The role of the Engi in Dungones?

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


So I am thinking about picking up a Engi. I already know how he is in PvP and WvW because I saw some videos and guids But I can’t really find something to PvE content like Dungones and the FotM. I also rarly see a Engi in my Pugs and there is no good PvE engi in my guild most of them focus on PvP. Besides on Engi who played some what a kitten up bot I didn’t really see any diffrence to say a Ranger.


The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


Grenades and elixir U mostly

If he’s not doing that, his role in fractals is to step out of the way to let a real class take care of it.

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


WoW that is all I get. Does even the engi froum not like the engi in PvE O.o


The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


25 Stacks AoE vulnerability, 20+ stacks AoE bleeding, AoE-posion, -burning, -immobilising, – chill,- blindness. Use +Condidtion duration whererver it’s possible.

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


Grenades and elixir U mostly

If he’s not doing that, his role in fractals is to step out of the way to let a real class take care of it.

Glad I’ve never come across any of your groups.
I don’t use grenades, I’m mostly elixir/condi/crit spec’d and doing just fine. Never heard any complaints from the people I’ve played with either.

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dantos.1065


I mainly use a rifle/SD build, power/toughness/vit stats on armor mostly, some crit thrown in too.

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


my old build:
which is basically what forestnator said except condition duration. i used rabid + runes of the undead. it got old though.

my current experimental ft elixir might stacking build:
easy 20 stacks of might on you constantly without sigil of strength. super tanky and all the other goodness that elixirs provide for the team and yourself. only issue is you have to hope elixir u doesn’t drain all your endurance at an inopportune moment.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

(edited by ellesee.8297)

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Grenades and elixir U mostly

If he’s not doing that, his role in fractals is to step out of the way to let a real class take care of it.

Way to have no clue about other sides of the class…

SD/Rifle spec is great. Bursty burst on demand aswell as a kittenload of control for boss fights. Sustained damage compared to any other dps specced class. Some healing utility through medkit medpacks, extra fury buff (self or group memebers) and a tiny condition remover. High dodge rate, some block and pulls and such when needed.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: Coltz.5617


A Medic

-Formula 401 for constant condition removal
-specced in heal
- Elixer U for shields from ranged projectiles + field combos and quickness for revive
- Elixer S for invulnerability when revive + grant stability during condition boss fights
- Elixer R for self and team revives + help you breakstun and dodge to stay alive

Medkit with throw medkit trait to constantly heal team.

Pure support a$z kissing engis atm.

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dantos.1065


Grenades and elixir U mostly

If he’s not doing that, his role in fractals is to step out of the way to let a real class take care of it.

Way to have no clue about other sides of the class…

SD/Rifle spec is great. Bursty burst on demand aswell as a kittenload of control for boss fights. Sustained damage compared to any other dps specced class. Some healing utility through medkit medpacks, extra fury buff (self or group memebers) and a tiny condition remover. High dodge rate, some block and pulls and such when needed.

I especially like it since I’m a charr, Instead of goggles, I use hidden pistol, the toolbar is wonderful! Jump in with rifle 5, blunderbuss, hidden pistol back jump out, double hidden pistol toolbelt burst/pretend i’m a thief =D.

(edited by Dantos.1065)

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

There are many viable tools we have at our disposal for dungeons.
What to use depends on what your party members bring to the table.

Some will suggest grenades, which are fine if you like ranged combat.
Other kits, such as the elixir gun and even the infamous missthrower might do the trick for dungeons.
Even turrets or support via elixirs is viable.

That aside, I personally prefer the bombkit.
When traited into it, it provides adequate DPS and this especially shines when you have a guardian/warrior in your group.

Pistol/shield is something I’d recommend because of the stun (and dazes in a row when thrown right).
The reflect shield brings is nifty in dungeons and it’s an easy way to set up combo blast finishers.

In short, you can make something work out of anything really.
What sort of kits and utilities do you like?

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nikked.7365


(I’m a little longwinded, so I tried to break up this post into easily navigable sections. Feedback is always appreciated!)

Being an Engineer often means constant refinement. We’re the grease between the cogs (don’t let the whiners fool you, grease is critical!) so there are some tweaks to my build depending on which dungeon is being run. Overall, we have to keep our head in the game. The learning curve is steep, but once you can swap between kits seamlessly and know roughly when your cooldowns are up, it’s a lot of fun. (For kit swapping, I mapped by Bomb Kit to the Shift key and my Elixir Gun to the Q key. My heal elixir is the E key.)This is my general rubric, however.

EQUIPMENT: Crafted Exotic Cleric Set (Healing Power, Power, and Toughness)
RUNES: 5 Traveler, 1 Pirate (Mostly for the +MF, and Traveler ups Vitality as well)

ROLE: Tanky Support. With the focus on toughness and some vitality sprinkled in, I can usually jump into the fray with other melee classes.

SURVIVABILITY: There’s not much here in terms of raw skills that keep me on my feet. The traits have a built in safety though. 25% health is the magic number at which point all heal skills recharge and 3 seconds of invuln kick in (Automated Medical Response and Self-Regulating Defenses traits). It’s enough to keep me in the fight, at which point I can pop off Super Elixir and Healing Mist to cover what Elixir H doesn’t heal.

PARTY SUPPORT: The focus is usually with the Bomb Kit. Elixir-Infused Bombs trait gives small continual healing to those around me (which is why being melee range helps, and it pairs very well with Regen) With the Bomb Kit, we can also produce Area Might (Fire Bomb + Big Ol’ Bomb). When things start going sour, Healing Mist is an easy insta-skill to pop off granting everyone nearby Regen. Also, the Super Elixir is great for party members who are far away as it’ll knock off a condition and grant them regen. The underappreciated skill here is Fumigate as that cures conditions as well (not on yourself, however).
I also do a lot of res duty. For someone who is downed and surrounded, drop Big Ol’ Bomb and start reviving. The blast will knock away all the little minions. Someone who is downed but not surrounded, hit them with Super Elixir to give you both regen and get them back on their feet. Also, Toss Elixir R has a long cooldown, but it’s the Hail Mary of ressing for us.

COMBAT SUPPORT: My build doesn’t have a lot to offer in terms of condition damage, though Vulnerability plays a large role here. For a while I was using Steel-Packed Explosives trait (explosions cause vulnerability), but the December patch had me switch to the Sitting Duck trait (Note: The builder is incorrect. Sitting Duck now adds 5 stacks of vulnerability to immobilized foes, but the Net Turret doesn’t count!) With Glue Bomb and the Rifle’s Net Shot, keeping vulnerability on is pretty easy; it applies even if a boss is immune to certain crowd control spells. For damage, bombs play here again and they do about 1000 damage per bomb before conditions are applied. Very useful when there are swarms of mobs to deal with, and it still contributes to boss damage. Supply Crate, Concussion Bomb, and Smoke Bomb keep combat flowing smoothly.

WHAT THE BUILD LACKS: Swiftness. There isn’t any. So, if I die and have to run back, I usually swap out my Elixir R for Elixir B so I can get back a bit faster. Often times the cooldown prevents me from swapping back to Elixir R, but it’s usually worth it. This build also lacks ranged combat support. Sure I can use the Rifle or Elixir Gun if I’m taking a pounding and need some distance, but I can’t offer much damage from those weapons.

Jacked Jackal :: Norn Mesmer :: Giant and Fabulous

The role of the Engi in Dungones?

in Engineer

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Grenades and elixir U mostly

If he’s not doing that, his role in fractals is to step out of the way to let a real class take care of it.

Way to have no clue about other sides of the class…

SD/Rifle spec is great. Bursty burst on demand aswell as a kittenload of control for boss fights. Sustained damage compared to any other dps specced class. Some healing utility through medkit medpacks, extra fury buff (self or group memebers) and a tiny condition remover. High dodge rate, some block and pulls and such when needed.

I especially like it since I’m a charr, Instead of goggles, I use hidden pistol, the toolbar is wonderful! Jump in with rifle 5, blunderbuss, hidden pistol back jump out, double hidden pistol toolbelt burst/pretend i’m a thief =D.

Finally an engineer that makes sense! I run the same kinda setup, except I dont have hidden pistol since I’m asura. But the same idea is there. I run in at times before using rifle 5 to get off that upwards kaboom aswell as the landing one. Up towards 13k crits on that double whammy. Get off a blunderbuss crit on that and its another 6k. After that its jump back out, and throw a wrench.

I’m currently pondering about skipping goggles and going for ram, the toolbelt ram skill hits for alot.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.