The Predator and Engineer!

The Predator and Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ram Banson.4081

Ram Banson.4081


I just created the Predator which is awesome and i grinded (yes! money because most things just dropp ridiculous bad like t6)) a lot for it!
And i mentioned of curse that there is no glow, or footsteps or any sign of that “special” wich i worked for, if I am wearing a kit!
That is a big disapointement! and the funny thing is ive seen an Engineer on my Server many times and he/she glowed (no footsteps but that beautiful glow) while had equiped a kit!!!!! And than i texted her/him and he/she told me thats she isnt seeing it either just the others do.

So i ask you with highest respect and honesty,
WHAT THE kitten!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I mean dont you have any interesst in creating a game in which one has much fun and stuff?
Cant you just feel it too that this is just aweful? i mean WHY cant there just be the glow and even the footsteps while wearing a kit?? which you should know is probably a much used ulity skill!
And i just worked, for that glow and footsteps and such, and thought even of course , because i was seeing the other engineer having the glow while equiped a kit!!!!, that there is the glow too!! BUT JUST OTHERS SEEE IT??? o.O

and now i beg you! please let it glow!!! for kittens sake!! PLEASE! I absolutely dont understand why it doesnt glow!
That just makes a player sad, and im not the only one i guess!

Here is a picture where you see my engineer wearing the tool-kit which i absolutely love and use very much because im playing a static discharge / crit build.

(a wrote a topic for it, for 3-4 months)
It seems like a bad Joke, this isnt a matter of recourses or some stuff i guess, jsut a matter of love you put in the game to make players happy and give them as much enjoyment of the game as possible.
But you put more effort in selling the game and getting money from selling gem-store stuff it seems to me.

So here is my report, and i beg you, YOU whoever has something to do with the creation of the game (Engineer) do that tiny change and make many player happy!

This now dissapointed me quite much, the weapon is still cool, but i cant see anything of it 50% ,or more, of my gameplay.
and even others see it, but not me? WTF?! seriously! i even saw one in soutshun survival glowing from that predator (engi) but jsut others can see it


PS Toolkit is a Bomb kit <.<


Blùb [LuPi]

The Predator and Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


NPC the weapon and problem solved.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

The Predator and Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

If you’re going to beat a dead horse you could at least do it in the only thread on the subject (that I know of) to have ever gotten a dev response.

The Predator and Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


no no, I believe the forums need to be flooded with topics of engineers are totally screwed over the this system of weapons/kits works. I plan on bumping these topics as often as I get annoyed with this. New living story weapons and champion weapons? What engi cant enjoy any of them again? what you gotta be kidding me….Seriously this needs to be addressed. This issues drives me up the freaking wall.

The Predator and Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

New weapon skins, new back piece skins… and the Engie is sitting on the rock in the corner saying WTF?!

I’m glad they have all this ‘higher priority’ stuff to focus their resources on.

The Predator and Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: johnsonade.9547


I’m getting kind of tired of engineers complaining about cosmetics when so many of our traits and skills are glitched, broken, or useless half the time within the current meta due to RNG. I don’t give two kittens about heavy armor looks or legendary glow and kitten puddles right now when stacks of torment are killing me or I don’t have enough condition cleanse to get my basilisk venomed, necro-feared, mesmer-confused, might-stripped kitten out of harms way for two seconds to maybe use an elixir with 409 traited only to find out it doesn’t clean all conditions any more (at least definitely not in PVP). Or hey maybe I can throw an elixir-R down to keep myself from getting guaranteed-critted to death so I can rally and show these chaps what for. Oh wait, I just got stunned and this elixir doesn’t break stuns anymore. Or hey maybe I can use elite supplies trait and drop my Supply Crate on the heads of these gents so that I can clean off these conditions and DPS. Sure feels elite!. Oh wait, elite supplies got the extra rifle turret taken away so now all I get are a lot of medkits that I can’t get to because I’m getting the crap stomped out of me right now.

Sorry to be such an kitten . I know I can’t control what the devs reply to, nor can I control how many people speak in endless threads about cosmetic changes. But I’d much rather have turrets that aren’t glitched, kits and weapons that can do real, guaranteed, scary, fast spike damage, RNG-less potions, and Flamethrowers that don’t miss at point blank range if the target is greater than 25 degrees from the camera’s focal point.

(edited by johnsonade.9547)

The Predator and Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ram Banson.4081

Ram Banson.4081

I jsut realize that there is no glow or any sign of the legendary , when holding a kite, or a torch or whatever…. BUT OTHERS SEE IT XDD ….. q.q

This makes me jeallous on other because they see me glow while equipped a kit, or kite or instrument also, but i dont( and i WORKED FOR IT VERY MUCH!!!!!

But the weapon is rly cool tho, the auto shot is very anyyoing xD but i like it becuse i dont use it much.
My playstyle is (just to bring you my perspectiv) Static Discharge, and in pve i also use Bomb kit and switch between my best atacks for that situation , also between toolkit, so i sadly i dont see it glow much often.. would be very ver yvery cool if it just glows as i see it on others engis with legendary (they dont) and others on me ( i dont) … very sad

And others see that glow in mini games o.o
but i do not ofc because i dont deserve it appearently not that i grinded so much for it…..

" let it glow, let it glow, let it glow" sing

PSToolkit look like a Bomb kit ;P

Blùb [LuPi]