There goes my fun turret build

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Rising Blade.9206

Rising Blade.9206

Title explanatory. i just noticed that the deployable turret trait is gone on the upcoming june 23 feature pack, i EVERY engie here uses kit and some turret builds doesn’t even bother using that trait or know it, so in short: it lets you throw your turrets instead of just placing them where you are, it was a fun trait to play with especially at PvE and most of the time at PvP . i do hope for it to get reworked for a bit and return in the later specializations.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I think they may have taken it out partly due to PvP, because it lets you throw them to areas that is either difficult or impossible for players to actually get to, while it can still attack people.

Mind you, it doesn’t prevent you from dropping turrets in the air, but they have to implement a different solution for that.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Rising Blade.9206

Rising Blade.9206

I think they may have taken it out partly due to PvP, because it lets you throw them to areas that is either difficult or impossible for players to actually get to, while it can still attack people.

No, after playing PvP with the trait on, it’s impossible to pull that one off since it’ll be impossible to land the turrets there too.

it’s most likely in order to make room for the new traits that everyone else is asking for or just not everyone’s using it. it’s a fun trait to use, for a turret engie since it lets you place the turrets in far places other than suddenly put it under you. anyway, if they remove it, so be it.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


It was usefull for WvW, where you could kill the archers of an ungarded tower beforehand and then drop some turrets on the wall to deal with the siege inside, without contesting it, or wasting supply for AC’s.
But beyond that it just did mess with the healing-turret combo, allowed for exploitative placement into walls, so high up that melee’s could never hit them, and when used in PvE, it usually was pointless, since mobs would turn invulnerable to them, as soon as their AI couldn’t calculate a valid path to them.

So yea, for the sole purpose of clearing siege, this trait was a waste of space.
Good riddance.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Not sure if it dont go to baseline

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


If that trait goes baseline, all my builds will run with either A.E.D or Medkit.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Koomaster.9176


Just came here hoping I missed it someplace in all the new stuff. But did they really take deployable turrets out? Did they give an actual reason for taking it away, I loved that. With the flamethrower nerf and now this, my engineer doesn’t feel the same and I’m sad about it.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cecylio.1286


Koomaster, same here. Turrets and Flamethrower RIP, I think I’m deleting my engineer. He’s so useless now.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Firseal.4716


My main engineer was pure turret. He now is a random assortment. That doesn’t work very well.

Why exactly is deployable turrets gone? Couldn’t put them anywhere an ele or any range fighter couldn’t pick them off, and there’s not much joy in charging enemies to try and place a turret and skitter to the side.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cecylio.1286


We’ve lost literally every good turret trait. No deployable, no more reach and damage, only defensive ones left, which are the most useless turret traits ;/ Especially reflect shield!

FT too, I don’t mind not having 200 toughness, but where is old boost?

I have to completetly change my build, which I don’t want to do, cause I liked my build. What options do I have now? Grenadier? Elixir support?

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Yeah, the loss of reach and deployables realy hurts the build. My Flame Turret used to have nice range and radius thanks to Rifled Turret Barrels. And with the removal of Deployable Turrets and Autotool Installation they just can’t sustain as long as they did before. (The vulnerability to conditions and critical hits doesn’t help either)

In my oppinion they should just remove the shield, since it is counter intuitive to use, and put back the extra reach and deployable options because those are the traits which are keeping your turrets alive!

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cecylio.1286


The only hope is in HoT’s new specialization for engineer. He’s getting hammer, right? I see a tank with hammer, using elixirs. New hope, but still bit frustrated.

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: krixis.9538


Desolation EU
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR

There goes my fun turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Headcase.4618


I’m really hoping this is just a bug cuz for whatever reason Supply Crate, which is now a turret, still has ground targeting. And if they purposefully removed “Deployable Turrets” from traits, why keep it on elite skill?