjoy my class. I cannot get into another class. You guys finding your most op build crap is what’s wrong with the game. Be like me and find a nice build that works for you and keep your mouth shut about it. Enjoy it. Cause,

What do you get? Internet points by sharing ? Fame? What!?. This class gets stripped left and right because of some Spvp builds that are intended to one shot people or overly be stronger than others. You know this is not the class for that. Just stop finding the niche builds and stop sharing them! Honestly, you are not supposed to kill people in one rotation, nor are you supposed to run around super mighty overall defensive and dpsing.

Btw. Never used 100nades or the HGH crap. F mainstream op builds. Make your own and stick to it. Love it and embrace it. Make it work for you. I love rolling on all you kitties copying build online and don’t even know the class to make them viable. I have 5 sets of gear for 5 different builds for whenever the hell I feel like playing. But please. Just stop sharing your omg op builds. Keep to yourself

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Boo. I appreciate them sharing their knowledge rather than keeping it to themselves in order to be gods amongst men.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


Boo. I appreciate them sharing their knowledge rather than keeping it to themselves in order to be gods amongst men.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Deified.7520


He does have a bit of a point. Since release, engineer has been the only class to get a ton of nerfs despite being the less played and often less complained. I see new threads everyday or complains everday about mesmers, guardians, or thieves and they go untouched since release.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Welswift.9813


I honestly think you are under-estimating ANet’s ability to find OP builds people are using. If the build is not known, noobs report it as a hack. Then, ANet might investigate (not because its a hack but to see whether it is OP), then inform the actual balance people at a board meeting.

When would you like to find out about a really OP build? (We don’t have any right now that are above fair but anyways…) 1) You could either find out a few weeks or even a month before it gets patched, allowing you to join in and really enjoy it or you could 2) Find out about the really awesome build when it gets nerfed in the patch notes.

Your choice, but let the community enjoy it, its really not a secret anyways!

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Look, I enjoy my class. I cannot get into another class. You guys finding your most op build crap is what’s wrong with the game. Be like me and find a nice build that works for you and keep your mouth shut about it. Enjoy it. Cause,

What do you get? Internet points by sharing ? Fame? What!?. This class gets stripped left and right because of some Spvp builds that are intended to one shot people or overly be stronger than others. You know this is not the class for that. Just stop finding the niche builds and stop sharing them! Honestly, you are not supposed to kill people in one rotation, nor are you supposed to run around super mighty overall defensive and dpsing.

Btw. Never used 100nades or the HGH crap. F mainstream op builds. Make your own and stick to it. Love it and embrace it. Make it work for you. I love rolling on all you kitties copying build online and don’t even know the class to make them viable. I have 5 sets of gear for 5 different builds for whenever the hell I feel like playing. But please. Just stop sharing your omg op builds. Keep to yourself

So what about the people that enjoy the most op build possible and the people that only the most op build possible works for? lol

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


On the bright side, you might end up getting your wish soon cube. If hgh does get nerfed, I don’t think there is any other of our builds (other thank just going bunker) that can be considered truly op. So once that happens no one will be sharing op builds anymore

btw pointing out in advance viable is not the same as op.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


On the bright side, you might end up getting your wish soon cube. If hgh does get nerfed, I don’t think there is any other of our builds (other thank just going bunker) that can be considered truly op. So once that happens no one will be sharing op builds anymore

btw pointing out in advance viable is not the same as op.

If they nerf HGH they would have to sprinkle a lot of other buffs in there. In the process of dismantling 100nades, they pretty much dismantled most other viable builds. As it stands, you pretty much have to go hgh if you want to get the most effectiveness out of the class. This isn’t saying that other stuff doesn’t work.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Look, I enjoy my class. I cannot get into another class. You guys finding your most op build crap is what’s wrong with the game. Be like me and find a nice build that works for you and keep your mouth shut about it. Enjoy it. Cause,

What do you get? Internet points by sharing ? Fame? What!?. This class gets stripped left and right because of some Spvp builds that are intended to one shot people or overly be stronger than others. You know this is not the class for that. Just stop finding the niche builds and stop sharing them! Honestly, you are not supposed to kill people in one rotation, nor are you supposed to run around super mighty overall defensive and dpsing.

Btw. Never used 100nades or the HGH crap. F mainstream op builds. Make your own and stick to it. Love it and embrace it. Make it work for you. I love rolling on all you kitties copying build online and don’t even know the class to make them viable. I have 5 sets of gear for 5 different builds for whenever the hell I feel like playing. But please. Just stop sharing your omg op builds. Keep to yourself

You do realize that is not how it works right?

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634



If they nerf HGH they would have to sprinkle a lot of other buffs in there.

Patch Notes:
HGH nerfed.
Rifle turret damage has been increased by 10%.

There’s your buff arn’t you thankful?

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


Engi community is bitter as kitten.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Mif.3471


Engi community is bitter as kitten.

With good reason.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


I believe there’s some degree of natural progression, when it comes to build choices.

Back in the heydey of multikit builds, I was playing around with my traits when I discovered the joys of Kit Refinement. (I actually was testing out a static discharge build I believe). After I discovered it’s potential, I felt free to spec into Explosives fully, used nades as my primary damage, along with the utility and support of EG. Third slot was often toolkit for it’s must have in PvP. Suddenly there are videos of the infamous ‘100nade’ build everywhere, doing something I’d been doing for some time. (Mostly in PvE, granted).

I used a more boon oriented build, which happened to be much like the ‘Sickman’ build, which itself was technically a variation of what was more or less the infamous 100nades build.

The gear just so happens to also go well with the current popular HgH builds… so here I am today, as an HgH engi.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


most of our nerfs were unjustified as far i know 100nades was nerfed cuz of a photoshopped picture, even if not theres really no excuse thief has insta kill comboes and mesmer has insta kill comboes did they get their builds slammed to the ground ? nope in fact they ll be buffed even more, at least engineer combo was fully dodgeable.
i dint really use 100nades anyways it was a 50/50 combo either you screwed up and died or you screwed your opponent.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


This class is so horribly broken, the only thing left to do is find a mechanic to exploit.

They would need six months to fix everything that is broken with this class.

..and at this point, the only way to play the engineer is to find something “not working as intended” and exploit the hell out of it, because playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


This class is so horribly broken, the only thing left to do is find a mechanic to exploit.

They would need six months to fix everything that is broken with this class.

..and at this point, the only way to play the engineer is to find something “not working as intended” and exploit the hell out of it, because playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

QFT. The last paragraph is sig worthy, mind if I use it?

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Sab.5291


Anet has NO love for the Engineer!
They have been nerfed to the weakest class by far!
I stopped individual PvP and only play WvW.
The only thing going for this class is their AOE ability for loot bags. (If you survive!)

I am the One and Only, Sab!
Find me in the front of the TC zurg

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


..and at this point, the only way to play the engineer is to find something “not working as intended” and exploit the hell out of it, because playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

That’s the core of the Engineer gameplay actually, break everything down and put some scraps together in order to find something that works. Even that is getting destroyed at that point. If they plan on putting efforts into turrets well… They’re either not knowing what they’re actually doing, or are really affraid to go too far with the changes.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Engi community is bitter as kitten.

Lol can you blame those who are? If a build was ever thought of as strong by any other class it gets nerfed. Although no dev has ever agreed hgh they are strong, we just assume its coming cause heck thats what history shows.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


But if they nerf the “op builds”, it shouldn’t touch you…. since you don’t play them :P So why complain then?

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Bailey.6892


The draw back is this, if they stop sharing their builds and people end up not having fun they will move to a new game. This hurts the population of the servers and game, and since population is the most important part of the game I would recommend against hoarding builds. That great build won’t bring much fun if their is no one to use it against.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Bailey.6892


Anet has NO love for the Engineer!
They have been nerfed to the weakest class by far!
I stopped individual PvP and only play WvW.
The only thing going for this class is their AOE ability for loot bags. (If you survive!)


Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Anet has NO love for the Engineer!
They have been nerfed to the weakest class by far!
I stopped individual PvP and only play WvW.
The only thing going for this class is their AOE ability for loot bags. (If you survive!)


Depends on the setting. on PvP rangers are currently one of the strongest class. traps are can’t be dodged/blocked. Ability to lock pet onto you and have them follow you around the map dealing more damage than the ranger itself. 2kd, stun, evades, fear and extreme survival. Also pet heal with mercy runes and sometimes glitches to ress even after it dies making the ranger unkillable unless it’s stomped.

the weakest PvP class is currently Warrior. and i’m referring for PvP mostly because it’s possibly the main reason for the upcoming Engineer Nerf.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


sharing is caring!

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Cold Hearted Person.6154

Cold Hearted Person.6154

sharing is caring!

At this point sharing is equal sure nerf.

Also if you found a good build why go telling others, its like telling the way to counter it. Not to meantion if you tell other your unique build you can be sure that in few hours it will be copy&paste on 1k+ ppl and it wont be so unique anymore.
You can call me selfish but i dont like the idea that builds are just copy and are not done by you or that someone did the same build like me and then spreed the word around the internet and now my build is not only not unique but is also copied and used by 1k+ ppl.
it just makes you one of many and i dont like that.

so +1 to no sharing idea

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I honestly think you are under-estimating ANet’s ability to find OP builds people are using. If the build is not known, noobs report it as a hack. Then, ANet might investigate (not because its a hack but to see whether it is OP), then inform the actual balance people at a board meeting.

When would you like to find out about a really OP build? (We don’t have any right now that are above fair but anyways…) 1) You could either find out a few weeks or even a month before it gets patched, allowing you to join in and really enjoy it or you could 2) Find out about the really awesome build when it gets nerfed in the patch notes.

Your choice, but let the community enjoy it, its really not a secret anyways!

anet doesnt have interdepartmental communication what are you talking about

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


sharing is caring!


Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Cube.1758


sharing is caring!

more like,

sharing is Carrying -

some guys have mentioned it. If you have played this class since release, then uou will have noticed how every op build gets shafted drastically. Im not talking about, " lets decrease a few numbers here and there and let the other class adjust to this particular engie ". No!!! , " lets just remove it from the game."* type of changeses.

Like i said, i never directly used any of the op builds but i had a few connections to them through traits. In addition, since they remove or change the mechanism of that trait, then i just replace it with someone else to make my style of play fun and enjoyable and not get rolled by anyone.

we have endless combinations in my book. you kitties coming here to simply copy X op build and abuse the kitten out of it is the problem.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


sharing is caring!

At this point sharing is equal sure nerf.

Also if you found a good build why go telling others, its like telling the way to counter it. Not to meantion if you tell other your unique build you can be sure that in few hours it will be copy&paste on 1k+ ppl and it wont be so unique anymore.
You can call me selfish but i dont like the idea that builds are just copy and are not done by you or that someone did the same build like me and then spreed the word around the internet and now my build is not only not unique but is also copied and used by 1k+ ppl.
it just makes you one of many and i dont like that.

so +1 to no sharing idea

this is a dripping with the oddest mix of insecurity and hubris. a new elixir concoction maybe? why are you sharing this OP build with us?

Posting a build on the forums is how we a) make the engineer community better as a whole; sometimes another set of eyes finds holes or problems you missed, b) find the weak spots in our build when facing other professions; i kitten well sure want to know that Mesmer.12345 knows how to counter ComboX in my build so that I can fix it, or change it, or learn how to improve it.

you sir, represent the attitude that stifles creativity and community interaction.

why did you even post?

we have endless combinations in my book. you kitties coming here to simply copy X op build and abuse the kitten out of it is the problem.

+ over nine thousand.


Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Kabuki.9103


Step 1: Find the strongest aspects of Engineer
Step 2: Create a build utilizing Step 1
Step 3: Share this build online
Step 4: Anet nerfs the strongest aspects of the Engineer

So if you remove Step 3, this will eliminate Step 4?

Since Step 4 happens after Step 3, Step 4 happens BECAUSE of Step 3?

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

He does have a bit of a point. Since release, engineer has been the only class to get a ton of nerfs despite being the less played and often less complained. I see new threads everyday or complains everday about mesmers, guardians, or thieves and they go untouched since release.

This is such BS.

The only kit that’s gotten nerfed is the Grenade Kit, which is still really effing good, and Kit Refinement has been reworked.

Overall though, we’ve been nothing but improved since release.

The Flamethrower has been buffed. The Tool Kit has been buffed. The Elixir Gun has been buffed. Gadgets have been buffed. Turrets have been buffed.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Cube.1758


He does have a bit of a point. Since release, engineer has been the only class to get a ton of nerfs despite being the less played and often less complained. I see new threads everyday or complains everday about mesmers, guardians, or thieves and they go untouched since release.

This is such BS.

The only kit that’s gotten nerfed is the Grenade Kit, which is still really effing good, and Kit Refinement has been reworked.

Overall though, we’ve been nothing but improved since release.

The Flamethrower has been buffed. The Tool Kit has been buffed. The Elixir Gun has been buffed. Gadgets have been buffed. Turrets have been buffed.

This here my friend, is an example of a noob engie who does not what the f—k he is talking about. go back to your cave troll.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Cube.1758


Step 1: Find the strongest aspects of Engineer
Step 2: Create a build utilizing Step 1
Step 3: Share this build online
Step 4: Anet nerfs the strongest aspects of the Engineer

So if you remove Step 3, this will eliminate Step 4?

Since Step 4 happens after Step 3, Step 4 happens BECAUSE of Step 3?

Yes. if you stop sharing that OMG I ONE SHOT PEOPLE build then ANET will not care because the rest of the classes will not be crying and pointing to obvious threads containing such OP builds. Even the guy who started the HGH build says is OP. go figure. I think it is too but you surely will not kill me with it.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

This here my friend, is an example of a noob engie who does not what the f—k he is talking about. go back to your cave troll.

Excuse me?

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


This here my friend, is an example of a noob engie who does not what the f—k he is talking about. go back to your cave troll.

Excuse me?

Ignore the angry elitist who cannot comprehend the fact that people want to help others and that some people play the game to gasp have fun!!! and do not care to spend their, potentially limited, amount of time in the game theory crafting and looking for something that works. Maybe it has some impact on balancing decisions, I would argue it’s an insignificant impact, but that’s the way it is and to get all angry about it is indicative of a greater problem with this game and the gaming community in general.

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

I am so freaking confused right now.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


The engineer has always been an odd class. We had builds that never died, and ones that killed too fast.

If they fixed stuff that needed to be fixed, no one would really care. I never thought that 100nades was overpowered, not with thieves still killing bunkers in seconds, but to nerf elixirgun builds in order to nerf 100nades? wtf were they thinking?

If all an engineer can be is a glass cannon, then they can’t blame us for making the best kitten glass cannons they’ve ever seen.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

(edited by Ezeriel.9574)

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Vapula.8210


OP, your post is beyond ridiculous. If you want to make your own build, be a special snowflake, and exclude yourself from the community, by all means do so, but don’t pretend that you have thought of anything unique or that other people are worse for using a build someone else came up with. A lot of players enjoy making, sharing, and discussing builds, and have fun helping people get better at their class. They are not wrong for doing so.

BTW, anyone who knows the class would be able to determine your general build by playing with/against you, especially if you put effort into synergy and didn’t pick traits/utilities that made no sense together.

Jared Kincaid

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Chairman Wang.5930

Chairman Wang.5930

Anet is just targeting engineers, the OP builds themselves may be justification but Izzy nerfs and buffs like an autistic child, not like an actual balancer. You think posting OP builds matter all that much? See how many blatantly broken builds are on PvX right now. What makes you think Anet improved since then? ER ele had infinite energy heals and as long as you covered that one enchantment, your fine.
You can argue, hey in sPvP actually balancing happens. Anet does show actually competency trying to balance PvP so the changes there can be reasonable and needed. Its the same company, idk why op is complaining about the nerfing habits that are well established

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

but to nerf elixirgun builds in order to nerf 100nades? wtf were they thinking?

Super Elixir was definitely taken into consideration when they nerfed Kit Refinement, and they felt having two of them for a sustainable Light field 100% of the time was a tad too good for a 10-point trait. I think most Engineers around here agreed with that assessment; we just didn’t think that they were going to outright remove the added Light field entirely.

Super Elixir is still the best Light field in the entire game: it has a 10 second duration, has a 240 radius, can be targeted from up to 900 range, has BOTH an impact and regenerative heal, and can be traited to have only a 16-second cooldown.

There is no Guardian Light field that offers that same kind of utility without traiting the crap out of your Symbols/Consecrations. Kit Refinement was a no-brainer and not only buffed your Elixir Gun but additionally gave us one of the best bursts in the game at the same time while passively adding 10% Critical Damage and a -10% Toolbelt Recharge Rate.

It was a shock to the senses, but most people have gotten over the Kit Refinement nerf by now. The FT/EG build now specs into Explosives for Incendiary Powder, with a full 30 in Alchemy for Cleansing Formula. Grenade Kit Engineers now put 10 in Firearms for Precise Sights or Hair Trigger to better apply more Conditions with HGH and Grenadier. To tell you the truth, I don’t even really think about what it was like having Double Super Elixirs anymore. I kind of got over it.

Engineers are one of the top-tier PvP classes, are one of the best WvW classes, and have the versatility to fill just about any role in a party in PvE.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)

Stop sharing OP builds already

in Engineer

Posted by: darkace.8925


What do you get?

A balanced game.