Suggestion To Make A.E.D. Viable
I still wouldn’t run it. You’d get hit by a 9k+ CoR at 1200 range, or a 9k vault, or any other big attack and just immediately die.
Make it a charger instead, charge the damage you are taking instead of waiting to take a critical one, and once is fulled, make his job, overheal you
Initial heal of AED?
Make it a charger instead, charge the damage you are taking instead of waiting to take a critical one, and once is fulled, make his job, overheal you
There are many suggestions around to gadgets in general either a passive/active usage or them to be used automatically under conditions (e.g. when movement impaired you activate rocket boots, when taking lethal damage AED heals you for the samll amount…).
Problem is that seeing how gadgeteer works, the devs intended (at least from my understanding) to have gadgets in tanky builds (because you need to be hit for the trait to charge) but while AED would fit a tank build, the other gadgets are more CC or escape oriented. The really should find a nice spot for gadgets to be useful.
Cast time has to absolutely be reduced with the level of burst that currently exists. Confusion should probably be added to the removed conditions. Non-Death healing at end of duration needs to be good. The toolbelt skill needs substantially more range rather than having to be face hugging the opponent for it to land.
- Make it instant cast;
– Make it remove (dmg)conditions on activation, then again if lethal dmg is taken;
This would make it more useful as a condi clear (when used above critical health), would make it more useful on critical situations (high pressure, critical health).
It would also make it combo nicely with gadgeteer and Automated Medical Response.
make the f1 ability a range skill and works with static discharge, then i will use this skill just for that, as of now no engi heal skill works with static discarge. And non of the elites works with static discarge as well…..
Guild Wars Vet since 05
multi-class all game modes
(edited by J envy.5270)
F1 would be great with 600 range already. And maybe a shorter cast time aswell. An offensive usable heal skill would be a great idea.
I’d also welcome a reduction of the cast time of AED rather than an extention of it’s effect duration. I mean AED isn’t essentially bad – it’s just … well HT is better and we know it :/ And I’m not even sure if anyone uses they gyro in pvp anymore now that it has a cast time.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
AED cast time is perfectly fine. They should reduce CD and make the toolbelt skill ranged, that’s all we need.
You are asking for too much..
It’s not like we need all of the suggestions at once :P But yea – better ask for too much so you are satisfied if they give you less ;D
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
The tool belt skill of AED is just weak-sauce in my opinion. In order to use this skill to interrupt a heal you would have to begin casting this before your opponent thinks to cast. The CD on it is also questionable given the benefits and the fact that you need to be a mind reader and your opponent has to still stand right next to you and cast their skill even though they see you winding this thing up for years.
AED isn’t in and of itself bad in certain niche circumstances but it also needs to give you 100 endurance as well as, clear immobilize, cripple, chill and confusion. It’s supposed to be a reset button if you take fatal damage. Right now you take Fatal Damage get your HP restored and still have that +3 seconds of immobilize and +5 seconds of chill applied so you still might as well be dead (you will be shortly, just give it a moment).
Alternatively it could apply resistance for 8 seconds if you would have died.
Alternatively it could apply resistance for 8 seconds if you would have died.
Again, too much. 3 seconds at MOST
Alternatively it could apply resistance for 8 seconds if you would have died.
Again, too much. 3 seconds at MOST
Unfortunately 3 seconds does not stack comparatively to those other healing skills that are providing similar benefits. Also 3 seconds is statistically insignificant in WvW and why MedKit (for skill 5) still does not see use. 2 – 3 seconds of resistance is just enough time for you to look at your bar and acknowledge which specific conditions will be the end of you. It is also important to note that we are going from completely removing conditions to making them inert with a boon that can be stripped (Counter-play exists in this case).