[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The Bloodstone Technician is what happens when you mix an already slightly crazy engineer and bloodstone. A whole lot of bloodstone. This resulting mad scientist of an engineer specializes in making his enemies even crazier than he is, dealing lots of confusion, torment, and with a little fear. To achieve this end, he’s gathered fellow engineers and minions to invent modified variants of weapons, gadgets, and elixirs utilizing the power of bloodstone. The result. A maddening masterpiece. No White Mantle were experimented upon in the production of these devices and elixirs.

Weapon Mods act as your weapon swap, granting access to a new set of skill based on your equipped weapon with similar uses.
Rifle Mod; Major power minor condi, AoE with focus target bonus, range; (170-600u)
1; Infused shot, 90u AoE, vulnerability(2x) (600u)
2; Load Shells, Channel to Load 2 Infused shotgun shells. 1.25sec cast.(12cd)
>Bloodstone Blast; Cone shot, (3,2,1) stacks of Torment, 5second recharge, reverts to Load shells after 15 seconds or consumed shells, Range (170,360,600u)
3; Fire and Bloodstone; Ignites gunpowder and bloodstone dust without a shell. Cone attack, heavy power dmg and causes 2 torment(x3) based on range (170,360,600u)
4; Harpoon Fragment; Fires a Bloodstone fragment as a harpoon, embedding in the enemy. Struck enemy is dazed(.5s) or stunned if already dazed. Range (600u)
5; Improvised Use; Throw a box of ammo at target and fire at it, causing an explosion. Explosion launches enemies(180u) and confuses(x3), target suffers doubled effects. (600u)

Pistol Mod: Minor condition with Siphon and boon. Average range (900)
1; Bullet Shard; single target, torments 1x(3s). (900u)
2; Red Mist; Rapidly fire 12 medium speed homing projectiles, for every 4 that find their target, an explosion occurs, causing confusion and extra damage. (9cd)(900u)
3; Volatile shot; Fire an unstable shot that bleeds and stuns your target, causes confusion if you interrupt. (20cd) (900u)
4; Siphoning fragment; Fire an uncharged bloodstone that siphons health(7x) and pulses weakness(2x), gains charge while embedded. (25cd) (900u)
>Yank and Partake; Pull the charging bloodstone and use its accumulated power for yourself, gaining might(7s) and healing(300hp) for each charge it had. Resets in 7 seconds. (130u)
5; Corrupting Shot; Fire a supercharged bloodstone shard, causing confusion and corrupting boons. (30cd) (900u)

Shield Mod; Sacrifice for gain and boon steal.
4; Power Converter; Block attacks. When struck gain might. (35cd)
?Discharge Power; discharge your shield and lose up to 10x might, for every 2 might lost a protective field is summoned for 1 second that blocks projectiles and pulses damage. Shrinks based on duration left. (360/180u max/min radius)
5; Beam Emitter; Fire a beam from a Bloodstone device embedded in your shield that siphons health and steals boons. If it strikes foes with no boons, the final strike inflicts fear. (35cd) (600u)

New Weapon, Duel Maces
Maces focus on mobility, and deception to punish your foe and give you the upper hand.
1.(Insert random AA chain skill names) – Final strike grants superspeed.
2. Potential Feint; Strongly swing twice at your opponent, dealing little damage, but storing kinetic energy.(15cd) (120u)
?Kinetic Takedown; Release some stored potential energy and swiftly maneuver around your target and take out their legs, dealing damage and knocking them down and inflicting vulnerability. (120u)
?Ground Demolition; Release the remaining energy and smash your baton into your enemy, dealing massive damage to enemies. Static opponents are struck critically.(180u radius)
3. Debilitating Storm; Jab your opponent multiple times at nerve points, slowing all movements. Inflicts slow(2.5s), cripple(5s), and immobilize(1s). (20cd)(120u)
4. Gyro sweep; Swing your mace in a circle to charge an internal gyro, making it artificially gain weight. Requires no target to chain. (25cd)
>Heavy swing; make a sluggish swing dealing large damage, charging the gyro further. Removes a Stability stack. Requires no target to chain.
>One-Ton-Toss; Toss your impossibly heavy mace forward, leveling anyone struck by it dealing heavy damage. If it strikes a blocking enemy or enemy with stability, the projectile stops and removes 3 stacks of stability and launches.
5. Baton-bounce; Hurl your electrified baton expertly at your opponent, stunning them and dealing damage, succeeded by a rapid dash towards them to catch the baton and follow up strike granting fury.(30cd) (600u)

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Mace Mod
(Insert random AA chain skill names); 1-2 strikes cause 2s confuse. Final 3s AoE confuse.
Givers Strike; Gain protection(2s) and transfer 1 condition each to struck targets.(12cd)(120u)
Bloodstone Eruption; Smash the ground and release a wave of Bloodstone energy that taints the struck area for 3s, pulsing(4x) medium damage, cripple(2s), and torment(3s). (15cd)(360u)
Synergy Block; Block for .75s. If you block an attack it reduces recharge of Mod skills by static 15% and grant nearby allies 1.5s of Bloodstone Aura.(20cd)(360u radius)
Crazed Flurry; Wildly strike targets in front of you(5x). Each hit causes torment and deals extra 2% damage for each stack of confusion.(25cd)(170u)

Utility & Heal Skills
Bloodstone Gauntlets(Heal/Kit)
Tool Belt(Heal); Bloodstone Draw; Draw power from your gauntlets, healing you and granting bloodstone aura for 4s (steal health when attacked, 1s cd). (25cd)
Kit skills; Vampiric punch, light damage, light siphon with high Healing power scaling. Final strike also steals a boon(120u)
Magic drain; Siphon magic from the immediate area, also siphons health from enemies. Heals per pulse and targets struck.(20cd)(360u radius)
Draw corruption; Siphon your conditions into the gauntlets, briefly inflicting weakness. Cleanses 2 conditions.(25cd)
Equalizing Drain; Grab you opponent and drain them per both of your health. Immobilizes(1s) and dazes(.5s) target at cast. Cannot move while channeling. Pulses 4 times. Siphon increase; target hp>80% 300hp, hp>50% 200, hp<50% 100. Caster HP<HP50% 300hp, HP>HP50% 200hp. (35cd)
Soul Battery; Strike a foe and drain their life, if downed you begin to channel and siphon the rest of their health, finishing the channel finishes the foe(3s channel). (40cd)(180u)

Bloodstone Turret, fires a beam of energy that torments(2x)(4s) targets and applies leaching, siphoning health healing allies that strike this target. Fires every 5s (40cd)(600u)
Over Charge; Releases a maddening orb of energy that fears enemies and grant fury to allies.(25cd)(180u radius)(600u)
>Bloodstone Core; Hurl a Bloodstone bomb that causes torment(3x)(3s) and low damage.(25cd)(180u radius)(900u)
Bloodstone Tether(Gadget); Fire a tether cable that ties you to your enemy, while tethered you siphon health and steal boons 2 times after each second has passed, no initial steal(2s). (10cd)(600u)
TB;Charge Tether; Prepares a Bloodstone Tether (max 3 prepared). 15s recharge.
>Vampires Web; Consume all 3 tethers to Fire a tether that bounces off enemies for a max of 3 targets. Tethered targets are immobilized, weakened, siphoned, and transfer boons to you. Targets that evade while tethered break tether. (900u)(180u bounce)
Turret Pack; Equip a turret mounted on you back that fires cyrobombs or napalm rockets at your enemy, every 4 seconds for 13seconds.(60cd)(180u radius)(900u)
>Ammo Switch; Switches cyrobomb for napalm rockets or vice versa.
TB; Pack Blast Off; Blast off using you backpack, burning foes at your takeoff point and chilling foes as you land. Fire Field & Ice Field. Blast Finisher (2x)

Elite; Blood Elixir; Drink an experimental mix of Elixirs and charged Bloodstone Dust, causing dangerous energies to flow through your body.(15s duration) Grants 2 Bloodstone Energy.(150cd)
TB; Throw Blood Elixir; Damages enemies, downed enemies and enemies with less than 33%hp suffer double damage.(60cd)(180u radius)(900u)
>(While under effect of Blood Elixir) Swig of Elixir; Grants 2 Bloodstone Energy. 1s Cast. Instant Recharge. 1/4s Aftercast.
Blood Lightning; Fire 2 Bolts of corrupt energy at your foe. Chains twice for 75/50% dmg to enemies 120u away from target. (900u)
Aura of Blood; Pulse deadly energy to nearby foes, dealing more damage at short range. Downed foes take extra damage. Consumes 2 energy.(450/360/180u radius)(8cd)
Blood Corruption; Let the influence of Bloodstone power reign. Gain quickness, might(8x), and fury for 3 seconds. Consumes 2 energy. Disables Swig of Elixer for 1.5s(8cd)
Mist Rend; Use the power of the Bloodstone to rend the mist and re-emerge violently, stunning foes at target location. 1second Cast, grants 1s invisibility upon cast. Consumes 3 energy.(8cd)(180u radius)(900u)
Blood-drinker Vortex; Pull the physical world and the Mist into you, pulling nearby foes. When the channel ends, a massive explosion occurs damaging and launching enemies. Ends Blood Elixir. Consumes 5 energy and disables all skills for 1 second. 2.25s Channel pulses pull. (25cd)(360u radius)

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

While the council was being held, they decided to rework gadgets as well. Gadgets now behave similar to Mesmer’s Mantras. Each has a respective charge gadget tool belt skill, that the slotted gadget consumes to function. Upon reaching max 3 charges, a super-powered variant replaces the tool belt that consumes all charges. The idea is to have a skill that can be saved up to quickly use multiple powerful short term boost and attacks at the cost of multiple activations and balancing the cooldowns of the toolbelt charge and gadget or waiting out for the stronger max charge toolbelt variant.
Functional change to Gadgeteer; When struck gain Gadgeteer charge, at 5 charges, your next gadget tool belt activates 1/4s faster and recharges 20% faster (stacks w/traits) or your next gadget is boosted.

Other Gadgets
Rocket Boots; Launch in target direction, cleansing movement impairing conditions. (8s) Blast finisher. Boosted counts as evade.
TB; Rocket Fuel; Gain a Rocket Boots charge(60s). (12sR)
>Rocket Kick ; At max fuel, consume all fuel to launch at target and release a massive rocket powered kick, launching and burning enemies
Slick Shoes; Release Oil Slicks(4x) with each stop you take. Knocks down for 1s. (20cd)Boosted causes blinding oil slicks and removes cripple and chill.
TB; Oil Cartridge; Grants Slick Shoes Charge.
> Slick Slider ; Consume all charges to gain ‘Slick Slider’ buff and superspeed for 5 seconds. When you evade, you evade an extra 150u and drop slippery oil that launches targets 180u in the direction traveled across. Activation removes movement impairing conditions, evades while buffed remove cripple.
Goggles; Gain Fury(3s), Cleanses blind and weakness, also makes next strike unblockable. (10cd) Instant cast
Boosted Grants Aegis(1s) and target gains vulnerability(5x)
TB; Charge Goggles ; Grants Goggle Charge. (12sR)
>Analyze; At max charges, consume all to gain Fury, remove blind and weakness, and create the debuff “Exposed Weakness” on target. Exposed Weakness makes target suffer 10% more damage and condition damage, and generates endurance 25% slower. Unblockable.
Personal battering Ram; Launches Target 240u. (10cd)(120u)
Boosted range is increased to 210, launches farther, and strikes up to 3 opponents.
TB;Wind Springs ; Grants Personal Battering Ram Charge
>Fire Ram; At max charges, consumes all to launch a speeding Ram Head, launching all targets hit.
AED; Initialize AED, When your HP falls below 15% AED Heals for a massive amount and removes conditions.(18cd)
TB;Charge AED; Grants charge to AED
>Hyper AED;Consume all charges to Activate Hyper AED. Stuns and damages nearby foes after Hyper AED ends. Removes all conditions if you fall below 15%HP, damaging conditions and immobilize only if timer expires.

Minor Traits
Adept; Hybrid tech; Gain access to weapon mods and maces.
Master; Soul Battery; Steal health when you strike a target below 33%HP (1cd) Finishing foes Heals
Grandmaster; Soul Tether; Heal allies for 15% of the health you steal and 5% of your personal heals.

Major Traits
I. Potent Bloodstone; While Bloodstone gauntlets are equipped, gain 180 Healing power. Reduces its recharge by 20%
II. King of Madness; Deal 5% more damage to confused or tormented targets while receiving 5% less damage.
III. Weighted Maces; Mace attacks deal 10% more damage and recharge 20%faster
IV. Bloodstone Enthusiast; Activating your elite and heal skills grant might(8s), 8x/4x respectively.
V. Alternative Power; Your turrets attack faster and apply torment on destruction.
VI. More than a Cure: Cleansing allies’ conditions grants might(8s) and restores 4 points of endurance.
VII. Refined Modifications; Your Weapon Mod skills recharge 20% faster. Activating Weapon Mod grants quickness(2s) (30cd)
IIX. Stable Soul; Using Blooddrinker Vortex doesn’t remove Blood Elixir. Additionally, you start with 1 extra energy and gain stability(4s) every 4s seconds.
IX. Corruption Inverter; Using a heal skill grants 4s of Bloodstone Aura (40sR). Being struck while under the effects of Bloodstone Aura granted by you converts conditions to boons (1sR).

Bloodstone gyro; Direct a gyro to fly in a single direction. With a powerful large Bloodstone attached it taunts nearby enemies. Can fall off ledges and cliffs. Unblockable and Unevadeable. If used out of combat, 50% chance to taunt ally. If ally dies under effects, forces caster to /facepalm emote and Lazarus appears from the mist and performs /laugh emote on corpse, then proceeds to steal your remaining life force with the bloodstone. (Obviously this is a joke skill, but I did seriously consider the first portion of it before, as it would be great for pulling enemies off point for PvP and grouping them for aoe.)

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Took me longer than I thought it would, obviously its not super engineery but I thought all the recent bloodstone and ley energy talk along with the inventions really deserve to have an engineer behind it. I wanted an emphasis on life siphon and a spec that would give engi a shot at support roles, giving a reason for engi to spec Heal Power(Yes I know hardly anyone likes that idea but Anet really needs to change coefficients and enemy/area mechanics to make it worth bringing at some point)

A lot of it is probably OP but this is just a rough sketch as I got tired of refining it. And yes their is one skill short of the usual 4 swappable utilities, throw a suggestion for that if you want I ran out of ideas. Traits are a pain to think of along with AA names. Anyways, Critique, 1+, give feedback in general.

In other words, you should you comment on this thread.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)