That little thing called nerf

That little thing called nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: Zdenek Marek.5309

Zdenek Marek.5309

Well i decided after 7 months being silent to speak my mind… At first i must say how i love Engineer.


Ever since i heard about GW2 i wanted to play engineer. And i still play this profession. It became harder and harder to make some usefull builds, We’ve had FT Kit..They nerfed it… ok. We’ve had 100 nades.. They nerfed it..well( grinding teeth) ok.. And now after we’ve discovered kit refinement and believed in our small fire of hope? They suddenly buff an engineer? Turrets being viable and s***? Really? Cmon… if you want us burry to the ground just do it, but don’t be like a kittenin’ girlfriend. My temper hand gone away since this patch. kitten i’ve stopped playing engineer for the first time. I know maybe i’m complaing too much now. But look on us.. What we have left?

And i’ve had hope..for all 7 months. Show us some love A-net

(edited by Zdenek Marek.5309)

That little thing called nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: Puffendorf.1694


no clue why we out of all the classes needed a nerf, but hell, what do I know. Last few months ive only come back around 26th or so to check the new screwups on the patch notes page…

That little thing called nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: Ryu Kaisus.1293

Ryu Kaisus.1293

Same here. Now i’m going back to playing guardian because engineer is just toyed with.