WARNING!!! Long post incoming!
For the non-readers out there you can find the build here : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASncoCtbh1XB+dBEqiF2iiu5H+lHcEPxAQsjminA-TJBHABBcBAA4BAU++DJVGAA).
I strongly suggest you read my post first though or you might think me insane!
Hello there everyone!
I am finally ready and proud to share a this Scrapper PvP build with you guys! After some testing and a little selfishness in keeping it to myself I now present you to…
The Rocketeer!
For those of you that remember the short reign of celestial engineer which was then succeeded by soldiers rifle engineer, this build will feel very remiscent of that gameplay with better sustain, similar CC and slightly less pressure this build is an extreme amount of fun and surprisingly effective.
I have managed to get similar results to the metabuild thanks to its amazing mobility which can be used to disegange at a moments notice.
Scrapper :
Perfectly weighted.
Rapid regeneration.
Final Salvo.
As with the metabuild this provides a crazy amount of sustain and decent damage output.
Alchemy :
Protection injection.
Self-regulating Defenses.
I know what you are thinking at this point! “But Novuake, this is so cliche, nothing unique you scrub!” But “wait!” I say! “There is more and the best for last my grandma always said.” Techincally it was “Los die beste vir laaste” but I doubt any of you would understand that!
Firearms :
Wait what… Yeah you heard me!
High Caliber.
No scope.
Incendiary Powder.
Now here comes a lengthy explanation so buckle up!
By going firearms I am able to achieve a 40% crit chance by without touching precision, this becomes important as you will see later.
“WHERE is this” you ask?
No scope gives very high fury uptime with the alchemy traitline. You will pretty much have it up 24/7 without a single person helping you stack it.
High Caliber gives 10% to targets with in a certain range, we are using hammer, so HELL YEAH!
Hematic focus gives another 10% when foes are bleeding, sharpshooter and elixir gun auto will be giving us the bleeding!
This is where things get a little more tough, originally this build was tested using Mercenaries(power, condi mainstat and toughness, vital secondary), this worked well due to its high defensive nature while having good pressure.
Ideally I would have liked to use celestial stats(obviously) and alternatively I would love a NEW statset using power and condi mainstat and precision plus either toughness or vitality as secondary.
But it is what it is. So we are stuck with…
Carrion. Yes this isn’t ideal as I would have liked power to mainstat and condi as secondary but so be it, maybe we get a new amulet soon.
Alternatively you can go full offensive and hopefully not blow up by going vipers.
Intelegence, IMPORTANT!
Doom/Geomancy/Blood/leeching. Flexible. Most effective for me in the order given.
This is another semi flexible one, Hoelbrak works too.
- Weapon – Hammer**
Heal – Medic Gyro
Healing turret doesn’t make as much sense here especially if you are running leadership runes with their 6th bonus.
Rocket boots – yes you heard me! Just you wait!
Elixir S. Flexible depending if you are facing a power heavy comp or not. Alternatives include Blast tag gyro, Elixir C, Bullwark Gyro or if you are brave Flamethrower(not advisable for the feint of heart) for more condi pressure and situational utility.
Elixir Gun for oh so many reasons ill get into in the coming gameplay section!
Sneak Gyro. Although any elite besides supply crate will work just fine depending on your preference. The Gyro does however have the best synergy with the build.
Gameplay and reasoning
This is the fun part! WAHOO!
While this build has slightly less power based damage than the current meta scrapper it more than makes up for it in constant condition application, mostly bleeding and burning, these are provided by firearms crits and elixir gun!
For example an absolutely amazing engage combo goes like this :
Start in elixir gun, auto your target to apply bleeding to benefit from Hematic Focus and put yourself in combat as you close the distance.
Swap to hammer, rocket charge. This procs intelligence sigil and will immediately proc all your different condi pressure in one combo. Burning from Incendiary Powder(IP), doom sigil and a good chance at proccing Sharpshooter.
As they cleanse the conditions you roll into thunderclap followed by rocket kick which applies an amazing 3 stacks of burning for 5seconds. Incidentally this skill also has a decent power scale of 1 and has a mere 15second cooldown.
So between the 10second ICD of IP and the 15 second rocket kick you can apply a scary amount of pressure.
Some further combos can be devised but I will leave that to you to experiment!
The build also excells at escaping hairy situations with double elixir S, rocket boots which is on a low 20 second cooldown, elixir gun 4 leap and Sneak gyro.
Keep in mind that rocket boots is yet another blast at engineers disposal allowing you to sustain by blasting the F1 toolbelt or gaining swiftness by blasting thunderclap.
Use thunderclap + rocket boots to gain amazing mobility despite overall low swiftness uptime and no passive movement buff as with the meta build.
It is extremely important that you learn how to manage intelligence sigil effectively, using it on CD is extremely important as well as what skills to use it on, the following are good choices to get the gaurenteed crit on : Acid Bomb, Thunderclap, rocket charge.
A lot of your pressure will come from this sigil.
I am pretty sure that if a more suitable (power, condi main, precision vital/toughenss secondary) amulet is released this build could become one of the strongest in engineers kitten nal. Not that its by any means a slouch right now.
Well everyone that made it this far, thanks and I hope you enjoy the build as much as I have.
Feel free to criticise or ask any questions you might have!
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU