The Bothersome Engineer

The Bothersome Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Moocattle.5463


I’ve been trying a few new builds or concepts with my Engie lately, especially in terms of wvw; and I’ve been trying to come up with a build that doesn’t dominate players or grant me much advantage; but putting it simply, I want to annoy all the things.

Currently I’ve been going with a sort of immobility build I guess, using;

  • net shot
  • net attack
  • net turret
  • supply drop (another net turret)
  • The Sylvari seed turret (the bolas is epic)
  • and Slick Shoes.

Along with all the associated traits like

  • go for the eyes
  • knee shot
  • Accelerant-Packed turrets
  • and a few self stun protections for when I come across reflect shields and such

With this I can generally annoy a group of up to 5 for about 20s before running away (as my skills have been used) and its cool being able to knock-down and immobilise an enemy while the rest of my party picks away at the poor soul, but I feel like I’m lacking something.
Iv’e also been trying to play as a medic in another build using healing bombs and healing armor/runes; but I’m still developing that.

Any thoughts on how to add to this sort of build? or is there another way/ another ability I should be using?

The Bothersome Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


Personal Battering Ram might be an option, both its normal use of being a knockback and its toolbelt cripple could be used to annoy.

Maybe the Land Mind, it has a fast cooldown, and aoe knockback.

Depending on the situation, the mortar might be an option, it has a aoe cripple, an aoe chill and the best of all, the last skill fires several knockback shots that really spread people out.

The Bomb kit gives you acces to the big’ol bomb that has a huge aoe and knockback, the kit gives you access to confusion and immoble/cripple bombs.

Grenades have a aoe chill attack but I think thats all it has to offer really.

Toolkit has a access to a pull (very rare effect), aoe cripple, and a confusion.

I probably missed a power or two, but thats most of your options in way of skills.
I like the idea. Didnt some one once say somthing like, “Battles arnt won on the field, there won in the mind.”?

The Bothersome Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Mysticforce.5096


If you use tankish gear and use a bomb kit, you can add AoE snare (glue), confuse, and huge AoE blind (smoke) to your repertoire of annoyance. Also, you can blast combo off smoke bomb for stealth (never ceases to amuse me) or fire bomb for retaliation.

Tarnished Coast
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer

The Bothersome Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Moocattle.5463


I completely skipped the throw mine in my head, and I’ve gone and replaced my see turret with it (the knock back can be applied even more compared to the bolas’s cool down being 60s or something). The throw ten mines are also pretty funny to use, making the enemy more aware where they are stepping – losing concentration on me.

About the exploit weakness trait; I randomly had Enhance Performance (I don’t know why) so hooray for added annoyance, thanks Grackleflint xD

I’m not sure about mines however; I know the Big ol Bomb has awesome knock down and damage, but I can’t decide whether it is better than throw mine (right know slick shoes and net turret are my life savers, they might change in the future but not right now).

I also have been considering the thumper turret, with turrets being quite a noob magnet and having acceleration-packed turrets adds another dimension to it’s knock-down. Sadly the shock wave doesn’t have knock back/down, so still a hard decision between thumper, throw mine or the bomb kit right now.

As for the tool kit, I know that the magnet has a pull effect, but the range seems hard to work with so it tends to miss a lot; wasting time when the enemy could be chilling on the ground. I will experiment with it a bit more.

One last thing is with the deployable turret trait; does it even work? I assumed it made my turrets throw-able which I could have used with the net turret when pesky rascals tried to escape… but it doesn’t seem to do anything … at all.

The Bothersome Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


last I checked the deploy turret trait only affects Healing and I think Rocket turret outside of sPvP, but in sPvP it works on all of them. But in both cases the healing turret’s toolbelt power get bugged and changes to the normal deploy turret.

its a pretty broken trait, which is sad because it would really help turret builds, being able to spread the turrets out quickly, and an extra boost to the thumper and net turret that need to be placed strategically. (Man do I hate when I see engineers stack all their turrets in the same spot, I just want to slap them!)

With each new patch this is the number 1 thing I hope to see fixed.

The Bothersome Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Tact.1053


This is the one… Power wrench trait… Tell your friends…

[IHOP] 24/7 baby.

The Bothersome Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Xenon.4537


You should use that trait that makes you invisible when immobilized. Makes me lol every time a ranger or thief tries to lock me down for a fast kill.