Test Builds, Let me know what you think

Test Builds, Let me know what you think

in Engineer

Posted by: Gunblade Hero.2806

Gunblade Hero.2806

build 1: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#MMMM9mMTnVkMTFRkaxaG0VmsaVoa

Built for kiting and straight up damage with the rifle. Took the blind on crit to help against ranged classes, and the rifle jump and help close the distance. Can replace Ram with net turret.

Build 2: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#MMMM9mMxLVMMxLVMGxaa0VaVRqVM

My Current build, its built to withstand a good bit of damage so that I can use the flamethrower without dieing a horrible, yet quick, death. The Hidden Pistol is used for the tool belt, and its basically a more powerful Flamethrower Auto Attack, and quicker build up time.

build 3: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#MMMzz9MzMgloMMglcMV0fxGVVakcV

This is a Condition damage build that doubles as a good support. Lots of condition removal, Regen/heals, poisons/bleeds and a burn when not using the elixir gun, and a fair bit of buffs.

Build 4: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#MMMzM9MzoMmhMoMmhM0axx0ockbocb

Pure Theory-crafting nonsense. Supposed to be a point defender.

Test Builds, Let me know what you think

in Engineer

Posted by: Spitwyld.1963


I suggest you try using all these builds in the intended context and see how they fare. As it stands, everyone is still tinkering with builds and no final numbers are available. Spend some time testing all these ideas, try noting the numbers and report back to the community with your findings.

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