Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: Hakunamateo.8402



I am currently enjoying my thief far more than my lvl 30 Charr engineer.
In an effort to create a Nade/Elixer gun build that has a good chunk of survivability options, I came up with this.

The link is in English.

My goal with this build is to heal with the turret and the elixer gun 5 ability, while spamming snares and condition with nades/ and occasionaly the elixer gun.

Did I succeed with this build idea? Can you improve this build so I can finally enjoy the style of play I want as an Engi?

Link should work now

(edited by Hakunamateo.8402)

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Your build brought up a empty calculator, butwhat your suggesting as far as play style appears sound in my experience.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


The build in the link doesn’t show for me..

But with a toughness / healing and later on toughness / healing / condition damage gear setup you can make a very effective support build with elixir / grenade kit.

Personally I would do an alchemy build but since your using 2 kits + healing turrets is means that you will not get as much out of elixirs.

But you could do a lot with something like 30 explosives, 30 inventions, and 10 tools.

The 10 tools is for kit refinement for when you swap into elixir gun.

But if you run healing turret, elixir gun, grenade kit and elixir R with P/S

It would give you a lot of condition removal and light / water combo fields. If you use supply crate you’ll also have a nice amount of blast finishers for clutch healing.

You’d have the shield 4 ability, detonate turret, and supply drop.

You also have good condition damage from pistol / grenade skills and good utility with stacking vulnerability, weakness, cripple, and chill from afar. As well as 2 ranged AoE blinds pistol 3 / grenade 3, a 2 ranged stuns (supply crate / shield 5) 1 maybe 2 AoE KB’s (sheild 4, and healing turret with trait)

The other nice aspect is you also use + power / heal / toughness guild and use this in an up close bomberman build and do healing with bombs thanks to the elixir infused bombs trait.

But I’m not sure if that’s the play style your going for or not.

the nice thing about this build in WvW is grenades are good for getting you loot bags. If you go elixir gun / alchemy you won’t get as many loot bags from players.

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I like this one the best, myself.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: Hakunamateo.8402


Link is working now

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Seems like a perfectly usable build to me. Go give it a shot, spend some time with it, and see how it feels.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: Hakunamateo.8402


gear wise, what should I focus on for this style? +healing obviously, then what?

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I am thinking clerics gear. Power/toughness/healing.

I am curious as to your decision for rocket boots though?

I am assuming for a stun breaker, because the rocket kick damage seems slightly wasted to me with a power build and not a condition build.

I would suggest elixir R for the stun breaker, as well it removes conditions, can re others, and if you toss it just before your own eminent death, it will be a self rez.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: Hakunamateo.8402


Rocket boots actually remove me from danger, I would agree with the awesome utility however, I would probably use Rocket boots during an Assualt, and Elixer R for a Defense.

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I just mention it because over charge shot does the same thing,but you get up faster. The thing about rocket boots that kills me, is that your down to long from their use.

But, if it works for you, and you fel comfortable with it, use it. JUst because it feels different for me then it does for you, doesn’t mean a thing.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Support group/WvW build? Please opinionate

in Engineer

Posted by: Hakunamateo.8402


Yeah, but 2 escapes=more distance, which is a big deal retreating from a 10+ zerg.
Agreed on different styles not mattering