The Engineer Love Thread

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Wasdclick.1764


This is just going to be a little thing to help lighten the mood of the Engineer forums.

Post what you love about the class. What makes you happy, what you enjoy most. The good things.

This isn’t a place to drop backhanded insults or complaints about the class. Just love.

I love that we’re the only profession that gets to hit people with crowbars… And that we’re GOOD at it!

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Petezahut.3068


running straight into the enemy zerg in wvw with elixir s/gear shield and using slick shoes

knocking people off of cliffs with pbr

infinite swift <3

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


Our ability to change our playstyle on the go switkittenits as fast as needed by the situation, our limit is the sky… and the bugs obviously.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: commanderrab.5139


Jumpshotting into a group, switching to elixir gun for 2 super elixirs, toolkit for 2 box of nails, motherfoi’ng pry bar, all the bombs in the bomb kit, then elixir gun 4 to GTFO. Heal. Repeat. It makes me happy.

“Only an Engineer would weaponize a box of piranhas.”

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: SemiProStump.1084


Being able to survive in a battle and help a group as good as a guardian. You can’t just throw in the towel after a nerf. If you depended on just grenades instead of other weapons and abilities hen your just a weak little kitten just waiting to be kicked around.

“The Pink Posse of WFD”
Guild: Waiting For Death
Server: Borlis Pass

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Cures.7451


tbh – i love everything about the class. paired with the asuran race, its my clear alltime favorite, and i played alot of chars over the years.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: SentinelArk.5109


There are many things I love about the Engineer profession, but here is one of them:

I love using Throw Mine when I am up against Thieves. Toss one one yourself, wait for them to Steal or Shadowstep. OR. Stealthy thief? Mine field. As soon as a mine explodes, Blunderbuss/Jump Shot there, then Overcharged Shot when they are out of stealth..

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Shoyoko.7309


I really love the diverse of possible gameplays, we have so many different types of tools and gadget, I never ever get bored of experimenting with my engineer. Unlike other professions, there’s a lot of tweaking and trials&errors to find a suitable build but its well worth it when you find the perfect one for yourself.
This is why in my opinion, engineer is the most versatile class, who else can do point defense with rifle and turrets (i also use nades in this) to berserker mode with flamethrower and then to support role with elixer gun.
Plusss…has anyone tried repetitive immobilise? Put out net turret, let it immobilise the target, use rifle net-shot, overcharge net turret to immob. + stun, grasping vine, and then continue to use rifle net-shot again and again until the poor thing die.
And if you want to immobilise more, supply crate and net turret toolbelt skill (when its destroyed)
There is also a good amount of skills for knock backs
I feel like engineer is really good at playing keep-away.

I would say more, but these things are what i feel engineer is unique at (if only they were more viable).

No two engineers are the same.
Passionate engineer; self-proclaimed kitmaster. <3

(edited by Shoyoko.7309)

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


When I complain about engie its because I love them and want them to be good, not because I’m being negative to just be negative.

But with that out of the way I love being able to fight in townclothes with kits and Jump shot is extremely helpful in jumping puzzles

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Rhodeo.7318



No no, I don’t care, every other class suitably lacks a Flamethrower. Why you ask? Because they are not Engineer.

Engineer has Flamethrower, Engineer is superior.

Cupcake Fury | Resonance [Res] | Blackgate

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Malhavoc Adhamar.3675

Malhavoc Adhamar.3675

With my other characters, I’ve pretty much settled on how I want to play them. The Engineer, however, I’m still paying 3.5 silver every few days to experiment with builds. Love the adaptability I can bring into a situation and that, thanks to the toolbelt, I effectively have 14 skills.

Also dropping a Big Ol Bomb on top of a portal bomb and watching as it explodes just as the zerg is emerging is always fun.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Clip.6845


Choice & freedom: 1s cooldown on weapon/kit swap & 4 skills on utility belt.

80’s: Engineer/Warrior/Necromancer/Mesmer/Thief/Elementalist/Guardian [Seafarer’s Rest]

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Eremus.4506


Since it’s war in the forum I’ll try to support this

I LOVE no CD on kits.
Makes the flow much better without being stuck in a weapon i just needed for 1 skill.

OH and getting this perfect timing with FT2 in a big mob grp. And yes I also rolled engi a while ago because FT is just awesome. And having sigils for it is a good thing.


The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Killer Rhino.6794

Killer Rhino.6794

Nothing compared to the many, many surprises I discovered throughout the entire experience of max leveling my Asura engineer. Just when I thought I got the hang of things, a new skill or trait totally mind kittened my brain and made me rethink the entire thing.

No other class has seemed to replay that same sort of magic; the engineer is a phenomenal feat of creative game design!

I’d love for the engi lovers here to weigh in on my other thread, “Be honest…”

Creator of GW2Kit

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Trolling people off cliffs with knockback abilities.

All other times: Extreme sadness.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Wasdclick.1764


Adding a few more things I’ve come to love since Wintersday.

I love Flamethrowers. Once I got the hang of aiming the blasted thing, I started burning crews like a champ.

I love that the first minor trait in the Precision/Malice Firearms line is a 33% chance to inflict bleeding with every attack. The synergy tastes like happiness.

I love Mines and Rocket Boots. Being able to knock off two quick combo finishers within 2 seconds of each other, then suddenly not be where the hate is now focused, is awesome.

I love Healing Turret. How is it that a big, clunky, pepper grinder-looking device is such an accessible, easy to use, and downright versatile heal? ANet, please make more things like this for our Engineers! <3

I love Booby Trap. While I hate being downed (on any character, not just Engies), the Booby Trap is incredibly fun, just to see a mob of toy soldiers go flying off like popcorn.

I love Plushie Griffons. I don’t care if they aren’t an Engineer thing, but they’re just so adorable and fluffy!

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Shivenis.3761


I love having things that explode like nades and mines, gadgets that push enemies or makes you fly knocking down yourself and yes, I love having a kitteng flamethrower.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


I run 4 kits in my high-end PvE stuff. It’s pretty awesome being able to handle any situation the game chooses to throw at me. I do admit the grenade nerf has severely gimped my long-term damage, but from what I’ve experienced through other classes as of late, I still do just as much DPS (if they’re not a warrior). The entire damage chain – throw wrench, grenade barrage, jump shot, blunderbuss, swap to toolkit → prybar, swap to elixir gun → elixir K, acid bomb, swap to grenade kit and use shrapnel, freeze, and.. then debate autoing with rifle or keeping up the grenade autos for more bleeds + vulnerability, or maybe just facetanking the boss for a brief moment with gear shield.

Yeah, I don’t have a stunbreaker. But unless I get knocked down, that’s what my 16s cooldown shield is for (19s if you get technical due to channel time, just like 6.5s cooldown on HB is actually 10s).

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Monkey Fritz.9052

Monkey Fritz.9052

I love the fact that grenade kit is still awesome OP, only now it heals me and restores my stamina!

Or the fact that there isn’t a single class in WvW world that I even worry about. Actively looking for thieves to “Surprize,” or targeting the strafing mesmer and watching them hit all their panic buttons.
Soloing Guardians, the “2v1 class.”

The fact I can stack 14+ seconds of immobilize, while triggering cripple!

The fact I am constantly switching between riffle, p/p and p/s because they are all so awesome!

Constantly switching around my kits, elixers and turrets for more interesting combos rather than finding that “one combo that works best,” like I do with every other class.

Due to the state of the forum I may have to start posting here every day.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


I like putting on FT, tossing down and drinking elixirs, and popping Incendiary Ammo and Elixir U. Watching someone start burning and bleeding while my might stacks go up is fun!

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

I love that i can change my build every 2 weeks or 1 month and feel like im playing a different character. Also i like the Arcanum “steampunk fantasy” feel.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Cures.7451


i love that you have to be informed and thinking when you want to excel playing the class, use its enormous potential.
And 30+ whine-threads proof what happens if you aren’t

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: waeren.9743


And you just have to make sure to never set a foot in organised WvW.
Other than that, pretty ok class with a kitten ton of bugs.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Lufian Cweald.3574

Lufian Cweald.3574

I figgen LOVE my engineer. Still leveling. At 66 now but I tried the other classes and the engineer got me. I’m not sure why but I don’t see any Bomb builds. I am using a tanky bomb build that out damages both the FT and Nade build I can accomplish at my level. I’m loving it big time. I get people remarking on how fast I kill things, I speed around in perma sprint (love that too) and bomb the hell out of everything. I can take out basically ANY number of mobs if they are melee.

It’s crazy fun. I believe it will have difficulties in PvP but I plan to use the same build in WvW and I think it will surprise a few people. Maybe not perfect but I can see myself doing some interesting things.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: binidj.5734


I was trying to think about what it was specifically that I enjoyed about playing an Engineer, there is so much to be enthusiastic about. In the end though what I like most about the profession is something that I only realised when playing my Warrior yesterday. I was running with a PuG in the Hoelbrak Tixx dungeon, there were three Thieves and a Warrior (me) then we got our fifth member, an Engineer. At first I thought nothing of it either good or bad, then we got into a fight and I started to notice Engineer skills going off left, right and centre. My initial thoughts weren’t “wow, whoever is playing this is uber,” they were “ah, an Engineer, everything will be alright.”

Now admittedly I probably only thought this because I play an Engineer myself but that feeling of security is what makes me happy, knowing that a good Engineer can just make things better.

Glad to be [Grey] –
Piken Square

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: commanderrab.5139


I found more I love about my engineer, just to repeat what everybody else is saying, it’s just a funass class to play. I knew that before, but I didn’t figure out how much until I started leveling a guardian. I only got to 10 the day I spent on it, but it was just so boring…. even after getting to 7 and unlocking weapon swap… hit all the powers, swap weapons, hit all the powers, kittening wait 10 seconds, repeat. I’m assuming any other class besides ele is pretty damned similar.

“Only an Engineer would weaponize a box of piranhas.”

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: mischwoof.9785


I love being able to absorb more damage than any other class in the game. :> Engineers are BEASTS. I feel like a juggernaut every time I stroll into a zerg and get focus fired for 10 seconds while all of my squishy teammates are in the back destroying people.

It’s amazing how people haven’t learned to stop targetting tanks yet! They just look at me all like ‘Woah, lol, look at that stupid engineer, kill him before he gets away!’ NOPENOPENOPE

Nisha The Medicat [NEWL] | Lv. 80 Engineer | Dragonbrand

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: LittleMusing.8257


I loved the engineer ever since the first video I saw of it. Admittedly I chose the class because I love the flamethrower (which I hardly use except for auto-targetting) and also I just can’t get used to any of the mage classes. I’ve rolled all three of them. I get so annoyed at how easy I die with an ele despite running around a lot, necros are eh, and mesmers seem so damn slow. Considering I’ve always played mage classes, it’s weird.
With my engi’s current tanky build (not quite tankcat :P) I can take fair amount of hits. I hardly go down even going melee and currently at L4 fractals, that’s pretty dang good for later if I may say so.

Jade Quarry

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


flamethrower.. because flamethrower

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Bishop.7839


Pulling a thief or cheeky mesmer through my minefield with magnet. Denying bridge access with the mortar. Pulling a ranger into the supply camp superplant. Best of all, Jumpshot as finisher.

[NERF] engineer

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Dante.3754


Speedy kits. Oh god speedy kits.

I just can’t play any other class because I feel so slow.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Nasir.2195


The amount of CC I have.

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

I have full character slots, warrior, guardian, thief, ele and engineer. The second I started playing engineer, I thought to myself, this class is awesome, and just kept playing engineer ever since. I love the play style that goes into the class. It’s the class for me.

Just call me Lunar

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Choops.3710


Knockbacks, my friends. Running rifle and flamethrower, there’s nothing quite like someone charging up to a point you’re capping and hitting FT 3, switch to rifle and Net Shot them, as if to say, “Not so fast, pal. This point will be mine and you will sit and wait patiently while I cap it.”

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

The Engineer Love Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


I have a love/hate relationship with my Engi, I keep trying to level alts, but their all so boring. There’s a lot I do love about the my Engineer tho mostly due to the high versatility and variablility of builds. I love Tool Kit, been my favorite since beta, nothing like a prybar to the their face to put a smile on my face. Also on demand swiftness is awesome, I took this a little to the extreme so now by swapping to med kit I get swiftness, vigor, fury, and 9 stacks of might! (runes of altruism + enhance performance + sigil of battle) all without elixers