Stopping for Healing Turret?

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Magira.6390


Hello there,

I am pure solo unranked players and Roamer. Currently I am testing the healing abilities on suitability for my style of play. The Medi Kit is excreted in the first round. ^^

Here is always raved about the tower, so far I can not agree. I just can not do the necessary action from setting to Pickup while moving. I always have an extra stop to serve the tower optimally.

Is this just my clumsiness? If not, what do you do with a Heal to which one has to stop?

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Peutrifectus.4830


1) learn english, don’t use google translate.

2)healing tower needs to be either picked up or blasted to optimise healing.


Combo whilst moveing; Deploy healing turret (whilst spamming #6 to)>overcharge healing turret>detonate healing turret.

(edited by Peutrifectus.4830)

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Magira.6390


1) learn english, don’t use google translate.

2)healing tower needs to be either picked up or blasted to optimise healing.


Combo whilst moveing; Deploy healing turret (whilst spamming #6 to)>overcharge healing turret>detonate healing turret.

At detonating I’m already out of reach. Therefore the question: Is it worth that, or is it better AED to use.

My English will not improve, I am retired ^^. But perhaps Google Translate.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Do a youtube search and check out some guides on the turret, that should help a fair amount.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Magira.6390


I’ve seen some videos that will be shown in standing. That’s no problem, I can do that while standing also. My concern is whether that is possible while I run with swiftness without a stop.

(edited by Magira.6390)

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I’ve seen some videos that will be shown in standing. That’s no problem, I can do that while standing also. My concern is whether that is possible while I run with swiftness without a stop.

I never have a problem. The size of the water field is large enough that if you cast the water field and detonate the turret as soon as possible for both, that you should always be in the field and receive the benefits of the full process. I do this in WvW regularly.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Magira.6390


Without Swiftness no problem with swiftness just not. Ok, I continue to practice. ^^

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Penthe.4063


not sure if this is still true but, it used to be that when you detonate the turret the healing blast originates from your player not the turret. this means it will always hit you for the full heal.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Peutrifectus.4830


Yes, even if your turret is half a mile away, so long as you are stood in a field, you will trigger a blast finisher and it’s effect is centred on you.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: WEXXES.2378


I used to run full turrets a long time ago as my main build.

It took a bit of practice to be able to pick up the healing turret as soon as it overcharged while on the move with swiftness, but it is possible.

Blasting it on the run is kitten easy.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: UntimelyM.7860


1) learn english…

Combo whilst moveing

Sorry, but this made me chuckle

Engineer – Prozap H [JDGE] Judge Legends & [CHvc] Cry Havoc – Gandara
Youtube Channel-

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Peutrifectus.4830


Moving… There you go. A typo hardly counts as bad English. ;-)

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tango Fro.5942

Tango Fro.5942

Only the leets may speak here obviously huh

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Only the leets may speak here obviously huh

Still waiting for that 10g fee…

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: remnant.2485


Actually, I’ve had an issue or two with Healing Turret as well. Sometimes, I drop it, and activate it, and it either takes its sweet time activating, or simply does not, though it activates the cooldown.

Worse, when I try to detonate reflexively for a burst of healing? If the field hasn’t gone off, I utterly waste the thing. I don’t really see people talking about this, so I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong.

Stopping for Healing Turret?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


It’s all about timing.
It can happen that you spam the combo so fast that the turret blows up before doing anything. Lag can cause that as well.
On the other hand you need to be fast enough to que the overcharge before the turret’s first AA. If you are too slow, it will fire just the usual regeneration stack & que the overcharge after that animation, obviously delaying the waterfield, which can result in it not going off at all, if you then continue the combo & blow the HT off before it can trigger the queued overcharge.

So yea, get the timing right.
… and check your ping. If you have a Ausie connection, you may as well use A.E.D. or elixir H.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.