The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821


Hi Folks, This is Izzac Z who a engineer been gw2 over 700 hours, and this is my first build post since I tried a lot of different traits, skill etc.. that’s very amazing I learned a lot from here like tankcat, static discharge, FT/EG and 100 nades build etc… I am really enjoy engineer no matter in dungeon, pvp or wvw ..

I would proudly to represent this ‘ice cream’ build which I am using at WVW, so far I feel very supportive and good survivability,

Our Role:

We are NOT suposed to be single run or roaming, we need to run with groups and we do MASS of conditions! and the main con is ICE CREAM when you driving in eniemies and make them crazy;TwAAzypkSpmSJF1PmfE/Y/x9j8nxFA

ok traits here, let make it short

Traits :

Explosives 30

Incendiary Powder – Since I got very high crit chance, ill choice it for another great condition for s ‘ice fire’ combo, you like it? or rather you might change it to Shrapnel for bleeding stacks if you want.

Short Fuse – Well I were consider make it to Explosive Powder for more damage but finally I tested it will be much better for reduces bomb and nades CD since I am doing a lot of conditions damage not the power damage.

Grenadier – OK, I have no choice, thats what I want!

Um + 300 Power could make you more balance since our gears doesn’t have any power but all I focus is THE 30% CONDITIONS DURATION, Ill explain how it work later

Firearms 10

Rifle barrels – make rifle longer range for net shot and jump shot

well here + 100 precision for me is nice and also the conidtion damages, you may have a question why you don’t put more in this traits for more condition damages, because we are support build and since we at wvw all I want is the EFFECT of it

Alchemy 10

Self Regulating Defense – Yeah when your hp below 25% and you will become a mini me , trust me, you must bring it in wvw whatever builds

Tool 20

Speedy Kits – Again, Keep your swiftness on

Kit Refinement – This is a main tricks in my build, since I bringing 4 kits here I got med kit, nades kit, bomb kit and the tool kit, everytime you switch kits it will cast a autospell ( some of em have CD) e.g you equip a tool kit it cast box of nails , equip nades kit will throw nades from you.


Since I need a high crit chance to make traits and sigil works, and most of my damage are based on my condition damages, so I would like to choose a Rabid set, but I would like to hear you guys feedback if there have any better gear or jewelly mix

weapon I still stay with my rifle since I like the net shot and overcharge shot for knockdown, you might go with p/p or p/s that’s ok, YES pistol do a lot of condition damages too, but I want more controls for supporting

Runes and Sigil

For sigil I take superior of ice, everytimes you crit on it makes Chill (2 sec) and CD wil be 10 sec, and I will take full set of Grenth,

it added total 183 condition damages, 20% chilled duration and when you heal you will cast chill for near foes 3 sec (CD 10sec)

(edited by izzac.4821)

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821



I am not going to explain all of it, you know them right?

Med Kit

a lovely kit with conditon remove and fury

Tool Kit

yeah prybar magnet box of nails and gear shield, how you refuse?

Nades Kit

yeah bleed them poison them chill them blind them

Bomb Kit

same with nades but ground targeted with Big O blet! knock them down!

Supply drop

no choice with other every engin knows


As you see I improved total 50% of chill duration ( 30% by traits and 20% by runes), so mean there a 1.5 x original chilled times by each skill, (and they can be stacked)

1, when you crit 30% chance to make chill
2, when you use heal cast 3sec chill to near foe
3, Freeze Grenade (after the cool down reduce you can cast it each 16 sec)

we got a lot of condition in this build e.g poison bleeding fire confusion blind and CHILLED, when before you drive in use your 1500 range grenade for all kind of condtion, ( you should cast posion first since if it crit will also cast chill by weapon sigil and then stack with freeze nade and smoke bleeding etc..) When we inside the zerg we can keep switching med kit for 3 sec chill on and also bomb kit for some condition like blind confusion and cripple, O ye cripple also will cast when you switch to tool kit and then use one more box of nails , people cant chase you, and you still have 3 sec gear shield right? keep running and switching kits to make KIT REFINEMENT work, peoples always forgot the Chill, it -66% movement is very very very crazy effect in war

At last, I know my grammer is very bad but all I want is share it for you guys to make fun, and why call ICE CREAM?

iCe for Chill Cream for Cripples

keep them slow.. they cant escape..they cant chase

Izzac Z (NYS) from Hong Kong

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Strange and pointless build...

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: blutstein.2468


Hell, you use FOUR kits… infused precision is a waste. And, where exactly is the support for your group you’re speaking of?

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821


Strange and pointless build…

well I agreed you said it strange since this is a new idea bring out

but disagreed you said it pointless since i got 3k armor, elxric S auto below 25 % health and tool kit gear shield for high surivalibility

I got mass of condition like chill, poison, burning, bleeding, blind, confusion, cripple and knockdown to support team

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821


Hell, you use FOUR kits… infused precision is a waste. And, where exactly is the support for your group you’re speaking of?

Are you sure carrying 4 kits have a problem on you?
it’s hard to control unless you trained,
but I wish to share this build for all of you

1,i forgot speedy kit thanks for remind
Ill put points somewhere else

2, how to support team?
depends on what situation u re, if we attacking or crashing with enemies, in a far range you can use rifle for net shot, nades for 1500 far range do a mass of condition damage like chill (sigil), blind, freeze and poison, which chill slow down enemies 66% and poison drop their heal rate, also you got magnet in tool kit to pull someone, if in melee range with your team your nades during CD change to bomb you still got some conditon like blind, confusion and cripples also dont not forget the belt skill big o bomb, it make aoe knockdown, and every 10 sec if you use med kit it chill nearby foe

just want to mention that, within the Traits we got 30% condition duration and runes add 20% of frozen duration, it’s 1.5x of every chill and 1.3x every confusion of your stack

would like to hear more feedback from you and learn by,

Izzac Z

(edited by izzac.4821)

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Shoyoko.7309


Lol I actually think your build is viable. But I do agree infused precision is a waste if you already using speedy kits, you already have perma swiftnesss by constantly changing kits.
And the fact that u have a stun break with the elixir s trait makes this build very viable for WvW.
As a support build, I think this build is great and has a lot of control through rifle and tool kits. Grenades and bombs for mobs. And med kit for instant healing. Plus lots of conditions. Nice

No two engineers are the same.
Passionate engineer; self-proclaimed kitmaster. <3

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: blutstein.2468


ok, agree to the offensive support for your group…

speedy kits is definitly enough swiftness if you use 4 kits. i would take 5 points out of precision and into tools. But i have to admit i’m not a fan of condition builds on my engi

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Our Role:

We are NOT suposed to be single run or roaming, we need to run with groups and we do MASS of conditions! and the main con is ICE CREAM when you driving in eniemies and make them crazy

I don’t agree with this at all, Engineers a one of the best single run and roaming profession in my opinion! We are fine in group play to, but saying we ain’t supposed to roam simply ain’t true! I do it all the time!
The build you have made need to be in a group, mostly cause you lack a Stun breaker!

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: ManCaptain.3154


Our Role:

We are NOT suposed to be single run or roaming, we need to run with groups and we do MASS of conditions! and the main con is ICE CREAM when you driving in eniemies and make them crazy

I don’t agree with this at all, Engineers a one of the best single run and roaming profession in my opinion! We are fine in group play to, but saying we ain’t supposed to roam simply ain’t true! I do it all the time!
The build you have made need to be in a group, mostly cause you lack a Stun breaker!

1v1 isn’t engineer’s strong point. Best roamers are thieves and mesmers.

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821


Lol I actually think your build is viable. But I do agree infused precision is a waste if you already using speedy kits, you already have perma swiftnesss by constantly changing kits.
And the fact that u have a stun break with the elixir s trait makes this build very viable for WvW.
As a support build, I think this build is great and has a lot of control through rifle and tool kits. Grenades and bombs for mobs. And med kit for instant healing. Plus lots of conditions. Nice

OMG my bad I forgot speedy kit

Then I might put 10 in cripple under 25% maybe

Or put to alchemy?

Any suggestions

(edited by izzac.4821)

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821


ok, agree to the offensive support for your group…

speedy kits is definitly enough swiftness if you use 4 kits. i would take 5 points out of precision and into tools. But i have to admit i’m not a fan of condition builds on my engi

Nice idea for me I forgot speedkit
Ill put that 5 Point somewhere else

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: izzac.4821


Our Role:

We are NOT suposed to be single run or roaming, we need to run with groups and we do MASS of conditions! and the main con is ICE CREAM when you driving in eniemies and make them crazy

I don’t agree with this at all, Engineers a one of the best single run and roaming profession in my opinion! We are fine in group play to, but saying we ain’t supposed to roam simply ain’t true! I do it all the time! :)
The build you have made need to be in a group, mostly cause you lack a Stun breaker! :)

Well I mean this build is not for 1 on 1

If i do roaming ill switch to static discharge build
I agreed its a prefect roaming build

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: jlneedham.8219


Engi not for 1v1 roaming? Psshhhhh, ill take a mcguiver tool for any situation engi over any of those flavor of the month classes for solo roaming. I’d say 95% of my wvw time is solo roam and I do quite well. Used to run tankcat now kinda tankcat hybrid. 0/30/0/20/20 flamethrower toolkit and elixir s and its not uncommon to smoke 2v1. My beloved Tankineer crushes thieves and silly 100blades warriors. Just my 2 cents engi’s rise up!!!

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Nice build izzac,

I love Cripple heavy build.

I also like the rifle, but I’m wondering if your build wouldn’t be better with dual pistol? You could have 2 sigil, one frost on swap and the other frost on crit. Even more Chiiilllll.

Nice job.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Riojin.2649


Despite what the haters may say congrats on trying to think outside the box, its part of the draw of the engineer class. I like the idea of a chill heavy condition build. I wonder if the chill on swap and chill on crit would conflict wich each other? I want to know why the op went with a rifle instead of p/p or p/s. I would like to encorporate this into a condition build I’m working on for fun. I also want to know how this build fairs versus ranged opponents and melee, wich is better? Do you intentionally get in melee range to apply the chill from runes/sigils?

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



You are right I forgot they shared cooldown.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Riojin.2649


I that case go for sigil of chilling. Increased chill duration for another 10% if you want to go full chill spec. I would also have a corruption weapon for the stacking.

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I that case go for sigil of chilling. Increased chill duration for another 10% if you want to go full chill spec. I would also have a corruption weapon for the stacking.

take the major sigil instead of the superior, it’s 20%

(in spvp you only have the 10% one)

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Riojin.2649


What? Is that some sort of bug

The 'Ice-Cream' build v 1.0

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


What? Is that some sort of bug

must be, seems a bit unlikely that a major sigil is intended to be better than the superior one

My guess is that they have the 2 inversed…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…