So, now we are on the radar again (boy does the beta feel like a long time ago).
This time it isn’t because we instantly burst someone from inside them, or revive ourselves or because of loading people up with such a conditionburst that they die faster than to a powerbuild.
It’s because we are good at knocking people out of circles. Yup. That makes us rule the one gamemode that the game got in a structured format. Funny how the class supposed to be all about holding ground, controlling and delivering area denial is really good in that role. Anyways the build in focus is simply called the “Decap Engi”, and while there is a lot of confusion about exactly what this build is people seem to agree to the view that a decap engineer use:
1. Heavy CC. Uses rifle and other CC like airblast to launch people off the point and follow up with netshot to ensure a decap versus one player.
2. Defensive stats. Rolls high healingpower and toughness to be immortal in 1vs1.
3. Healing turret. Uses Healing turret for uninterruptable large aoe heal and conditionremoval with a knockback from traiting.
4. Immunity. Picks automated response to be unkillable against condition builds.
5. Insta win elite. Supplydrop for a instant win against any class.
Now what people admit that it doesn’t do well:
1. Kill. Anything really, clerics amulet makes sure you will never be a threat to anyone.
2. Mobility. But since you are always busy figthing him on one point he will never have to move right?
3. Stability and stunbreaks. Yeah people can decap from a decap engi cap rather easily, but the point is that the point never really is your point. Get the point?
4. Team support. Healing turret excluded you won’t push out as much support as a midbunker would prefer to do, meaning that you go for the sidecaps.
So what we got in the public eye is a unkillable CCmonster who goes even more immortal against condition users who use a overpowered uninterruptable heal and instant cast CC to decap (not necessary hold) sidepoints. And if you put up resistance with stability or what have you he will kill you with a flick of supply crate. Everyone is apparently now running this engineer and it is ruining pvp. He can’t kill you, and he does not do a stand in for the guardian who have occupied mid since release and neither does he hold it from you since he is even more open to CC than you are and its does not move well between points but its bad for everyone.
So thats me playing a bit of devils advocate and devils advocates devils advocate.
What would i hope to see here? I would want to see fellow engineer’s give their ideas for reasonable changes and opinions on what should and should not stay.
It’s better that we do it than to find next patch that our shield has been removed from the game, that flamethrower does not apply burning, that healing turret now does not create a waterfield and heal but simply gives the regeneration boon, that rifle skills now heal the enemy and that turrets gets nerfed because of a elite or something (oh wait…). Jokes aside there’s such a confusion around engineer’s right now that anything, and i do mean anything risks collateral damage.
Part of this might be because of our relative diversity, people see a lot of engineers and assume that decap is the only possible build, meaning that this needs to be removed when in reality most might simply be rabid engineers with a bit of CC in their build. Thus not only does the problem factors described above risk a nerf but unrelated things like other weapons, utilities and roles. Its even possible to complain about static discharge engineers in these threads and no one except a engineer would raise an eyebrow.
Therefore we need to control the damage, because we might know better what got to do with the build(s) and what does not.
Also it might be a problem with the one gamemode we got, and not with the profession. *hint*more gamemodes please*hint*
(edited by miriforst.1290)