The changes we have been waiting for?

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: BloodEagle.3809


Elixir X: This skill now only requires one cast to transform the user.
Toss Elixir R: This skill’s recharge is increased from 85 seconds to 120 seconds.
Elixir S: This skill is now improved by the Alchemy trait Fast-Acting Elixirs.
Tool Kit
Box of Nails: This skill now shows its proper area of effect.
Gear Shield: This skill now blocks for an extra second.
Magnet: This skill’s range has been doubled.
The projectile speed of all grenades has been increased by 10-15%.
Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only.
Shrapnel Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 15% in PvP only.
Freeze Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only.
Grenade Barrage: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only. It also now works correctly with the Explosives trait Grenadier while underwater.
Smoke Screen: This skill’s graphic has been updated to show the area of the screen. It now pulses every 2 seconds for 6 seconds instead of every second for 5 seconds. This makes it more effective against enemies using attacks at normal speeds but prevents it from being abused to shut down quick-attacking enemies completely.
Automatic Fire: Increased the duration of this skill’s Overcharge by 100% on Harpoon Turret and 25% on Rifle Turret.
Electrified Net: Increased the velocity of the Electrified Net by 100%.
Thump: Increased the damage of the Overcharged attack by 25%.
Bomb Kit, Med Kit, Tool Kit, and Elixir Gun: These skills can now be equipped in the air.
All kits can be stowed in the air now.
Toss Elixir C: This skill’s cooldown will be set from 60 seconds to 30 seconds when underwater.
Elixir Gun’s Fumigate: This skill will now be cancelled when using other skills on the weapon to improve responsiveness.
Rocket Turret: This turret can now be detonated underwater.
Power Wrench: This trait now applies to Gear Shield and Magnet.
Incendiary Powder: This trait now states that it can only trigger once every 3 seconds.
Elixir U and Elixir C: These skills have had outdated skill facts removed.
Potent Elixirs: This skill no longer grants improper boon durations.
Elixir B: This skill grants fury, retaliation, and swiftness for 10 seconds base, with might being applied for 30 seconds base.
Smoke Bomb: This skill’s radius has been reduced to 180 from 240 when traited. Smoke Bomb is now active for 4 seconds, pulsing every 2. This change also affects the Autodefense Bomb Dispenser trait.
Homing Torpedo: This skill is now a small projectile combo finisher.
Retreating Grapple: This skill is now a projectile combo finisher.
Timed Charge: This skill is now a projectile combo finisher.
Net Wall: This skill is now a projectile combo finisher.
Harpoon Turret: This turret will now spawn at the engineer when the Deployable Turrets trait is equipped.

I thought we were getting some love, but I do not see it.
Love would equal our trait that lets turrets be ground targets to actually make ALL turrets ground targetable.

Commander of Crimson Wing [CW]
Ehmry Bay –

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


Basically we got nerfed…kitten

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Agnom.4786


Well, maybe next patch they will sort out the engineer… NOT.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: wintermute.4096


Holy kitten…. I don’t know what to say, honestly.

Where are weapons stats for kits?
Where is the jump shot lag fix?
Where is the flamethrower #2 fix?
Why do we still not have 1 worthy elite skill?
Where is the fix for pistol #1 damage?
Where is anything?

They made it sound awesome with their “rejoice people! we have xx pages of engineer fixes alone! it’s all going to be great then!” and now… this. Nerfs, description changes, and underwater skills… yea right. Thats what we were asking for, thank you oh so very much.

kitten off.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Fixed almost none of the real issues of the class.
Flamethrower still has a bunch of problems, Sigils still don’t effect kits, Turrets still need a bunch of work.

After the huge build up for this patch for us this is a big let down. Not a single major issue was touched on.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: nests.6830


Not exactly what I expected, was hoping for a bit more buffs but meh I can live with the nerfs.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mif.3471


All they did was fix minor bugs instead of the gamebreaking ones, and nerfed one of the few viable builds the class has in PVP (meanwhile I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone complain of OP engineers….).

VERY disappointed.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: BurnedToast.3781


Handful of very minor fixes/tooltip corrections, some nerfs, and nothing else.

But hey, at least Elixer X no longer has a double cast time, because that was the main complaint and the one thing making it completely useless right?

Brilliant job anet. :|

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So, in short. We got some pretty heavy nerfs. A decent buff to Magnet. A bunch of bugfixes, but not the big and important bugs. Such as broken traits, kits not getting weaponstats and sigils.

Basicly, a nerf patch for sPvP. Because obviously Engineer was completely out of line…

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

i can . . . swap to a kit in midair now . . . . . . . . YIPEE
i shouldnt of anticipated just got wasted at least i wouldnt of felt so let down
this is the wiki bug list BEFORE the fix . . .
Attributes and Sigils from equipped weapons aren’t applied when a Kit is equipped.
Weapon swapping sigils don’t work with kits and are therefore useless for the engineer (even with the weapon in use).
Certain skills such as grenade go through destructible object such as the keep wall in WvW.
Kits cannot be stowed in mid-air.
Turrets will target already destroyed objects (carts, weapons racks, cannons, doors, walls, etc)
All movement skills with a specific distance (Overcharged Shot, Rocket Boots, Acid Bomb) have a reduced effect when chilled.
Kits can be equipped in town clothes. Equipping the kit switches you out of town clothes after a few seconds.
[edit]Weapon Skills

Explosive Shot use all three procs of Incendiary Ammo in a single attack without applying all 3 stacks of Burning.
Rifle’s Overcharged Shot will occasionally go on recharge without doing anything. This seems to happen when your target moves behind you and you’re immobilized or when your target’s elevation is different than yours (up a steep hill in Forest of Nifhel). This can also happen when the target moves out of range/reach of the attack.
Blowtorch and Poison Dart Volley will often miss destructible objects.
[edit]Utility Skills

Elixir U only gives 4 seconds of Quickness when paired with Haste and 3 seconds of Quickness with Quickening Zephyr. Frenzy works as described (5 seconds).
Rocket Boots does not clear Crippled, Chilled, and Immobilized until after it launches the user.
Super Elixir can’t be manually detonated underwater.
Med Kit cannot be stowed- pressing the heal key simply reloads the kit.
Elixir Gun Elixir F sometimes doesn’t grant swiftness, even when the glob hits and the animation is triggered.
Turret (All Turrets) when picked up immediately after being placed, the reduced cooldown does not trigger.
Bomb Kit, Med Kit, Tool Kit, and Elixir Gun cannot be equipped in the air. Grenade Kit and Flamethrower work fine.
All Tossed Elixir skills have separate underwater and land cooldowns.
Toss Elixir C has a 60 second recharge underwater (instead of 30 seconds).
Elixir Gun’s Fumigate cannot be cancelled by using others skills from the Elixir Gun.
Elixir Gun’s Super Elixir and Acid Bomb don’t work with any Elixir related traits even though they’re listed as Elixirs.
Elixir Gun’s Super Elixir removes all conditions from the Engineer but isn’t mentioned on the tooltip.
Using Elixir H underwater gives a cooldown to Med Kit when going back on land. If this is to prevent using 2 heals back-to-back, you can still use Bandage Self when you are on land.
Using Healing Turret’s overcharge ability gives a cooldown to Med Kit if you switch healing skills or if you use the overcharge ability on land and have Med Kit equipped in water. You can still use 2 heals back-to-back because Med Kit’s main heal is on the tool belt.
Elixir X is delayed at the end of its cast and favours the Rampaging Brute form a lot more than the Tornado Form.
Flamethrower’s Flame Blast will often be obstructed after using Air Blast and will not explode when hitting the environment.
Flamethrower’s Flame Jet will often miss targets and destructible objects (when the player and its target are at even slightly different elevations). It also appears to be affected by camera angle. 1
Mines from Throw Mine and Mine Field stay deployed even after changing skills.
Slick Shoes’s tool belt Super Speed doesn’t work as the tooltip says (Run at double speed), the engineer runs at Swiftness speed. This speed boost ignores movement slowing conditions (chilled, crippled).
Elixir B’s tool belt Toss Elixir B only gives 10 seconds of might (should be 30).
Elixir C’s tool belt Toss Elixir C gives a random boon even when no condition is cured.
After using Elixir S, you can switch to a Kit (intended) then switch out of it to have full access to your weapon skills (probably not intended).
Healing Turret’s Regeneration heals for 5 health per tick if you only gain Regeneration from the first pulse. Subsequent pulses from the turret apply a Regeneration boon that heals for the proper amount.
Mortar shots are sometimes delayed and cause shots to not fire even though the cooldown is used. On other occasions, shots will still be delayed but then fire off in quick succession.
Rocket Turret can’t be detonated underwater.
Skills sometime get locked in their “in use” animation on the skill bar (the pulsing over the button) which prevent changing the locked skill even after it’s off cooldown. (using a skill, either the locked one or another, seems to fix it).
Toss Elixir B, H, C, U, S and R have erroneous tooltips underwater.

(edited by Under Web.2497)

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497


Short Fuse still not giving its effect when Grenadier is traited. The September 25th fix didn’t actually fix it. 2
Grenadier changing Freeze Grenade’s cooldown to 15 instead of 20.3
Grenadier not giving its range bonus while underwater
Forceful Explosives doesn’t show the radius change on skill tooltips.
Accelerant-Packed Turrets explosions don’t trigger any explosion related traits.
Incendiary Powder does not mention its hidden cooldown in the description.
Short Fuse is not reducing the cooldowns of tool belt abilities such as Big Ol’ Bomb and Grenade Barrage. (Possibly intended, see discussion).

Rifled Barrels not increasing Elixir Gun’s range while underwater4
Coated Bullets allows an Engineer to hit the same target two times if you’re standing at max range from the target. (There are 2 explosion, one when pierce target, second at max distance). The applies 2 stacks of bleed per hit instead of 1.
Hair Trigger (VI) doesn’t work with Harpoon Gun’s Scatters Mines and Net Wall.
Rifled Barrels changes Tranquilizer Dart’s Weakness and Bleed duration to 3s when it should be 1s and 4s respectively.
Rifled Barrels makes the recharge reduction on Super Elixir to not work properly when taken with the trait Fireforged Trigger.
Rifled Barrels does not improve the range of Overcharged Shot.

Reinforced Shield doesn’t work with Static Shield when Throw Shield is used.
Elite Supplies doesn’t increase Mortar range.
Rifled Turret Barrels doesn’t increase Mortar Range even though it’s listed as a turret. The October 1 fix did not actually fix this.5

Fast-Acting Elixirs doesn’t work with Elixir S (tooltip changed but CD stays at 60) or any tool belt elixir toss (not intended to work with tool belt skills) and Elixir Gun’s Acid Bomb and Super Elixir even though they are listed as elixirs. It also does not work with Elixir H.
Potent Elixirs doesn’t work with Elixir X6, Elixir U, Elixir S, Toss Elixir B, Toss Elixir S Stability boon, Elixir Gun’s Acid Bomb and Super Elixir even though they are listed as elixirs. This trait increase boons duration on Elixir B by ~50% instead of 20%. It also has some strange interactions with Toss Elixirs H and B, causing various forms of double-boons and extremely short or long boon durations.
Cleaning Formula 409 effect occurs before Elixir C giving less boons than intended.
Automated Response does not clarify that it does not remove conditions applied before reaching 25% health.

Passive increased Tool Belt Recharge Rate doesn’t work with Mine Field (Throw Mine tool belt), doesn’t seem to give the full reduction on certain tool belt skills and doesn’t show the modified cooldown on any tool belt skill tooltip.
Adrenaline Pump doesn’t work with any turrets tool belt skills.
Speedy Gadgets doesn’t work with Throw Mine.
Kit Refinement doesn’t work underwater.
Deployable Turrets changes the usual tool belt of Healing Turret (Regenerating Mist) into a normal non-throwable version of Healing Turret. Additionally, it doesn’t work with turrets unlocked after getting the trait outside of Hearth of the Mists. The end result is having turrets which are not able to be ground targetable. CONFIRMED.
Scope trait does not properly apply the 10% crit chance buff when not moving. 7.
Power Wrench decreased recharge doesn’t work with Gear Shield and Magnet from Tool Kit.
Static Discharge does not target enemies properly unless launched from a toolbelt skill that aims at a target (e.g. Surprise Shot). For Elixir thrown toolbelt skills the discharge will occur at the end of the animation, but during this period all skill activation/queuing will be halted until the discharge comes out.
Inertial Converter does not say it has an internal cooldown in its description. It doesn’t work every time your health reaches 25% health so either the description is missing important information or the trait isn’t working properly.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: TheWarKeeper.5374


GG! my flame turret had to be nerfed because of some fast attacking skills, beatifull! the only tihng that made me feel safe in the turret departament now nerfed by 100% in tick rate and added a pathetic 1 more second, which means 1 thing:

You get 3 ticks instead of 5, its as simple as that and theres nothing anet will be able to say to make it sound otherwise.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xae.7204


1. Epic fail on Arena Net PR to manage expectations.
2. Arena Net’s solution to a class being the least played is to nerf that class’ most viable spec?

Bad PR, bad Patch.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Eleazyair.5716


This was not expected…If you look across all the profession patch notes, they only fixed a very minor bugs. Expect a backlash Anet lol…

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

This was not expected…If you look across all the profession patch notes, they only fixed a very minor bugs. Expect a backlash Anet lol…

or expect no one to refer a friend – or at the least be honest with them about the “state” of the game. (2 of my friends with money in their pockets wont be buying the game) – BAD PR and a bad insight into what the whole community want. . . . a game that isnt “broken”

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Panzen.4625


Really a bit disappointed.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xplosiv.1503


Hey, as long as we can detonate Rocket turrets underwater( which we wont have time too, due to it’s pathetic health pool, the sharks or aoe will eat it before), we should be filled with joy.

This patch = one big nerf for the engineers. Only minor rune fixes, otherwise nerfs nerfs nerfs.

- flamethrower kit still underpowered
- elixir kit – anyone uses it for anything else but fun while in town?
- tool kit – never knew we had one of those, never seen it on anyone.
- turrets – Aoe > your turret build, in both pve and pvp.
- pvp nerfs – gooood, now i wont have to beat myself up for rolling thief or mesmer, engineer was weak but considerable, now he’s more weak and less considerable.
- elixir x / mortar / asura’s racials – besides the defense robot who can take 3 or 4 hits – never seen those being used, never did myself.

and many, many more coming. Overall patch notes rate: -2/10 ( for nerfing the the elixir R throw by 35 sec, now if i wouldnt reroll thief after seeing patch notes i would have to change a skill slot, even tho there’s nothing to choose from).

bad, bad, bad.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


And already the first bugs are rolling in.

Grenade Barrage now has 1500range (on land, no mention of this in the patchnotes but whatever) and it says 8 grenades. As if it really scales with Grenadier now. But, the grenades thrown are random. Between 6 and 8. Ive been testing it for the past 10min now and i get 6, 7 or 8 grenades.
Also, the counter no longer stacks instead you see a flurry of small hits roll across the screen.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: durick.8064


When they say pvp is that just spvp or wvw aswell?

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Faceless.7549


The only thing preventing me from stopping playing engineer is the fact that the grenade nerf is sPvP only.

At least the reason behind the lack of communication is made clear – they don’t browse the forums. The patch notes show complete ignorance of the state of their own game. Ignoring the fact that the most important faults of the class remain unfixed, the team decides to nerf a build that was still outdamaged by half the roster, and engineers still needed to immobilise/stun/be in close proximity to chuck grenades reliably.

I can somewhat understand the blindness nerf, but to think that ArenaNet focussed on nerfing the class instead of fixing it is unthinkable and betrays broken priorities.

I can’t help but arrive to the conclusion everyone at ArenaNet plays glass cannon warriors and thieves, and died to grenades one time too many.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Well, now we know why they didn’t release the notes early: they knew the feedback was not going to be positive.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: spencerharrison.8136



I was fully expecting this path to open up some more viable builds and pry me away from always using stupid grenades. GUESS NOT!

I really wonder what the developers vision for the engineer is – I’m not seeing it. They’re obviously smart people, but what the hell. Do they REALLY think people are using Toolkit and hungering for that increased magnet range? What game are they looking at?

Developers, if you’re listening: The Engineer has only 1 or 2 viable builds and a majority of utterly wasted skills/kits. Please fix that.

I rolled an Engineer because I thought I’d be one of the higher ceiling classes with a lot of movement, skill and swapping involved. I even deluded myself into thinking an all kit build would be effective at 80. This class is just boring, straight up. BORING. It doesn’t have to be this way

(edited by spencerharrison.8136)

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


if the special humans of arenanet couldnt fix it this patch they probly never gonna fix it

they are OBV blind or looking on a different game

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerzor.8153


Fixed a bug that gave Engineers viability in structured PvP, we’re fully committed to keeping Engis as the least represented class. Saving a knock-back for a dieing class is too detrimental for our insert-meta-game. In other news; allowing the removal of A condition every 20-30 seconds was an oversight, and that has fixed as well.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nefczi.8549


I really tried not to get my hopes high for this patch, even when we got info about lot of changes to the engi, but it didnt even cross my mind that we can be nerfed like this…
Words cant describe my dissapointment.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


My engineer got hella buffed. My toolkit is even better. Thank god, while back I said gear shield should last 3 seconds and now it does…yay

Magnet range doubled – YES!

I’m not a fan of using grenades, so it doesn’t affect me.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Honestly cannot believe the stupidity that resulted in this patch…have they actually played their own game??

nerfs to the least powered class in the game buffs to the most…GJ

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

I am SO glad I can now equip and stow kits midair.


The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: blurps.2340


I don’t see a grenade nerf tbh. With the increased travel speed I just might hit something moving in s/tPvP now…

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Spegar.5708


Wait, does the grenade nerf ONLY apply to sPvP and not WvW? That makes things a bit better in my eyes, at least…

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Very dissappointing.

Legendary weapons were buffed to Ascended weapon level as well.
+55 max damage.

Kits are still 969. Not cool at all.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Eleazyair.5716


To me 10-15% damage decrease doesn’t seem like much (personally). What is frustrating is how they’ve ignored key fundamental issues that need to be changed…

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jarl.8607


LOL at the set of changes engineers got… I can’t believe anyone actually bothered to hype this.

Engineer – lvl 80 – Tarnished Coast

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


If you guys ever see any dev saying oh yeah nextt time there gonna be 600bullets for engineer

keep it to yourself it probly gonna be

added to flamethrower tooltip a . correction

Elixir gunn tooltip correction it now spells Elixir Gun

and so on

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mif.3471


Can’t believe that didn’t make changes to our laughably bad downed abilities.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


Thanks AN, its not like Engineers needed working sigils or scaling turrets. Them tooltips were REALLY the problems with our class. Also good call on nerfing grendes in PvP. Clearly the entire play-base was hallucinating when we saw Warriors and Thieves ripping people down in 1-2 seconds. It was really us fiendish Engineers that were the tyrants of PvP, with our grenades no less…

Seriously, what the devil are you devs doing up there? Are you even playing the same game as us any more…?

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Eleazyair.5716


If you guys ever see any dev saying oh yeah nextt time there gonna be 600bullets for engineer

keep it to yourself it probly gonna be

added to flamethrower tooltip a . correction

Elixir gunn tooltip correction it now spells Elixir Gun

and so on

Haha so true. I think Rangers got the biggest turkey slap by Jon Peters though. :P

(edited by Eleazyair.5716)

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


It is really mind-boggling that they had the nerve to keep the notes secret and get everyone’s hopes up and then release…that. Obviously no one on the dev team with any power actually plays an engi or they would have realized what a slap in the face it is to get a list of “fixes” like that

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: DootmasterX.3025


I should have just kept my main’s character name from GW1 and used it on my Warrior, because apparently instead of fixing a class to make people want to play it the solution is to just buff the popular ones?

Someone in the balancing department must be drunk.

Jack of all trades, master of some.
NSP – [Zos]

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


From a PvP perspective of someone who has played over 200 hours of competitive TPvP:

No on-swap sigils, still at least two skill lines, gadget and turret, that are almost completely useless.

Only two and MAYBE three real kits that see extensive use: grenades, bombs, and elixir.

With this patch they’ve nerfed the main draw of bombs with the smoke bomb nerf.

Grenades did hardly any damage unless you had amazing prediction or had a rooted enemy. PvP enemies are not stationary PvE mobs. They will be dodging, reflecting, blocking, and attacking. If an engineer is close enough and properly specced to get significant amounts of damage in, he’ll be an easy target to kill as well. And if you’re playing grenades for sustained damage, you might as well be playing HB warrior for the better damage output anyways.

The main draw of bomb kit was smoke bomb for both offensive and defensive control. To nerf what was probably THE best skill on one of the only viable kits hit us hard. And yet even with pre-nerf smoke bomb, elementalists and guardians were almost undisputably better bunkers and support due to the little boon called stability which we still have no reliable way of getting.

Please just remove this class entirely. Because the development team in charge of it is unimaginably stupid.

They are clearly balancing SPvP around rank 1 AFK’s getting owned by engineer grenades.

Good god.

I would have been happy for a grenade nerf across the board if we got some other options for ranged damage.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Eleazyair.5716


Jon Peters made this statement in the Ranger forums.

“We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.
I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.
I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.

I think that’s something we need to take into account if what he says is true (which I doubt is from the recent events…) :S

(edited by Eleazyair.5716)

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


The really disturbing thing about that post is he says there are only 2 designers doing class updates. No wonder it is taking so long to fix.

Arenanet needs to get off its behind and hire some more people to do this stuff. It really doesn’t inspire confidence that only a few months after release they basically have only a skeleton crew fixing the myriad of problems with the game.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


Jon Peters made this statement in the Ranger forums.

“We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.
I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.
I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.

I think that’s something we need to take into account if what he says is true.

So in what universe were Engineers even hitting people with grenades in SPvP, let alone killing them so much that it warranted a nerf when Hundred Blades and Backstab didn’t…?

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Eleazyair.5716


Maybe this is Part 1 of patch notes…?

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Grumwulf.9602


I’m enjoying my engineer and the game immensely. Some stuff won’t ever get fixed because they’ll never agree it’s broken. And hey they are the designers. Other stuff will get fixed next time or the time after. Don’t let your impatience get you angry with these hard working people. Take a breath or two.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: faytte.1057


Well thats it for me and this game. After trying 3 classes and not being smart enough to just pick Warrior, I can see the Game Producers dont have any idea how to balance a game.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: bettadenu.5483


So in what universe were Engineers even hitting people with grenades in SPvP, let alone killing them so much that it warranted a nerf when Hundred Blades and Backstab didn’t…?

Backstab itself wasn’t nerfed, Cloak and Dagger which is part of the chain is nerfed however.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


lol they deleted all posts?

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


This patch made me really happy. I had alot of fun with this game and getting to lvl 80 and despite all the flaws I had fun playing the Engineer. Once I hit 80 I quickly became bored though because all grinding is only for looks and a legendary for an Engineer is a joke.

WvW was my last refuge and even though I can run away from just about anyone the only offensive option I had was standing in a group and chucking nades. I soon realized that WvW is completely pointless and I could care less if my server won or lost (because you get basically NOTHING either way.)

So I took a break from GW2 with the mindset that when they released the next patch I could pick it up again and tryout all the new build options they were sure to give the Engineer through fixes and tweaks. So I did the smartest thing I have ever done I bought Assassins Creed 3.

So now I am extremely happy to see this completely useless and overall damaging patch. Which nerfs the ONLY thing Engineers had going for them. Now I can gladly say goodbye to Anet and it was sorta fun while it lastest and I am free to carve up the British with my tomahawk as much as I wan’t to.

TLDR: Get AC3, it is FREAKING awesome, at least if NOBODY plays the Engineer they will most likely do something to tip the scales way to much and you can come back and enjoy a brief period of the Engie being the FOTM OP BS profession.

The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


grumwulf we all enjoyed engineer at one point

but it gets boring after a while 1 – 2 viable specs that Works to Murder people

the time they fix something will be next year they are obv blind and hallucinating that people care about tool kit Skill number 2 Effect

I DONT EVEN see any different on its effect spending time fixing that …. freakn shame

80% of those updates were useless can could wait nobody asked for them nobody wants them

only tool kit block and pull as i said was +1 rest goes in the trash