Think they'll ever fix the kit clipping issues for females?

Think they'll ever fix the kit clipping issues for females?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kudzu.7569


It’s always seemed a bit odd to me that my human female engie will only stand properly with the flamethrower and elixir gun (and of course regular weapons like pistols and rifles). The crouching animation with the grenade kit causes it to basically cut her head in half and the bomb kit just about swallows it whole, whereas my male human engineer friend has none of these problems. Not exactly game-breaking and certainly nothing that needs to be fixed when there are actual bugs that should be addressed first, but strange and irritating nonetheless. Anyone else bugged about this or do you just ignore it / avoid using bulky kits?

For anyone who hasn’t seen this issue and thinks it might just be a poor hairstyle choice, it isn’t; when I say it eats the head, I really do mean the head.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
– Mike Obrien, President of Anet

Think they'll ever fix the kit clipping issues for females?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kithzyan.5034


I have this issue, especially noticeable for me as a Sylvari with the “pulled back branch” hairstyle. I just tend to toggle my kits rapidly when I intend to be in grenade kit for a while so the backpack glitches and turns off entirely

… really hope they -don’t- fix that glitch :P

Think they'll ever fix the kit clipping issues for females?

in Engineer

Posted by: Venthus.6137


I kind of like the combo of flaming book and kits… it just gives a nice glow to your character without any overt effects.