Suggestions on a WvW build?

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deified.7520



Now I’ve tried a lot of different WvW builds. I tried Nades, Exlier gun, Dual pistol exlier (though it is kinda nerfed now and doesn’t stand up to other classes damage) and Toolbelt burst.

Never really liked any of them

Does anybody have any suggestions on a WvW build for engineer that would be viable?

I’d like something that is range, close range in WvW is usually a death sentence if you’re running with or against a zerg.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


When you say you want something close range, you mean like if you are zerg v zerg and in the thick of it?

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deified.7520


No no, “I’d like something that is range, close range in WvW is usually a death…”. As in i want something that can dish out great DPS at a range. Something that isn’t nades or toolbelt.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dante.3754


Well I’m sorry to say you’re out of luck then.

Want ranged? Nades are best long ranged weapon but you don’t like those

What about mid-range? Pick people off the edge of the zerg, kill people who get to close. For that you need burst and our best burst build is toolbelt discharge, but wait, you don’t like that either

All you’re left with is close-range but, again, you don’t like that…

Really if you don’t use nades, toolbelt burst, close-ranged bomb builds, or elixer gun support you really can’t fight in a zerg fest. It sounds to me like you’d be best roaming with small (1 to 3 people) groups where you can use something that isn’t cookie-cutter. Open up your possibilites by avoiding the zerg.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sothix.6401


If you don’t like the grenade build for WvW, reroll. You have no other options.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deified.7520


Well darn. I really hate using builds everyone else uses. Everyone I talk to says stay away from gadgets and turrets. So disappointing, the whole turret mechanic was one of the main things that drew me to engineer. Hopefully they make this class more useful with all of its skills instead of less than half of them.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Schnuffles.5369


Tanky crit flamethrower build is great fun, i recommend giving it a shot.

Sure it’s not the highest DPS or the best at staying alive, but i have heaps of fun running around when the zergs clash spraying fire everywhere.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


This is the build I use and I have no problem in or out of zergs. The armor i use is Soldier(toughness,vitality,power) and i use Knight trinkets(power,precision,toughness).
You should have decent damage with survivability and mobility. I use a similar one in spvp.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cyricus.2981


Rifle power/crit discharge build with rifle turret, and either pbr or toolkit for the toolbelt skills for lots of ranged and short cooldowns to constantly fire off discharges works perfectly fine if you can’t stand grenades.

Edit: Eh nm, didn’t see that you tried toolbelt burst at the end there. In any case, if you’ve tried all the stuff you already listed and still aren’t enjoying yourself, it might just be a case of the wrong class I’m afraid to say.

(edited by Cyricus.2981)

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kyon.9735


I go with an unusual Rifle glass cannon build w/ PBR Slick Shoes and Elixir B.

Traits are 0/30/0/20/20

Full Berserker set + Eagle runes. I do well in zerg battles as long as I keep my distance. Either way I have PBR and overcharged shot if ever somebody gets too close but it’s over when you get stacked w/ stun and immobilize

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


I still like the P/P Elixir build.

I went Prec/Tough/Cond gear with Pow/Vit/Cond jewelry and Rampager weapons to give me a bit more survival since there’s less burst. Now I work down my opponent and then slam them hard with the Quickness pops. That Quickness still catches A LOT of people.

Far from ideal, but it’s less one note than the Rifle build (which I honestly think is sub par compared to a rifle warrior) and less boring than mashing grenades non stop. Great at farming dynamic events while waiting in queue as well as the pistol pierce will pierce an infinite number of targets.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


If you don’t like the grenade build for WvW, reroll. You have no other options.

True, if you want to fight in the zerg reroll something else basically.

However plenty of options if you like roaming solo/with small group.

edit: NM read OP wanted long range. Yeah reroll, sorry bro.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Grenades and elixir gun are the two most powerful wvw builds easily.
Grenades for carpet bombing. EG for longest range. Mega healing, cleansing, ret, debuffs.

Aoe knockback exploding turret build?

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Velron.3729


You can be creative! I was sick of being pigeon holed to grenades…I went on a quest to make a very unconventional build that would excel at all open field skirmish fights. I focus on yaks, sentries, supply camps, cutting enemy reinforcements, etc…nades are not needed for this.

I wont post mine, but I just want to assure all the would be Engis that you don’t have to just use rifle and nades or reroll. There are very creative extremely fun builds you can make if you think outside the box. My new one is so much fun and so effective 2 Engis in my guild have already respecced and started buying the gear to try it out, so far they love it too. Nades aren’t on my bar.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


Yeah there are plenty of fun viable engi builds for roaming. But he wanted a build with long range.

We have no long ranged weapons aside from grenades.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


“I focus on yaks, sentries, supply camps, cutting enemy reinforcements, etc…nades are not needed for this.”
you say that…. but Vul allows you to damage supply camp lords with determined.
Grenades stack vul better then anything else.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cyricus.2981


Engineer is good and varied and has many different options/builds if you like different aspects of play, and skirmishing builds which utilize all ranges. Limiting oneself to just ranged, greatly limits/reduces your options and it may just be better to move on to another class with ranged capabilities, than to try to milk something for fun if you aren’t enjoying yourself with the options available.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


If you don’t mind losing out on wall suppression, pistols with the piercing trait. Explosive shot will do A LOT of damage against zergs with that. I have actually nearly taken out entire groups with that and Elixir U. Its the only setup I know in the game where mokittengets actually means exponentially more damage and hitting 4-7 targets in close proximity to eachother is actually not as uncommon as you would think. Its VERY situational, but it happens.

Basically how it works is with piercing? Explosive shot can hit multiple targets. Every person that main shot hits will trigger the explosion. So basically if you hit four people in close proximity to eachother? You’re literally hitting them four times each with that one shot.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


How does the “coated bullets” trait cause one to miss out on wall suppression?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: blurps.2340


How does the “coated bullets” trait cause one to miss out on wall suppression?

The trait doesn’t, using pistol does. Nades and AoE in general overlap on castle walls, so you can hit players and siege equipment outside of your line of sight. So you can force people completely off the walls or finish them if they retreated a few yards from the ledges. Can’t do that with pistol ( or rifle, for that matter ).