Supporting in PvP

Supporting in PvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Switch.4892


If I understand correctly, a Scrapper is supposed to fill a more supportive role in PvP. This is what originally attracted me to playing this class as there is a severe lack of supportive players in the mid to lower ranks.

I have found somewhat success in playing Scrapper but i don’t feel like the class as a whole is as impactful as other support classes such as the Druid or Tempest. Maybe I’m just not that good at it.

If anybody who has more experience playing this role in PvP could break down how exactly a Scrapper supports his team aside from just dropping a healing turret and super elixirs when their allies are low on health and covered in dots. I would greatly appreciate it as I’m finding information to be a bit scarce on this forum.

Supporting in PvP

in Engineer

Posted by: David.5974


Meaby I play scrapper bad, but my support help me hanging in plat T3. You don’t directly support your team mates like ele healing or druid. Your biggest supporting skills are fumigate (elixir gun) in team fight, healing turret, sneak gyro + fun gyro to revive – and function gyro is mostly why we are called support. Your ressing ability (stomping too) is really strong. Next support is that scrapper is one of best in 1+1. So you push far, stealmate against druid and thief come to +1 you. Then you can survive based on your skill and luck against 2 enemy to hold caped node and wait for 2v2. You can also run away and survive – rocket charge, sneak gyro, acid bomb and shock sheild give you enough time to escape.

I saved many team mates by using sneak gyro + fun gyro on downed person. Same like many safe stomps. Scrapper is not burst dmg and his mobility is average or low. So what else he should be?

“Doctor suggest me, to stop play with engi because my fingers are broken.
So.. I start play scrapper. "

Supporting in PvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Vagrant.7206


Variety of things:

  • Detonating gyros raises necro life force. Do this in the beginning of a match.
  • Engi puts out a lot of might with HGH. Elixir Gun 5 and 4 provide might to all nearby allies.
  • Elixir Gun 3 really eliminates a lot of condis on allies if you’re fighting a condi heavy team.
  • All the fields you’re putting down can assist in finishers. I like to put poison field down and blast it for AoE weakness on enemies.
  • Obviously healing turret (and its toolbelt skill) and elixir 5 heal allies.
  • Your gyros also aid nearby allies with whatever their effect is.
  • You can serve as a shield for teammates under fire with your reflects.
  • Detonated gyros provide superspeed (which is all-around really useful)
  • Function gyro can be used to rez/stomp people while dealing with other issues. My personal favorite is pulling an enemy off of a downed ally and letting the res gyro work it’s magic while I have the enemy distracted.
  • You can put out a large amount of AoE damage in a short period, which is really good at keeping enemies away from their allies, or from your allies.
The great god Lagki demands sacrifice.

(edited by Vagrant.7206)

Supporting in PvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Switch.4892


Thanks alot for the responses. This information has me helped immensely.

Another question. My team always seems to lose the initial team fight at mid. Any advise how to go about approaching that fight from a supportive scrapper point of view?

Supporting in PvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Vagrant.7206


Thanks alot for the responses. This information has me helped immensely.

Another question. My team always seems to lose the initial team fight at mid. Any advise how to go about approaching that fight from a supportive scrapper point of view?

Protect the person who’s being focused down with the aforementioned advice, while trying to focus down the targeted player.

The great god Lagki demands sacrifice.

Supporting in PvP

in Engineer

Posted by: RedSPINE.7845


Want to win the first fight ? Elixir gun 5 + Hammer 3 will give you an insane amount of retaliation, jump in the fight and kill everyone xD