The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Hi there gentleman!

I’m back yet for another build.

This time with a WvW build that I tried after last patch, and until now seems to be really efficient.

After the patch, I was kinda bummed of the nerf (well futur nerf) to kit refinement, and I felt like trying something else then the 100nade build that I have been running for 3 weeks.

So I read the patch and came up with a build, that maybe have already been made public, but I’m willing to show it again.

The Demented Engineer

Why demented? Because you will drive your ennemy crazy and they will kill themselves.;TsAgyCpo0yolQLrWOtkaN844x8DA

This build resolve about applying confusion as much as you can. Sure you will do damage from your bomb and others conditions, but your main damage source will be confusion. If you stack all your confusion, your debuff can hit for around 4.5k on each action. That’s enormous. Some class will kill themselve in 2-3 second.

Then you use your defensive cooldown (smoke bomb, gear shield, elixir s) and your 4 dodge to let them suffer from your conditions.

Here is a short video. I recorded this video in one night of roaming, and only took about 3 hours for the montage. So those aren’t the best fights and editing, but it’s only to show the potential of the build.

Credit to Cornflakez[WAR], the hammer warrior roaming with me.

P/P -> Static shot from PP is awesome. Blind, confusion and bouncing. If you have more then one target, you can get 2 bounce on the same enemy, stacking double confusion. Poison darts can do some good direct damage with carrion, and reduce healing. The auto attack is really weak, so don’t resolve around that for damage. Only use it if you are kiting. Blowtorch is one of your three source of burn. It does heavy damage even if you aren’t build around it. It’s really important to land it during a fight, even if it can be tricky.

Medkit : My favorite healing utility. bandage, low cooldown, antidote, swiftness. Also it has an awesome synergy with on healing effect. Also, with 15 points in tool, your healing toolbelt will reset at 25% hp.

Toolkit : No brainer, last patch they upped the confusion of prybar from 3 stack 3 seconds, to 5 stacks 5 seconds. That’s big in WvW! You also have box of nail, cripple on auto attack, toolbelt skill that hit like a truck and cripple, a 16(!?) second cooldown block. You also have a pull to set up your bomb. Perfect kit.

Elixir S or Slick Shoes : Elixir S is our best stun breaker. Not only do you break stun, but you are also immune to direct damage for 3 second. You can also use your kit in this form.Perfect for using prybar.Also used for finishing oponent. Same thing for toolbelt.

Slick shoes is really good, but lack the CC breaker. Good utility for roaming again zerg. With the toolbelt, you can escape 90% of the zergs. Only use it in combat, as it double combat speed, but out of combat it only give you 33% speed. Also really useful for chasing someone. During a group fight, the stun is awesome. You can stun a whole team and drop bomb, good synergy with big ol bomb.

Bomb kit : Never been a fan of bomb kit, but in this build it’s awesome. Concusion bomb give another 5 stack of confusion for 5 sec.Fire bomb create a fire field that can be used for fire projectile with your pistol, or give might. Smoke bomb is just awesome. Evade attack with blind, and smoke field so you can aoe stealth with big ol bomb.

And the toolbelt, Big ol bomb, one of the coolest skill in the game. Awesome.


20 points in bomb, because using bomb without increased range is such a pain. You also use lower cooldown for your 3 main bomb. You lose over burning on crit, which is an awesome trait, but It’s worth it for more bomb.

20 points in Firearms, you need the lower cooldown for pistol, and the range is really handy. In the video I used knee shot, but it doesn’t work with glue bomb so I’m not sure it’s worth it.

10 points in alchemy, no brainer for me in WvW. With culling and zerging, Elixir S at 25% hp is awesome. Nice synergy with toolbelt reset at 25%. The Elixir B is just icing on the cake at 75%.

20 points in tools, because just puting point in this lower your toolbelt cooldown. I can’t run WvW without speedy kit. Perma swiftness is a must. Lower toolkit cooldown, for more prybar and more shield. Also add a cripple on 2 of your skill. Inertial converter is prolly the best traits 15 point trait around.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Gear : I got a mix of carrion and Rabid. I usually prefer Rabid, but this build doesn’t resolve around critical for bleeds and burning. So Carrion looks like a better choice. You will get hit hard with your lower armor, but you will have a ton of HP to fight other conditions players.

Rune of the adventurer. This rune set is just awesome with your medkit. Free dodge each 10 second. Dodge are really important so your conditions have time to kill your oponent. Also add power and conditions.

Sigil of geomancer : AoE 3 stack of bleed for 7 second on kit switch. Awesome sigil. Don’t resolve around crit.

Sigil of energy : Tho I don’t use it in the video, I think this sigil could be really handy. I just want to be sure we don’t waste it with full endurance. another free dodge every 9 second would be awesome.

Sigil of corruption : I use it in the video, can be awesome. But when you roam you die a lot, so I’m not sure it’s the best.

Note : This build is a lot less effective in sPvP, as confusion damage is cut in half.

Try it and have some fun!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


ah! well done
nice vid, fun to see 10 stacks of confusion. we need an asura to one up you for the lols by adding pain inverter to the mix.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

(edited by Maskaganda.2043)

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I like it Kardiamond, that’s allmost the exact same triat build I have been testing since the patch, only thing I do differnt is alchemy where i take vigor on swiftness! I’m gonna post several videos of duels soon in my movie thread running that build, as well as a gameplay of me roaming with it later on, still in the test phase for me tho!

Personally I use 2x Lyssa and 4x Lich for more condition duration, and I use sigil og generosity to transfer conditions to enemies! But The theory behind the build is the same, with 5 stacks of confusion on Prybar it’s golden!

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Man I so wished that I had an asura when I tried this build. Would have been awesome.


Yeah I’m sure a lot of people like us got the idea of a confusion build. The prybar buff was just too nice.

In sPvP i usually use vigor trait, but in WvW with the zergs and culling, I found myself missing the elixir S at 25%.

Yeah I had a hard internal debat about wether to go condition lenght or more defensive with adventurer. I finally went for adventurer to try a new thing, and I love the 3 dodge.

Did you try it again DD Elem? If you cover your confusion stack with some random condition, you can pretty much destroy them. They spam a lot of skill, and they get hurt each time they swap elem or they dodge. Guardian also seems to be hit pretty hard, not sure why. Maybe because of the low hp.

I didn’t frap it, but a guardian literraly killed himself in 2 second from 90% to 0 after I stacked my confusion.

Let’s bring the pain on the battle field.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I roll with 100% longer condition duration, I simply love the duration on confusion I can give! Mine from prybar goes to allmost 10 seconds! Also burning is still a 500+ hard hitter we can drop, so confusion ain’t our only damage dealer in the build!

But yeah, I have actually tested it vs D/D elementalist, and gonna do more duels today! bad ones drops like a fly, but bause palyers like Initgo it’s no good, they can still remove all our condition without really loosing life, it’s a serious pain to fight such a good D/D elementalist in duels!

Also, in duels I’m testing netturrent with sitting duck atm, because with my condition duration we can immobilze people for up to 10 seconds, and give 20 stacks vulner for about 14-15 seconds!

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Ahaha didn’t think about Net turret for immobilize.

What utility slot are you dropping for net turret? CC breaker?

Yeah really good DD elem in WvW are still a pain, but it’s a pain for any class.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Yeah I’m daring and running without CC, it ofc. require you are 100% awake when you duel people, but it actually worked great so far for me! It makes it possible to land confusion bomb easy, and do some brutal combo’s on people! It’s quite fun to play with, have never used it before! Also the extra vulne I get from sitting duck is quite neat! (also just using glue shot or bomb will also give 5stack of it)

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


This is a very well done build, I like it a lot.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Devinchi.2756


I just got myself a set of condition armor last night, so I decided to give your build a go. From my WvW experience today, it’s definitely a blast to play! I’ve never seen a thief drop so fast, and one time a guardian I fought downed himself in confusion by activating his own heal. This is one build I see myself holding on to for a while.

I did decide to switch up a few things though. First of all, I run with Rampager gear and Carrion accessories. Shield might be useful for that added control and defense, but Blowtorch on the offhand pistol is devastating, and glue shot helps deal with multiple enemies. My offhand weapon changes quite often until I figure out which I like best. For the heal, I use healing turret because I can’t use the med kit toolbelt heal while tiny. It also works well as a blast finisher for the fire and smoke bomb fields, as well as its own water field. I am also trying to decide between a few traits. I switch between the automated elixir S and fast-acting elixrs, as well as short fuse and accelerant packed turrets, because having my heal being able to give regen, aoe heal/stealth/might, AND knockback is really useful, especially after using S when you’re in trouble. I’m also debating over taking elixir R over S, as the toolbelt skill can come in handy for an emergency condi removal or revive.

In other words, great build!

Heavy Charrtillery – lvl 80 Engineer
Sorrow’s Furnace

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Nice build. I like it.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Allister.9426


I had lot of fun watching your video! I main a Mesmer so I really love confusion builds, and this one I have to say seems to works to my playstyle. I really like being close combat, since I find range a bit dull(which is why first and secondary alts are Guardian/Warrior). This makes me wish I made my Asura Engineer right of the bat!

Here, I put your build in GW2BuildCraft! Which is a really nice theorycraft site too, I like this one better than gw2skills, I’ve been only using it for a couple days, but its great!|a.1h.h1k.a.1h.h1j||1h.711.1h.711.1h.711.1h.711.1h.711.1h.711|2x.0.2w.0.3w.0.3x.0.2x.0.2w.0|k38.k57.0.a4.k68|30.d|e

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Very nice alternative. It’s really too bad that I’m not fond of bombs, and replacing that with a Flamethrower would just compromise an effective use of Confusion. It’s a cool build nonetheless.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Sororita.3465


was running this build a month back and decided to do this again with the rune/sigil choices suggested, glad i did, very nice.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



I’m not fond of bomb ether. I hated them.

But with this build, I appreciate them a bit more.

I still odn’t really like how we have so much setup to do to land them, but the burn and conditions from them is nice.

Also, I’m in love with Big Ol Bomb. That thing is fantastic.

Check what Teldo did with it :

Still trying to do the same

@Thanks allister,Sororita

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


I roll with 100% longer condition duration, I simply love the duration on confusion I can give! Mine from prybar goes to allmost 10 seconds! Also burning is still a 500+ hard hitter we can drop, so confusion ain’t our only damage dealer in the build!

But yeah, I have actually tested it vs D/D elementalist, and gonna do more duels today! bad ones drops like a fly, but bause palyers like Initgo it’s no good, they can still remove all our condition without really loosing life, it’s a serious pain to fight such a good D/D elementalist in duels!

Also, in duels I’m testing netturrent with sitting duck atm, because with my condition duration we can immobilze people for up to 10 seconds, and give 20 stacks vulner for about 14-15 seconds!

If you like vulnerability, then you can swap out your Bomb kit for Net Turret and also use goggles. this gives you a chance to keep large stacks of vulnerability up for quite a while in addition to immoblizing them.

I still like the idea behind this setup, though. It looks great!

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Vulnerability is great, but the trick with Net Turrent is more to keep them in one spot so I can land all the bombs with a bonus 5-15% power damage (depending on how many vulnerability I get up on them) follow by their condition damage, so would kinda ruin the point hehe

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

As cool as Teldo his action is (yes. I am not afraid to declear this a bucket list worthy activity), the bomb kit is just to unreliable for me. Enemies avoid my concusion bomb aswell as the big Ol bomb.
Let’s not argue about this, I’m just not the engineer to use bombkit. But striping the bombkit saves up trait points (as the 20 explosives are exclusive used for BK) and opens up lots of new possibilities

I gave my own twist to your build:;TgAKtMaJ0yqlTLpWDRmLA

P/P or P/S
I can’t decide which one to go. Icendiary ammo trait makes up a bit for blowtorch, and shield gives some extra CC and an extra stun.

Elixer H→ just becuase I’m to clumsy to use medkit. But togehter with 409 (see last skill) ectra condi removal.
Toolkit→ your story
Elixir S→ your story.
????→ this. Something happend I normally never have. I just.. don’t need this skills slot. I was thinking about getting elixer B and put 10 more points in elixirs for 409 instead of adrenal implant, but that’s it. Can’t really think of anything else. You guys might have some suggestions?


10 points in explosives, for small Condi duration buff/power buff and the incendiary ammo for extra burning
20 points in firearms. No changes here.
10 points in elixirs. No changes here.
30 points in tools. Here too speedy kits (is there any engineer NOT using it?), and power wrenge (to cripple running enemies), but here’s the surprise as grandmaster trait adrenal implant, which basically is perma vigor. I tested it for a bit and hallelujah with full adventurer you are dodging complete marathons!

Hope you like the twist. Your build is really superb! Pulling people out of the zerg and confusing them to death!

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


I had lot of fun watching your video! I main a Mesmer so I really love confusion builds, and this one I have to say seems to works to my playstyle. I really like being close combat, since I find range a bit dull(which is why first and secondary alts are Guardian/Warrior). This makes me wish I made my Asura Engineer right of the bat!

Here, I put your build in GW2BuildCraft! Which is a really nice theorycraft site too, I like this one better than gw2skills, I’ve been only using it for a couple days, but its great!|a.1h.h1k.a.1h.h1j||1h.711.1h.711.1h.711.1h.711.1h.711.1h.711|2x.0.2w.0.3w.0.3x.0.2x.0.2w.0|k38.k57.0.a4.k68|30.d|e

I really like the stat display on the right frame.

here’s mine for comparison:|4.1o.h1b||1o.7i.1o.7i.1o.79.1o.79.1o.71h.1o.71h|1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67|k5a.u58b.0.k67.0|3j.7|e

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Shadow of Azrael.1205

Shadow of Azrael.1205


The sigilis share cooldowns , so using non-passive sigil in the second slot is a waste.

(edited by Shadow of Azrael.1205)

The Demented Engineer : WvW Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Yeah i sigil of energy was a last minute add, i thouht about the cooldown afterward!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]