The WvW-Jumpingpuzzle-Arena 1v1 Allstat Build

The WvW-Jumpingpuzzle-Arena 1v1 Allstat Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Blumpf.2518


Hi there. In the last months i have been playing a lot in the 1v1 arena in the
obsidiansanctum cause thats a lot funnier then pvp since you can customize your gear more in WvW. And since i won ~95% of the fights there, i think my build might be interesting to other engineers out there who like the 1v1 arena.

Well, here it is:

As you can see, the most funny thing about this build is that you kill your enemy with the “weak” elixiergun since its the only Kit we will use.
Basically its a Mightstacking Build with HGH and Altruismrunes that aims for a high boonduration. But what does it make so strong:
1. Poison. With pistol 2 and elixiergun 3 the enemy cant heal himself up enough. You also have other conditions to cover poison removal.
2. You can reach 25 stacks of might with this, which is huge damage increase in 1v1
3. You have Blind, Cripple and Weakness, which gets really annoying
4. Retaliation. Its almost always up since we have a combofield light, 4 explofinishers and Elixier B. Dont underestimate Retal cause its a permanent source of damage
5. High selfheal with combofield water, explofinishers and much regeneration
6. Good Condition removal, thanks to Alchemy X, Healtower and Elixirgun 5
7. Really nice Burstdamage cause of Elixirgun 4 and Pistol 2. Go into melee range, press 4, then while jumping hit the weaponswitch key which aborts the jump so you can stay in meleerange and hit the enemy with the pistol while he is standing in the unblockable Acid Bomb
8. We can control the fight by jumping back or pushing the enemy back with the shield or the exploding healturret. We have stealth and invulnerability, too, cause of Elixir S

Playing this build may not be easy at first. It requires some training and you need to know when to use which skill, but it is really strong. I’ve beaten Hambow Warriors, PU Mesmers, Terrormancers etc. with it. Try it out and see for yourself.

Oh and btw. the only thing that is annoying about this, is getting the Allstat Equip. Ascended Armor and weapons require 40 Crystalls, so that would take you 40 Days to craft if you have none and the Backpiece is expensive to craft.

(edited by Blumpf.2518)

The WvW-Jumpingpuzzle-Arena 1v1 Allstat Build

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

how do you deal enough damage to kill anything that isn’t full glass?

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

The WvW-Jumpingpuzzle-Arena 1v1 Allstat Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


sick a jumping puzzle build

that’s insane


Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

The WvW-Jumpingpuzzle-Arena 1v1 Allstat Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

interesting build I guess you are mostly relying on bleeds from eg1, poison and burning, with your large stacks of might.

One question have you fought any condition necros with corrupting boons/conditions or a condition warrior, because it seems like these would out last you?

also a suggestion have you considered using sigil of generosity rather than force, this may allow you to swap out elixir S for something like toolkit (as you already have a stunbreak in your elixir gun) this would allow you more confusion in your build another incredible block on a short recharge and a bit of area denial with box of nails)

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
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