Stuggling to lvl
Use XP boosters. Run with a zerg that caps everything rapidly. Do the Personal Story. Speed run CoF.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Yes, you have to do PvE. Unless you can find a zerg karma train WvW leveling is extremely slow. And even if you do, it’s still very slow. PvE with hearts, story, and DEs, I found leveling to be at least 3 times faster than WvW. And that is independent of profession.
If you decide to just bite the bullet and PvE, take grenades and bombs to make those heart and DEs go faster. Build explosives and I suggest you do power/condition damage hybrid stats.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
Yes, you have to do PvE. Unless you can find a zerg karma train WvW leveling is extremely slow. And even if you do, it’s still very slow. PvE with hearts, story, and DEs, I found leveling to be at least 3 times faster than WvW. And that is independent of profession.
If you decide to just bite the bullet and PvE, take grenades and bombs to make those heart and DEs go faster. Build explosives and I suggest you do power/condition damage hybrid stats.
any specific guide in regards to the grenade and explosive builds?
Sorry no. I leveled two engineers with bombs and grenades but experimented with the traits. I didn’t really find any setup that was noticably terrific, at least until you hit 60. Grenadier is far and away the best trait for that style of leveling. Incidiary Powder is pretty good once you start getting gear with precision on it. Bomb radius helps because mobs don’t always stack exactly how you want.
I just noticed I didn’t specify weapons, only utilities. That’s because I rarely used my normal weapon because the kits are just better. If you build more power-ish, use rifle. If you build more condition-ish, use Pistol/Pistol. I suggest the med-kit so you get access to swiftness and a condition removal. For the remaing utility, I suggest you experiment to find what you like. I personally used elixir B for the extra swiftness.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
(edited by Eviator.9746)
So i’ve made an engineer today, and leveled him to 17 via maxing Chef, but since i’m out of funds i resorted to WvW (the only mode i play pretty much) to gain levels, but it’s painfully slow, so i have to do PVE.
I don’t like PVE that much, i find it repetitive, and i don’t like that very much.
So, any tips on how to level an Engineer as fast as possible? (10~15 levels per day)
Well if you do it the way I did it it shouldn’t take much time at all. Basically I gathered explored and did any events happening in the areas I was in. I also picked a craft but if you maxed yours already that wouldn’t be an option.
Doesn’t matter the craft either its just going to be used for leveling anyways.
I literally had to slow myself down for fear of reaching level 80 faster then my friends.
I’m not that big a fan of PvE myself, but a good way I found to speed things along is just hit up as many skill point challenges as you can, it gives you a solid goal in pve environments and you get some decent exp and a lot of skill points from it, that and tagging along for wvw exp trains. Also try doing the super big event chains like the asura nuclear reactor or the seraph campaign in harathi hinterlands.
A way to make PvE easier to deal with could be setting yourself some goals for the day. For instance today I am going to complete this zone for the possibly epic rewards I get… Has you working toward something.
PvE leveling goes much faster if you skip random mobs and instead focus on events, hearts and completing maps (find all areas and locations, do all hearts).