This Scrapper build saved the class for me

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: Frostmane.9734


I loved the classic rifle engineer in PvP but post HoT it became almost necessary to play as Scrapper to be competitive and I just found it boring, and hated tossing elixers. Until the other night…

You can go with pretty much any trait in the first tier of Scrapper. Firearms will give you close to or over 100% crit rate, depending on if Fury is up, which will help you stack might through the sigil of strength. The rest of the build is pretty standard; High uptime on stability, passive healing through superspeed, lots of lightening fields, reflects, etc…and the added poison field is nice for stacking poison and applying weakness. You also get a bit of condition pressure through bleeds, burns, and the poison.

Give it a try. I’m enjoying the gameplay again.

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

For some reason I cant stop playing this. Its really fun to knock people around lol.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: Frostmane.9734


Looks like a good time! I love the battering ram with static discharge.

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


Agreed, I was sickened with how useless and nerfed down this class was before scrapper. Was considering selling account and stop playing …

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: basz.6129


Eh, try the pally hgh build, and sub blast gyro for slick shoes. It’s fun and I think exponentially more effective. Hey, I want gyro’s to be a thing too, a full gyro set up tho… not enough reward for the risk. I do enjoy encountering them on enemy team, however.

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Agreed, I was sickened with how useless and nerfed down this class was before scrapper. Was considering selling account and stop playing …


the world champs had an engi.

so useless.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: Frostmane.9734


Eh, try the pally hgh build, and sub blast gyro for slick shoes. It’s fun and I think exponentially more effective. Hey, I want gyro’s to be a thing too, a full gyro set up tho… not enough reward for the risk. I do enjoy encountering them on enemy team, however.

To each his own. I’ve tried the hgh builds and they bore me. I’d rather play something I enjoy and do well than play something that bores me and do only marginally better.

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: maciora.9542


Agreed, I was sickened with how useless and nerfed down this class was before scrapper. Was considering selling account and stop playing …


the world champs had an engi.

so useless.

Maybe some ppl like me want to play without kits? It should be possible considering weapon limitations on engi. Now i play with hammer / gyros and elixirs and finally its fun, without hitting multiple keys and changing freaking kits all the time.

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: Zantmar.5406


Agreed, I was sickened with how useless and nerfed down this class was before scrapper. Was considering selling account and stop playing …


the world champs had an engi.

so useless.

Maybe some ppl like me want to play without kits? It should be possible considering weapon limitations on engi. Now i play with hammer / gyros and elixirs and finally its fun, without hitting multiple keys and changing freaking kits all the time.

Aye Salute to u sir, it is good for once that i can play a medium class that does not:
A. carry around a animal
B. require huge amount of skill to play

Life blast should hit twice and have its damage halfed
If Rocket Charge is only 2 leaps then it should look like 2 leaps
True Shot should be cast on the move

This Scrapper build saved the class for me

in Engineer

Posted by: Wander.5780


I tried this build out the other day and I really like it. My engineer feels a lot more durable and I was easily soloing 2-3 veterans at HP locations in AB and TD, the condition damage is pretty good as well… depending on your gear. The only skill I would consider trading out would be the blast gyro for flamethrower and slotting a point in Juggernaut. But if you don’t want to use any kits, this is a pretty solid build for general PVE imo.