Hi Folks, This is Izzac Z who a engineer been gw2 over 700 hours, and this is my first build post since I tried a lot of different traits, skill etc.. that’s very amazing I learned a lot from here like tankcat, static discharge, FT/EG and 100 nades build etc… I am really enjoy engineer no matter in dungeon, pvp or wvw ..
I would proudly to represent this ‘ice cream’ build which I am using at WVW, so far I feel very supportive and good survivability,
Our Role:
We are NOT suposed to be single run or roaming, we need to run with groups and we do MASS of conditions! and the main con is ICE CREAM when you driving in eniemies and make them crazy
ok traits here, let make it short
Traits :
Explosives 30
Incendiary Powder – Since I got very high crit chance, ill choice it for another great condition for s ‘ice fire’ combo, you like it? or rather you might change it to Shrapnel for bleeding stacks if you want.
Short Fuse – Well I were consider make it to Explosive Powder for more damage but finally I tested it will be much better for reduces bomb and nades CD since I am doing a lot of conditions damage not the power damage.
Grenadier – OK, I have no choice, thats what I want!
Um + 300 Power could make you more balance since our gears doesn’t have any power but all I focus is THE 30% CONDITIONS DURATION, Ill explain how it work later
Firearms 10
Rifle barrels – make rifle longer range for net shot and jump shot
well here + 100 precision for me is nice and also the conidtion damages, you may have a question why you don’t put more in this traits for more condition damages, because we are support build and since we at wvw all I want is the EFFECT of it
Alchemy 10
Self Regulating Defense – Yeah when your hp below 25% and you will become a mini me , trust me, you must bring it in wvw whatever builds
Tool 20
Speedy Kits – Again, Keep your swiftness on
Kit Refinement – This is a main tricks in my build, since I bringing 4 kits here I got med kit, nades kit, bomb kit and the tool kit, everytime you switch kits it will cast a autospell ( some of em have CD) e.g you equip a tool kit it cast box of nails , equip nades kit will throw nades from you.
Since I need a high crit chance to make traits and sigil works, and most of my damage are based on my condition damages, so I would like to choose a Rabid set, but I would like to hear you guys feedback if there have any better gear or jewelly mix
weapon I still stay with my rifle since I like the net shot and overcharge shot for knockdown, you might go with p/p or p/s that’s ok, YES pistol do a lot of condition damages too, but I want more controls for supporting
Runes and Sigil
For sigil I take superior of ice, everytimes you crit on it makes Chill (2 sec) and CD wil be 10 sec, and I will take full set of Grenth,
it added total 183 condition damages, 20% chilled duration and when you heal you will cast chill for near foes 3 sec (CD 10sec)
(edited by izzac.4821)