The new engineer meta build for sPvP

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hello. After great time of theorycrafting I have created the perfect engineer build for sPvP.

The times are dark. With the celestial meta, engineer simply can’t outdps or outsustain the immortal eles and wars. Well, fear no more! 20642 is here to save the day!

Pros: Sustain, big decap potential via big ol’ bomb, magnetic inversion and air blast, team support via heals and even stealth. It really heals a lot, too bad doom sigil spam kinda ruins it but whatever.
Cons: Weak to cc because no stunbreak(you can use elixir gun or even slick shoes instead of toolkit), weak to conditions.

Rune, sigils(keep energy though) and first 2 traits in inventions are optional.

This isn’t a serious buid but I think it has potential.

You can stealth and might stack(so your dps isn’t 0) by blasting your smoke bomb and your 2 fire fields. Blast finishers are magnetic inversion, big ol’ bomb(useful to launch downstate noobs away too), flame blast, heal turret etc.

For decaps you got a huge variety of skills. All of this is left to your personal resourcefulness.

You can also go with hoelbrak runes and celestial amulet. Actually I think that’s the better choice really.
Can I take power shoes instead? A: No, it sucks and you lose the vigor which is godsend for engis.
Why not protection injection over backpack regenerator? A: lol.
Why those first 2 traits in inventions? A: Nothing else is better.
Is this your original idea? A: There are no original ideas.
Are you even good at engineer and if so then you stream? A: No.
Why not turret to farm the perfectly fine leaderboards? A: Don’t. Just, no.

(edited by robertul.3679)

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Gern.2978


I am so happy to see so much resistance to using Turret builds in the Engineer community. Decap engis are an abomination.

All in all it seems like a good build, but running a stun-break is absolutely essential in SPvP

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I am curious, why do you exclaim in the thread title that this is the new meta, then say

This isn’t a serious build but I think it has potential.

I am so happy to see so much resistance to using Turret builds in the Engineer community. Decap engis are an abomination.

All in all it seems like a good build, but running a stun-break is absolutely essential in SPvP

As I understand it, the “community” has never been a strong proponent for turrets as the meta. That is a newbie driven issue.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Novuake.2691


“strong decap potential”, whats the CD on Big ’Ol Bomb again?

So much healing power investment is just too much. You are giving up on too many better choices.
Condi being your best DPS, but no Incendiary Powder or Shrapnel?
Alternatively no Short Fuse to make up for it.

In short, your counter DPS/pressure via condis or even CC will be too poor too make reliable use of the healing power.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


sorry, but this is just a tanky dud with a bit of CC…

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i cant justify healy bombs in any game mode :/

JQ: Rikkity
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The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


“strong decap potential”, whats the CD on Big ’Ol Bomb again?

So much healing power investment is just too much. You are giving up on too many better choices.
Condi being your best DPS, but no Incendiary Powder or Shrapnel?
Alternatively no Short Fuse to make up for it.

In short, your counter DPS/pressure via condis or even CC will be too poor too make reliable use of the healing power.

You shouldn’t use engineer in your signature if you don’t even know the buttons!
You decap with flamethrower(15s), bomb toolbelt, shield(you can take rifle too) + magnet and other such things! No cc?? lol!
The whole point is to take elixir infused bombs. Why wouldn’t I invest in healing power? Silly.
There is simply no place to take incendiary. Also with bombs you get plenty of burn. Shrapnel is pretty bad. I would take accelerant packed turrets if I could but as I said before, no place for it. No tradeoffs to be made.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Peutrifectus.4830


Suppose it’s functional… but meta? :/

The coefficient of healing bombs isn’t that great in 5v5 where you may only be fighting along side 2 allies. It works great in a zerg. D’you wvw alot by any chance?

Suppose if you drop invigorating speed… Take sigil of energy. Edit# just saw you have it# Dodge is too good. I use power shoes, slick shoes too, such boost :-D my endurance regeneration comes from adrenal implant and pump.

Genuinely, I would move this to a power orientated build with power bonus from your healing stat, little condi damage to speak of + burn and confuse are quite strong without condi damage anyway… Keep bombs to burn to boost FT dps FT/bomb/rifle/toolkit.


The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: ANort.1425


i cant justify healy bombs in any game mode :/

They really need to revamp that trait. Moving it to the Explosives line would be a start, but it would still have the problem of not healing enough to justify taking over Grenadier. They could fix that by having it proc on each pulse of bomb kit 2, 4 and 5, but that might make it a bit overpowered in sPvP.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


The coefficient of healing bombs isn’t that great in 5v5 where you may only be fighting along side 2 allies. It works great in a zerg. D’you wvw alot by any chance?

i wanted it to be good while zerging but with no healing power the healing is ok but i have to give up either leg mods or forceful explosives for it (because im definitely not giving up 2 of 4 in alchemy) and those traits are so much more useful

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Peutrifectus.4830


Yarp, I played a bomb healer for a bit with holbrek instead of legmods… Not my style though. TBH, healing turret 20/15 sec cd aoe not effected by healing power + automated medical response +toolbelt water fields… Healing done ;-)

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Jugglemonkey.8741


I’ve been running shikamaru x from the thief forum’s healing bombs build to reasonable success in PvP (search his name in youtube to find his roaming/pvp vids). Hoelbrak runes, energy and battle/intelligence/doom sigils, 4/0/6/4/0 with rifle and cele amulet, elixer gun/S, bomb kit, toolkit for utilities, you can prob guess the traits (I can’t post build links on my phone).

Incendiary powder, protection injection and backpack regen are a must for me. On point with regen, super elixer, spamming bombs you can get 1k heal per sec, 80% of which is AoE, and you can do this whilst making it fairly unpleasant for enemies on point too.

It’s probably not the most effective/efficient build, but I can defend my point and decap vs cele ele/warrior and turret engi and i’ll generally kill them, albeit slowly. Main issues are with shatter mesmers and power rangers that know how to use range effectively.

Advice to the OP: your build would work better with power runes, rifle and cele ammy, as the extra CC and damage from rifle means you’re more of a threat damage wise.

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The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Flyphish.6398


We have two meta builds already…cute try, but the others are better.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


i cant justify healy bombs in any game mode :/

They really need to revamp that trait. Moving it to the Explosives line would be a start, but it would still have the problem of not healing enough to justify taking over Grenadier. They could fix that by having it proc on each pulse of bomb kit 2, 4 and 5, but that might make it a bit overpowered in sPvP.

Moving it to that line is a bad idea in my opinion. It would be competing with way to many traits. It makes sense to me, to have it in a line that offers defensive and healing stats, as it is a defensive and healing trait functionality.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


i cant justify healy bombs in any game mode :/

They really need to revamp that trait. Moving it to the Explosives line would be a start, but it would still have the problem of not healing enough to justify taking over Grenadier. They could fix that by having it proc on each pulse of bomb kit 2, 4 and 5, but that might make it a bit overpowered in sPvP.

last time i played with healing bombs im pretty sure it pulsed with those skills unless it got changed recently.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


the wiki says that it only heals with the first pulse.

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The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Novuake.2691


“strong decap potential”, whats the CD on Big ’Ol Bomb again?

So much healing power investment is just too much. You are giving up on too many better choices.
Condi being your best DPS, but no Incendiary Powder or Shrapnel?
Alternatively no Short Fuse to make up for it.

In short, your counter DPS/pressure via condis or even CC will be too poor too make reliable use of the healing power.

You shouldn’t use engineer in your signature if you don’t even know the buttons!
You decap with flamethrower(15s), bomb toolbelt, shield(you can take rifle too) + magnet and other such things! No cc?? lol!
The whole point is to take elixir infused bombs. Why wouldn’t I invest in healing power? Silly.
There is simply no place to take incendiary. Also with bombs you get plenty of burn. Shrapnel is pretty bad. I would take accelerant packed turrets if I could but as I said before, no place for it. No tradeoffs to be made.

I said no DECAP potential.
You do not want to waste shield reflect as a pure knockback in most cases.
You can’t really use magnet to solo decap.
So you decap, then what? Without actual counter pressure he will just get back on cap long before your CDs are up, which you will NEVER outsustain with bomb heals.

No place for IP? Its only the most OP trait an Engineer has.
Shrapnel bad? WHAT?

Sorry but, no…

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


“strong decap potential”, whats the CD on Big ’Ol Bomb again?

So much healing power investment is just too much. You are giving up on too many better choices.
Condi being your best DPS, but no Incendiary Powder or Shrapnel?
Alternatively no Short Fuse to make up for it.

In short, your counter DPS/pressure via condis or even CC will be too poor too make reliable use of the healing power.

You shouldn’t use engineer in your signature if you don’t even know the buttons!
You decap with flamethrower(15s), bomb toolbelt, shield(you can take rifle too) + magnet and other such things! No cc?? lol!
The whole point is to take elixir infused bombs. Why wouldn’t I invest in healing power? Silly.
There is simply no place to take incendiary. Also with bombs you get plenty of burn. Shrapnel is pretty bad. I would take accelerant packed turrets if I could but as I said before, no place for it. No tradeoffs to be made.

I said no DECAP potential.
You do not want to waste shield reflect as a pure knockback in most cases.
You can’t really use magnet to solo decap.
So you decap, then what? Without actual counter pressure he will just get back on cap long before your CDs are up, which you will NEVER outsustain with bomb heals.

No place for IP? Its only the most OP trait an Engineer has.
Shrapnel bad? WHAT?

Sorry but, no…

This is getting silly! You don’t seem to understand many things. No problem, I explain.
You burn whatever cooldowns you have to depending on the situation. Many times it’s worth to even use your crate just to get a cap/decap. It’s all situational obviously!

Decap means to turn a point that is capped by the enemy into neutral. It takes roughly 6s give or take. It can be done when the node is unguarded but more relevant to this build is that you can do it when the enemy is guarding it.
To achieve decap you use a variety of cc that moves your target, namely knockbacks, launches and whatnot with the possible addition of immobilize and to a lesser extent cripple, chill, stun etc.

Moving on! What do you do after decap. You got plenty of counter pressure and damage mitigation to outsustain the enemy. What is more, because of your spammable cc skills you can not only decap but fullcap too!

What is full cap you might ask? It’s when a node that is neutral is capped by your team! It takes roughly 13s. It’s the same as decap except it takes longer. You use the same method to achieve it.

There is no place for incendiary powder because there is no trait to remove. Simple as that. Incendiary powder is taken in most engi builds because they use grenades so they lack burns and in bomb builds because you already go 6 in explosives and since you don’t need grenadier you might as well take it. Why would you ever need more burn when you got your fire bomb, napalm and incendiary ammo. That’s pretty much perma burn and as a bonus, huge uptime on fire fields to blast away that dps-increasing might. Might is a boon that increases condition damage and power by 30 for each stack. It’s very important to deal more damage.

Shrapnel isn’t the worst choice in the adept slot(exploit weakness for example) but it’s not the best. Almost any engi takes accelerant packed turrets over it except if you go full condi rabid max deeps 1v1 hero build.

But why would most engis do that you might ask confused yet again. Because it makes your heal turret act as cc source. This can be used in many creative ways to prevent a stomp or rez, stop people chasing you and other such important things. As a bonus it also improves the cc from your supply crate.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Shrapnel isn’t the worst choice in the adept slot(exploit weakness for example) but it’s not the best. Almost any engi takes accelerant packed turrets over it except if you go full condi rabid max deeps 1v1 hero build.

tbh even in condi hero mode i go APT, shrapnel just isnt gonna get many procs hitting 1-2 people like ya do in pvp.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Tristan.5280



- This build is boring. I find tanky builds boring.
- Absolutely useless vs ranged builds (SD eng, Pew Pew Ranger, GS Mesmer Shatterer)
-To holding a point it’s better a shoutbow, then this build
- Rune of Vampirism is great with SD zerk build

Anyway if you play it with an organized group can stll be a good build.

(edited by Tristan.5280)

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: CallousEye.5018


Celestial bomb build:

Key differences:
+ Better power, a key for dropping bombs
- Lower armor
+ Protection Injection helps with this
+ Might stacking
+ Has a stun break
- Limited vigor


This build was better before the battle sigil and might nerfs.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: choovanski.5462


i’ve been jamming something similar to CallousEye:

heavy on point AOE, CC, healing and boonrip. self regulating defenses and automated medical response give you an incredible second wind that has allowed me to turn many fights around (healing turret blast + super elixir + spam bombs after elixir s wears off). the build is a lot stronger in practice than on paper, and the mines rock. trust me.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
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The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


@CallousEye: Experimental turrets for a much lower vigor uptime than invigorating speed?Basically a grandmaster trait just for your heal? Strength over hoelbrak? I will assume you are trolling.

Also maybe actually check my build since I also have energized armor so it isn’t “better power” unless you assume rune/amulet choices which I already stated are optional/preference.

How is battle sigil more might stack than a spammable blast finisher on flamethrower while having 2 fire fields?

@ choovanski: Mine is horribly bad. Self regulating defenses will either kill you or get you decapped.

Obviously protection injection is better than stabilized armor but that’s not the point. Stabilized is less trait investment despite being 20% vs 33% damage reduction. This lets you go into tools for 50% vigor uptime. Dodging is better than protection tanking. It also helps against conditions which hurt engineer the most.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I somewhat like this build, but it seems that you’re not really sure of what role you’re playing. Healing Bombs are currently not worth taking, but suppose you’re going with that: it HAS to be used in team fights. So you can’t play decapper at far. I’d drop the Flamethrower and take EG instead.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: choovanski.5462


@robertul: the amount of stability resses and stomps i’ve boonripped and interrupted with mine tell a different story. AOE rip 5 boons, and AOE boonrip + AOE knockback are super strong, and neuter builds like d/d ele. i tried toolkit and slick shoes, but neither seemed to work as well. you can combo the mine with overcharged to combo really well. throw mine > overcharged > throw mine is awesome when you get the cds to work so you can mine twice in a row.

i have been playing with the automated response + self regulating defenses combo for a long time now, and it never gets me killed. it’s actually let me win teamfights and 1v2s that i should have lost. if you play knowing that at 25% you go invulnerable and get your heal back you get great use out of it. sure, you no longer contest but at least you don’t die. also, if you ran elixir s regularly you still run into the same proplem. self regulating defenses allows me to always get off the healing turret combo at 25% (unless i’m full of condi, but that would screw me even without it) giving me a second wind that is so important for the build. a fight is not serious till your self regulating defense pops, before then they have not even got close to killing you. you have to play keeping it in mind and use HT knowing you will have it back at 25%. if it’s getting you killed then you are not used to the trait enough, and i would say untill you are you can’t play my build properly.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: CallousEye.5018


@CallousEye: Experimental turrets for a much lower vigor uptime than invigorating speed?Basically a grandmaster trait just for your heal? Strength over hoelbrak? I will assume you are trolling.

Invigorating speed is nice, but stabilized armor does not make up for protection injection, maybe if you’re running settlers amulet.

Yes strength over hoelbrak, this build is starved for damage output and not for condition clearing, so that +5% is important.

Because we take elixer gun over flame thrower we have 2 addition condition clears built into the spec. The rifle also gives an additional removal of immobilize on #4.

You’re also overlooking energy conversion matrix, which can provide extra damage.

Also maybe actually check my build since I also have energized armor so it isn’t “better power” unless you assume rune/amulet choices which I already stated are optional/preference.

Ok so if you took the same equipment as my build it would have the same power, but you don’t have rifle. The pistol doesn’t work that will with power but the rifle does well.

How is battle sigil more might stack than a spammable blast finisher on flamethrower while having 2 fire fields?

Because it has 10% more boon duration and is built to use strength runes, it has +75% duration to might.

There is basically a specific combo to use with this build that enhances might stacking and does very good damage.

Glue bomb > Big Ole Bomb > Fire Bomb > Jump shot.

When you’ ve set this up, you’ll pretty significant damage to just about anything while gaining some might and a fire shield (which is key).

Anyway, you can try the build instead of calling me a troll.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: CallousEye.5018


One more thing, the Elixir gun fits better into the theme of bringing healing because super elixir heals a bunch.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Anyway, you can try the build instead of calling me a troll.

im not gonna call you a troll or anything but…

  • any xx66x build is gonna lack enough damage to kill anything. especially with cele amulet, which has crap power and tickly condis. sure maybe you can maintain 12ish might, but then you arent blasting water (or smoke) and if your enemies dodge out of the big giant firebomb + BoB, which they will because its one of the most telegraphed skills in the game – right up there with ele’s ring of superhit+8bleeds, then you do just about no damage and you get kited because all your damage is in bombs and other melee things and you have 1 stunbreak with no stability.
  • experimental turrets with healing turret only isnt worth it. even if you justify it by saying you steroid yourself every 3 mins for up to 1 min with crate. the single biggest thing about experimental turrets is it makes thumper kitten out protection, so if you get rag dolled as a turret engi you get perma protection to make up for it. thats what makes the trait strong. perma protection access. no class should have perma protection. the game isnt designed with access to it in mind. and thats part of what makes turret engi a braindead easy build. without thumper turret, the trait is simply outclassed. you can take IP instead and get more reliable damage.

personally i think youd get a lot more out of a 60440 or 60044 variant than what youre trying for. a lot of the stuff you want to get out of your traits is good stuff that engi would like to have, but imo youre using inferior methods to get it all. like if you dont want invigorating swiftness, one would take energy sigil or adventurer runes and not go all the way to experimental turrets for base 4 sec of vigor with a worse cd. and people will just run away if they realize you turned your crate into a steroid machine and come back and try again when its gone. not that they WILL realize it, but good players will play around your crate anyways in such a way that the roids wont matter. and again, you arent getting protection out of it anyways which is the biggest draw to the trait.

its not that i dont wanna try the build. its that i dont see good synergy in it that would make me want to use that over other trait setups.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions